The prince is very fierce

Chapter 49 She is my master

The plain stretches as far as the eye can see, and the silver moon illuminates black shadows that march in an orderly manner on the earth.

After many days of fighting, the infantrymen of Xiliang were filled with the smell of blood. Just when the situation was at a breaking point, they were suddenly notified by the court to withdraw their troops. For professional soldiers who relied on their military exploits, this was not a situation where they could go home to their wives and children. Good news; however, Xiliang's military order prohibited it, but no one complained. They just followed the two generals Yang Zunyi and Tu Qianchu and marched silently.

At the front of the team, a group of white wind-chasing horses maintained a distance of more than a mile and moved slowly towards Nanyang. The infantry marched very slowly, and the horse chasing the wind could only be regarded as a walk. After walking a certain distance, it had to stop and wait.

Ning Qingye, who was wearing light armor, took off his helmet and hung it on the side of the horse. Three thousand black hairs were fluttering gently in the night wind. The tall horse matched with the tall figure. Against the backdrop of the silver moon and the vast plains, the scene was surprisingly beautiful. , if Xu Danqing were here, I'm afraid he would think that Ning Qingye had painted the painting by the sea too early.

Just like the last time she sat alone on a big tree by the sea and looked at the sea, Ning Qingye was looking at the endless plains, thinking about the same person with the same confusion.

Ning Qingye tried to think about where to go in the future, but she grew up in the mountains and the only person around her was her master. She never thought about being separated from her master, but she couldn't accept the current change, so she was left at a loss. .

A man and a horse were walking not far in the wilderness when the sound of flapping wings sounded above their heads.

Ning Qingye raised her eyes and saw that the little sparrow staggered down and landed directly on the big head of the white wind-chasing horse, and then lay down directly. Apparently it was woken up in the middle of the night and flew away again. It's very tiring to come so far to look for someone.

Ning Qingye glanced twice, took off the water bag from her side, poured some water into her hand, and then stretched out her hand flatly.

The little sparrow flapped its little wings and jumped onto Ning Qingye's wrist, nodding and pecking at it.

"Why are you here? Master asked you to come?"


The little sparrow drank two mouthfuls of water, then turned around, raised its little head, and called twice seriously.

Ning Qingye obviously couldn't understand the birdsong. He didn't have much contact with the little sparrows and couldn't understand the meaning. He shook his head and smiled, then ignored it. He put the little sparrow on his shoulders and squatted down, and continued walking towards Nanyang.

The little sparrow was very smart and noticed Ning Qingye's mood. It became similar to that of Chu Chu when she was broken up in love. She chirped twice more, then she came close to her neck and rubbed her furry head against her.

Ning Qingye kept silent and forced herself. After being rubbed a few times, she felt a little itchy, so she turned her head slightly and rubbed the little sparrow twice.

One person and one bird just moved forward aimlessly. With some comfort, Ning Qingye stopped thinking about those troublesome things.

Unfortunately, before he could suppress the confusion in his heart, the horse's hoof came from behind.

Tap tap tap

The horseshoes and the ringing bells are clear and familiar in the night.

Ning Qingye stiffened slightly and did not look back. She instinctively pinched the horse's belly, trying to run away quickly. After taking just a few steps, he regained his composure, slowed down his horse, and continued walking leisurely.

The little sparrow turned on its shoulder and looked at the plain behind.

Black wind-chasing horses galloped across the plains, with swords and spears hanging on their sides. Xu Buring put on a black robe and a cloak. He couldn't see his face while galloping at night. From the side of the team, Spare me.

Soon, Xu Buling came to Ning Qingye's side, reined in the reins and walked side by side:

"Qingye, why did you leave suddenly?"

He still had the bright smile of the past, handsome yet heroic, and with a bit of otherworldly tranquility.

It's just that Ning Qingye had just seen Xu Buling's bestiality and indulgence on her gentle and considerate master. How could she be touched by this friendly face again? She just looked ahead and said calmly:

"I miss Manzhi so much. I want to go back and live for a while. You don't need to see me off. I'm not a child. I know the way."

Xu Buling got a little closer, took the reins of Ning Qingye's horse, and ran forward faster:

"I also want to go back and take a look. We just want to go together."

When Ning Qingye heard this, she narrowed her eyes slightly and raised her hand to rein in her horse and turn:

"Forget it, I won't go back. Chu Chu is bored staying alone in the military camp. You can go back alone."? ?

Xu Buling was a little confused. Even with his hard head, he could understand that Ning Qingye was avoiding him. He looked at Ning Qingye for a few times, thought about it, and suddenly flew up and sat behind Ning Qingye:

"Qingye, what's wrong?"

Ning Qingye stiffened suddenly and squeezed with her shoulder:

"You go down."

Xu Bu Ling naturally refused to go down. He raised his arms and put his arms around Ning Qingye's waist. Although he was wearing armor and felt like he was holding an iron lump, he still hugged her very gently and said with a smile:

"Why are you suddenly angry? Did I do something wrong?"

Ning Qingye's breathing gradually became faster, she gripped the reins tightly, and squeezed twice with her shoulders. Instead of pushing Xu Buling away, she squeezed out tears from her own eyes.

