The prince is very fierce

Chapter 13 Caiyan Pavilion

It's not yet noon, and it's not the time to drink and have sex with prostitutes, but the main business of high-end brothels is not just a flesh-and-blood business. For example, Caiyan Pavilion, located in the core area of ​​Yanshan Street, is a place for the powerful class to hang out, and the people who come here are also Not to mention the slightest bit of red lips.

After walking into Caiyan Pavilion, there were no warblers or swallows in sight. The environment was quite elegant. The hall was empty and quiet, and the sound of piano could be heard from behind the bead curtain.

The brothel's old madam had obviously heard Xiao Ting's call. She had been dealing with rich and powerful nobles for many years, so she knew who had come to Huainan recently. He quickly stepped forward to greet him and bowed:

"The slave family pays homage to the young prince. Mr. Xiao is the host today. He did not inform the slave family that the young prince will be coming. Please forgive me for the poor hospitality. The young prince will be invited upstairs."

Xu Buling went up the stairs under the leadership of the old madam. When he passed the window, he heard the noise in the distance. Looking around, he saw Miss Chu Chu stopping the crazy carriage in a dashing way.

"This girl..."

Xu Bu Ling looked at it for a moment and then looked away.

Arriving at the third floor of Caiyan Pavilion, the Madam opened a door.

The room was filled with incense and was fully equipped with a tea table, chess table, bookcase, etc. Two famous oirans were sitting behind the bead curtain playing the piano. Five young people all faced over and raised their hands in salute:

"See Crown Prince."

Among the five people, except for Xiao Ting and the noble family man, the other three were probably of lower status. They stood behind the desk with a slightly reserved expression. There were also several poem manuscripts placed on the desk.

Xiao Ting liked to make friends in Chang'an. At this time, he walked up to Xu Buling quite warmly, holding a folding fan and laughing:

"We are all our own people, so there is no need to be so polite. When we were in Chang'an, Xu Buling and I were classmates. We wore a pair of trousers, bought poems together, and worked together to solve a major case in Baima Village. Even the current emperor is right We both like it very much..."

Xu Buling glanced casually, without showing any pretense, he raised his hand and gave a scholarly gift in return:

"Xiao Ting, don't just talk about me, introduce me."

"Oh, right." Xiao Ting then remembered and took Xu Buling to sit down on the couch next to the window, pointing to a beauty behind the bead curtain:

"This is Huazhu girl, known as 'Routuanzi', and she is still a young child..."


The four young gentlemen were originally polite, but now they couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud.

The two brothel oirans sitting behind the bead curtain gave a shy look and glanced at Xu Buling's face, then paused for a moment. It seemed that they did not expect that the prince of the feudal lord was so handsome.

Xiao Ting's eyes were very sharp, and he said with a smile: "Miss Huazhu, Mr. Xu is the only man among the Eight Chiefs of Zhaohong. He is known as 'Zhaohong Yimei'. Many princesses and princesses in Chang'an City have no chance to meet him. Today I’ll bring him here, why don’t you express your gratitude?”

"I want to express myself, but I am afraid that the prince will not look down on me..."

Xu Bu Ling felt helpless and ignored Xiao Ting, who was chatting with the beauty. He raised his eyes to look at the handsome young man opposite.

The handsomely dressed young man was facing less than thirty. Seeing that Xiao Ting did not introduce him, he raised his hand:

"Wang Ruiyang of Hangzhou, my father Wang Zouyin, I have heard about the name of the crown prince for a long time, so I am really honored to meet you."

"It turns out to be the prince."

Xu Buling nodded slightly. He had heard of Wang Zoyin before. There are many famous families in Dayue. In addition to the Xiaolu family, there are also others in Jiangnan.

During the reign of the former Qi dynasty, the Wang family in Hangzhou produced several prime ministers and queens, and their status was no less prominent than the five major surnames today.

