The prince is very fierce

Chapter 36 The Boundless Sky and Sea

Early the next morning, outside the east gate of Chengde County.

Zhongli Jiujiu stood at the fork of the official road, took out several packages of medicinal powder from the bag on the side of the horse, weighed them carefully with a small scale, and divided them into two.

Zhu Manzhi was wrapped in a goose-yellow coat, and her little face was full of seriousness. She stood with Nightingale, staring intently, and murmured in a low voice:

"Dazhong, you can't be biased. If she follows you out, Jinshui Tower will definitely find a way to turn on a small stove. If she asks you for it, you can't give it to her..."

Nightingale folded her little arms, her big braids hanging down from the back of her head, her body straight and her expression plain:

"We are going to have a fight, not a winter outing, so we don't have time for this."

"Anyway, it has to be fair. People in the world have to settle accounts with their own sisters. We are not sisters yet..."


On the other side of the official road, Xu Buling walked with his horse, took a handwritten letter from his arms, and handed it to Ning Yuhe:

"Master, after you return, ask Xiao Qi to send this letter to my father as soon as possible."

Ning Yuhe took the envelope and put it into his arms. Qingquan's eyes were obviously filled with reluctance. After turning his head and glancing at the three girls, he moved a little closer and pressed against Xu Buling's sleeves:

"Don't be brave when things happen, and pay attention to Qingye... Also, Zhongli Jiujiu, you must be careful, don't be deceived by her, she has the temper to go up to the house and remove the tiles if she is given a ladder... "

Xu Bu Ling smiled kindly. Seeing that Man Zhi and the others were not paying attention, he secretly put his hands behind Ning Yuhe's sleeves and squeezed: "I know."

"Your Majesty, please be more serious..."

Ning Yuhe's soft cheeks showed a bit of blush, but she did not dodge. She allowed her apprentice to be frivolous and glanced down: "And... there is also the matter of Shou Gongsha... I can't even take a shower without you here. You have to do it secretly, Manzhi will definitely become suspicious after a long time..."

Xu Buling thought for a moment: "Master can hide it carefully. If you can't hide it, go to Xiang'er. She has prepared the paints. She can help Master paint it first."

When Ning Yuhe heard this, his face was slightly startled, and he frowned and said, "Xiang'er...she knows?"

"Xian'er is smart. He sleeps with me every day. How could he not notice it...Master, don't worry, Xiang'er won't laugh at you. When we get back, the three of us will be together..."


Ning Yuhe shook his head quickly, took a few steps away, got on his horse, and turned around and said, "Manzhi, let's go."

Xu Buling shrugged his shoulders: "It's just a matter of sitting down and chatting together, not doing anything together. Master, why are you so nervous?"

Ning Yuhe now understood Xu Buling's true appearance. At that time, it was not what Xu Buling said. Ning Yuhe had a slightly strange expression. He hesitated for a moment, then saw Manzhi running over and whispered:

"Xianger agrees, what can I say as a teacher..."

After saying this, he quickly rode on his horse, picked up Zhu Manzhi, who was running over, and ran to the far side of the official road.

Zhu Manzhi held the small package and was trapped under Ning Yuhe's arm. He babbling and said angrily: "Da Ning, what are you doing? I haven't said goodbye to Mr. Xu yet..."

Xu Buling looked amused, raised his hand and waved:

"Manzhi, slow down on the road and take good care of the master."

Zhu Manzhi struggled to sit down behind Ning Yuhe, hugged Ning Yuhe's waist, turned around and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, have a good trip..."

The horses' hooves galloped, and the sound gradually faded away.

Xu Buling watched the two of them disappear at the end of the official road, then turned around and mounted the wind-chasing horse, and embarked on the official road to Liaoxi County:

"Miss Jiujiu, let's go."

Zhongli Jiujiu sat sideways on the big red horse. Her old enemy Ning Yuhe ran away. Her demeanor and demeanor returned to the cold look of the fairy sister. She nodded gently and drove the horse ahead...


The waves crash against the shore, and the sky and sea are boundless.

Youzhou is a remote place in Dayue, while Liaoxi County is on the edge of Youzhou. It is a vast area with sparsely populated areas and barren countryside. Apart from the magnificent scenery of mountains and seas, there is nothing worth mentioning.

At noon, Ning Qingye rode the stolen horses and strolled in the coastal wilderness, looking for clues on the snow.

Born in Shu and raised in Changqingguan, Ning Qingye had never been to the beach. When he saw the sky and sea at the end of his field of vision, he had no interest in it.

