The prince is very fierce

Chapter 18: Internal Training

It was dawn, and the wooden shed was covered with thick snow. The shivering little sparrow burrowed into the gap between the two people hugging each other, slept with its little head tucked in, and occasionally moved its little wings.

The numbness on his body gradually faded, and he felt a little itchy on his neck, and Xu Buling woke up from his doze.

Zhongli Jiujiu was still hugging him, and her tender face was slightly buried because of the extremely cold winter weather. Her eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes did not move at all. I don’t know if she was concentrating or sleeping.

They were very close to each other, and the little sparrow huddled between their chests. The scene looked like two people hugging each other to protect a little sparrow.

As Xu Buling moved, Zhongli Jiujiu immediately opened her eyes. When their eyes met, she calmed down a little, then raised her hand and gently pushed Xu Buling’s chest, turned over and sat up from the haystack.

Zhongli Jiujiu patted the grass leaves on her collar, but saw a star-like palm print on the collar of her blue and white skirt. It should be left by Xu Buling's dirty hands when he touched the hay and rubbed her.


Zhongli Jiujiu's breathing became heavier, as if she was brewing words.

Xu Buling turned over and sat up, rubbing his shoulders and chest that were a little painful, with a gentle and elegant expression, and spoke softly:

"Miss Jiujiu, I was injured and dizzy last night, and I don't know why... I'm really presumptuous."

? ? ?


Zhongli Jiujiu was so angry that she shook her hair and turned back, her fox-like eyes full of dissatisfaction of "do you think I'm stupid".

However, no matter how open-minded a woman is, if she is taken advantage of by a man, what can she do if she can't do anything about it?

Zhongli Jiujiu obviously didn't want to talk about what happened last night. After staring at Xu Buling for a while, she stood up by supporting herself on the ground and patted the grass leaves on her skirt:

"Get up quickly. I haven't eaten for a day and I still have to serve you. I'm starving..."

Xu Buling smiled kindly and stood up by patting the ground with his palm. He was still naked, and the wounds on his body were bandaged by the cloth strips on the hem of his skirt. Both of them looked a little embarrassed.

Zhongli Jiujiu got out of the wooden shed and glanced around. The wild mountains and ridges were buried in snow. Even wild fruits could not be found, let alone human habitation.

Zhongli Jiujiu let the little sparrow go, walked out of the snow ridge with one foot deep and one foot shallow. After walking a few steps, she looked back and saw Xu Buling following behind. His steps were a little floating, probably because he had consumed too much energy and had not replenished his physical strength.

Zhongli Jiujiu had a headache and felt that she shouldn't have chased after him. Not only was he taken advantage of, but Xu Buling was injured in order to help her, so he couldn't just ignore it. She hesitated, but still walked back, just like last night, holding Xu Buling's arm with her shoulder, and scolded him:

"Xu Buling, I found that there is something wrong with you. In the martial arts world, it is important to help friends in need without asking for anything in return. You came to help me regardless of anything, and I remembered your kindness, and I didn't care about the details to save you. But in the end, you took the opportunity to make a move, so that I couldn't scold you or thank you. You are called "repaying kindness with enmity", you know? If you do this kind of thing in the martial arts world, you will definitely be called a scum of the martial arts world..."

Xu Buling exhaled white mist in the air, leaned on Zhongli Jiujiu's shoulder, and smiled helplessly:

"I said that I was in a daze last night. No one is perfect..."


Seeing that Xu Buling refused to admit his fault and started to pretend to be a gentleman, Zhongli Jiujiu had nothing to say, snorted lightly, and didn't mention it anymore.

Following the clear and transparent water bay of Yanqi River, the two of them supported each other and walked more than two miles of mountain road to the market beside Longtan.

The stone archway, which was built in an unknown dynasty, had one of its four stone pillars broken and collapsed in the middle, with stones scattered on the ground. The county magistrates in the surrounding areas heard the news and brought the constables and coroners to Longtan market to carry the body out of Tingquan Tower and cover it with white cloth. However, because the area around Shentangyu was the territory of Yanqi Villa, it was not easy to deal with it, and they all waited for the people from Yanqi Villa to come and collect the body.

The owner and the second in command of Yanqi Villa died, and it was heard that a more terrifying fight broke out afterwards. Obviously, they were scared, and the whole villa became a turtle, and no one has come forward until now.

The wandering Jianghu heard the news and some people came to watch the excitement, but yesterday's incident was just a few shop assistants hiding behind the door and taking a few glances. It was not clear who the three people who fought were. For a while, there were many different opinions and rumors.

The dragon-patterned lance and the Minghong sword stuck in the wall were still in their original positions, and no one dared to move. The two horses ran into a shop's stable to wait for their owner to return. The shop assistants were afraid of offending people, so they didn't dare to make a fuss and fed them hay like serving a master.

After Xu Buling came to the market, he took some silver from the horse and asked the assistant to find food and clothes. The shop assistant saw Xu Buling's skills through the crack of the door yesterday, so he didn't dare to say a word and went to find them honestly.

