The prince is very fierce

Chapter 40: Treasure Box

Outside the Marshal's Mansion, several carriages stopped on the street. Zhongli Jiujiu stood in front of them, instructing the apprentices at the medical center to put various wound medicines in wooden boxes on the carriages.

After more than a month of careful deployment, three large carriages were loaded. Although it was a drop in the bucket compared to the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people, with these life-saving things, many Xiliang soldiers could always be sent back. Surrounded by parents, wives and children.

Ning Yuhe stood beside him with a sword as a guard to prevent mistakes in this batch of life-saving medicine; Zhongli Chuchu put the small medicine twister in a small wooden box in the small pharmacy and hung it on the side of Zhongli Jiujiu's horse; Ning Qingye packed her and her master's personal clothes.

After waiting for a while, Xu Buling rode a black wind-chasing horse and galloped from the city gate.

Ning Yuhe stepped forward and said softly: "Your Majesty, when are you leaving?"

Xu Buling came to the gate without dismounting: "I just got some news. I have to go to the mouth of Fengshan River. Master, please help me pack my belongings and set off with the army first. I will catch up later."

After saying that, he turned his horse's head and left quickly.

Seeing this, Zhongli Jiujiu asked the apprentice at the medical center to speed up loading the car. Ning Yuhe returned to the handsome man's house and went to pack Xu Buling's belongings.

The handsome manor was not big, the sound of horse hooves sounded from the street, and Ning Qingye had already walked out of the west wing. After hearing Xu Buling's voice, she rolled her eyes slightly and came to the hanging flower door. After Ning Yu came over, she said softly:

"Master, just let me take care of it. The medicine is precious, so don't let anything go wrong."

The wound medicine that has been stored for more than a month is all Zhongli Jiujiu's hard work. He sells it for one tael of silver per bottle. The apprentice soldiers are very messy, and one box may cost dozens of lives. Ning Yuhe didn't say much, turned around and walked outside:

"We're leaving soon, so hurry up."


Ning Qingye nodded slightly, turned around and walked into the back house.

After Ning Yuhe's footsteps left, Ning Qingye looked back and frowned slightly.

Ever since she found the red paint on the mahjong on the boat last time, Ning Qingye noticed something was wrong. She felt that the master's palace sand was really gone, so in order to cover up the fact that the palace sand was gone, she asked Xiao Xiang'er to help prepare the paint. , painted on his body to hide his eyes from others.

But for such a big matter, Ning Qingye didn't have any evidence, so she didn't dare to make rash guesses or ask her master.

These days, Ning Qingye always looks for opportunities to stay with his master, observing his words and looking for clues. Unfortunately, Ning Qingye cannot find anything unusual after being close to each other for so long. It was intact. If the gonggong sand was painted, it only meant that the paint was around, but she had never found paint in the master's house.

Let's call it a coincidence. Ning Qingye didn't believe that such a coincidence could happen in the world. The main reason was that the pink mark on her master's nightgown couldn't be explained. After thinking about it for a long time, Ning Qingye could only guess that the paint was not with the master, but somewhere else.

Ning Qingye originally thought that Zhongli Jiujiu was helping her master to cover up, but after a month of careful observation, she found that her master and Zhongli Jiujiu were acting strangely when they met, and they did not stay together at the same time. On the contrary, every seven days, the master would use some excuse to relax. She went out to buy things, and Xu Buling often went to the military camp at that time because of military affairs; she once found an opportunity to go with Xu Buling, but Xu Buling just walked around the military camp. I came back and did nothing...

Various signs led to a bold guess in Ning Qingye's mind - maybe the palace guard sand was painted with Xu Buling's help...

This speculation naturally made Ning Qingye unbelievable. After all, the palace guard sand was on the master's body. You can't respect your master and not care about it!

But if it weren’t for Xu Bu Ling, these small marks cannot be explained; besides, who wiped out the palace sand? Is it possible...

Xu Bu Ling is her lover!

Ning Qingye felt her chest was tight, her back was alternately cold and hot, and her breathing was uncontrollably unsteady.

But these are just speculations after all. How could such a gentle and virtuous woman like the master do such a thing? Even if it is true, it must be Xu Buling who deceived the master with his sweet words...

Ning Qingye felt that her thoughts had become a mess and she couldn't sort them out at all. Standing outside Xu Buling's room, I wanted to raise my hand and push it away, but I didn't dare to push it away, for fear that this suspicion would be confirmed...

"Qingye, why are you in a daze? We will set off soon."

In the corridor, Zhongli Chuchu carried a few small boxes and went out. In a blink of an eye, he saw Ning Qingye standing at the door in a daze, and reminded him softly.

Ning Qingye came back to her senses, forced a smile, raised her hand and pushed open the door, entering Xu Buling's room.

The expedition was about to begin, and Nightingale had already tidied up the room last night, leaving only pens, inks, paper and inkstones that might be needed and placed them on the table.

Ning Qingye looked around, walked to the desk, and glanced carefully at the pen holder - there were more than a dozen brushes of different sizes on it, three of which were used for making ink marks. The color was bright red, which was completely different from the color of the palace sand. Obviously no.

