The prince is very fierce

Chapter 20 Encounter

"Drive - drive -"

The earth is trembling, and the thunder in the distance can be heard in the distance, which is so dull that it makes people palpitate.

Xu Buling led two hundred light cavalry and ran for more than 20 miles towards Taiyuan. Along the way, he encountered a large number of people fleeing south. The official roads were almost blocked. He could only head east from the fields, only to see people passing by in the sky. The eagle, Xu Buling, secretly thought something was wrong and said:

"The Northern Qi Vanguard Army is too fast. They are not going to Taiyuan but to Jinzhong. If we run any further, we will run into them head-on."

The plain stretched as far as the eye could see, and Nightingale could get an overview of it from the smoke and dust at the end of the sky. She said in a deep voice: "It takes at least ten thousand people to make such a big movement. If you run so fast, you must know the defenses around Taiyuan well..."

Chen Dazong followed behind with an angry look on his face: "There must be an internal conspiracy. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were stationed in Taiyuan at Ningwuguan. How could they be invaded so quickly? We will definitely be surrounded when we go to Taiyuan now. What should we do?"

Xu Buling thought for a moment, then changed direction and said: "Xiao Qi must have sailed. Let's divert to Liujiabao. The Liujiabao terrain is desolate and the Qi army will not go there. We will wait for the ship downstream. When the time comes, Abandon your horse and take a boat. The Qi army has no navy. It will be safe if you get on the boat."

Everyone nodded and turned around to head to Liujiabao.

Before running far on the snowy field, Nightingale suddenly flew up and stood on the horse. She took out the monocular telescope Xiao Xianger had made from her waist and looked at the smoke and dust in the distance:

"Sir, there is a group of light cavalry chasing us on the right. There are more than 400 people. The horses are very fast and our war horses cannot outrun them."

Zhu Manzhi had never fought in a war. As he was flying with the old woman, he looked around a few times: "I know a small road..."

Xu Buling raised his hand: "There are eagles in the sky, and they can't be rid of them unless they burrow under the ground."

Kou Meng walked beside Xu Buling and thought for a while: "General Chen, the body of Prince Su's son must not fall into the hands of the barbarians of Northern Qi. Otherwise, I will wait for the end..."

Xu Buling raised his hand and said: "After breaking something, there are countless thousands of people behind, and they can't stop them even if they form a long snake formation. Speed ​​up the march."


When Chen Da heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Xu Bu Ling really ordered them to cut off the rear, and he really couldn't disobey the order, otherwise he would not be able to escape death if he returned alive.

More than two hundred horses galloped south. Although Xu Buling and Nightingale's horses were able to get rid of their pursuers, Chu Chu and Man Zhi's horses were not very good. Their speed was about the same as that of the border army's horses. It was impossible for Chu Chu and Man Zhi to leave Man Zhi alone. To escape, only two hundred people can run together.

It's just that the Northern Qi Dynasty launched a blitzkrieg, and almost all the vanguard troops rode the best horses that could be found in Mobei. The more than 400 cavalrymen who chased them were obviously elite. Their horse speed was almost the same as that of one of the best snow horses, and it only took a quarter of an hour. In a short time, a figure appeared from the snowy field, galloping from the side.

"Prepare to engage the enemy!"

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Chen Da took off the bow and arrow from the side of his horse without hesitation. The two hundred light cavalry behind him moved in unison. They were all veterans who had fought in small-scale encounters.

Xu Bu Ling visually measured the distance. When the two sides got closer, they would start firing arrows. The frontier army's bows and arrows were no joke. More than 400 people were throwing arrows, and it was hard to be careful when the arrows were flying around. He quickly said:

"Nightingale, you take them to Liu Family Fort first, and I'll clear out the pursuers."

Nightingale nodded, and immediately led Song Yufu to speed up and left the team.

Although Zhu Manzhi was a little worried, her three-legged cat kung fu could only defeat ordinary Jianghu people. She couldn't even defend herself against bows and arrows, so she could only follow Nightingale nervously.

The old woman had already seen a large group of soldiers and horses rushing towards her. However, she did not care about her son at the first moment, but said anxiously: "Mengzi! Don't let anything happen to your benefactor. You are the best at fighting. Don't be a coward at this time..."

Kou Meng took off the red tassel gun from the side of the horse: "Don't worry, mother, there will be someone to take care of you even if I die today. I can't be a coward."

