The prince is very fierce

Chapter 46: The Ladies’ Battlefield

The Tomb of the Martyrs on the south side of Qujiang Pool is a hill shaped like a mound. There are ancestral halls and Taoist temples built outside, and an iron ox was also specially made by melting iron tools, which roughly means "forging swords into plowshares, stopping fighting into weapons" , it has been there for sixty years and is still as black and shiny as new. Someone wipes it and adds incense every day.

While Zhu Manzhi sneaked into the case library to steal secrets, Ning Qingye, who was responsible for attracting hatred and attracting firepower, also lurked in the bamboo forest for a long time, waiting for Zhang Xiang to appear, but waiting for Zhang Xiang was not that easy.

Zhang Xiang didn't come here just to settle his old grudges with Ning Qingye. There were many people who had grudges against Zhang Xiang. As the external face of the Criminal Investigation Department, Zhang Xiang didn't have much free time to chat with people in the world. He came here in person just because of suspicion. There are Jianghu thieves lurking near Qujiang Pool, coming to protect the safety of the Queen Mother.

Naturally, the Queen Mother did not know about Ning Qingye's existence. She finally left the palace, and it was impossible for her to return to the palace after paying homage. After coming out of the Tomb of the Heroes, she went directly to the observation deck beside Qujiang Pool. Zhang Xiang took Watch the wolf guards patrol around the observation deck.

The Queen Mother is the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family and the youngest sister of Prime Minister Xiao Chuyang. The wives of several wealthy families in Kuishou Street are all from the "Xiao Lu Cui Wang Li" and other prestigious families, and they have known each other since childhood. .

Xu Buling's mother is the daughter of the Donghai Lu family, and she was originally in the same circle as these ladies. It's a pity that the Donghai Lu family was on the wrong side ten years ago, and now it has become a worldly family with no one to talk to in the court. , the Jinling Lu family of Yuan Dynasty was also implicated. Mrs. Lu’s father, Lu Chengan, was supposed to be among the three princes, but so far he is at the bottom among the three princes and nine ministers, and his right to speak is very weak.

Of course, the secret conflicts between major aristocratic families will not be reflected in the daughters who get married. The Queen Mother came out with a group of ladies to finish the business, and the conversation was still about the shortcomings of ordinary people's parents.

The observation deck beside Qujiang Pool is a tall building with many calligraphy treasures left by famous artists. In a hall on the third floor, more than a dozen dignified ladies were sitting inside. Many official ladies and princesses stood behind and looked familiar. The maids were carefully serving tea and pouring water. The atmosphere was more serious than the previous court. Everyone was I don’t want to make a mistake in front of others if I say something wrong.

The Queen Mother was dressed in golden clothes and a phoenix crown. She sat on the soft couch at the top, holding a tea cup and listening quietly with a half-smiling expression.

A woman who can enter the palace as a queen is definitely one of a kind in appearance in addition to her birth status. Among the dozen or so charming and mature women present, there is definitely not one with bad looks, but the queen mother has the bonus of temperament and status, and she is gorgeous. If you look at Peony, you will obviously outshine everyone else, and you will feel a bit lonely and beautiful.

Because she was a widow, Mrs. Lu never dressed up to stand out in front of outsiders. She didn't have many accessories and was as quiet as hibiscus. She just sat in the back and drank tea alone, which didn't attract anyone's attention.

There were so many wealthy ladies present, some were cold and beautiful women who did not like the fireworks of the world, and naturally there were also social butterflies who fawned over everyone.

The head of the Zhang family in Kuaishou Street was ranked among the ninth ministers in the Shaofu. He climbed up through the imperial examination and was born into a poor family. His wife, Mrs. Gao, is the eldest daughter of a family. She is considered a high-ranking family in the market place, but she is a bit unworthy in this room, so she is the most enthusiastic and flattering to everyone.

