The prince is very fierce

Chapter 4 Hum~ Weakling...

He took the two girls and galloped on horseback. After traveling for more than ten days, they finally arrived in Youzhou.

On the bank of Longfeng River, Xu Buling got off his horse and waited at the ferry for the ferry for carriages and horses to cross the river.

Youzhou is two thousand miles away from Chang'an, which is considered a place with high mountains and far away from the emperor. However, there is no "King of Yan" among the seven vassal kings. The local military and political affairs in Youzhou are managed by the Liaoxi Protectorate, which is an area directly under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. The strongest military forces in Dayue are piled here, facing the Northern Qi Middle Route Army head-on. and the Right Army.

The Xu family of King Su was defending Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty and the tribes of the Western Regions. The combined troops on both sides were more than 400,000, which was considered a marginal battlefield. The area from the Youzhou border to Taiyuan and other places is a frontal battlefield. The arms race between the two countries has accumulated a large number of troops. The entire Jiangnan and Shu regions are providing nutrients here. It has dragged down the famine in Jiangnan and even dared not reduce taxes. This shows how exaggerated it is.

In the past, Youzhou was the main area for smuggling salt and iron outside the customs, and it was considered a prosperous area. After Iron Eagle Hunting Deer swept through Youzhou, Qingzhou and other places, the leaders of the Zhu family and the Lu family were defeated one after another, leaving the rivers and lakes without a leader. The merchants who relied on these forces as a protective umbrella also ran away. Now at the ferry of Longfeng River, only The next one is depressed, even a little barren.

As the eldest son of the feudal lord, Xu Buling actually understood Song Ji's approach. As a dignified ruler, he could not allow local merchants to blatantly smuggle salt and iron goods. Selling daily items was fine, but it would only severely damage tax revenue. Transport copper and iron to Northern Qi. If Northern Qi builds 30,000 more 'Iron Rakshasa', they might be beaten back by Northern Qi.

Next to Xu Buling, Zhu Manzhi was wrapped in a small cotton-padded jacket, standing on the bank of the turbulent Longfeng River, and said with his little waist:

"It looks very ordinary. Storytellers often talk about this place, saying that masters often pass by the Longfeng River, ride on unicorns and fly phoenixes, etc. I didn't expect that such a river is not as beautiful as the Fenhe River..."

Fenhe River is in Taiyuan, which is not far from Youzhou.

Xu Buling stood in front, raised his arms around Manzhi's shoulders, and chuckled:

"After I'm done with the Tang family's business, I'll go back with you to take a look."

Zhu Manzhi shook his head: "My parents have run away. It's just a osmanthus forest. If there's anything interesting to see, I'd better go to Zhu's house to see it. I heard that my grandfather is buried there, but I haven't visited the grave yet... "

Nightingale stood nearby, recalled it, and said softly:

"After the old sword master died in the Zhu family's battle, the wolf guard originally wanted to bring the body to the capital, but I don't know who gave the order to bury the old sword master in the Zhu family's ancestral grave."

Xu Buling thought for a moment and said softly: "I heard Zhang Xiang mention it before. It was Eunuch Jia who begged for mercy from the Zhu family, so he only killed all the men in the family. I guess it was Eunuch Jia who ordered the grand burial of the old sword master... The older generation of Jianghu people are actually very moral, but it’s really meaningless now.”

Zhu Manzhi didn't know what happened back then, but it was a sad thing after all, so he didn't talk much about it.

The ferry was not prosperous, and those who crossed the river were all local people traveling from north to south. After waiting for about an hour, dozens of people carrying baskets on their backs prepared to go into the city to buy new year's goods, as well as travellers, gathered on the ferry.

Xu Buling was holding the one-of-a-kind Wind Chasing Horse, and he was relatively tall. He stood out among the crowd, and naturally attracted a lot of people's attention.

No ordinary people dared to come over and strike up a conversation. A little girl aged four or five was attracted by the fox fur on Xu Buling's body. She ran up to touch it and muttered strangely:

"Brother, why are your clothes so hairy...just like a blind bear..."


