The prince is very fierce

Chapter 60: A Fire in Winter

Under the same night, Xiaojiazhuang outside Huainan City.

The courtyard of the deep house seemed a little deserted without the male master, and the maids gathered around the house to keep warm.

The rivers and lakes are very lively these days, and Xu Buling's story is being spread everywhere, something like, 'The contemporary Qing Kui battled the gun god Xue Chengzhi in Hongshan Lake, and fought bloody for three days and three nights, shaking out the Deep Water Dragon King...' and so on. Zhu Manzhi liked these the most. He took Ning Qingye to spend time in teahouses and wine shops, and didn't come back until late at night.

Song Yufu didn't like worldly affairs and spent most of her time in the house. She had been used to never leaving the front door since she was a child, so she wasn't too bored.

Xiao Xiang'er, who was hiding in the back house, was a bit pitiful. Home is right in front of me, but I dare not show my face in public. I have to sit alone in the house during the day and night. Without my smelly brother by my side, it feels like I have returned to the lonely days in the palace.

The snow has passed, the sky is clear, and the moonlight is faint.

Xiao Xiang'er, wearing a bright red dress, was leaning on the carved sofa in the boudoir. Her makeup was exquisite and her features were picturesque, but no one could appreciate her. Her white fingers gently rubbed the small mahogany sign in her palm, and every few seconds she would turn over and let out a light sigh.

Speaking of which, Xu Buling had only been gone for ten days, but in the past six months, Xiao Xiang'er had been with Xu Buling day and night, which was almost a long time apart.

Xiao Xiang'er is not a loose woman, but she still likes doing that kind of thing with her sweetheart.

Nothing happened in the first two days after leaving, but the longer time passed, the more upset I became. I felt that time passed very slowly, and the days passed like years, even slower than before in the palace. I kept looking for things to do, but I couldn't get rid of them in my mind. Open Xu Bu Ling's shadow.

Especially tonight, I don't know why, but it feels like Xu Buling is right next to her, talking to her...


Xiao Xiang'er's face turned slightly red, and her hand moved down involuntarily. When she noticed something was wrong, she took it back. She muttered secretly: "I must have been possessed by an evil spirit...", then she concentrated hard, trying not to think about Xu Bu Ling.

The misery of staying alone in the empty boudoir. In the past, I didn't feel anything after enduring it for ten years. Once the meat is turned on, and then staying alone in the empty boudoir is simply...

Xiao Xiang'er's eyes moved to the small purse next to the pillow, and she raised her hand to get the golden quail egg. In the end, she slapped herself on the face and spat: "Are you ashamed? Let that shameless person When I came back, I found that it was fine... Just hold it in, he must be suffering too, he won't do it himself, how can I do it myself..."

After staying up like this for half an hour, just when Xiao Xiang'er was confused and about to bite her lip, Qiao'e appeared and finally saved her.

"Miss, Miss Zhongli is here. She said that the young prince asked her to come back..."

Zhongli Jiujiu is deeply involved in medicine, and is especially good at all kinds of strange medicines. Xiao Xiang'er has been studying all kinds of weird and obscene techniques since he was a child. They used to get along on the boat. When he heard that Zhongli Jiujiu was back, he was naturally happy.

Xiao Xiang'er woke up, adjusted her clothes on the soft bed, and said softly:

"Please invite Miss Zhongli to come in, you are almost suffocating me..."


A moment later, Master and Disciple Zhongli, who had rushed back from Jinhu County, entered the back house.

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little disappointed when she found out that Ning Yuhe was not there. When she heard that Xiao Xiang'er asked her to go over and have a heart-to-heart talk, she was naturally happy to establish a good relationship with Xu Buling's bedfellow, and followed Qiao'e to Xiao Xiang'er's wing.

Zhongli Chuchu couldn't help but follow him. Under the leadership of the maid, he came to live in a room in the west wing. When walking through the corridor, I happened to see a quiet girl standing in front of the painting table from the window, painting.

Song Yufu...

Zhongli Chuchu had just arrived. He only knew Ning Qingye and Manzhi, but was not familiar with Song Yufu. However, after having a conversation on the boat last time, I had a good impression of this "shy and quiet" girl. I stopped immediately and called out from the window:

"Miss Song?"