When a woman talks, she cannot avoid mentioning her children and nephews. I don't know who mentioned that the eldest son of the Xiao family has great perseverance and went to a poor mountain to become a county magistrate at a young age. The Queen Mother suddenly became a little happy, and she was obviously very satisfied with what she said. Seeing this, Mrs. Gao quickly took advantage of every opportunity and began to praise:

"Dalang of the Xiao family has had outstanding character since he was a child. Everyone in Chang'an City knows it, so why do we need to comment on it. On the other hand, Xiao Ting, the second son of the Xiao family, is usually quiet, but a few days ago he made a sensation and made people admire him..."

Many women nodded and agreed.

Although the Xiao family is the most powerful family in Huainan, there are not many true direct descendants. After Xiao Chuyang came to Beijing to pay homage to the Prime Minister, his elder brother died of illness and left only an only son. Xiao Chuyang adopted this son under his knees and raised him. Unexpectedly, he still had nothing to do with it. He could live beyond twenty years old, but he would die young just after getting married.

Nowadays, only Xiao Chuyang, the direct descendant of the principal family, is left in the Huainan Xiao family. Even the head of the family can only let the queen mother's sister sit in charge. It can be said that there is no one to take over. If it weren't for this, a fool like Xiao Ting would have been kicked out of the house long ago, and there would be no support for him like stars holding the moon in his arms.

As the daughter of the Xiao family, the Queen Mother naturally hopes that her nephew will succeed, and she smiled even more when she heard these words.

Mrs. Gao became even more excited when she saw this. In a blink of an eye, she saw Mrs. Lu sitting behind her and continued:

"In the past, the masters in the Imperial College said that Xiao Ting and Prince Xu were incompetent. I think that with Mrs. Lu and the Queen Mother in charge of the two young masters, they are incompetent. They are just not old enough. I heard that the Dragon Poetry Recital a few days ago, Xu Shizi also became a blockbuster and wrote a good poem..."

This can be regarded as exaggerating the Xiao family and the Lu family, and at the same time complimenting Prince Su, trying to please him on three sides.

But Mrs. Lu didn't want to accept this sentiment. After hearing this, she put down her teacup and interjected:

"Mrs. Gao, don't listen to rumors. They are all spread by those scholars."

Xu Buling of the Long Yin Poetry Society did not admit that the highly respected scholar present could not pin the original author of "The Wind Dwells in the Dust and the Fragrant Flowers Are Gone" on Xu Buling's head, so he could only end it with suspicion, and there was no certainty that the matter would spread far.

The Queen Mother has lived in the palace for a long time. Unless others tell her, she naturally does not know what happened that day. After hearing this, she asked curiously:

"What poems did Xiao Buling write?"

Mrs. Gao thought Mrs. Lu was being modest, so she nodded with understanding and said:

"The wind has settled in the dust and the fragrance of the flowers has faded. I am tired of combing my hair in the day and night. Things are different and people are not in the same place. Everything is gone. If I want to speak, I will shed tears first..."

All the ladies present were from high-ranking families. The first time they heard the beautiful words of this eternal song, they felt refreshed. Now when they heard it again, they slowly nodded their heads with admiration. The official ladies behind them even had stars in their eyes.

The Queen Mother is the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family, and her attainments in poetry, poetry, and poetry are not bad. She only listened to a few words before she became serious. The late emperor passed away just after she entered the palace, and she stayed alone in the palace day and night. When she heard this poem that vividly described her feelings, she was naturally moved.

After Gao finished reciting, the Queen Mother nodded slightly: "The wind and dust have faded away, and the fragrance of the flowers has faded away. I am tired of combing my hair every day and night... Good words... Is this written for me?"


The women present were all stunned. Gao originally wanted to say that Xu Buling wrote it to Mrs. Lu, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with writing this poem to the Queen Mother.

Xu Buling said that day that this poem was not written by Mrs. Lu...

So the woman's eyes became strange.

Mrs. Lu was about to explain, but when she heard the Queen Mother's words, her face suddenly turned ugly, as if the hairpin she had just picked out for her daughter had been packed away by an outsider. How could she bear it? She quickly said:

"It's not for the Queen Mother."


Many ladies and ladies fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious...

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