The prince is very fierce

Chapter 23: As fast as the wind

In the early morning, Nanyang City was peaceful. The four gates were wide open. Food, grass and baggage were transported from the rear. There was also no shortage of people coming in and out. The army was still recruiting troops in an orderly manner.

Above the city, the Chu army was on routine patrol, well prepared with rolling wood, stones, fire, oil, etc. However, as long as the imperial troops did not leave Ma Pass, Nanyang could only be regarded as the rear area, and there could be no war. The patrolling officers and soldiers were not many.

In the commander's mansion in the city, Qin Jing, the general of the Chu army, was sitting in the meeting hall, discussing the battle at Mashankou with his generals.

Because the King of Chu did not want to suffer too much loss before the arrival of the armies of the three kings from the east, the Chu army had been conducting tentative attacks; Guan Hongye also focused on defending, hoping to delay the situation in northern Xinjiang for a turn, so there was basically no major conflict between the two sides.

After listening to the report from his subordinates, Qin Jing turned his attention to the north corner of the map and looked at the small circle on it:

"Chen Shou led his troops to attack Luanshan and should have reached Nanzhao County..."


Before Qin Jing could finish his sentence, a sudden shout came from outside the lobby.

When the generals in the meeting hall heard the anxious sounds, their expressions changed. They thought that the imperial court was about to launch a general attack, so they all hurriedly stood up and looked outside the door.

Qin Jing's eyelids also twitched, knowing that there might be big changes.

The scout rushed in almost rolling and crawling, and said urgently: "Report, general, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared ten miles away from the north, wearing Xiliang military armor, the number is unknown, and they are rapidly approaching Nanyang..."



"Shili? The sentries outside are all blind..."

As soon as the voice came out, there was chaos in the meeting hall. There was no need for Qin Jing to give orders, and some generals ran out to prepare for war.

At a distance of ten miles, it took at most two quarters for the cavalry to come over. The battle report was a little slower, and everyone went straight into the city!

There was a bit of astonishment in Qin Jing's eyes. He originally thought that the Xiliang cavalry had broken through Mashan Pass, but after scanning the map, he felt something was wrong. Mashan Pass is in the west, with Nanzhao County in the north, and then there are high mountains. There is no marching route at all. , Did this army fall from the sky?

The war was suddenly imminent. Qin Jing had no time to think so much and said hurriedly:

"Send orders to Xiangyang and Mashankou to quickly mobilize troops and return reinforcements. All remaining soldiers and horses in the city must go to the city wall to defend until the reinforcements arrive..."

As he spoke, Qin Jing ran out of the commander's residence and quickly climbed to the top of Nanyang City.

The generals raised their eyes to the north, and sure enough they saw smoke and dust billowing on the plain in the distance, and a large army of soldiers and horses coming towards Nanyang.

However, Qin Jing was also a veteran on the battlefield. He just took a glance and realized that there were too few people.

On top of the city, oil was being burned and crossbows were fired in preparation for war. The deputy general stood in front of him, raised his eyes and looked at it, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"General, the maximum number is only five thousand. The cavalry cannot carry ladders or crash carts. Is this Xiliang army here to send it off?"

When Qin Jing saw this scene, he also felt that the other party was here to send him off.

Not to mention 5,000 men, but 10,000 Xiliang cavalry, raided Nanyang City, and they had to be blinded as soon as the city gate was closed. Without ladders and siege equipment in the shield chariot, would it be difficult to climb the three-foot-high city wall with bare hands?

But the Xiliang army is one of the most elite troops in Dayue. If Qin Jing is killed, he will not believe that this cavalry team went the wrong way. He thought for a moment:

"Are you here to surrender?"

The lieutenant general thought it was possible, but after thinking about it he shook his head: "It is possible to surrender, but where did this cavalry team come from? It is impossible to cross the Mashan Pass without any movement. If you want to surrender, you will definitely surrender to Makou Mountain. How can you go to Nanyang?" run……"

The two could only discuss it for a while. As soon as the city gate was closed and the drawbridge was pulled up, the outline of the large cavalry army in the distance was already visible.

It was more than three miles away, so it was unclear who was leading the team, but they could get a rough idea of ​​the number of people. There were only about two thousand people, which was less than they expected.

Qin Jing was so old that this was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he was at a loss for a while.

The densely packed soldiers on the north wall watched helplessly as two thousand Xiliang cavalry ran nearby, and then quickly deviated from the direction, passing by the plain on the right and running further south.

Qin Jing looked at the direction of the march and felt that the opponent was preparing to attack the south city wall, which was the weakest in defense. However, no matter how weak the defense was, there were still more than a thousand people waiting in formation. With the city wall as a support, how could these two thousand people attack and break the city?

Could there be an inside job?

Thinking of this, Qin Jing's expression changed slightly: "Quick! When you go to Nancheng, be sure to guard the city gate."


The large group of soldiers and horses quickly mobilized along the horse path on the city wall towards the south city. In the streets and alleys of Nanyang City, officers and soldiers also strode towards Nancheng.

Unfortunately, before Qin Jing could reach the other side of Nanyang City, a thunderbolt exploded from several miles away...

Boom boom

Xu Buring brought two thousand Qingqi to the vicinity of Nanyang City, bypassed the most heavily guarded North Gate, and went directly to one mile outside the South City Gate.

Two thousand light cavalry stopped and stood by, because within the range of the bed crossbow and divine arm crossbow, everyone first found a temporary bunker.

Xu Buling and Xu Ying put on their double swords, with ropes hanging behind their backs. Behind them were ten warriors. Ning Qingye and Ning Yuhe also followed behind with their swords raised, ready to go.

The deputy general pulled the carriage, lifted the four small artillery pieces on it, and placed them on the gun mounts.

The 600-pound small artillery can only hit more than one mile, and the caliber is not large. It will definitely not be able to break down the city wall, and it cannot even break the city gate. But it is definitely enough to scare people with explosive shells; if there is no heavy artillery to break the city, it may not be possible. I won't risk my life if I don't do it.

After the four artillery pieces were lined up, the Xiliang sergeants who had been trained long ago quickly loaded and aimed.

Xu Buling carried two swords on his back and said in a deep voice: "Don't shoot off the target, I can't avoid it."

"Don't worry, my prince, it won't go off the target."

Xu Buling nodded, without giving the other party any chance to adjust their defense, and said loudly:


Boom boom

In the early summer of the twelfth year of Zhaohong, four loud noises exploded outside Nanyang City.

The sound was like thunder, and it was heard several miles away. The whole city heard it, and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians turned their heads together.

Four flames were like fire pythons swallowing the city, accompanied by thick smoke, and spewed out several feet away. Before they could see clearly, there was another noise above the South City.

In the shocked eyes of many Chu soldiers guarding the city, two large holes appeared on the gate tower, and a gap was broken in the parapet. Smoke and dust rolled, and gravel flew. Several people were unable to avoid it and were bloody on the spot.

On the top of the east city wall, Qin Jing, who was running at full speed, was startled by the loud noise. The deputy general behind him shrank his neck and instinctively looked up at the sky, thinking it was thunder.

Boom boom

After a short hesitation, four more loud noises came from afar.

The soldiers on the top of the city wall all showed a look of horror, their eyes full of fear of the unknown.

Qin Jing was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses, and hurriedly scolded his subordinates and continued to run towards the south city...

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