Zhongli Jiujiu drank a cup of pre-rain Longjing when he arrived at Shentangyu yesterday. He was also hungry and weak, and didn't talk to Xu Buling. He watched the excitement outside and ate by himself.

Xu Buling consumed a lot of energy. He ate and rested for a while before he recovered. With his extraordinary skills, he took back the weapons when no one was paying attention, climbed on the horse and continued on his journey.

Zhongli Jiujiu sat sideways on the big red horse and left Shentang Valley with Xu Buling, but did not go in the direction of Huangkou Town, but took the same path they came from, heading for Fanyang County.

Xu Buling was not surprised by this, because in the martial arts world, "faith and loyalty" are important, and revenge is the only way to pay back blood debts.

The news dealers in the Jianghu are in a neutral position, they do things for money, they don't talk about personal relationships and don't make enemies. Only by relying on this iron rule can they win the trust of the Jianghu people in the world and be willing to pay money to trade with them.

If Yanqi Villa spent money to buy Zhongli Jiujiu's whereabouts, and Liu Wu sold it to Yanqi Villa, this would be reasonable in the Jianghu. It can only blame Zhongli Jiujiu for accidentally exposing her whereabouts and not paying hush money.

But Zhongli Jiujiu paid money to buy news from Liu Wu, and Liu Wu took the money and she became a guest. He took advantage of the guest's trust and led the guest to the enemy's territory, which violated the taboo in the Jianghu.

If Xu Buling hadn't come yesterday, Zhongli Jiujiu would have stepped into the encirclement of Yanqi Villa. Even if she could escape with the Dragon Locking Gu, wasting a bottle of priceless Dragon Locking Gu would be a huge loss. If she didn't escape, it would be a big loss.

Even if Xu Buling came, it would have triggered the bloody battle with Chen Daozi. The injuries on Xu Buling's body had to be counted as a part of the information dealer's responsibility, and it was impossible for him to forget it.

Fanyang County City is not close to Shentangyu, and it will take at least tomorrow to arrive.

The two of them rode at full speed and arrived in Xianghe County at dusk. They found an inn in the county town and stayed there. They had a good rest for a night and set off again at dawn.

Xu Buling fought all day, froze all night, and took a cold shower. The last time he felt so uncomfortable was when he fled from the Wei River to Chang'an. When he arrived at the inn, he asked the waiter to boil hot water, filled the bathtub with water, and soaked in the hot water, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was stabbed several times, but they all avoided the vital parts. With the top-level medicine prepared by Zhongli Jiujiu himself, the wounds are now scabby and there is still a tingling sensation, but it is no longer serious.

There were some noisy voices outside the inn. It was getting dark. Xu Buling sat in a steaming wooden barrel, looking at the wounds on his body, frowning and reviewing yesterday's battle.

In Xu Buling's memory, there were many records of fighting with others, but 99% of them were crushing and bullying. There were only three truly challenging fights.

The consequence was the same as if a rich man could solve a problem with money. He was born with "dragon tendons, tiger bones and unicorn strength". When he met an opponent, he could "overcome ten skills with one force" and would not think so many twists and turns.

The habit he developed since childhood made him study and practice martial arts moves that were extremely domineering, such as Bajiquan, Iron Wire Fist, Liuhe Gun, etc., and he did not have much experience in winning by skills.

With his talent, he could defeat most people with his hard work, but once he met a small number of masters who practiced skills to the extreme, there would be obvious problems.

First, it was the Ghost Queen. The Ghost Queen herself was not very skilled in martial arts, but she relied on the Qimen Dunjia, hidden weapons and other cooperation to improve her assassination ability to the extreme. If it weren't for his sharp six senses, he would probably suffer at the hands of the Ghost Queen.

Xue Chengzhi, like him, took the path of dominance, and the difference in strength between them was relatively small. Xue Chengzhi couldn't beat him in a head-on fight, but his rich combat experience and skills in breaking and dismantling moves made it impossible for him to kill him in a short time.

After meeting Chen Daozi, the result was obvious. Chen Daozi's internal martial arts were superb, and his fighting skills almost took him away. If he hadn't been too conceited and chose to fight head-on, he might not have been able to hit Chen Daozi with the Iron Mountain.

This feeling is like a cannon shooting at a mosquito. It's not that you can't hit it, but that you can't hit it.

It's obvious that three punches can kill Chen Daozi, but he doesn't put any effort into it. He can only take advantage of it by using risky moves to exchange injuries for injuries. The price is too high.

At present, it seems that just "external training of muscles, bones and skin" has reached a bottleneck, and we need to study "internal training of breath".

Xu Buling sat in the bathtub and pondered for a while, recalling the Wudang Dantian Qi circulation method in his memory, and carefully regulating his internal breath.

Being able to fight with top warriors, as long as you are not dead, you will definitely benefit a lot. Although I was beaten, I also learned a lot from Chen Daozi.

Xu Buling recalled the details of yesterday's battle, and when he was in a state of ecstasy, the door suddenly rang.


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