The prince is very fierce

Chapter 66 Spring Breeze at Dawn

"Suzhou is no better than Chang'an Jiangnan. It has just been built for a period of time. In fact, there is nothing worth visiting. The one in front is called Xianlong Street, which is meant to be connected end to end to form a closed loop. It echoes the Huanfeng Street on the seaside of South Vietnam. Occupying these two places, it is convenient The world is unified..."

On the streets of Suzhou, foreign business travelers led camels and horses through the market, and various accents appeared one after another.

Xu Buling walked in front, introducing the local customs and customs with a smile.

Cui Xiaowan, whose hair was still wet, followed behind and took a look, but her thoughts were not focused on the surrounding buildings at all.

As one of the Eight Chiefs, Cui Xiaowan has a very good appearance. She has just come out of the bath, her cheeks are as smooth as crisp, and her white skin is flawless. She does not apply any powder, but her color is like morning glow reflecting the snow. Her body is like a weak willow supporting the wind, and she has a bit of me. Seeing You Lian's softness is quite eye-catching. However, the 'Zhaohong Yimei' who brought disaster to the country and the people was standing in front of her, and no passerby without a good eye dared to cast an appreciative glance at her.

The two of them walked for a while, Xu Buling talked for a long time, but Cui Xiaowan didn't respond. He seemed a little short of words, so he stopped talking.

Only then did Cui Xiaowan find the opportunity to interrupt and said, "Hey, why did Queen Mother call me 'Xiao Bai' just now?"

Xu Buling's stern expression froze, his eyes looked slightly strange, and he explained softly:

"Well...Xiaobai means that you simply don't understand anything, but Xiang'er cares about you...that's probably it..."

Seeing that Xu Buling was not telling the truth, Cui Xiaowan didn't ask in detail and continued:

"The queen is also your woman, right? I just saw you carrying her in with your skirts ripped open. You are so brave."

Xu Buling nodded: "It's a long story. Xiang'er saved my life in Chang'an, so I took her out of the palace. As you know, the palace is not a place for people to stay."

Cui Xiaowan felt the same way about this and glanced at Xu Buling:

"Why do you have so many women?"


How do I answer this...

Xu Buling thought for a moment and smiled peacefully:

"According to ancient rituals, the emperor has one concubine, four concubines, nine concubines, twenty-seven wives, and eighty-one royal wives, and the princes and kings are halved. These are the only ones I have, not many, right?"


Cui Xiaowan frowned and thought for a moment, and it made sense. According to this method, there are indeed not many emperors and generals who are relatively single-minded; even Song Ji, who was full of power and unpretentiousness towards women, had more than a dozen concubines in the harem, not counting palace maids. There are very few princes in the world who can be as infatuated as Su Wang Xu You to the point where his hair turns gray overnight.

"When we were in the canyon, I thought you weren't a womanizer."

Xu Buling spread his hands: "The nature of food and sex is also based on emotion and ends on etiquette. I...I am just lustful."

Cui Xiaowan thought Xu Buling was going to give a lot of reasons, but she didn't expect to admit it directly. She smiled:

"You are so honest."

"You're already married, so if you find excuses not to be fooled by beauty, you're not deceiving yourself."

"Then you want to pick me up from the canyon because you also have a crush on me?"


Xu Buling's expression became more serious and he shook his head and said: "That's not true. At that time, Miss Cui was living alone in the canyon. There was no one around for dozens of miles. If she got sick or something, something big would happen. Although we are strangers, I ate your food and stayed for two more days. If I have the ability, I can't turn a blind eye. If you don't want to leave, I'm actually quite worried..."

Cui Xiaowan frowned: "I know you must be worried, so I came here."

Xu Bu Ling paused and turned his head to look at Cui Xiaowan. He saw that his eyes were pure and innocent, but he didn't take it to heart. He just smiled softly.

Cui Xiaowan walked side by side on the bluestone path and continued:

"Tell me more about the poems you know. I don't like to read half of them when they are gone. When I was a child, I flipped through some scraps at home. I was engrossed in reading them, but suddenly they were gone. I was so angry that I couldn't sleep for half a month. Sleep……"

Xu Buling felt the same way: "Fragmented dogs are indeed hated by people. But I don't remember many poems. Since you have come to Suzhou, it will be a long time in the future. Let me tell you about the books I have read. The Legend of White Snake, Butterfly Lovers, The Golden Lotus, etc..."

Cui Xiaowan naturally did not refuse: "Don't say anything that makes people feel uncomfortable. Make it sound happy. Those sour scholars who forcefully talk about sorrow in order to compose new poems always like to write about parting between life and death and giving their wives to others. It looks special. uncomfortable."

"That's natural..."

While talking and laughing, the two people came to a small teahouse.

Xu Buling chose a table by the window and sat down, ordered a pot of tea, and began to talk about "The Romance of the White Snake" seriously. Although he didn't remember all of it, he probably knew the plot, and he had already adapted and supplemented it when he told Jiujiu. At this point, it’s easy to talk about it.

