The prince is very fierce

Chapter 55: Heartbeat

Jinhu County is located fifty miles south of Hongshan Lake. After the plundering of Hongshan Water Village, it has become the only stable place in this area. The county has organized militiamen to patrol day and night. Although the city is full of refugees with their families and families, There are still some singing and dancing in the inn and restaurant.

Jianghu is always the fastest place to convey news. Maybe the water bandits who escaped from Hongshan Water Village saw the process. Before dawn, the whole city was already in an uproar. All the Jianghu people were talking about a thunderous news. information:

'On the night of October 23rd, the unknown knight single-handedly destroyed Hongshan Lake, fought against Xue Chengzhi, and returned victorious! "

This news came from the mouth of the water bandits. Most Jianghu people still didn't believe that it was possible to turn Hongshan Lake upside down single-handedly. It was also possible to defeat Xue Chengzhi, the leader of Jiangnan, in a single fight. But destroying Hongshan Lake first and then Xue Chengzhi would be a little bit... Nonsense, this is simply not something humans can do.

But just like what Xiao Xiang'er said back then, "The vast territory of Yue is bound to be full of heroes." It is quite normal for such a large world to have a few proud men who are difficult to fathom with common sense.

As Xue Chengzhi also arrived in Jinhu County in the early morning, he was treated for his injuries under the hospitality of local friends, and the news was officially confirmed.

Xue Chengzhi has been in the world all his life, and he knew that sooner or later he would be beaten down by young people. Although this day came a bit suddenly, the news in the world could not be concealed at all. He generously admitted that he had taken advantage of his physical strength tonight and had not yet defeated Su. The facts about the prince.

Xue Chengzhi personally admitted that his skills were inferior to others, which meant that the only Wu Kui in Jiangnan had given up his position. The title of "Two Heroes of Iron and Spear" changed from Chen Chong and Xue Chengzhi to Chen Chong and Xu Buling, and Dayue Qingkui was also there. At this moment, he was officially promoted to Shiwu Kuei.

Wu Kui, who was under twenty years old, was something no one would dare to say, but he was definitely unprecedented. It is self-evident how amazing he was.

As for why Xue Chengzhi fought with Prince Su, Xue Chengzhi definitely couldn't tell Prince Wu's arrangements. He just explained that he happened to meet him while passing by and contradicted Prince Su with his words.

In this way, it can be regarded as sending Buddha to the west, lowering his profile to make Xu Buling famous. Although Xue Chengzhi had King Wu's words as reassurance, the one he was fighting tonight was Prince Su after all. He gave up Wu Kui's position neatly and at the same time created an upright image of Xu Buling. It was also equivalent to an apology, lest Xu Buling Looking for trouble afterwards.

After the news was confirmed, an uproar was instantly caused in Jinhu County, and spread at an alarming speed. I am afraid it will soon spread all over the world.

There are different opinions on the reason why Xu Bu Ling appeared in Hongshan Lake.

Some say that Prince Su cares about the people and saw the water bandits causing harm to the countryside and took action to eliminate violence; others say that the eighth leader of the contemporary era, Zhongli Chuchu, was in trouble for the Hongshan Water Village, and Prince Su acted heroically to save the beauty; what else is there about "Prince Su" The Crown Prince fell in love with Master Ba Kui and wanted to sleep with him in his room. He was full of all kinds of gossip.

When Xu Buring arrived at Jinhu County a little later on his horse chasing the wind, there was already a lot of excitement and excitement in the wine shop and teahouse. He was injured and didn't want to cause trouble for no reason at this time. He had no intention of explaining the random rumors. Anyway, they were all very similar...

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little annoyed when she heard this, because the rumors in the world only had the names of Xu Buling and Chu Chu, and she was not brought in as the instigator. The only thing that had any involvement was the 'big quilt', how could Zhongli Jiujiu endure it? , and wanted to go to the inn where three religions and nine streams gathered to speak clearly, but he was naturally stopped.

Little Nightingale served as the archer for Xu Buling to deal with the archers in the water village today. In fact, she contributed a lot. Otherwise, Xu Buling would never dare to rush into the opponent's archers and serve as a target. It's a pity that the Jianghu people can't see what's hidden in the dark. The nightingale living here naturally does not have her name.

Nightingale didn't care about this. She was a maid, and she would naturally become famous when the young master became famous. She didn't care about this.

The four of them arrived at the inn where the white camel was kept when it was getting light. Xu Buling worked hard for half the night and ran a long distance. The pain and fatigue on his body swept over his body and mind. When he got inside, he lay down, and Nightingale ran to borrow the kitchen to make something. Eat to replenish energy.

It was very cold in the winter morning. There was no heating facility in the inn room, and there were no other objects except the bed, table and chairs.

Zhongli Jiujiu closed the window and stood in front of the bed with one hand on her waist. She was a little tired after a long day of work, but the work was not finished yet, and she couldn't just rest like this after getting paid.

"Chu Chu, go get some hot water."

Zhongli Chuchu nodded slightly and walked out of the room with the wooden basin.

Zhongli Jiujiu leaned over the bed, took off her boots, and straightened Xu Buling's body.

Xu Buling was very tired and did not fall asleep, but he did not want to move anymore. He just breathed a sigh of relief:


"Why are you thanking me? I'm taking people's money and eliminating disasters for them. Sister, I've always done things with integrity..."

