The prince is very fierce

Chapter 44: Differences

Chang'an City, in the Tai Chi Hall.

Civil and military officials were divided on the left and right to discuss political affairs.

Song Ji listened carefully on the dragon chair, but his mind was not on the court at all. He kept looking at the royal road outside Tai Chi Hall, waiting for the battle report from the front line.

Xu Bu Ling disobeyed orders and forced a war. Song Ji knew about it and vetoed it.

However, Xu Buling mobilized troops without permission in order to quell the rebellion in the court, and he also issued a military order: "If you don't break Xiangyang, raise your head to see it." With the lessons learned from Nanyang, the courtiers naturally advised Xu Buling to try it; Song Jiruo If you forcibly refuse permission, you can't explain to the courtiers why you "will not use it". You can't just say that you are suspicious of permission and don't want it to perform meritorious service. That would make you an "arbitrary" and foolish king, so you can only acquiesce.

Song Ji didn't believe that Xu Buring could lead 20,000 troops to defeat Xiangyang, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty didn't believe that, but there are always 'just in case' things in the world.

During the morning meeting, Song Ji had been thinking about the various variables after the "city was broken" and thinking about countermeasures in advance.

It's a pity that even if Song Ji was mentally prepared, that 'in case' came too soon.

"Report - good news - great victory in Xiangyang -"

Less than half an hour after the court meeting started, the battle report from the front line was rushed 800 miles overnight and delivered to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and Emperor Dayue.


This time there was no need for Yi Envoy to make a sound, and the whole place was already in an uproar.

On the dragon chair, Song Ji smiled a little, but his hands under his sleeves were clenched a little tighter.

Among the three princes, Prime Minister Xiao Chuyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief; Imperial Censor Cui Huailu rolled his eyes a few times and remained silent; Taiwei Guan Hongzhuo turned pale.

The remaining civil and military officials had different expressions, including shock, surprise, astonishment, and disbelief. All kinds of emotions were written on their faces - they all knew that Xu Buling would attack Xiangyang last night, but they did not expect that the next morning The good news came back, what the hell is this speed?

Soon, the messenger ran into the main hall, holding the cylinder in his hand and said loudly:

"Report - Yesterday afternoon, Prince Su arrived at Caozhuang with an army of 20,000 people. He attacked Xiangyang City like a broken bamboo and used sharp weapons to break a gap in the city wall of Xiangyang. General Guan Hongye quickly sent troops to help, and General Tu Qianchu led an army of 50,000 from Xiliang to assist King Su. The prince attacked the city until Xiangyang was defeated in his time. Qin Jing, the commander-in-chief of the Chu army, broke out from the south gate and retreated to Jingmen..."


"Steady, steady..."

After it was confirmed that Xiangyang had been recovered, all the civil and military officials looked happy. The three points of Xiangyang, Jingmen, and Jingzhou form a line. They are the three most important passes in the Chu region. As long as they are captured, the entire Chu region will be undefeated. And to be able to defeat Xiangyang so quickly, it is only a matter of time for Jingmen and Jingzhou. From now on, they will basically drive away the four kings, and the situation will be stabilized.

The young master Li Si had been complaining about the useless fighting in Northern Xinjiang. When he saw that the rebels were winning consecutive battles, he immediately said:

"Look, look at how the Xiliang army fought? I, Dayue, am not an incompetent soldier, but an incompetent general. Guo Xianzhong and Wang Chenghai have people who are not even half capable, and they will not be beaten to the point of almost jumping into the Yellow River..."

All the courtiers also nodded. Since the incident in Northern Xinjiang at the beginning of the year, they have not experienced the feeling of "if someone offends me in Yuezhong, I will be punished no matter how far away" it has been for half a year, they have almost lost their identity as the "Heavenly Kingdom and the Overlord of the Central Plains". Forgot.

Now this makes sense. They attack wherever they are, and whoever they capture and destroy is called Dayue's army. Those who are retreating steadily in northern Xinjiang are fighting the same thing.

Civil and military officials were discussing the next arrangements or how to defeat Xiangyang. All they talked about was that the prince was so damn vicious in the war, and no one mentioned Guan Hongye, the head coach of the counter-rebellion army.

Song Ji looked at the courtiers' reactions with deep eyes, but there was also a smile on his face and he nodded slightly.

After the post envoy finished talking about the rebels' continued march into Jingmen, he took out a written memorial:

"After Prince Su regained Xiangyang, the generals in the army wrote a letter to impeach the commander-in-chief Guan Hongye, accusing him of not pursuing his own affairs in his position, being timid in using troops, excluding dissidents and suppressing meritorious people, and having the responsibility to suppress rebellion but not the intention to suppress it. ', begged the Holy One to change the commander, and Prince Su to lead the troops to quell the rebellion of the four kings."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the civil and military officials in the Tai Chi Hall fell silent.

As a veteran in the officialdom, he naturally understood that the so-called "generals' petition for impeachment" must have been written under Xu Buling's instructions, otherwise how could the military generals dare to impeach the coach.

However, the civil and military officials have no objections to this. Marching and fighting are based on achievements. Xu Buling has already proven that he has the ability to counter rebellion. Seeing others' abilities but not giving them the position they deserve is unfair. Well?

Grand Sinong Lu Chengan took the lead and took a step forward and said:

"Xu Buling has few soldiers and horses under his command, but he has repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats. If the rebels are put into his hands and the rebellion of the four kings is put down, it will be a piece of cake. Guan Hongye has led more than 100,000 troops. In the past few months, he has only known that Defendant, he has never captured a city pass, so it is difficult for him to continue to be the commander-in-chief and convince the public..."