Song Yufu was carefully painting Xu Buling's beauty picture. When she heard the sound, she raised her head and glanced up. She saw Zhongli Chuchu, whom she hadn't seen for many days, coming over. She quickly closed the scroll, bowed and opened the door:

"Miss Chu Chu, why are you here so late at night? Mr. Xu is back?"

Zhongli Chuchu walked into the boudoir that was full of books and spoke softly: "Master Xu is going to Hangzhou. It was inconvenient for Master and I to follow him, so we came back early."

The room is not big. Apart from the daily furniture, the only thing that catches the eye is the portrait of a man on the wall, with a vermilion wine gourd placed under the portrait.

Zhongli Chuchu's eyes were focused on Xu Buling's portrait. She had heard about Xu Buling's "picture of beauty" before, but this was the first time she saw it with her own eyes. She couldn't help walking up to it and taking a closer look.

There was a portrait of her boyfriend hanging in the room. Song Yufu was a little embarrassed after all, so she stood in front and explained softly:

"I asked my uncle to draw this for me and keep it in the house for collection... Miss Chu Chu should have one too, right?"

Zhongli Chuchu nodded lightly: "Xu Danqing gave me the painting. There was no one to give it to. It has been kept on the camel and I almost forgot about it."

Song Yufu didn't know the relationship between Zhongli Chuchu and Xu Buling, but they definitely didn't know each other. After thinking for a while, she asked with a smile:

"Why don't Miss Chu Chu give it to Mr. Xu? He likes to collect these things..."

Zhongli Chuchu didn't know much about Xu Buling, and felt that she didn't even care about her in person, nor would she care about a picture scroll, so she never had the nerve to show it. Hearing Song Yufu talk about it, I was a little surprised:


Song Yufu poured two cups of tea, sat down on the couch, nodded and smiled softly:

"Sister Xiang'er is also a Bakui. She gave her painting to Mr. Xu before, and Mr. Xu secretly hid it under the bed. I dug it out, and then Mrs. Lu caught her..."

At this point, Song Yufu remembered her forced kiss on Xu Bu Ling, and her face was still a little shy.

Zhongli nodded thoughtfully, picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Miss Song and Mr. Xu have known each other for a long time."

"It was quite early. Not long after Mr. Xu came to Chang'an, he went to the Imperial College to study. We met at that time... I was taking students to the Imperial College for morning reading. Mr. Xu was cold, arrogant and fierce. He never came to the study room on time and kept hiding. I was copying books in the Bell and Drum Tower, and I didn’t say a few words for a year. I was quite afraid of him at that time..."

When Zhongli Chuchu heard this, his attitude towards Song Yufu was naturally more serious. In her impression, Ning Qingye and Zhu Manzhi met later, and Song Yufu was considered a childhood sweetheart...

"Then Miss Song, how did you meet Mr. Xu? Judging from your relationship, it looks pretty good..."

Song Yufu thought about it and chuckled: "I am a serious person. Once when Xiao Ting did not obey the rules, Mr. Xu came to the school and bumped into him. He beat Xiao Ting on the spot. I felt something was wrong, so I wanted to talk to Xu Ting. Young Master was reasonable, but in the end it was me copying books in the Bell and Drum Tower..."

Zhongli Chuchu drank tea for a moment and felt something was wrong: "Didn't Mr. Xu say that Xiao Ting likes to complain and cannot be offended?"

Song Yufu was a little amused and shook her head: "How is it possible? Mr. Xu is so domineering in Chang'an that he dares to beat anyone. What's the use of Xiao Ting's complaint? He even brought his aunt to Mr. Xu's bed... cough..."

Zhongli Chuchu frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable. It seems that Mr. Xu really didn't want to talk to her and just found a reason...

Thinking of this, Zhongli Chuchu was a little unconvinced and thought for a while:

"Miss Song, Mr. Xu doesn't like to talk to others?"

Unexpectedly, Song Yufu nodded seriously: "Yes, I was looking for trouble at that time, but Mr. Xu was annoying me. He threw me downstairs and threatened me. I accepted death and refused to leave. Finally, he ...that's what..."

Zhongli Chuchu was stunned: "Master Xu ignored you at first?"

