The prince is very fierce

Chapter 47 Infiltration Failed (172/488)

At dusk, Hongshan Water Village was still peaceful. Ma Sihu's brothers were searching for Ye Jiuniang outside. Village leader Sun Qian was in a bad mood because of what happened a few days ago. He kept scolding the military advisor in charge of the water village defense and asked the people in the village to strengthen the defense and check the granary to avoid being exploited again.

On the dirt road outside Hongshan Lake, two horses stopped beside the wooden frame with human skin hanging on it. Xu Buling walked up to it and looked at it for a few times, then nodded and said:

"It should be here."

Nightingale took the weapon from the side of the horse and was a little worried:

"There is no village in front and no shop behind, how can I find out the situation?"

The two arrived at Hongshan Lake yesterday. They wanted to find out the situation of Hongshan Water Village and then look for the trapped Zhongli master and apprentice. Unfortunately, the people in the villages around Hongshan Lake where the water bandits were rioting had either joined the bandits or moved away long ago. There was no one in the radius of dozens of miles. They finally met someone, but he didn't know anything and just pointed in a general direction.

Xu Buling glanced at the traces on the snow, and followed the footprints to the direction of Hongshan Lake: "How else can I ask? Ask someone." He said, and then he gently squeezed the horse's belly and headed towards the lake.

There were dense forests on both sides, and the winding road was very bad. It was impossible to see the surrounding situation.

Xu Buling rode his horse leisurely, and entered the fork road and walked less than a hundred steps. There was a slight sound of "click, click, click" in the dense forest.

Xu Buling didn't even turn his head, and hooked the long spear on the side of the horse with his toes and threw it directly.


The dragon-patterned long spear was like a sharp sword that had been untied from the string. It pierced into the dense forest with a sharp sound of breaking the wind. After a dull sound of metal entering the flesh, the feathered arrow that had lost its accuracy flew out of the woods crookedly and landed on the road.

Xu Buling got off his horse and walked to the woods beside the road. The pirate who was hiding in the treetops and shooting a bow was nailed to the tree by a long spear through the chest. His hand was still tightly holding the spear, and a hoarse "uh uh" sound came out of his throat.

Nightingale looked up, spread her hands and said, "Young Master, please leave someone alive."

Xu Buling flew up and pulled out the long spear, wiping the blood off the body:

"As long as you are on the right road, Hongshan Lake is too big, it is not easy to find people. Zhongli Chuchu must be hiding in the forest. Make some noise to attract the attention of the bandits. They will naturally come to find us after they get away."

Nightingale nodded, picked up the iron bow and quiver from the bandits, and followed Xu Buling:

"What are you doing?"

"Murder and arson."

Xu Buling responded casually, and then he walked into the depths of the fork with the long spear, and came to the shore of Hongshan Lake. There were more than a dozen bandits sitting on the small pier, and two small boats that went to and from the water fort were moored.

It was snowing and cold. A dozen or so pirates were supposed to be the guards at the dock. They were all sitting around a brazier in a shabby shed. The leader was a bald man with a big knife leaning against his side. He was rubbing his hands and talking about the big things that happened a few days ago:

"Do you know why Boss Ma was so angry? I heard that when our Boss Shi asked and ran over to pull the people apart, Boss Ma was lying on the table, and that thin lawyer was lying on Boss Ma. Ouch..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Boss Ma is such a strong man, how could he lie down there? Does the thin lawyer have the strength to do that?"

"The lawyer didn't drink and was sober at the time. I heard that Boss Ma was horny..."


Many pirates rubbed their arms, their faces full of indescribable expressions.

Xu Buling walked silently outside the shed, stood there for a long time, and saw that the guards did not respond, so he coughed lightly:


The little leader who was talking eloquently thought that Boss Ma had come, and shivered with fear. He turned around and saw that it was a rich young man in a white robe, and was stunned for a moment.

The bandits next to him were also puzzled. They looked around a few times, and one of them yelled at the woods:

"Zhu Laosan, how the hell are you guarding?!"

The little leader was obviously a veteran, and when he saw the long spear in Xu Buling's hand, he showed a little surprise in his eyes. Seeing that Xu Buling came alone and there didn't seem to be any soldiers behind him, he stood up and held the big knife beside him:

"Friends from that road? Come to seek refuge or look for someone?"

Xu Buling looked at Hongshan Lake behind him, and the fire of the water fort in the far distance was faintly visible, thinking that it was Hongshan Water Fort. He raised his hand and clasped his fist:

"Xu Shanshan, the Eagle Finger Wanderer, has had a relationship with the village chief Sun. I came to pay my respects to him."

The little leader nodded, waved his hand behind his back, and continued to be polite:

"So you are the village chief's friend. Where have you been? I have never heard of the name of the Eagle Finger Wanderer before..."

There was still a clever one among the minions. He stood up calmly and walked towards the big brazier on the dock. The brazier was used to send messages. Once the fire was lit, the water village opposite would know that there was an enemy and make preparations in advance.

Seeing this, Xu Buling stopped his polite words and raised his hand slightly.

A feather arrow shot out from the woods and accurately nailed the back of the head of the water bandit who stood up. The water bandit fell straight down without even a groan.

The little leader reacted very quickly. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately drew his sword and chopped. The minions who reacted a little slower were scared and quickly grabbed the swords and weapons beside them.

Xu Buling was neither hurried nor slow, holding a long spear and sweeping through the crowd of bandits.

His sleeves rolled up the wind and snow, blood flew, and the two-foot spear tip swept through the bandits without any hindrance, cutting off the pillars supporting the wooden shed.


The thatched shed of the wooden shed collapsed, burying the screams that had just been heard under the ruins.


The pirates standing farther away were so frightened that they dropped their weapons and ran towards the boat by the lake. However, they had just taken a few steps when a feather arrow hit them from behind and pierced through their necks. They didn't even have time to scream.

In a flash, the sentry box that was bustling just now turned into a dead silence.

Xu Buling put away his long spear, came to the small fishing boat by the lake, and untied the rope tied to the wooden pillar.

Nightingale ran out of the woods with a longbow, and leaped onto the boat, with a little excitement in her eyes:

"Master, I killed someone... Ouch~"

Xu Buling raised his hand and flicked Nightingale's forehead, his face serious, and taught her a lesson:

"If you do this again, I won't take you out again. Killing is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It's just like going to the battlefield. It's just to achieve the goal. You shouldn't feel guilty or self-blame, and you shouldn't take pleasure in it."


This time it hurt a little, Nightingale's eyes were full of tears, and she rubbed her forehead a few times and stopped talking.

Xu Buling, imitating the appearance of Ning Yuhe, rowed a small boat to Hongshan Water Village and whispered;

"Sneak into the water village later and eliminate the sentry. Don't alarm other bandits..."

Nightingale pursed her lips and glanced at Xu Buling's back weakly:

"It seems that they have been alarmed..."


Xu Buling frowned and looked back at the small dock just now, but saw that the thatched shed that had just collapsed was set on fire by the brazier inside, and it had already ignited a raging flame, which was very eye-catching in the snowy night.

"Uh... Mistake..." ——

Thank you for the reward of 10,000 yuan from [All Say in Your Eyes]!

Thank you for the reward of 10,000 yuan from [Smoke Style]!

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