Fanyang County took a surprised look and discovered Li Hansheng's whereabouts, and Ning Qingye followed him. Li Hansheng's horse was so fast that he could only see his back and had no intention of stopping. She snatched a few horses along the way and gave chase, but after following him to Liaoxi County, she still lost track of Li Hansheng and could only look around aimlessly.

She knew that she couldn't kill Li Hansheng, and she didn't know what to do after catching up with Li Hansheng. She tried her best to chase him, just to see what the man who didn't even care about his wife and daughter being in dire straits would say to her.

Although he didn't catch up, Ning Qingye seemed to understand at this moment.

Nothing to say.

If he didn't even have the courage to stop and be questioned face to face, what could he be expected to say?

The sea breeze was cool and cold, and before I knew it, it started to snow heavily in the wilderness.

Ning Qingye led the horse to a forest, climbed up the ancient tree, sat on the branch, folded her arms and scanned the endless coastal wilderness in front of her.

The skirt on her body was not thick, and the biting cold wind mixed with the wind and snow made her limbs feel uncomfortable with the cold. Looking at the snowy sky in front of her, for some reason, she thought of that very warm fox fur and the person who gave it to her.

That seemed to be the first time she accepted a gift from someone other than Master.

When Ning Qingye was less than ten years old, she went to Changqing Mountain and became the apprentice of a female Taoist priest. Dependent on each other, staying in a small Taoist temple with poor fragrance, and maybe not seeing many outsiders all year round, the concept of love only exists in one's own imagination, relatively slow, not understanding of the world, but clear grievances and grudges.

If Xu Buling was kind to her, she would naturally have to repay him. I wanted to do something for Xu Buling to repay the kindness of saving my life, but I found that Xu Buling was highly skilled in martial arts and held a high position. He seemed to have everything but coveted her beauty!

Ning Qingye has never thought about the relationship between men and women when she has grown up. Although she has not become a monk, she was brought up by her master and already regards herself as a Taoist priest. Men are from another species. How can they commit themselves to each other? …

But Xu Buling went too far. She kindly inquired about the whereabouts of Dragon Lock Gu to repay her kindness, and then kissed her.

I remember running away and spending a month and a half alone to recover.

I have a lot of words hidden in my heart and I don’t know what to do. I really want to talk to the master, but the master is also missing. I can only stay alone in the small Taoist temple, holding the fox fur, thinking about how to solve this difficult problem. .


Ning Qingye couldn't remember what happened next. He went to Cao's house in Junshan and reunited with Xu Buling. It was smooth, neither far nor near, and he didn't seem to encounter any trouble as expected.

Now that I have been with Manzhi and the others for a long time, I actually like the life with a lot of people. A lot of people live in the same yard, playing, talking and laughing. It is completely different from the days in Changqing Temple. Master seems to have She liked it quite a lot, so she stayed.

Ning Qingye had never thought about what would happen in the future. She might not go back to Changqing Temple. Instead, she would go to Suzhou with Master and Xu Buling, rebuild a small Taoist temple, and then live like this...

Sitting in the snow forest with the rustling sea breeze, Ning Qingye's slender arms hugged her knees. The confusion and helplessness of the present and the future were intertwined, making her cold eyes look a little dull.

While she was lost in thought, Ning Qingye suddenly heard the sound of paper being blown by the wind.


There were no living creatures in the snowy forest, so the sound was obviously too abrupt.

Ning Qingye came back to her senses, held the hilt of her sword, looked at the source of the sound, and saw a middle-aged scholar standing in the distance of the woods below. He held a black oil paper umbrella in his left hand and a black oil paper umbrella in his right hand. The brush is drawn on the rice paper, which is hung on the tree trunk and blown up by the sea breeze.

"Xu Danqing?"

Ning Qingye was stunned for a moment. Last time she was in Xiaojiazhuang, she saw Xu Danqing from a distance. She didn't understand why this world-famous painting saint came here inexplicably and found her.

Ning Qingye was about to jump down and ask, but Xu Danqing, who was painting, quickly raised his brush and said with a warm smile:

"Girl, don't move around. It looks good just like that. The painting will be finished soon..."

Finished painting...

Ning Qingye froze on the branch, with a strange meaning in her eyes. She naturally understands what Xu Danqing is doing now. Maybe from tomorrow, she will be famous all over the world!

