The morning light shines on the earth, and the common people are like ants, running back and forth on the roads and towns, some for three meals a day, and some for high-ranking officials and generous salaries. But looking down from the sky, it is like looking at ants on the ground. There is no difference between them.

On a high peak in the sea of ​​peach blossoms in Pinggu, a rickety old man in a cloth robe squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the ground beneath his feet.

Occasionally, an eagle would fly over and stop next to the old man, pecking the old man's boots quite affectionately. Apparently he was curious as to why the auspicious beast that used to stand at the top of the Tai Chi Hall came here.

"Let's take off our armor and return to the fields. Don't worry about it anymore. Go find your master."

With a smile in his eyes, the rickety old man lightly kicked the falcon squatting at his feet with his shoe. The falcon flapped its wings and rode the wind, straight into the sky, and flew over the hundred-mile sea of ​​peach blossoms.

Watching the falcon go away, the old man turned around and walked down the mountain peak, walking slowly through the dense forests of the mountains, but soon arrived at the waterfall where Chen Daozi was buried.

After looking at the sword marks left on the rocks under the water, he flew down, landed on the edge of the canyon river, and continued to move inward.

Walking along the way, he looked like an ordinary old man going out for a walk. Perhaps that was indeed the case. After all, he no longer belonged to any force. He was just one of the many ants under the sky. He was getting old and had nothing left to do. Yes, I just want to find a comfortable place to sleep.

Passing through the winding river and thousands of peach trees, three small houses emerged from the peach trees.

Outside the neat forest of saplings, there were several small holes. A woman in a blue sarong, holding a small hoe with great difficulty, was still digging small holes in the frozen mud. The black dog stood in front of it. , with white mist spraying from its mouth and nose, and helping to dig with its paws. The sound of "chacha" is the only sound in the canyon.

The headless snowman in the middle of the road has been bulldozed because it was an eyesore. The big snowman in the sapling forest is still there, still maintaining a smile made of stones, looking at the woman digging a hole in the distance.

In the small courtyard with a fence, a table was placed in front of the main room, with a bowl of snow accumulated in a wooden bowl. The snowman sitting on the stool was wearing a freshly sewn white robe, and two swords made of wood were hung around his waist. The fish caught from the river were hung neatly in the window, and more than a dozen fish almost covered the window.

Eunuch Jia stopped outside the sapling forest without disturbing the woman and the black dog in the peach blossom forest. He looked at the "neatly dressed" snowman at the table with his dim eyes, shook his head and smiled, but he didn't know what it meant.



The woman's physical strength was not very good, so she dug in the frozen soil for a while, stopped to rest, wiped the sweat on her cheeks with her sleeves, and moved her eyes to the snowman sitting at the table, still, as if thinking about something. After a while, he softly recited two lines: "Huang Liang Mengjue San Spring Festival Gala, why bother to meet again after farewell..." and other poems. After resting enough, he continued to lift the hoe, and the cycle started again.

After an unknown amount of time, the tired black dog stopped and squatted on the ground to breathe. Finally, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the old man standing not far away. He shivered in fright and quickly barked fiercely:

"Woof woof"

The woman turned around and saw Eunuch Jia standing outside the sapling forest. There was surprise in her eyes, but she was not surprised. She quickly turned her face back and continued to dig a hole with her small hoe:

"I won't go back. I'm already dead. You can't catch me."

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone, as if he felt that someone had disturbed the peace in the canyon.

Eunuch Jia's wrinkled old face showed a somewhat humble smile again, he bowed slightly and said:

"The old slave is not here to arrest anyone. He has already retreated from the palace. He has been serving people all his life, but this free man doesn't know where to go. Thinking that the queen is staying here alone, and there is no one to help fetch water and wood, so Come and help me.”

The former empress was Xiao Xiang'er, who became the empress dowager after the late emperor died of illness. There was only one queen in the Zhaohong period, Cui Xiaowan, who had already written "sick and dying" in the Zongren Mansion and was buried outside Chang'an City.

However, Eunuch Jia watched Song Ji grow up, watched Song Ji grow up, succeed to the throne, marry a wife, and get along day and night. He probably knew Song Ji better than Song Ji himself, and he obviously would not recognize the wrong person.

Cui Xiaowan stopped her movements and turned around again, her face a little unhappy:

"Don't call me queen, I'm already dead."