Although Ning Qingye is not a master, his martial arts skills are definitely not low. He can easily defeat a dozen of ordinary frontier soldiers. At this time, he did not follow. Instead, he ran to Xu Buling with the Zhaodan Sword given by Xu Buling. side.

Zhongli Chuchu was originally following Nightingale, and when he saw this, he wanted to run over to help, but was told by Nightingale: "Qi Jun is wearing iron armor, your flying knives and poisonous needles are useless, just follow him honestly."


Zhongli Chuchu followed Zhongli Jiujiu. Although she looked pretty, her martial arts skills were only slightly better than Manzhi. There was no way for the two armies to fight and lose the lock dragon Gu. At the moment, she could only say: "Mr. Xu, be careful." and left. cavalry……



The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, and the four hundred fine cavalry were very fast. In the blink of an eye, they had arrived at the distance of two arrows, and they could clearly see the two hundred big Yue Qingqi in front.

The leader of the general, Zhang Han, is one of the fierce generals under Prince You. He grew up in Mobei since he was a child. His father's generation intermarryed with barbarian women, resulting in impure blood. His appearance was quite rough, and he did not have as good an education as the children of the aristocratic family. He has become just like a barbarian, with his long hair tied up in pigtails, holding a halberd weighing more than thirty kilograms, and rushing to the front.

The deputy general was walking beside him and saw three horses of the deserters in front of them separated from the team, and the people on them were women in skirts. He quickly said: "General, they want to abandon their carriages to protect the commander and run away with their families first. What should I do?" "

Zhang Han naturally saw it and said angrily: "Two hundred heads are not enough for me to make a trip. The prince has told me that he will capture the son of the aristocratic family in Taiyuan. He will be of great use. Send a team of people to go around from the side and continue chasing. Let’s deal with these two hundred people first…”

While he was speaking, the deputy general's eyes suddenly froze and he raised his hand: "Be careful, the other side won't escape!"

Zhang Han paused, looked up, and found that the two hundred deserters in front of him turned around in unison, made a big circle, and began to turn back. They were all veterans of the battlefield, and it was clear what they were going to do.

Zhang Han was slightly stunned, and then his eyes showed a bit of arrogance and surprise: "I didn't expect that there were real men among the cowards in the south. Draw your swords! Charge them down for me!"


The Qi army, who had just raised their bows and arrows, saw that the opponent was rushing back. The distance was too close and they were coming in an instant. If they shot arrows again, they couldn't throw them and it would be easy to hurt their own people. Instead, they pulled out four hundred swords from their waists, clamped their horses' bellies without any avoidance, and rushed forward directly.

The plain was flat and open, which was suitable for horse battles. The four hundred elite soldiers of Northern Qi were just about to make a concerted effort to push down the group of deserters who were trying to stop a chariot. Unexpectedly, they saw a young man in a white robe rushing out from the cavalry in front of them, holding a single sword and rushing over directly. The speed of the horse was so fast that it was scary. In an instant, he left the two hundred cavalrymen behind him far behind.

Zhang Han was slightly stunned, holding a halberd and said: "This guy is not here to surrender to the enemy, don't kill him, you can see that he is the leader, this courage is really fucking big..."

The rest of the Qi army was also a little shocked. The cavalry relied on the invulnerable protection of heavy armor and horse armor to charge the battle formation. The man on the opposite side rushed out, wearing a cloth robe, and the weapon he held was not the big sword used in the battle formation. It was as thin and long as a noodle. It was estimated that he would be broken in a charge. Is this a young man who has never been on the battlefield, fighting with blood and blood to die?

Not only the soldiers of Northern Qi thought so, but Dayue was almost the same.

Xu Buling suddenly ordered to turn around and engage the enemy. Chen Da was a little impressed. He couldn't run away anyway. If he was caught up from behind, he would have no chance to turn around and charge. It would be better to have a good fight. The two hundred men under his command were also the elite of the border army. Although their horses were inferior to those of the Northern Qi, they were not bad. They were all light cavalry. It was not impossible to win with two hundred against four hundred.

But just as Chen Da gave the order and led the two hundred light cavalry to turn around and attack the flank of the pursuers, he saw the prince of the vassal king next to him. He was like a young man who had never fought a battle. He shouted: "Kill——" and rushed out alone. Zhuifeng Taxue and the others could not catch up. They didn't have time to stop him before he rushed out a horse's length away...

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