Ning Qingye's eyes were red. After holding it in for a long time, she still couldn't hold it back and said sternly:

"Get out of here!"

The voice was a little hoarse, hiding a lot of grievance and anger.

The little sparrow trembled with fright and quickly jumped on the head of the big black horse next door; the big black horse also turned its head, seeming a little confused as to why the two masters were quarreling.

Xu Bu Ling's smile froze. When he returned to the military tent, he heard Nightingale talk about Ning Qingye borrowing a telescope to look at the stars. He didn't take it to heart at the time, but now that he thinks about it, he may have figured out something...


Xu Buling still held Ning Qingye's waist and smiled: "Don't be angry, just listen to my explanation..."

"What do you explain?"

As soon as he said this sentence, the emotions that had been accumulated for many days could no longer be suppressed. They rushed into his heart, almost making Ning Qingye hysterical.

Ning Qingye turned around, tears welling up in her eyes, her eyes still maintaining a cold edge:

"What's your explanation? You're just a bastard and a pervert! How could you do this? How could you do this?"


"She is my master!"

Ning Qingye could no longer suppress it, jumped off the horse angrily, and smashed the snow-white sword in her hand at Xu Buling:

"She is my master! You kissed me, you said you like me, you know I like you!

For you, I will not avenge myself, I will do nothing, I will follow you around aimlessly, I will follow you wherever you go, and I will do whatever you ask me to do...

...You think I like your palace? Do you think I’ve never been on a building boat? Or do you still miss this kind of luxurious life? I follow you because I like you! "

Ning Qingye's voice was hoarse, her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably, and she wanted to hold back tears, but her eyes showed uncontrollable sadness.

Xu Buling caught the sword, turned over and dismounted, smiled and said: "I know..."

Ning Qingye took two steps back, her eyes red: "Since you know, why are you still like this? You could have rejected me. I started to dislike you. As long as you don't stalk me, I won't like you. . Since you like my master, why are you still pestering me..."

Xu Buling stepped forward slowly: "I really like you, otherwise I wouldn't kiss you..."

"You call this liking?"

Ning Qingye pushed Xu Buling hard, with anger and sadness in her eyes:

"You are just lustful! You are just lustful. What do you mean you like me? If you care about me even a little bit, you would not do such a thing! You and my master have done that, and now you come here and say you like me? What do you think of me? ?you……"

Xu Buling looked embarrassed: "No, it was Master who used force on me, and I was quite helpless."


Ning Qingye's face was filled with tears and she could no longer see clearly, and her emotions were on the verge of collapse. But when she heard these words, she was still stunned for a moment, and then she became angry:

"You're talking nonsense! You..."

Xu Buling walked up to him, raised his hands and hugged Ning Qingye tightly, and said softly:

"Really, I didn't lie to you. I really like you. I didn't know that Yuhe was your master at first. He saved her once in Chang'an City, and then he became your master. Later, the master fell in love with me for some reason, and then Cao Cao in Junshan That time when I got home, Master rowed a boat to pick me up. While on the boat, she pressed me hard... I really refused to resist at that time..."

Ning Yuhe was almost hysterical. He could not even maintain his strong face. He twisted his shoulders crazily and struggled:

"Let me go! You're talking nonsense, Master, she can't possibly..."

Xu Buling stroked the hair on Ning Qingye's back and spoke seriously:

"I swear to God, Master has really done this to me, and I can't stop it. If there is even half a lie, I won't do it for the rest of my life."

Ning Qingye struggled a few times, but couldn't get out of her arms and could only raise her head and glare:

"You are so skilled in martial arts, how could Master forcefully attack you? You are just a liar who only knows how to talk, and you are still looking for these lame excuses. Let me go!"

"No matter how good my martial arts skills are, I can't beat Master, right? There's no place to run on the boat, and Master pounced on me as soon as he took off his clothes. I...sigh..."

Xu Bu Ling looked at each other calmly and sighed slightly.

Ning Qingye was not good at words and was very slow in terms of emotions. Under the excitement, her mind was in a mess and she couldn't turn around at all. After a few words of questioning, she was at a loss for words. She stared at Xu Buling, and after a moment, she said angrily:

"Do you like Master?"

Xu Buling nodded seriously: "Of course I like it."

Ning Qingye's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Since you like Master, why do you still treat me..."

"Because I kissed you first, then saved the master, and then unknowingly took care of the master. We have a skin-to-skin relationship. I, a man, have to be responsible, right?"

"You're just horny."

"Yes, I am lustful, but that doesn't stop me from liking you two..."


Ning Qingye couldn't talk any more and didn't want to talk nonsense about such a messy matter. She squeezed out Xu Buling's arm, got on her horse and ran towards the plain.

Xu Buling also got on the horse and followed beside him: "Qingye..."

Ning Qingye wiped her tears with her sleeves and galloped: "Shut up!"


Xu Buling opened his mouth and had to let Ning Qingye calm down before continuing the conversation... ——

Thank you to [Exiled Immortal ZX] boss for the reward!

Currently in debt (259/587)…

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