Zhongli Jiujiu sat down by the bed, dragged the stool over, took out a few small medicine bottles, and carefully prepared the medicine.

The bed and the round stool were at the same height, so Zhongli Jiujiu had to lean over while sitting by the bed to toss the objects on the stool. Zhongli Jiujiu dared to compete with Ning Yu. Her figure was very excessive. Her hips were wider than her shoulders. This posture made her skirt collapse tightly, drawing an arc like a full moon. It was quite large and full of tension, and seemed to be Big ripe peaches...

So round...

Xu Buling looked outwards. After seeing Zhongli Jiujiu's undefended back, he felt a little embarrassed. He looked away and looked upward, smiling:

"Miss Jiujiu, um... she is actually a very virtuous woman, not as... as weird as the rumors say."

Zhongli Jiujiu poured several medicinal powders in a small porcelain bottle together, stirred them with water in a teacup, and responded with a lackluster response:

"You Central Plains people all require women to obey the four virtues, be virtuous and observe etiquette. Even the heroines in the arena must look like spotless white lotus flowers. Anyone who doesn't follow your rules will be accused of being a bad woman or a slut...

...I grew up in a village in South Vietnam. Many villages there are headed by women, so I am relatively gentle. When I was a child, I didn't like the hard life in the village. I heard that the gold in the Central Plains was the same as the place where the gods lived, so I left South Vietnam and ran here. At first, I wanted to be like women like Ning Yuhe and your mother, and be admired and favored wherever I go...

...The result was good. Those who were close to me were partly covetous of my beauty, and partly because I was from South Vietnam and I didn’t speak and act properly, so they regarded me as a ‘barbarian’. I originally wanted to go to places like Emei and Wudang to learn from my masters. The master Qingxu, whom I met at that time, refused to accept me and even kicked me out. In the end, I forgot about it...

...Humans, aren’t they all trying to survive? You Central Plains people look down on me, so I have to fight for myself. What’s wrong with that? I use poison to protect myself. No matter how few people I save, I can still save more people than Ning Yuhe, a white lotus who can't do anything, right? Why are you all turning towards her and treating me so unfairly: She's from a decent family, bah! They are just a group of hypocrites who look down on other people’s origins..."

Zhongli Jiujiu was obviously a little annoyed when he mentioned old memories, and became unconvinced as he spoke.

Xu Buling listened quietly, shook his head and smiled. Zhongli Jiujiu is a bit naughty and is indeed incompatible with women in this world, but it is inappropriate to say that she is discriminated against by the Central Plains people. People in Jianghu are based on seniority and follow rules. They are grassroots people who do not have the background of a master family, and they are not able to overpower the crowd and speak with their fists. It is normal not to be taken seriously by others. Jianghu is not a good hall. Ning Yuhe is a person who almost became a queen, and people in the world will give her face more or less. If she has to compare, she will definitely feel that she is being treated badly.

However, these words are meaningless. Zhongli Jiujiu's character is like this, and she has not done anything harmful to heaven and earth. She cannot be forced to "change her evil ways and return to righteousness".

Zhongli Jiujiu talked for a long time, and when Xu Buling didn't respond, he snorted lightly:

"You are also from the Central Plains. Like them, you despise me in your heart. You are willing to worship Ning Yuhe as your teacher, but you refuse to worship me as your teacher to the death. Isn't it because you think that I, a poisonous South Vietnamese woman, am not worthy of your vassal king? The prince is only worthy of doing odd jobs under his subordinates..."

Xu Buling spread his hands slightly: "Miss Jiujiu, your words are so hurtful. How could I look down on your background..."

"You can't believe what a man says. Anyway, I only look at the facts. I will only believe you when you honestly become my disciple..."

Zhongli Jiujiu took the prepared medicine, turned around and sat beside Xu Buling, and raised her chin:

"Lie down, it hurts a little."

Xu Bu Ling lay down honestly, exposing a few bruises on his chest.

Zhongli Jiujiu dipped cotton in the potion and gently wiped the black spots on Xu Buling's chest muscles. Her hair fell down and brushed against the skin on her chest. There were only two faint breathing sounds in the room.

With the light fragrance lingering around him, Xu Buling glanced at the beautiful face that was so close, then looked away, and then glanced again.

Zhongli Jiujiu wiped the injured area carefully, and felt Xu Bu Ling's heart beating a little faster with her fingers. She slightly raised her eyelashes and took a look.

Their eyes briefly looked at each other, then quickly looked away.

Zhongli Jiujiu stopped moving his hand, looked down at himself, and then showed a touch of disdain in his eyes:

"Tch~ With this determination, I can return it to Wu Kui..."

After saying that, he stood up and threw the cotton in his hand to Xu Buling: "Wipe it yourself."

Xu Bu Ling's expression was calm: "Miss Jiujiu, I paid you money."


Zhongli Jiujiu was not an inexperienced little girl, so she immediately rolled up her sleeves and gave Xu Buling a few hard wipes.

Fortunately, Zhongli Chuchu walked into the room with a wooden basin at this time. Seeing this, Zhongli Jiujiu was too lazy to argue with Xu Buling, and turned around and walked out of the room:

"I'm tired. Let's go back to the room and rest first. Chu Chu, please give him good medicine and rest early."


Zhongli Chuchu held the wooden basin, closed the door with her feet, came to the bed and put down the hot water...

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