Cui Xiaowan was very friendly when she was with people she didn't dislike. She sat across the table, holding her cheek with one hand, listening carefully to Xu Buling's vivid narration, and occasionally asked a few words she didn't understand.

And far away from the tea tube, on the ridge of the street.

Eunuch Jia, who was wearing a cloth robe, stood quietly with his sleeves folded, looking at the teahouse with his dim eyes.

Seeing the scene of a man and a woman sitting opposite each other at the table, Eunuch Jia suddenly seemed a little enlightened and understood why Cui Xiaowan left Peach Blossom Valley on a whim.

A snowman is still a snowman after all. No matter how similar it is to a snowman or it doesn't run around, it is still a dead thing and cannot stay with him forever.

In February, the spring breeze dawns. The snowman in the canyon may have melted in the spring breeze.

If Cui Xiaowan were still in the canyon, sitting at the table at this moment, all she could see was a densely sewn white robe, and she wouldn't even have the chance to enjoy the peach blossoms on the mountain with the snowman.

But now, the man and woman are sitting opposite each other at the small table. Apart from the completely different scene, the artistic conception is exactly the same as in the farmyard.

The man in the white robe is just the snowman sitting on the stool...——

There were so many shadows on the long street, the spring sun in the sky fell into the sandy sea in the west, and the time gradually reached the afternoon.

In the teahouse, men and women were still sitting on opposite sides of the small table, with several plates of melon seeds and snacks placed on the table.

Cui Xiaowan listened carefully, took the melon seeds and gently peeled them with her hands, put them on a plate, piled them on a small plate, and pushed them in front of Xu Buling as a reward for listening to the book.

Xu Buling drank a pot of tea and his mouth was dry when he talked. However, Cui Xiaowan listened with great interest. Naturally, he couldn't say "If you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the explanation next time." He still spoke with emotion. Telling stories.

But after all, there are more than two people in this world, and there is more to do than just tell stories quietly.

When Xu Buling was talking about "The White Lady drank the realgar wine, and Xu Xian opened the curtain," suddenly a messenger flew past on the street, with a yellow flag of eight hundred miles on his back.

Suzhou is an important border town, and the people are all descendants of the families of the soldiers who founded the Republic of China before Jiazi. Their understanding of post envoys is far better than that in the hinterland of the Central Plains. Seeing this posture, they knew that there was urgent news from Chang'an City, either to send troops to fight, or to send troops to fight. King Qin has mobilized troops to the capital.

Xu Buling saw the post envoy and stood up quickly:

"Miss Cui, the court has sent an order. I am the Crown Prince of Su, and I must be present to hear the announcement. Let's go back."

When Cui Xiaowan heard about the critical moment, she felt a little angry and wanted to throw the melon seed shell at the emissary's face. However, although Cui Xiaowan has a different personality, she still knows the right and wrong, and did not interfere with Xu Buling's business at this time. She stood up and smiled softly:

"Screw you, I can just go back by myself, I know the way."? ?

Xu Buling blinked, but before he could respond, a figure fell out of the window.

Eunuch Jia stood at the window and smiled softly: "Your Majesty was deceived by the fact that he sent the Xiliang army into Guanzhong to quell the rebellion. Prince, please go and do your work. I can just take care of Miss Cui."

Seeing this, Xu Buling breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand to salute, and walked out of the tea shop.

Cui Xiaowan stood at the window and thought for a while: "When you are done, remember to come over and finish telling the story, otherwise I won't be able to sleep."

Xu Buling knew that Cui Xiaowan had severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will definitely finish speaking. Jiujiu also knows that if you can't help it, you can find Dabai... ahem, ask Ning Yuhe to take you. Go find Jiujiu.”

Cui Xiaowan was a little unhappy: "The story depends on who tells it. If someone else tells the same thing, the taste will change."

"I know."

Xu Buring nodded, turned and walked towards the palace.

Eunuch Jia stood outside the window, watching Xu Buling go away, and suddenly said:

"His Royal Highness has entered the pass, can he come back?"

Xu Bu Ling paused and turned around inexplicably: "How did Eunuch Jia know that it was me who led the troops into Guanzhong?"

Eunuch Jia chuckled and said, "Watching the Holy Father grow up, I know a little bit about His Majesty's thoughts."

Xu Buling was stunned, thought about it, and joked: "I'm afraid I'm leading the troops to suppress the rebellion this time. I'll come back naturally after the fight. I can't imitate Dong Zhuo and stay in Chang'an." After saying that, he flew up and disappeared. between buildings.

Eunuch Jia was slightly puzzled and turned his head to look at Cui Xiaowan: "Who is Dong Zhuo? I've never heard of it."

Cui Xiaowan thought for a moment: "I heard about the great villain in "The Han Dynasty". He was also a high-ranking official in Xiliang who supported soldiers and respected himself. He went to the capital and killed ten eunuchs, and then he stayed in the palace and raped the emperor. All women are in trouble... just like him."

Eunuch Jia thought for a moment and frowned slightly:

"Why did you kill the eunuch? Fortunately, the old slave left early..."

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