The prince is very fierce

Chapter 52 The Queen Mother's Visit

There was an encounter in the bamboo forest next to Qujiang Pond. It was a near miss. Ning Qingye failed to assassinate Zhang Xiang and was slightly injured. However, traps and escape routes had been laid out in the bamboo forest in advance. I am afraid he has escaped somewhere now. Recuperate.

Xu Bu Ling just used Ning Qingye to lure Zhang Xiang out of the Criminal Investigation Department. If Zhang Xiang really died, it would definitely cause an uproar. The current results were still within estimates, but Zhang Xiang's martial arts skills exceeded Xu Bu Ling's estimates. I'm afraid he is not far different from the one he was in his prime at the age of fifteen.

The main purpose today is to provide cover for Zhu Manzhi of the Criminal Investigation Department. With Lao Xiao and eight dead soldiers on standby around the Criminal Investigation Department, there shouldn't be anything going wrong. The rest will depend on the outcome.

From Xu Buling's point of view, it was best not to find clues about the Dragon Lock Gu in the Detective Department, because once found, it would mean that the court had concealed the news about the Dragon Lock Gu, and the meaning of that would be thought-provoking.

But before returning to the city to find Zhu Manzhi, Xu Buling had another unexpected trouble.

The sudden assassination in the bamboo forest obviously frightened Xiao Ting. He turned around and ran away with his sword. He caught up with the Queen Mother's chariot and shouted something like "Xu Bu Ling has been assassinated".

This frightened a bunch of women. Mrs. Lu almost fainted and hurriedly led the imperial guards and wolf guards to the bamboo forest.

Xu Bu Ling exercised too hard and caused the cold poison to attack. Before he could completely suppress it, he was telling Zhang Xiang to keep quiet when he was bumped into by Mrs. Lu. The result can be imagined.

It was past noon, and the fine and dense snowflakes gradually stopped. Several luxurious carriages were parked on the snowfield outside Chang'an City beside the official road. A large group of imperial guards and wolf guards were guarding the surroundings with their swords on their waists. The caravans were traveling far away. If you are far away, take a detour.

In the large carriage, Xu Buring was lying on a soft couch, with a hot towel covering his forehead and a thick quilt covering his body. He didn't dare to move even if his forehead was already sweating.

Naturally, the Queen Mother took the medical girl with her when traveling, and she was busy massaging and dredging the qi and blood.

Mrs. Lu's face turned pale. She sat sideways on the edge of the soft couch, her buttocks pressed against Xu Buling's waist. She held his hand and rubbed it back and forth. Her words were very harsh:

"...They all said that you can just go and have a look, and you are not allowed to do anything. It would be better for you to grab Zhang Xiang's knife and join the battle yourself... What is your identity? Prince Su, if you are required to go to the front to kill thieves, you will have to support hundreds of thousands." What are the soldiers doing? ...Zhang Xiang is useless, even an assassin can't deal with him..."

There was a bit of irritation in the words, but even the medical woman could hear the distress in them, let alone Xu Buling.

Xu Buling was rubbed for a long time by a pair of soft and boneless hands. The curve of his waist was full of tension. It was very sultry, but it was a bit difficult to resist. After thinking about it:

"Aunt Lu, I know I was wrong... The assassin tied me up last time, and I couldn't hold it back..."

"Don't you have a long memory of being kidnapped last time? Since they didn't kill you last time, you shouldn't have made enemies with them. Why did you bring the trouble on yourself for the trouble caused by the Detective Department? Those Jianghu people are already difficult. Tangle, kill one and lead them out, take revenge one after another..."

Xu Buling listened honestly. If he dared to move, he would get a fierce look in his eyes. He could only lie down like a patient and let several medical ladies toss him around. After a short rest, the cold poison in the body has basically been suppressed, but looking at the current situation, don't even think of getting up after returning to the palace.

Mrs. Lu taught her words eloquently for a moment, and suddenly there was a sound outside the carriage:

"See the Queen Mother!"

Several medical women quickly bowed their heads and stepped aside, waiting quietly.

Mrs. Lu frowned slightly, let go of Xu Buling's hand and stood up, making a greeting gesture.


The door of the large carriage was opened by the palace maid, and the Queen Mother walked in. She was slightly taller and wore a phoenix crown. She leaned slightly and passed through the door of the carriage, holding the hem of her clothes with her hands, her posture was quite elegant and graceful.

Although Mrs. Lu was puzzled by the Queen Mother's uninvited visit, she still bowed out of courtesy:

"Queen Mother."

