The prince is very fierce

Chapter 32: Jinling Poetry Festival (167/472)

Early the next morning, Xu Buling left the Lu family and went to the Qinhuai River to look for Xiao Qi.

Lu Hongluan finally returned to her parents' home, so she naturally had to stay at home for a few more days. Moreover, Lu Hongluan had a relaxed personality. He always liked to think about random things in the dead of night. When he met outsiders during the day, he felt embarrassed and ashamed for what happened at night. When it comes to meeting people, I guess I have to stay in hiding for a few days.

Thinking of what happened last night, Xu Buling felt quite satisfied.

Aunt Lu obviously showed her true feelings last night. She let go of all the shackles she had and spent half an hour with him as a woman.

Because he had been warned in advance, Xu Buling knew that she had a conservative temperament and was afraid that she would be embarrassed and unable to think about it afterwards. It didn't really mean anything, but she did a lot of things.

When he was in Chang'an, Xu Buling knew that Aunt Lu would often call his name when he was half asleep and half awake, then rub him back and forth, and even change the sheets during the day...

In order to comfort the woman who had been widowed for too long, Xu Buling was naturally meticulous, kissed her from top to bottom, and forced her to change the sheets again.

Xu Buling originally thought that Aunt Lu was a very conservative woman who always looked dignified, but she didn't expect that she would be even more clingy than Xiang'er when she got into the mood.

Xiang'er has a cheerful personality and is open-minded in front of others. In fact, he is very shy in private. He will resist anything he says. He always has the look of "I don't like it, but I will reluctantly agree if you like it." He will never take the initiative. Needless to say, Master Bai was crying and wishing it would end immediately, as if he was being tortured.

Aunt Lu, on the other hand, seemed to be very conservative. She would be shy and annoyed for a long time when she was touched. She really let go of that clingy person, and she couldn't even push him away. If a maid hadn't shouted outside that it was time to eat, she would have been able to Turning around and eating him up, it perfectly explained what it means to be as strong as a wolf at thirty. Although Aunt Lu is not thirty years old, she definitely has the energy...

While thinking about it, Xu Buling came to the vicinity of Wende Bridge and saw Nightingale waiting by the roadside, so he put away his messy thoughts.

Nightingale was waiting at the intersection, listening boredly to the storyteller on the roadside telling a story about "The King of the Northwest came to Jinling City, and Nanshan Port defeated three bandits with two swords".

I have to say that the efficiency of this work is astonishing. The incident of killing people on the street in Nanshan Port last night was determined in the morning that two rat droppings came out of the Nanshan Port Guards. Xu Buling was able to find out and rectify the law on the spot. The Yang family Withdraw the escort team and go back to conduct self-examination to avoid a similar situation happening again.

This not only gave Xu Buling face, but also took care of the Yang family's face, and also gave him a reasonable excuse to the outside world.

Xu Buling knew that as soon as he left, the Yang family would come back and continue to occupy Nanshan Port. He didn't say much about it. He walked up and patted Nightingale on the lower back:

"Let's go."

Nightingale was alone last night and went out for a walk. The skirt on her body was changed to a popular style in Jinling, but her big black braids still hung down on the back of her head, looking very smart.

After Nightingale looked at the storyteller for a few times, she walked beside Xu Buling and said softly:

"I checked yesterday, and followed the man with a broken arm to the Yang family in Zhongshan to have a look. Yang Yingxiong relied on his sister to rise to the sky. He is a very respectable person. In order to get into the eyes of major aristocratic families, he spent a lot of money. He held poetry and cultural gatherings at large sums of money, and also built bridges and roads to accumulate fame. His reputation in Jinling was pretty good.

However, the Yang family was secretly very unclean. Several prostitute boats on the Qinhuai River were owned by his family, and they had been involved in forcing girls into prostitution. He also plays games in gambling houses and extorts family property, etc. He often causes murders under his control. When he is found out, he will just find someone and send him to the government to deal with the matter, and then spend money to get the person out... He is not a good person anyway, do you want it? I went to click him? "

Xu Buling raised his hand and flicked Nightingale's little head: "You have never killed anyone."

Nightingale straightened out her little chest, and her eyes showed a sense of duty:

"I'm good at killing bad guys. There is always a first time for everyone. Things will become smoother after seeing blood."

When Xu Bulin heard this, he felt that his thoughts were a little distorted. He turned his head and looked at Little Nightingale: "You will definitely see blood the first time, but killing is avoided. Don't have any thoughts of killing in the future. Killing is just a means, not an end. Putting the cart before the horse will lead to consequences. It’s unimaginable.”

Nightingale blinked her big eyes, not quite understanding.

Xu Buling shook his head and smiled, pretending to be an elder: "Everyone has parents, wives and children. Thinking of this will make you soft-hearted. People also have violent impulses. If they don't restrain themselves, they will attack too hard. Neither is desirable. You must regard yourself as The executioner is not involved in personal emotions, he is just doing what he should do, but if he is too indifferent to human life, he will not be a human being, so he can leave it alone. "

Nightingale thought carefully for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't understand what the young master said before. You said you will definitely see blood the first time. It doesn't seem to be referring to murder."

The elder Xu Buling's expression froze: "Uh... don't think too much."

Nightingale has a smart mind. After reading books in Yililou and watching Xu Buling's erotic drama every day, she has already understood things that she shouldn't have understood. Walking forward, he whispered:

"I'm just a maid, and I'll see blood sooner or later, so I'm not afraid."

When Xu Buling heard this, he rubbed Nightingale's head helplessly:

"How can you call me a girl if you are not afraid? You are not a dead soldier. You have to have your own emotions. When I tease you, you have to be shy like a little maid and have no reaction at all. Then you can't be a talking encyclopedia."

Nightingale said "Oh", thoughtfully, and after taking a few steps, she suddenly said shyly:

"Young Master is disgusting~"

Xu Buling stumbled, got goosebumps all over his body, and glared at the little nightingale with some annoyance...

The purpose of coming to Jinling was to accompany Xiao Ting to participate in the Jinling Poetry Festival, also known as the Jiangnan Poetry Festival. Like the flower festival for selecting courtesans, it is considered a relatively large event in Jiangnan. It is held once a year, and students from several academies and talented people from all over the country will come here to show their talents. Among them are many famous scholars, and it is not a problem to directly recommend them to become officials.

The small-scale poetry festival in Chang'an cannot be compared with the flourishing literary style in Jiangnan. At this time, the Qinhuai River is full of painted boats, and talented men and beautiful women have never appeared together. Famous courtesans from all over the country have basically come, and the inns and restaurants along the coast are also crowded. The Jinling Poetry Society is even more crowded, and they have begun to warm up for the opening ceremony in the evening.

Xu Buling walked with Nightingale through the crowd of scholars and ladies. Born in the northwest, he was taller than most men in the south of the Yangtze River. He stood out from the crowd and his appearance was too eye-catching. It was impossible for him to keep a low profile. He was found before he even reached the bookstore opened by the Xiao family.

"Prince Xu, we met again after a few days of absence."

A clear voice came from the street. Xu Buling looked to the side and saw Wang Ruiyang, the legitimate son of the Wang family in Hangzhou, standing at the window. He was dressed as an ordinary scholar and stood at the door of a jade shop. He smiled and raised his hand to salute...


Thank you for the reward of 10,000 yuan from [Tingmian QAQ]!

Thank you for the reward of 10,000 yuan from [Huoshan Piaoxuehua]!

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