The master is the leader of Xuanhe Bagui. Ning Qingye has seen a lot of them since she was a child, but she doesn’t think he is that powerful. He is far less solid than the Sword Master. She has been famous since she was a child, but she has never taken it to heart. She became the Xinba It’s not unusual to succeed, but it’s not uncommon to fail.

But she never expected that Xu Danqing would find her while she was in a daze far away from the Central Plains.

Ning Qingye hesitated for a moment, maybe remembering the envious looks in Manzhi and Fubao's eyes. She finally followed the advice and didn't move. She continued to sit on the tree with her knees in her arms and asked:

"Senior Xu, how did you find me?"

Xu Danqing is painting, and sometimes he looks up:

"I happened to be passing by and bumped into him. It's good luck."

Ning Qingye was straightforward, but not stupid. He looked at the desolate area on the border of the empire and asked:

"Why did Senior Xu come here?"

Xu Danqing chuckled: "Come here and take a look at the scenery. Xu Buling seems to be coming soon. Is the girl waiting for him here?"

Ning Qingye was stunned for a moment when she heard this.

When Xu Buling arrived in Fanyang County, Ning Qingye had already left, so in Ning Qingye's mind, Xu Buling should have taken the boat back to Suzhou to get married.

"Why did Xu Buling come to Youzhou? Is it because of the Tang family's affairs?"

"The matter with the Tang family has been settled. Tang Jiao was decapitated by your master. He came here probably to find something."

Ning Qingye was confused: "What are you looking for?"

Xu Danqing shook his head: "It's a very important object anyway, I don't know."


Ning Qingye was slightly confused, but she didn't say much. She sat on the tree with her knees in her hands. After waiting for a while, she asked again:

"Mr. Xu, how beautiful am I?"

When Xu Danqing heard this, he smiled brightly and shook his head:

"All the girls who entered the painting, except Cui Xiaowan, have asked similar questions, but you are the most direct."

Ning Qingye frowned slightly: "Really? My master also asked?"

"Of course, when your master was fifteen or sixteen, he performed a sword dance and asked, 'How do I compare with the seven sisters in front of me?' What Xiao Xiang'er said was, 'I am the best in the world, do you understand?' ', Zhongli Chuchu also said, 'Either you don't paint, or you are the best in the world', haha..."

"Then what did the gentleman say?"

"How else can I answer? It's unique in the world. If I say anything else, I'll definitely be beaten to death. I can only say it privately after leaving..."

Ning Qingye tilted his head slightly, pondered, understood the meaning, and did not ask the question of which rank, but instead said:

"Why didn't Queen Cui ask this?"

Xu Danqing paused with his brush, thought for a while, shook his head and sighed softly:

"Everyone loves beauty, but there are always exceptions. The girl was too eccentric, and she may have never paid attention to how she looked. She shouldn't have painted it at the time. She got drunk and made mistakes, and hurt the girl badly..."

Ning Qingye heard from his master that 'Xu Danqing got drunk and mistakenly entered the peach blossom forest'. At that time, it was the Cui family who secretly spread rumors to attract Xu Danqing. Later, she entered the palace and became the queen, and died of depression at a young age. It was all the calculations of the emperors and generals. In fact, it had little to do with Queen Cui and Xu Danqing, and it couldn't change the result.

Ning Qingye was silent for a while, but didn't know how to comment.

After a while, Xu Danqing put away the imperial gold pen, took the scroll and walked under the tree, and handed it to Ning Qingye.

Ning Qingye jumped down from the branch, took the scroll, and looked at it carefully - the scroll showed flying snow, a lonely branch facing the sea, and between the vast sky and earth, a woman was leaning on a branch, with a long sword at hand, looking into the distance, and only a profile could be seen. Although the brushwork was concise and simple, the charm was portrayed to the bones, and even she herself felt a deep sense of familiarity.

However, Ning Qingye had rarely come into contact with these literati's elegant playthings since childhood, and apart from looking comfortable, she could not see any doorway, so she rolled up the scroll and put it away solemnly.

Xu Danqing clapped his hands, raised his hand and called the horse parked in the distance, and took a package from the side of the horse. The package was not big, and it was just enough to hold it with both hands. It was square, and it should be a wooden box inside.

Xu Danqing handed the small package to Ning Qingye: "Since we met, please bring me something and give it to Xu Buling."

Ning Qingye took the small package, which was a bit heavy in her hand. She was a little confused:

"Liaoxi County is so big, where can I find him?"

"I'll tell you a place, you just wait there..."


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