The prince is very fierce

Chapter 50 Breaking through the sea (205/526)

The world is like a chess game, and everyone is a chess piece.

There is no hatred between chess pieces, it just depends on who controls them and where they are.

On an isolated island overseas, the six people who had just worked together to break the stone door and shared drinks around the fire were caught in the bloodiest fight in their lives, and it was destined that only one party could walk out standing.

In the cold sea water, Xu Buling swam hard to the boat hovering in the waves.

Ning Qingye still hid and did not get up. Zhongli Jiujiu lay on the bow of the boat, stretched out his right hand and pulled Xu Buling up from the sea water.


The seawater on his robe splashed on the boat. Xu Buling sprayed white mist from his mouth. He looked back at the coast. After making sure that no one was chasing him, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the bow of the boat, gasping for breath.

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little anxious, rowing hard, urging: "Take off the wet clothes quickly, otherwise you will freeze to death... Miss Ning, lend me a piece of clothes..."

Xu Buling raised his hand: "Don't get up, just lie down..."

Walking in the cold western Liaoning, it is natural not to wear only single clothes. Ning Qingye took off her outer skirt, wearing only a close-fitting white shirt and white pants, and handed it to Xu Buling.

Seeing Xu Buling take off his robe, it was wet from inside to outside, and he probably had to take it off completely. Ning Qingye's expression changed slightly. She had never seen a naked man before, so she naturally didn't dare to look at it, and her eyes turned to one side.

Zhongli Jiujiu and Xu Buling had been through thick and thin together, so there was no need to be so particular at this moment. However, he still did not focus on Xu Buling, but looked at Yuetuo Island, which was getting farther and farther away:

"They robbed a fake imperial seal... Ah—Zheng Yushan...seems to be dead..."

Ning Qingye grew up in Shu. Zheng Yushan was the leader of Shu in those days and had taken good care of the mountain stronghold. Hearing this, he suddenly leaned forward and glanced over the edge of the boat. After seeing the almost hell-like fight on the beach, he could not help but show some shock and anger in his eyes:

"Are they crazy?"

Xu Buling did not look back. Wrapped in a white cloak, he hesitated for a moment and sighed softly:

"You can't go over there. As long as you show your head, they will guess that there is a fraud, and the three of us will die. What they are robbing is the throne, which is a matter of death. It is not a child's play."

Zhongli Jiujiu knew the relationship between Ning Qingye and Li Hansheng, and the six people worked together to break the stone just now. Everyone was moved by their indomitable willpower. For the real jade seal, or for a fake jade seal, dying here, even Zhongli Jiujiu felt it was not worth it.

"Chen Chong and Chen Daozi are too powerful, only Li Hansheng and Qiu Fengqing are left, I guess they can't stop them... Isn't it a dead end..."

Ning Qingye's eyes showed a moment of entanglement, holding the hilt tightly, breathing rapidly, but did not speak.

Xu Buling also wanted to run and kill Chen Daozi, but he "gave up" the fight for the jade seal, and there was no reason to go back from any perspective. After a day and a night of fighting and confinement, it was difficult to sustain physical strength. Going back to help in the name of grabbing the jade seal would be regarded as a target of hunting, which was not advisable.

Seeing Ning Qingye staring at the beach, his whole body stiff, Xu Buling sighed: "Hurry up and go to Bodhi Island, Zhu Liu is probably here too. As long as Zhu Liu comes, Li Hansheng won't die."

Ning Qingye's eyes obviously relaxed a little when he heard this. Seeing that he was already far away, he quickly lay on the edge of the boat and rowed the boat hard:

"I have to take Li Hansheng to my mother's grave to apologize, and then kill him with my own hands... He can't die here because of such a small matter..."

Xu Buling sighed softly, and didn't comfort him, not knowing how to comfort him.

Before Li Hansheng left, he was obviously very good to his wife and daughter. Qingye should have loved his father very much since he could remember until he was five or six years old. Later, Li Hansheng left and never came back. It is true that he hated him in his heart, but the appearance in his memory was the harmonious and beautiful picture of the family before Li Hansheng left. When he really saw Li Hansheng in a desperate situation, how could his heart not be disturbed at all.

Zhongli Jiujiu sat in front of Xu Buling and rowed the boat. Perhaps the scene behind him was too tragic. Just like raising a Gu, she could not intervene, so she could only change the subject:

"Why did Xu Danqing let Miss Ning wait here? And what about the fake jade seal?"

Xu Buling was now stable and had time to think. He frowned and reviewed the situation carefully:

"When Li Hansheng found the clues to Bodhi Island, the people from Yuelu Mountain were also in the Wu Wang Mansion. Logically, only I, the Wu Wang, and the old master knew the news. The people from the Chu Wang rushed to Youzhou so quickly, it must be that the old master secretly sent the message and deliberately lured them."

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little confused: "Since he left a backup for you, why did he bring the people from the Chu Wang here? Why not just let you and Li Hansheng fight for it? "

Xu Buling shook his head: "If I didn't know Li Hansheng, Li Hansheng would have killed me, and Ding Yuan obviously wanted to kill me for the jade seal. Let's not talk about the two of them, they are fighting to the death. The three of us represent the three kings of Su, Chu, and Wu. We had no hatred before, but after this incident, we will fight to the death."

