The prince is very fierce

Chapter 16 Four Girls (Part 2)

Ning Qingye had always been alone and rarely sat with so many women of the same age. After thinking about it, she said:

"It's difficult. My mother was a chivalrous woman in the world back then. She wandered around in the world just like me, thinking about pleasure and revenge. But most of the people in the world are insidious. One wrong move would lead to eternal disaster. If it weren't for For revenge, Master and I would rather stay on the mountain for the rest of our lives.”

Song Yufu thought for a while: "It's not easy for everyone. In fact, being an official in the capital is the same. Being cautious all day long can't prevent unintended disasters. You might just say a wrong word in private, and you won't be able to turn around for the rest of your life..."

Regarding this, Zhongli Chuchu shook his head and smiled: "No matter how difficult the Central Plains is, at least you don't have to worry about food and drink. You have never been to the outside of the customs. As long as you go there once, you will feel that this place is the same as a place where gods live."

The three girls all grew up in the Central Plains, and their families were not poor, so they were naturally a little confused by Zhongli Chuchu's words. Ning Qingye thought for a moment: "I heard that people outside the customs are very poor and don't have enough to eat?"

Zhongli Chuchu sighed, looked at some beggars on the street, and recalled a little:

"Eating people. I was born in a small tribe in the Western Region. I can't remember how many people there were. It was not big anyway. They spent the whole day fighting for water and cattle and sheep with several nearby small tribes. Later, a group of horse bandits came and took the tribe All the men were killed, the women were gathered together, the older ones were killed, the ones who could work were tied up, and they were taken to nearby cities to be sold..."

Song Yufu frowned: "Does the government not care?"

"Not even the court, no one cared about me. I was only a few years old at the time, and I was locked in an iron cage with several other children like a dog. I was taken to the market and sold as a slave. No one bought me because I was thin. Later, human traffickers from the Central Plains saw me and bought me..."

Zhongli Chuchu whispered about the past, not with any sadness, but with happiness. After all, at least she is still alive as a human being, and the children locked in the iron cage with her may now be doing unimaginable things in the most obscure place, or they may have become a pile of Bones.

Song Yufu and Zhu Manzhi grew up in a greenhouse. They couldn't imagine the hell on earth outside the customs, which was a bit heart-breaking to hear.

Ning Qingye's mind is a little more mature. Apart from sighing softly, she actually doesn't have much opinion. After all, this is the way the world is. Not everyone is human.

Zhongli Chuchu softly told about the chaos outside the customs. He realized that the three girls were a bit heavy in mood. Knowing that what he said affected the atmosphere, he stopped and looked out the window with a smile:

"Jiangnan is better. When I was a kid, I never dreamed that there was such a peaceful place in the world."

The boat girl who was boiling water and greeting people on the boat was also listening. Perhaps she was touched by the words and sighed softly:

"Life is hard everywhere. It looks good here in the south of the Yangtze River, but the villages and counties outside are still miserable. There were floods in autumn, and the fields lost their harvests. Many people starved to death. There are still water bandits over there in Hongshan Lake. I heard they are also stripping Human skins, officers and soldiers are of no use, and those begging on the shore are not all hiding from famine..."

Song Yufu was influenced by her parents and cared about the suffering of the people. She heard that banditry was still happening in Jiangnan, so she took it to heart and thought that she should talk to Xu Buling about it when she went back in the evening.

Zhongli Chuchu was silent for a moment, maybe because he was no longer interested in playing, and stood up to say goodbye to the three girls.

Ning Qingye was a true Jianghu woman. She really regarded Zhongli Chuchu as a friend. After a few words of persuasion, she couldn't keep him, so she got up and sent Zhongli Chuchu off the boat.


Zhongli Chuchu got off the small boat and watched the small boat carrying the three girls go away. Her green eyes showed a bit of trance. For some reason, after the small talk just now, her thoughts about Xu Buling faded a bit.

Having been accustomed to the evil in the world since he was a child, Zhongli Chuchu has always felt that there are no good things in men in the world. He has tried every means to make himself more powerful since he was a child. He is extremely attached to his master. In fact, he is just afraid of going back to the days when people were inferior to dogs and lacked security. Just a feeling.

After meeting Xu Buling, the first thought was to expose Xu Buling's ugly true face. Later, it was discovered that Xu Bu Ling was actually a gentleman. Zhongli Chuchu felt that it was wrong to misunderstand him. She wanted to be like a person like Xu Bu Ling and was afraid of losing such a friend, just like she was afraid of losing her master.

Looking back and thinking about it, Zhongli Chuchu realized that she was too paranoid, almost paranoid about wanting to get something that was once beyond her reach, and to be recognized by those above her.

In fact, why do you need others to approve of what you are like? The three girls may like Xu Buling very much, and may also be secretly jealous, but they obviously have their own interests and ideas, and they are not always thinking about how to attract Xu Buling's attention.

If Xu Buling was so indifferent to Ning Qingye, Ning Qingye might just turn around and ignore him. Master is right, try to find ways to get close to people, how can they be indifferent...

Zhongli Chuchu thought, and his mood gradually calmed down. He turned around and walked towards the inn where he was temporarily staying. He saw his master sitting sideways on a white camel and had already walked up to him.

Zhongli Jiujiu looked at the small boat in the distance and said softly: "Chuchu, today was a mistake. When Xu Buling comes out later, we will just perform it again..."

Zhongli Chuchu was silent for a moment, shook his head and smiled: "Forget it, if you don't meet her, you just don't have fate, so why bother doing all this mess."

Zhongli Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, his fox-like eyes showed some doubts, and he jumped off the camel:

"Chu Chu, you don't want to be friends with Xu Buling anymore?"

Zhongli Chuchu shook his head: "We are already friends. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, so why bother hanging around in front of others. Master, don't argue, you are already one of the most beautiful women in the world..."


"Well... there is no one. Comparing Master and Ning Yu, it is actually difficult to tell who is more beautiful, but Master is more feminine. It doesn't matter what you look like or whether you are Bagui or not. Maybe I won't worship you. If he is not lucky enough to be a teacher, why bother asking him to become a teacher? When he wants something from you, he will naturally come to you to ask for it. "

Zhongli Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought carefully, then nodded lightly: "That's right, but if Xu Bu Ling takes the initiative to beg me, unless he accidentally gets my Dragon Lock Gu... I won't help him!"

Zhongli smiled sweetly: "He is not a fool. No matter how courageous he is, he will never lock himself with dragon Gu. Master's medical skills are superb. There will definitely be a time when he can help. Let's talk about it then."

Zhongli Jiujiu thought about it, but if he didn't attack Xu Bu Ling, the master and apprentice would have nothing to do. He looked around:

"Then what are we going to do now? Go back to South Vietnam?"

After returning to South Vietnam, he would not be able to meet Xu Buling. Zhongli thought for a moment and looked at the child begging in the arms of the refugees on the street:

"Let's go to Hongshan Lake and have a look."

Zhongli Jiujiu would not give up easily after more than ten years of obsession. However, at the moment, it was more important to accompany his apprentice to relax. He did not object, and left the street together with the white camel...

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