When Chang'an was conquered before Jiazi, the queen of Daqi was named Wang, and she also had a prince. With this relationship, the Wang family would definitely try to protect Da Qi. Later, when Da Qi was defeated, they were naturally squeezed out by the Song family.

However, the blood lineage of a wealthy family can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty, and it is common for them to be ostracized by the king for a while. After all, there are only a few families that can have a vicious vision like the Xiao family of Huainan, and have survived three dynasties. As long as the family heritage remains, they will be able to make a comeback sooner or later.

The current head of the Wang family in Hangzhou is Wang Zoyin. This Wang Ruiyang can drink wine with Xiao Ting. He should be the legitimate son of the family and his status is still very high.

Wang Ruiyang was neither humble nor arrogant, and his conversation was very polite. He turned to look at the three young people in the room:

"These are my classmates. They are all well-known talents in the south of the Yangtze River. There will be a poetry meeting in Jinling in a few days. Brother Xiao and I went over to join in the fun and specially invited them to give us advice."

When Xu Buling heard this, he understood what these people were doing. He said they were consultants, not just asking a few talented people to come over and buy poems.

Xu Buling had no objection to this kind of thing and chuckled.

The three young men raised their hands and saluted. One of them, who must have a very good family, answered:

"The three poems written by Prince Xu in the Taiji Palace are known to everyone in Jiangnan. I and other ordinary people who are just practicing axes cannot really be called talented people."

Xiao Ting just remembered this, sat back and patted his forehead: "Yes, Xu Bu Ling, you write good poems. Lend me two deafening ones. As long as I become famous in the poetry meeting, it's my aunt's business." Wrap it up on me."

Hearing this, the two courtesans in the room cast their eyes over. Apparently they had heard the song "The wind abides in the dust and the fragrant flowers have gone". They had just paid attention to his appearance and forgot that the prince was still a hidden man. Talented man.

Xu Buling could only copy poems when coaxing the baby. He had no interest in these rough guys. He shook his head and said:

"I am a martial artist and know nothing about poetry. I only read them from other places."

Xiao Ting's eyes were filled with admiration: "You are quite honest. You are worthy of being my classmate of Xiao Ting, but where did you copy those poems from? I have been asking for a long time and I still can't find the source..."

Xu Buling was too lazy to pay attention.

Wang Ruiyang saw that Xu Buling didn't like to talk about poetry, so he didn't say much about it. He picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Xu Buling, and poured another cup for Xiao Ting, and then said:

"Mr. Xu is a man of both civil and military talents. His attainments in martial arts are much higher than those in poetry. It's natural that he doesn't care about this. He risked his life in front of the Taiji Palace with the envoy of Northern Qi. Just hearing people talk about it makes my blood boil..."

The scholar next to him nodded and said: "Only those who can write and wield swords are real men. We who can only write and paint can't catch up..."

The two courtesans also sent their eyes secretly when they heard this, and the amazement in their eyes was not concealed.

The few people spoke in a friendly tone and sincere expressions, and they were all telling the truth. The flattery in their words could easily make people feel flattered.

But when Xu Buling saw Wang Ruiyang pouring tea, he felt something was wrong in his heart.

I won't go into details about table manners. The same is true for pouring tea and toasting. The order is just a small detail, but it cannot be wrong in this world.

Xu Buling was invited by Xiao Ting, and now the host of this occasion is also Xiao Ting.

In terms of status, there is really not much difference between Xu Buling and Xiao Ting. Just being the son of the prime minister of the current dynasty can make him equal to him, not to mention the thousand-year inheritance of the Xiao family.

This is the territory of the Huainan Xiao family. If Xiao Ting is the host, Wang Ruiyang should pour tea for Xiao Ting first, unless the guest is a member of the Song royal family.

Although Xiao Ting is careless and doesn't care, Wang Ruiyang comes from a powerful family. It is impossible for him to not understand the order of things when dealing with people, unless he is deliberately flattering him...

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