The prince is very fierce

$ Chapter 8 Night Party with Xiao Qi (157/460)

The water of the Huai River washes over the stone embankment, and the sound of the river flowing can be heard from afar in the villa.

The lanterns swayed in the wind under the eaves, and the bright moonlight fell into the window, blending with the oil lamp on the desk.

Xiao Qi sat quietly behind the desk, holding the marriage certificate that had just been delivered in her hand, with a bit of restlessness in her eyes. After a few glances, she put it down and looked at the vast fields and the river under the moonlight outside the window.

She was still wearing a black long skirt, without makeup, and her long hair was naturally draped on her back, dressed like an unmarried lady. Her appearance was exactly the same as Xiao Xiang'er, and she was also a national beauty, but Xiao Qi was not as beautiful as Xiang'er, instead, she was calm and indifferent to everything, and her aura of being in a high position for a long time overwhelmed her appearance, making people dare not focus on her beautiful face at all.

Maybe for Xiao Qi, it doesn't matter whether she has this skin or not. She has never relied on her appearance to gain respect from others since she was a child. As long as she is not stupid, even if she looks like the big and strong Lanhua outside the door, men in the world still dare not raise their heads in front of her.

But appearance is innate, not chosen by oneself. She is so beautiful, and she is a twin with her sister, looking exactly the same. Then the sister who was widowed in the palace had the audacity to have a lover, and that lover was a prince of a vassal who she couldn't handle, and he mistakenly slept with her as her sister...

Thinking of these messes, Xiao Qi's eyes showed a rare bit of annoyance. She stood up and paced in the attic, thinking about how to solve the current situation.

Maybe Bu Ling, the shameless man, really came to the Xiao family to ask for marriage, and the marriage certificate was placed on the table.

If it was just a mistake to recognize the wrong person, she would pretend that she didn't know and nothing happened. But Xu Buling obviously recognized her and knew that it was her who spent a ridiculous night in the palace. Now he came to ask for marriage, obviously to make up for that mistake.

Apart from this relationship, Xiao Qi and Xu Buling did not have much communication. The breaking of the Dragon Lock Gu made her look at Xu Buling differently, but she was not yet to the point of falling in love with him.

According to the marriage of aristocratic families, the Xiao family and the Xu family are far apart. Marrying each other may be good for future generations, but it is of no use to the current situation.

If she married to Suzhou, the head of the Xiao family would have to be replaced. Xiao Chuyang would have no energy to manage family affairs after entering the court as prime minister. The only qualified ones left were the eldest son Xiao Li and the second son Xiao Ting.

Xiao Li accumulated resumes and official reputation as an official outside to prepare for taking over Xiao Chuyang's job.

Once the prime minister is the head of all officials, all the major families are watching. The Huainan Xiao family will not easily give up this position to others.

If Xiao Li, who is excellent in all aspects, is called back to be the head of the family, then the only one who can compete for the position of prime minister in the future is Xiao Ting.

Xiao Ting as prime minister...

The great Yue family died in three generations...

Throughout the dynasties, there have been countless treacherous prime ministers, powerful prime ministers, and mediocre prime ministers. As for stupid prime ministers, this family is the only one without any other example...

Thinking of this, Xiao Qi shuddered. Xiao Ting must not be allowed to be the prime minister, so he can only let Xiao Ting be the head of the family.

Xiao Ting, the helmsman of the Huainan Xiao family...

Spanning three dynasties, a thousand years of incense, but died at the hands of one person...


Xiao Qi's face showed a rare sense of powerlessness, and he sat back at the desk, in a dilemma.

It stands to reason that he could reject the Xu family's marriage proposal, but things are not that simple.

There is no benefit in agreeing to the marriage proposal, but rejecting Xu Buling's marriage proposal will inevitably offend King Su. It is not a good thing to be at odds with the princes who have the most military power. If the Xu family rebels and really conquers the world, the Xiao family will completely become a second-rate family and will have no chance to serve in the court.

Besides, the head of the Xiao family should be succeeded by a man, and it is not in accordance with etiquette for a woman like her to occupy the position. Now she can use her skills to suppress it. When Xiao Ting reaches the age of thirty, the clansmen of the Xiao family will definitely have opinions, and Xiao Ting will also be dissatisfied. Now the second uncle Xiao Mo persuaded her to agree to the marriage, and he was also considering this.

Xiao Qi was devoted to the Xiao family, so she naturally did not covet the power of the head of the family. She was just worried that her stupid nephew was not worthy of the position. Not to mention the future, if Xiao Ting was a little more normal, she wouldn't be so entangled...

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Qi looked at the bamboo water clock placed in the room, calculated that the time was almost up, her face returned to normal, leaned on the armchair, and whispered:

"Lanhua, you take the guards to wait outside."


Lanhua, the maid guarding the doorman, quickly disappeared in the attic and left the villa with the guards hiding around.

Xiao Qi calmed down, hid the marriage certificate in the box containing the files, took out a book and read it, and waited quietly...

The villa was quiet and silent.

Xu Buling hugged Xiao Xiang'er and fell into the corridor. He looked around and found that there was no guard.

Xiao Xiang'er had just seen her sister's profile from the window. Her face was embarrassed and nervous. She put her finger on her lips to signal Xu Buling not to speak, and then wanted to go to the stairs. It was obvious that she wanted to escape and come next time.

Xu Buling stopped Xiang'er and knocked on the door.


"Xu Shizi, come in."

A calm response came from the room, even the voices were almost the same.

Xiao Xiang'er was startled and stood still, not daring to move.

Xu Buling was also a little surprised, but he was relieved after thinking about it. He probably guessed that Xiao Qi would come to visit him in the evening, so he didn't hesitate and opened the door.

The study room on the attic has an elegant environment. In addition to the four treasures of the study and the files, there is only a teapot.

Xiao Qi sat upright behind the large desk, not even raising her eyebrows, nor showing any shyness or panic.

Xu Buling admired Miss Xiao's determination a little, walked into the study with a smile, raised his hand and bowed:

"Miss, nice to meet you!"

Xiao Qi raised her eyes and pointed to the stool next to the teapot. Her face was calm without any emotion, and she said softly:

"Xu Shizi, please sit down."

Xu Buling nodded, sat down next to the teapot calmly, and looked at the door. Xiang'er didn't come in, and he could only see her shadow at the door. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Qi, wanting to say a few polite words, but Xiao Qi did look at the book in her hand again, and had no intention of paying attention to him at all, so she could only make tea for herself.

The study became quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Xiao Qi leaned on the armchair and waited quietly, not in a hurry.

After a while, Xiao Xiang'er couldn't help it anymore, and stepped into the study room reluctantly, took a sneak peek, and then lowered her head quickly: "Sister."

Xiao Qi was surprised at this time and stood up suddenly:

"Xiang'er?! You are not dead?"


Xu Buling felt helpless when he saw this, and he also understood what Xiao Qi meant. Don't let Xiang'er know about their relationship...

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