Xu Buling looked at the little one who was not even taller than his waist. He was speechless and didn't know how to explain it.

Zhu Manzhi was very good at dealing with children, and he said cheerfully: "Little sister, what's wrong with your eyes, how can you be such a handsome blind man?"

The little girl raised her head and glanced, nodding seriously: "That's right..."


Xu Buling was completely speechless. He raised his hand and touched the little girl's head. The little girl's mother hugged her back, obviously afraid of offending the rich man in the city.

Soon, several boats arrived at the ferry. The boatman wrapped in a thick coat put down the pedal and collected money one by one.

Xu Buling brought two horses, so he definitely couldn't get on the small boat, so he went to a larger one. However, the largest ship could only carry more than twenty people. After the two big horses came on, they occupied one-third of the deck, and they had to pay a few more pennies for this.

The current of Longfeng River is very fast, and there are reefs and rocks in the lower part of the river. It is considered a relatively dangerous place. Sitting on a boat is like drifting. The boatman swung his bamboo pole from side to side on the river to skillfully go around the reef, but the passengers on the boat were a little frightened.

There were quite a lot of people in the local arena in Youzhou. There was a ranger who looked to be in his twenties on the boat. He was leaning against the fence of the ferry with his sword in his arms. Maybe he was a little bored during the journey. He kept looking at the handsome Chai Feng Ma and finally left. When he arrived, he raised his hand and made a quaint salute:

"Brother, the horse is pretty good."

The rivers and lakes are all about grudges and grudges, and it is common to talk and make friends while riding in the same boat, but after traveling so far, this is the first person who dares to chat with Xu Buling.

Xu Buling glanced at him - he had an ordinary appearance and an ordinary temperament, but he was very clean and comfortable to look at. He didn't look like a gangster in the world. The sword he held in his hand looked very primitive, and the wooden handle was patinated. It was obvious that he had been holding it for many years, and no matter how skilled he was, he was at least very diligent.

Seeing this scene, Xu Buling did not ignore it. He turned around and raised his hand:

"Thank you, brother."

Seeing Xu Buling's response, Youxia'er smiled a little and said cheerfully:

"I'm Zuo Zhan. I see that you are also a martial artist. May I ask your name?"

Zhu Manzhi was just bored and finally encountered a scene of making friends with people from the underworld. He quickly raised his hand to perform a underworld salute and said generously:

"I am Zhu Manzhi, nicknamed 'Fenhe Sword God', this is Nightingale, nicknamed 'Yeli Meng', and this is 'Eagle Finger Wanderer' Xu Shan..."

Zuo Zhan blinked, obviously a little surprised, and wanted to laugh but felt it was inappropriate. Worry-free Chinese website

Xu Buling was also a little amused, raised his hand and said:

"The surname Zuo is rare, are you from Luliang?"

Zuo Zhan was slightly stunned when he heard this:

"How did you know that, sir?"

Nightingale had a bit of pride in her eyes, and explained softly: "The surname Zuo originated from the surname Jiang. In ancient times, the area around Luliang was granted the title of 'Zuo State'. Later generations took the state as their surname. Where did all the people with the surname Zuo in the world originate from?"

Zuo Zhan showed some surprise in his eyes, and nodded: "You are from a noble family, right? You are really knowledgeable, even I don't know much about these things..."

Xu Buling knew this because he recently investigated the hiding place left by Zuo Zhexian, and specifically asked Xiao Qi about this. Now he used it and pretended to be a knowledgeable scholar.

"I just read about this occasionally. Where are you going, brother Zuo?"

Zuo Zhan is very talkative. He shook his head and smiled: "Traveling around the world is just running around. A few days ago, I passed by Fanyang County. When I was selling wine in a wine shop, I happened to meet a hot-tempered swordsman. He was old and had a bad temper. He only had one pot of wine left. He relied on his seniority to let me give it to him. I asked, 'Who are you?' He said, 'Sword Master Situ Yuejin', and I said, 'I am the Sword Saint Zhu Liu'..."