Eunuch Jia nodded lightly: "Then I will take the liberty of calling you Miss Cui."

Cui Xiaowan nodded, stood silent for a while in the peach blossom forest, and muttered: "I happened to be on duty with Lin Sou, and we chatted and laughed with no return date... Well, come in and talk to me."

Eunuch Jia bowed slightly, walked into the forest of saplings with his hands behind his back, and looked around like a passerby admiring the scenery.

Cui Xiaowan returned to the small fenced courtyard with a hoe, picked up a kettle from the kitchen, looked around, took out a wooden bowl with a bowl of snow, cleaned it, poured a bowl of hot water, and asked:

"Where's Jia Yi? Why doesn't he come back?"

Eunuch Jia crossed the fence, took the wooden bowl with both hands, sat down at the table, shook his head and said:

"Jia Yi's son was not very smart. He died in the palace last year in order to help Song Yu rebel. His body was later buried next to the Queen's Mausoleum."


Cui Xiaowan's emotions were always written on her face. She was obviously a little disappointed at this time. She put down the kettle and there were only two stools, one with a snowman sitting on it, so she sat on the lounge chair next to her:

"Why didn't you tell him that I was here? He has been in a daze since he was a child, telling him not to enter the palace and insisting on entering. Even if I am dead, I don't know how to go back..."

Eunuch Jia sighed softly: "In order to reduce the feudal vassal, Duke Cui planned this secret thing with the Holy Father. Cui Gong took you back, and only two or three people in the world knew about it. Jia Yi is your dead man, he If he doesn’t believe it, others won’t believe it, so he can’t know.”

Cui Xiaowan has disliked these struggles for power since he was a child, and his eyebrows showed a little anger:

"The emperor gave me a glass of poisonous wine and asked me to drink it, so I drank it. He didn't tell me any of these messy things."

Eunuch Jia put down the wooden bowl, thought for a moment, and shook his head:

"It's a long story. When the Holy Emperor first succeeded to the throne, his original intention was to add one more king to the Seven Kings, and enfeoff his compatriot Song Yu to Youzhou as King of Yan. The price paid for this move was not small. How could Guang convince all the major kings? The nobles, princes, generals, and ministers all thought hard about it. It's a pity that Song Yu didn't live up to his expectations. He exchanged a few letters with you and didn't even meet you, so he forgot his identity...

...Later, the Cui family wanted to compete for the queen, but things had reached that point. The emperor's wedding banquet could not be left empty. The wedding envoy sent you to Chang'an. As an emperor, it is impossible for the emperor to give up the mother of a country just for the sake of brotherhood...

...Song Yu is also a pig-headed man. He is the vassal king in Youzhou and has enough power to compete with the kings of Su and Chu. However, because of his love for his children and his grudge against the emperor, he rushes into the Imperial College to become a teacher...

...If he just taught with peace of mind, the Holy One would not force Song Yu. However, after Song Yu spent several years in the Imperial College, he forgot his original intention, saw the benefits of the power in the hands of the emperor, and regarded the Holy One as an enemy of the throne. Secretly Recruiting people to take back the throne...

...The matter has come to this, and the brotherhood is gone. An emperor cannot be merciful. All he can do is use this opportunity to exchange for greater benefits...

...Song Yu was indecisive in doing things. He wanted to usurp the throne, but he was also afraid of being infamous throughout the ages, so he was not decisive enough. In order to find a fig leaf for him, Cui Gong suggested using your death as an excuse for Song Yu. As expected, Song Yu did not dare to see you before his death, but after his death, he stayed behind closed doors every day to paint, showing his infatuated side to outsiders. When he usurped the throne, he kept shouting that he was trapped by love and would avenge you..."

"Song Yu is a hypocrite to begin with, and Song Ji is also a hypocrite."

Cui Xiaowan frowned slightly and pointed to the largest peach tree in the forest: "They are just like that tree. In order to grow bigger, they completely cover the sun, regardless of whether the small tree will die, even if it is It doesn’t matter if it grows from the same tree’s seeds.”

Eunuch Jia chuckled at this: "Emperors should be like this. If they are not selfish and ambitious, they cannot keep their family property. If the current emperor is not an emperor, he is no worse than any gentleman in the world. How many years have you been in the palace? I know you

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