"Mr. Xu treats everyone the same, just like the fairy who can't eat the fireworks of the world. The reason why Miss Manzhi has such a good relationship with Mr. Xu is because she helped a lot in Chang'an City..."

When Zhongli Chuchu heard this, he felt something was wrong again. According to Song Yufu, Xu Buling should be relatively indifferent to everyone and only become warm after getting to know each other, but Ning Qingye obviously didn't say that...

"Miss Song, I heard from Qing Ye that when Mr. Xu saw her, he became smooth-talking and acted like a playboy..."

"How is it possible? Mr. Xu is not that kind of person."

Song Yufu quickly shook her head and explained to her boyfriend seriously: "There are so many beauties in the capital. Many princesses and princesses blocked the door and wanted to see Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu went out without any excuses. How could he treat a woman he didn't know? Glib tongue. Ning Qingye is indeed handsome, but Mr. Xu is not bad in appearance. He will never win the heart of a beautiful woman with his smooth tongue. In my opinion, Mr. Xu's silence is enough to seduce his daughter's family. …”

Zhongli Chuchu's views were exactly the same as Song Yufu's. He felt that he had met his confidant and immediately said doubtfully:

"Ning Qingye told me personally that it was Mr. Xu who took the initiative to pursue him, and even said a lot of things that only a disciple would say...could it be that she was lying? Ning Qingye has a straightforward temper and is colder than Mr. Xu, so she should You won’t use this kind of thing to show that you are valued by Mr. Xu, right?”

Song Yufu sipped her tea, holding some words in her heart for many days. Because Zhu Manzhi and Ning Qingye were best friends, she did not dare to say them to Manzhi. At this time, Zhongli and Chuchu were chatting about this, hesitated for a moment, and whispered:

"Chu Chu, let me tell you something. Don't tell outsiders. It's not something shameful, but it's not a good idea to spread it out..."

Zhongli Chuchu blinked his green eyes and nodded seriously: "I'm not an outsider, I know what's appropriate."

Song Yufu looked at the window to make sure there were no outsiders around, then she leaned into Zhongli Chuchu's ear and whispered:

"Ning Qingye looks cold, but actually... Well, let me tell you the truth, I went to see Mr. Xu one night and found that she was..."

Zhongli Chuchu listened quietly, a look of shock gradually appeared on her charming face. After listening, she said in disbelief:

"How is this possible...Ning Qingye actually...actually..."

Song Yufu sighed, leaned on the couch with the tea cup, and frowned: "I didn't believe it at first, but I saw it with my own eyes, and Mr. Xu also admitted it... At first, I admired Ning Qingye for his high martial arts skills. He has an independent personality and is not afraid of Mr. Xu. Now that I think about it, this is what happened..."

Zhongli Chuchu was full of anger. Because she believed Ning Qingye's 'nonsense' and thought Xu Buling would treat her differently, she valued Ning Qingye but not her. For this reason, she traveled thousands of miles from Suzhou to Jiangnan. I wonder if I am ugly.

I see……

It's a shame that I consider her a friend, it's just...

Zhongli and Chuchu held it in for a long time, not knowing what to say.

After all, it was a private matter, Song Yufu said softly: "Don't talk nonsense about this matter. Ning Qingye definitely doesn't want anyone to know about it. If it spreads, he will definitely cause trouble for Young Master Xu, and Young Master Xu will come to me." , I will definitely tell you what you spread..."

? ? !

When Zhongli Chuchu heard this, he was immediately frightened and nodded.

It was getting darker, and there were noises and chattering voices in the corridor of the backyard:

"Xiao Ning, it's a pity that you didn't go out with Master Xu this time..."

"Your martial arts are so poor, are you going to be a burden?"

"Hey - can't you be more tactful when you speak..."

Looking back, Ning Qingye came over with Zhu Manzhi, dressed in white and elegant, like a cold fairy who doesn't care about the world.

Zhongli Chuchu and Song Yufu stopped talking, their eyes were very strange, they glanced at Ning Qingye's figure, and then looked away.

Ning Qingye didn't realize that in the eyes of her sisters, she had become a little vixen who was cold on the outside but coquettish on the inside and relied on her body to seize the initiative. After seeing Zhongli Chuchu, she greeted her with a plain smile...

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