When Zhongli Jiujiu heard this, he immediately understood:

"That old man is fanning the flames?"

Xu Buling nodded: "Yes, there is nothing I can do even if I know. But it is good news that Qingye came to pick me up with the fake jade seal."

"How did he know that you came out first? And from Yuetuo Island?"

"Three parties fought in a melee to grab the jade seal. After they succeeded, they would definitely run away and it was impossible to go back. The old master probably saw from some places that the exit was on Yuetuo Island, so he asked Qingye to wait at the beach. If I come out first, it means he saw the right person. , help me put my worries aside. If Li Hansheng and Ding Yuan come out first, Qingye will run to call someone to rescue me, of course, if I don't die in the underground palace."

Ning Qingye kept her eyes on the island until she couldn't see clearly, then she sat up in despair:

"Drag so many people into the water, stir up trouble everywhere, and stir up trouble in the world. What are you trying to do?"

Zhongli Jiujiu thought for a while and glanced at Xu Buling: "I want to be the emperor..."

Xu Buling shook his head: "The trend of the times cannot be avoided without human power. Without the old master to fan the flames, sooner or later there will be a fight. No one can stay out of it. If I don't seize the jade seal, King Su's lineage will be passive in the future, even turning against the enemy." There is no chance to fight. I don’t want to get involved in this matter, but having a sword in my hand is better than not having it at all.”


The three of them were speechless and rowed the fishing boat together, heading towards Bodhi Island six miles away.

With Ning Qingye as a new force, the three of them moved very quickly. When they arrived near Bodhi Island, they saw several large and small ships parked on the edge of the island. Under the urging of the police, some civilians who came over came to the island mountain with hammers and pickaxes. Run over to Qiu.

Among the crowd, Xu Buling also found traces of Dayinglou's subordinates, mixed among the civilians, who seemed to be the rangers who came to help enthusiastically.

Xu Buling would definitely not dare to go ashore with the imperial seal, otherwise he would be hunted to death no matter which party found him. He returned the white skirt wrapped around him to Ning Qingye:

"Qingye, go find the people who fight Yinglou and tell them about the situation there. Go and rescue people quickly, and then come back with Nightingale. Don't reveal anything about Yuxi. We have to leave as soon as possible."

Ning Qingye didn't waste any time and quickly rowed the boat to the rocks, then jumped onto the island and ran towards the crowd...


Yue Tuo Island.

Heavy snow and waves swept across the beach, and black blood was scattered on the white snow. Three swords were stuck on the ground, one of which was stuck under Zheng Yushan's ribs. It passed through the body and came out from the lower back, piercing the The water from the underground river flowed out of the wine bag at his waist and quickly turned into ice.

Qiu Fengqing's right chest was stabbed with a bloody hole by the steel gun that had turned into an iron rod. The blood was almost flowing. His left hand still grabbed the back of Ding Yuan's neck, and the two corpses were frozen together.


The sound of heavy breathing with blood foam was sometimes rapid and slow, and white mist sprayed from the mouth and nose.

Chen Chong, the spear god of Northern Xinjiang, was sitting under a big rock, with his iron gun lying on his side. There were cracks on the stone behind him, apparently from a slap. There were several claw marks on his chest, and there was blood in his mouth and nose. drip down.

"It's... it's so fucking awesome... It seems that I am not the best in the world... You guys have left some strength down there... Chen Daozi's little grandson actually escaped... Bah...cough cough... …”

The intermittent words came out. He may still have the strength, but he no longer wants to fight. Perhaps at the last moment of his life, it is more practical to say a few words of complaint than to struggle in vain.

In front of the boulder, Li Hansheng was holding a blood-red jade seal with his left hand. There were drops of blood on the fingertips of his right hand falling on the snow. However, his figure was as straight as a pine tree, condescending, and his eyes were cold.

Li Hansheng's scholar's robe had already been taken off underground. There were more than a dozen wounds on his body. The most dangerous one was half an inch below his heart. Blood was still oozing, but his body was motionless. It seemed that the wounds were not on him.

"It doesn't make much difference whether I kill you or not. My target is Yuxi, not you."

"Haha... I'm convinced... I'm convinced..."

Chen Chong coughed up a mouthful of blood, raised his neck, and closed his eyes:

"Let's do it, be quick...I didn't look at the almanac when I went out this time..."

Li Hansheng's eyes were cold, he glanced at the bodies of Zheng Yushan and Qiu Fengqing, paused for a moment, and then returned to Chen Chong:

"You have repaid the favor you owed King Chu. How about following Yinglou from now on?"


Chen Chong coughed twice, opened his eyes, glanced at Li Hansheng standing in front of him, was silent for a moment, and nodded:

"Okay, whatever you say is what you always say, the strong are respected..."

Li Hansheng took a breath, turned around and walked towards the seaside, holding a bloody jade seal in his hand, looking at the other side's coast. After a while, he walked forward and broke through the sea!

Chen Chong leaned on the stone to relax for a long time, wiped his lips with his scarred arm, climbed up with the iron gun in his hand, looked at the iron gun that was already an iron rod in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and threw it on the beach...


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