The prince is very fierce

Chapter 75: The Dog in the Water

The Crown Prince Is Very Fierce Chapter 75 of the Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow Chapter 75: The Drowned Dog in the Sea of ​​Peach Blossoms It is windy and snowy, and I don’t know what day it is.

Xu Bu Ling ran wildly through the forest with a single sword in hand, locking the figures in front of him, more than fifty steps away from each other.

An injured person may be affected in a fight, but when it comes to escaping, he will definitely be faster than in his heyday.

With his life hanging by a thread, even ordinary people can unleash unimaginable potential, let alone Chen Daozi, who is a military commander.

The mountains are rugged and roadless, but Chen Daozi is walking on flat ground. It is no exaggeration to describe him as fast as thunder.

In order to escape for his life, Chen Daozi could increase his speed crazily regardless of the cost. Xu Buling didn't have to worry about his life, but it was difficult for him to run to death when being chased. Even if he wanted to, without the sense of crisis around the neck of the knife holder, it would be difficult to stimulate the potential of overdrafting the body. This is not what he can do. controlled.

They chased them for more than four miles between the mountains. Instead of closing the distance, they became further and further apart.

Xu Buling gritted his teeth and ran with all his strength, trying to draw his bow and arrow, but the mountains were uneven and there were too many trees, making it impossible to shoot through.

The two of them gradually stepped into the depths of the peach blossom sea in Pinggu. The surrounding area was deserted and there was no clearing in the mountains where they could stop. Dense shrubs and dead vines were intertwined. Even Wu Kui found it difficult to run quickly in this situation.

Chen Daozi used his sleeves to sweep away the dead vine branches blocking his way. The multiple wounds on his chest were bleeding profusely. His face became paler and whiter, and was stained red with blood from his ears. It was obvious that he was under great pressure. But Xu Bu Ling didn't need to open the way, he just had to follow and quickly closed the distance.

Chen Daozi's eyes showed a bit of anxiety. Fortunately, after climbing over a mountain, a rushing river appeared in front of him. Chen Daozi jumped into the river without hesitation, stepping on the water and speeding downstream, his speed reaching the extreme again. Only this time, it wasn't two legs chasing him.

Although the river is winding and fast, it is still straight for short distances, and it is empty and free of debris. There are only two people walking on the river.

Chen Daozi couldn't fly more than a few dozen steps, and Xu Buling behind him also fell into the water. Then there was a sharp sound of wind, and an arrow pointed directly at his vest.

Walking on water consumes a lot of energy, and treading on water is different from treading on land. You cannot use the force to make sharp turns, and the turning radius is very large.

Xu Bu Ling opened the bow and fired arrows while running. Although it would affect the running speed, there was not much difference between aiming and shooting on horseback. The arrows fired from the three-stone bow were obviously much faster than those shot with two legs.

An arrow struck from behind, and Chen Daozi cursed angrily: "Despicable!" Then he dove into the water and swam forward. The river in the mountains is not a lake. The deepest part is only waist high. It is full of dark pools and rocks. It is not easy to swim. The only advantage is that the river is fast and you can use the current to travel along the current.

Xu Buling was flying across the water with an iron bow. After hearing the "despicable" sound, he laughed angrily and didn't bother to argue. He said, "What can you do to me?", and then he drew his bow and arrow again. , shooting at Chen Daozi who was splashing in the water.

rustle rustle

Arrows are like falling stars.

Chen Daozi was able to use his strength in the water and was able to hear the sound and identify his position to avoid it. However, the resistance to moving in the water was too great and the energy consumption doubled. After a moment, his face turned purple from suffocation. If his life was not hanging by a thread, he would have fallen down long ago.

The deep water area eventually ends. When I run deep into the river, the water becomes shallow and only knee-deep, making it impossible to swim.

Chen Daozi got up and waded into the water and ran wildly, moving left and right to avoid arrows.

Xu Buling did not hold on, and landed on the shallow beach. He shot Chen Daozi in the back with an arrow while running quickly. After using up most of the arrows in the pot, he pulled out the feather arrow stuck in the river and continued shooting.

With such endless interference and pursuit, even if Chen Daozi is a martial arts master, exhausted and suffering from internal and external injuries, it is impossible for him to be completely negligent. When passing a stone on the river beach, I accidentally stepped on it while trying to avoid it, causing me to stumble a little.


It was at this moment that an arrow shot from the three-stone bow penetrated into his back and pierced through his left shoulder.

One wrong step, every wrong step. book bar

The inertia of the sharp arrows made Chen Daozi stumble forward, and two more arrows struck, burying themselves in his back.


Chen Daozi walked a long distance, his energy and blood surged, and his lungs were about to explode. After being seriously injured, he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into the water.

Xu Buling was also panting like an ox, his heart was beating like a drum, his fingers that were used to draw the bow were bloodshot, and his arms were directly strained and the pain was unbearable. But at this moment, these obviously had no impact. He just slowed down his pace, opened his bow and shot at Chen Daozi's back, hitting his vital points without sparing any effort.

"You run away for me!"



The violent wheezing and coughing almost drowned out the sound of the river.

The reason why martial arts masters are afraid of the imperial court's feathered arrows is because no matter how tight the defense is, there will always be times when they are thick and thin. A shot to the torso will cause a penetrating injury, and a shot to the hands and feet will inevitably hinder movement. Basically, if you hit the first arrow, you will end up being turned into a hedgehog by thousands of arrows.

After Chen Daozi was hit by several arrows in a row, he threw himself in the water and crawled forward on his hands and feet. His speed was still very fast, but it was no longer easy to avoid the arrows. In an instant, his back was filled with arrows, until Xu Buling took the arrows. Shoot empty.

Boom boom boom

A huge roar was heard, and the two chased each other to the waterfall at the end of the river.

Chen Daozi's eyes were bloodshot, and his mouth and nose were covered in blood, but Wu Kui's willpower was still there and he climbed towards the waterfall with all his strength, trying to escape by rushing into the waterfall.

Xu Buling was almost exhausted after chasing for so far. Even though he knew that Chen Daozi would not survive, he would not let him go until he saw him close his eyes. He took a deep breath and rose from the river. He drew out the long sword from his waist and stabbed Chen Daozi in the back like a black eagle pouncing on a rabbit.

Chen Daozi's eyes showed some fear. He suddenly raised his hand and swept back, saying hoarsely: "Stop..."

The straight sword was inserted into the back of his neck, pierced through his throat, and stuck into the stone at the edge of the waterfall, more than an inch into the stone.

The hand rose and the sword fell, and the noise suddenly quieted down!

Chen Daozi was nailed into the river immediately, and his raised hand fell down, and there was no movement at all.

"Hu... Hu..."

Xu Buling held the handle of the sword with both hands, and his muscles were twitching all over his body. His heartbeats were continuous, and the violent beating in his chest could be seen with the naked eye.

The mountains were desolate and the river water was icy cold.

After the intense exercise, he suddenly stopped. His forehead was hurt by the boiling blood and he felt a little dizzy. Xu Buling held the handle of the knife and panted for a long time. He scooped up the river water and drank two mouthfuls. He wiped his face and recovered a little.

He looked down at Chen Daozi's body, touched his neck with his hand, and after confirming that he was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The dust settled.

Xu Buling stood up on his knees, drew out his long knife, looked up and looked around, distinguishing east, west, south and north.

But at a glance, he saw a dark shadow on the top of the forest next to the waterfall. When he looked over, it flapped its wings and flew away, making an eagle cry...

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