Taiwei Guan Hongzhuo was naturally dissatisfied when he heard this - his younger brother Guan Hongye must be capable, but the emperor and the courtiers initially intended to keep Guanzhong intact until the situation in Northern Xinjiang turned around; Guan Hongye also took the order Act and do nothing wrong.

Guan Hongzhuo waited for Lu Chengan to finish speaking, then shook his head and said:

"Since Guan Hongye led the army, although he has made no achievements, he has not made any mistakes. The defenses from Wuguan to Nanyang are all in an orderly manner; the statement that he does not seek his own government in his position, excludes dissidents and suppresses those who have made meritorious deeds," is even more nonsense. It is said that changing commanders before battle is also a taboo for military strategists..."

Before Guan Hongzhuo finished speaking, Shaofu Li Si became angry:

"When leading an army in a war, failure to achieve merit is a fault. If everyone were like you, Captain Guan, thinking 'not seeking merit but seeking no fault', wouldn't Dayue's army become a pool of stagnant water?

Guan Hongye is an amateur in foreign wars, and he is also an amateur in civil wars. On the contrary, he is very active in internal fighting. Today, he is joking about Xu Buling, and tomorrow he is accusing Xu Buling of not obeying orders. Since he led the army, he has not only participated in Xu Buling's activities, but also criticized Xu Buling. , what other great things have you done?

Such a coach still has the honor to stay in Dayue's army. I feel ashamed, but you have the nerve to say nice things to him..."

The young master Li Si is the head of the Li family in Pangxi. His official position is one level lower than that of Guan Hongzhuo. His influence in the court is much greater than that of a general of the Guan family. He has always had a bad temper. However, he is usually full of yin and yang. This is in front of his face. This is the first time I've been scolded.

Taiwei Guan Hongzhong's face turned red from suppressing his anger, but Young Master Li Si scolded him righteously. He had no excuse to talk back and could only look at the emperor on the dragon throne.

Song Ji gently rubbed his fingers, and after a moment of silence, he softly said:

"Since the dispatch of troops, Guan Hongye has indeed been slow to respond and has neglected his duty; but Xu Buling is still young and the march is too radical. It is inappropriate to lead more than 100,000 troops rashly..."

Song Ji's intention was obviously to protect Guan Hongzhuo, and the courtiers also understood his intention.

But in the past six months, there have been constant bad news about civil and foreign wars. The shortcomings of the past strong governance have all appeared, which has greatly reduced Song Ji's prestige. Finally, there is a slight improvement, and Song Ji still wants to stop it. How can the courtiers not say anything? nod.

Young Master Li Si immediately stepped forward, bowed and said:

"Holy Majesty! Although Xu Buling used troops aggressively, his soldiers did not suffer a large number of casualties, and even took back Nanyang, Xiangyang and other places at a very small cost. As long as he is given the military power to continue southward, it will be a matter of time to put an end to the Four Kings' Rebellion. "Furthermore, even if Xu Bu Ling makes mistakes with his troops, he has Xiangyang, Mashankou, and Wuguandao to rely on, and the officials in Guan Zhong are absolutely sure. What's wrong with letting Xu Bu Ling take command to quell the rebellion?"

Song Ji was speechless for a moment. Li Si couldn't answer this question at all. He couldn't ask in front of all the civil and military officials, 'What will Xu Buling do if he takes military power and comes back to attack Guanzhong? ’, after saying this, King Su and Xu Buling would immediately rebel.

Song Ji was silent for a moment and looked at Cui Huailu, the imperial censor.

Cui Huailu had been watching for a long time. Seeing Song Ji's eyes, he stepped forward and said softly:

"The war in Northern Xinjiang is intense. Since Xu Buling is so good at fighting, it is better to let him lead the Xiliang army to Taiyuan..."


"You old man..."

As soon as Cui Huailu's words came out, the civil and military officials in the court were in an uproar, and the young man, Li Si, directly uttered foul language.

Even a literati who doesn't know how to fight knows that this suggestion is not ordinary stupidity.

As soon as Xu Buling's counter-rebellion army made some achievements, Xu Buling was asked to lead the Xiliang army all the way to fight against the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Can the cavalry of the Northern Qi Dynasty be the same as the soldiers of the Four Kings?

The Guanzhong Army and the Liaoxi Army are both elite troops, but they lack the 50,000 soldiers of the Xiliang Army?

Furthermore, even if Xu Buling passes and the situation in northern Xinjiang can be changed, who will stop the four kings' coalition?

This is the standard of caring about the head but not the buttocks!

Although the courtiers were furious, Cui Huailu's proposal was obviously in line with Song Ji's ideas.

Let Xu Buling go to Mobei, Guan Hongye can continue to lead the troops to suppress the rebellion, and he is not afraid that Xu Buling will suppress the Guanzhong Army and the Liaoxi Army, and ultimately be unable to dismount.

However, even if Song Ji was in a daze, it would be impossible for him to agree to this obviously nonsense proposal.

Song Ji thought for a moment, waved his hand and said:

"Changing the commander before the battle is a matter of great importance. Let's pass the order first and let Guan Hongye continue to lead the troops to capture Jingmen. The change of commander will be discussed tomorrow."

The courtiers knew that Song Ji did not want to promote Guan Hongzhuo himself, so they could not force the emperor to give an order at this time, so they had to bow down and promise...

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