Ning Qingye breathed a sigh of relief, put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone and placed them in several boxes next to her. The boxes were for clothes and sundries, and they were all covered. She couldn't tell which one it was, so she opened one of them and found that it contained robes, belts and other items, so she was about to close it.

But before the box was closed, Ning Qingye suddenly saw the corner of a small wooden box from under her robe.

The box is not big, but quite exquisite. It is also engraved with the five small words "Baby and Adult Made" on it. It is obviously Xu Buling's favorite thing.


Ning Qingye's body stiffened slightly, her eyes slightly tangled. If the paint was here at Xu Bu Ling's place, it might be placed in this box, but touching other people's personal belongings is a very unethical act...

Touched and kissed, half of her butt was already allowed...

It's about Master's reputation. If you make a mistake, just apologize to him afterwards...

Ning Qingye hesitated for a long time, then carefully took off the robe and raised her hand to open the wooden box.

Inside the box, there are white fox tails, aqua blue fox tails, purses containing golden quail eggs; black bellybands, red bellybands, two white bellybands, one slightly smaller bellyband; five white handkerchiefs, one cut from the bed sheet cloth; white jade peace and quiet sign, rag doll with Xu Buling's name on it, gold pen, small porcelain box, small note...

There are a lot of dazzling things, neatly placed in various grids, and it is impossible to see them at a glance.

Ning Qingye's jade-white cheeks suddenly turned red. She knew what this was and didn't dare to take a closer look. She secretly cursed "You're a bastard..." and then focused on the unfolded piece of paper. , the note read:

'Mr. Xu, in my haste to leave, I forgot to tell you one thing. If the antidote works, you owe Zhongli Chuchu your life. Remember to thank her in the future.

It would be a pity to throw away these wines, it will be an advantage for you.

Finally, Zhu Manzhi is my confidant. If you dare to bully her, you and I will fight to the death.

Farewell. ’

The handwriting she wrote when she was forcibly kissed and left Chang'an.

Ning Qingye's heart trembled suddenly, and her heart felt indescribably sweet, but out of the corner of her eye she saw a gold pen next to the note.

The white tip on the top of the gold pen has been cleaned, but there are obviously traces of light pink remaining, which is exactly the same color as the Gonggong sand.

After Ning Qingye saw it clearly, her body froze suddenly, and the corners of her mouth that had just been raised stiffened, as if she had been struck by lightning!

It turned out that... it was really the palace guard sand he drew for his master...

Could it be possible that they have already...

Impossible, impossible. Master knows my friendship with Xu Buling and would never do such a thing...

Could it be that the master lost his virginity and had no choice but to draw the palace guard sand to cover it up...

But Master painted the palace sand to cover up people's eyes and ears. Who did he want to hide? Even Xu Buling knows, why don't you let me do this...

Although I don't want to accept it, the cruel fact is right in front of me.

That little piece of paper, which represented the first budding friendship between them, looked so shocking and heart-piercing at this moment.

Ning Qingye's shoulders trembled slightly, Qing Shui's eyes turned a little red, and she bit her lower lip to keep from losing her composure.

"Qingye? Qingye? Have you packed up? The carriage is ready to leave..."

Outside the courtyard, Ning Yuhe's soft call came.

It's just that this familiar and warm sound seems to be separated by a deep ravine in Ning Qingye's ears. Even the image of a teacher and a mother that has been engraved in her heart since she was a child is blurred.

How could this could they do this...

Not necessarily... maybe there is something hidden...

What else is there to hide behind this? Is it possible that he still wants to catch someone in bed?

Ning Qingye bit her lower lip tightly, her body trembling. She wanted to run out and ask her master for an explanation, or drop the box and leave this sad place to calm down alone.

But there is going to be a war soon. Ning Qingye is ignorant of the world, but he knows what is right and what is wrong. Now is not the time to lose his temper...

As the footsteps gradually approached, Ning Qingye suppressed her emotions, raised her hand and slowly closed the wooden box, then closed the box again, picked up the wooden box, and walked out of the study.

Ning Yuhe walked in slowly with a sword in hand, passed by Ning Qingye, and picked up a wooden box. Seeing that Ning Qingye's steps were not steady, she said doubtfully:

"Qingye, is the box too heavy?"

Ning Qingye suppressed the trembling under her calm expression, lowered her head and walked out of the corridor quickly: "It's nothing, it's too hot, I didn't sleep well last night..."

"Oh...then you should pay more attention. We will arrive in Xiangyang in a few days. When fighting, the sword has no eyes, so just stand behind and don't rush up. Marching and fighting are not trivial matters. If something goes wrong accidentally, you will be killed. This puts your son in a dilemma..."

"I understand...Master."

Ning Qingye took a breath and disappeared outside the hanging flower door.

Ning Yuhe blinked his eyes, and there was some confusion on the gentle face, but he was about to leave for the battle, and there were too many things to pay attention to, so he didn't take it to heart and followed quickly...


Seven thousand words, two chapters combined into one, not lazy~

It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass~

The bosses would like to compare their feelings with the Queen Mother’s baby~

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