"No gift."

The Queen Mother entered the carriage, holding a long sword in her hand to illuminate the situation. With a bit of concern in her eyes, she looked at Xu Buling who was sitting on the soft couch.

Xu Buling came to the capital last year, and it was only a year after all. The Queen Mother had lived in the palace for a long time and did not go out much. In the past, she had only seen her from afar at various celebrations. She was not very familiar with her. This was the first time she was so close. Back.

Xu Buling was lying on the soft couch. When he saw the Queen Mother, he naturally wanted to stand up and salute. But just as he sat up, Mrs. Lu raised her hand and pressed her back: "You are injured, don't move."

Xu Buling had no choice but to smile softly: "Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother knew that Xu Buring was poisoned, so she didn't mind it. She naturally sat down next to the soft couch, put the sword on the small table, and raised her hand to touch Xu Buring's wrist.

The Xiao family of Huainan, as a powerful official spanning three dynasties, was deeply involved in Confucianism and Mohism. In fact, Yin Yang and Zhou Yi were also involved in it, and they were quite famous. I dare not comment on metaphysics such as Qimen Bagua, but medical theories such as yin and yang qi are indeed of a high level. People in the Xiao family can basically treat diseases. Xiao Chuyang was a county magistrate in the poor mountains and rivers carrying a medicine box, but it is still a matter of fact now. Nice talk.

As the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family, the Queen Mother wanted to know more about things. At this time, she also wanted to see how Xu Buling was doing.

The faint fragrance came to his nose. Looking at the condescending beauty in palace attire, Xu Buling felt that he was just like a seven or eight-year-old kid, and he was really helpless. It's not right to withdraw your hand right now, and it's not right to just wait.

Fortunately, Mrs. Lu was standing nearby. When she saw the Queen Mother coming up, she started to move and said with a busy smile:

"Your Majesty, the medical lady has just checked your pulse. There is nothing serious."

The Queen Mother stretched out her hand halfway, paused when she heard the words, then took it back and smiled sweetly:

"I am acquainted with Prince Su and his wife. You have not been to visit me for more than a year since you came to the capital, and I have not invited you to come. You have lost your duty as an elder."

Xu Buling smiled brightly: "It's because of the poor etiquette of this junior. After entering the capital, he just wandered around and did not visit the Queen Mother in the palace. The Queen Mother should not be overly worried."

Xu Buling and the Queen Mother have nothing to do with each other. Even their relationship is only nominal, and all they can say are these unnutritious and superficial words.

The Queen Mother nodded and smiled, chatting casually for a few words, then looked at the long sword next to her:

"Thank you for protecting Xiao Ting in the bamboo forest just now. Xiao Xiang only has two sons. If something goes wrong, I, as an aunt, can't bear it. I really have to thank you... Well... If nothing happens the day after tomorrow, Come sit in the palace and chat with you about some small things."

After Mrs. Lu’s reminder, Xu Buling naturally knew what was going on and nodded immediately:

"I sincerely obey the Queen Mother's decree."

When the Queen Mother heard the words "I will obey the Queen Mother's decree", she was stunned for a moment, and then she covered her mouth and let out a series of "giggle..." laughter. Her eyebrows were crooked and her steps were trembling. She was obviously dignified and majestic, but she was inexplicably wearing it. A bit of a bright feeling.

Mrs. Lu stood in front of her, turning her head slightly, her eyes a little dissatisfied.

The Queen Mother may have felt it was inappropriate, so she stopped laughing and joked: "You kid, you speak very seriously, and you don't look like a young man at all. As an elder, I ask you to go have a meal, and you treat it as a receptionist." If it’s a decree, it would be meaningless.”

Xu Buling was just trying to make Mrs. Lu feel more comfortable, so he could only nod his head dully and refused to answer.

The Queen Mother sat for a while and chatted with Mrs. Lu for a few words before getting up and leaving the carriage, letting the honor guard return to the city.

The carriage swayed.

Mrs. Lu sat down next to Xu Buling again, thought for a moment, and glanced at Xu Buling: "When you enter the palace the day after tomorrow, you look like this. Don't talk too intimately with the Queen Mother, let alone write poems. The Queen Mother knows that you are civilized and martial. If you have both, others will naturally know..."

Xu Buling chuckled and said, "I'm just a reckless man. I don't know anything about poetry."

Mrs. Lu nodded with satisfaction, then took Xu Buling's hand and rubbed it, looking out the car window, not knowing what she was thinking about...

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