Zhu Manzhi was listening, and when he heard this, he was immediately unhappy and glared at him fiercely.

Xu Buling was actually intrigued, and asked with a smile:

"What was the result?"

Zuo Zhan sighed, pulled up his sleeves, revealing five clear instructions on his wrist, and shook his head:

"In the end, I was almost beaten to death. I didn't see clearly and was pushed to the ground. Not only did I give up the wine, but I had to pay for it. I haven't seen Senior Situ either, and I don't know if I met a real immortal. I wanted to get close to him and ask for his guidance, but I couldn't find him when I got up. I wasted a great opportunity in vain, so I tried my luck and looked around..."

Xu Buling nodded gently. Situ Yuejin is the number one in Tiannan Wulin, that is, he is from Nanchang, which is closer to Nanyue, so it is not realistic for him to run to Youzhou. For this ambiguous Jianghu gossip, it is just a bragging of Jianghu wanderers.

While chatting, the ferry went to the center of the river, where the water is the most turbulent.

The Longfeng River is quite dangerous. The reason why several boats go together every time is because there are frequent accidents of capsizing and sinking. The boat Xu Buling was on was relatively large. The boatman was an old man who was very skilled and collected a high toll. He handled the boat smoothly and without any accidents. But a small boat in the distance hit something when passing a rotten rock beach. It suddenly spun on the river surface and threw several people sitting on the edge of the boat down.


"Someone fell into the water..."

The two boats around saw this scene and hurriedly paddled over. The people on the small boat were also frantically raising their hands to rescue people.

The water flow was too fast, and the people who fell into the water were washed far away. The boat was spinning and lost its stability. Only one man grabbed the bamboo pole that was stretched out.

Xu Buling frowned slightly and glanced, but saw that the little girl who touched his clothes just now might have been too naughty and didn't sit well, and was also thrown down and was bobbing in the turbulent river. The little girl's mother was so scared that her face turned pale. She threw herself at the side like crazy and raised her hands to grab it, but the distance was rapidly increasing and she couldn't touch it at all.

In the cold winter, the river water was icy cold. If a child fell into it, he would either die on the rocks or freeze to death.

Zuo Zhan, who was standing nearby, saw this scene and threw the sword to Xu Buling without hesitation. He jumped into the water and swam towards the little girl with very quick movements.

Zhu Manzhi was also a little anxious. He lay on the edge of the boat and raised his hand to point: "Hurry up... It's just in front..."

Xu Buling shook his head and sighed, leaned the sword on the boat, then jumped out of the ferry and landed on the water. Then his boots lightly touched the water, stepped on a string of water, and rushed straight to the center of the river.



There was a burst of exclamations from the three ferries at once.

Zhu Manzhi was slightly stunned, and then was shocked by the beauty.

Zuo Zhan was swimming at full speed. He heard the footsteps of "tap-tap-tap" behind him. He looked back in confusion and burst into a swear word in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

Xu Buling's body and mind were like willow leaves in the wind, sliding across the turbulent river surface. He raised his hand to grab the little girl who fell into the water, and landed steadily on the boat, stopping the boat spinning in the middle of the river.

After putting the frightened little girl down, Xu Buling did not stop, and repeated the trick to step on the water surface to return to the ferry.

The cold wind was blowing, the rapids were surging, and the handsome young man was walking on the waves. The scene was like an immortal descending to the mortal world, and like a mortal stepping into the fairyland. The so-called true freedom in the world is probably just like this.

The frightened little girl forgot to cry. She was shivering with cold and said stupidly:

"Mom, what a handsome blind bear is flying..."

Xu Buling crossed the river like a dragonfly skimming the water. When he passed by Zuo Zhan who was floating in the water in a daze, he glanced at him.

The way Zuo Zhan looked at him was exactly the same as the way he looked at Zhu Liu last time, as if to say: flashy, not as fast as the masters, a pretentious person...

Xu Buling suddenly understood how Zhu Liu and Li Hansheng felt when they pursued him last time.

Humph~ Weak chicken...

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