The prince is very fierce

Chapter 58: Dragon Slaying (10,000 words)

In the twelfth year of Zhaohong, on the eighth day of the sixth month, it rained heavily in the capital.

Yang Zunyi, the general of the Xiliang Army, led 30,000 infantrymen and marched hard from the north of the Weihe River to Qinzhou, thousands of miles away, in the rain.

At the same time, dozens of light cavalry galloped all night and arrived outside the Chongming Gate when the morning bell rang.

On the black horse in the front, a man in a white robe, holding a black umbrella, with two heads hanging behind the horse, slowly entered the city gate.

It was pouring in Chang'an City, and it seemed that there was only this man and horse in the vast world.

At the city gate, the soldiers holding long spears saw the figure coming, and their faces changed.

In the past, no one did not know who the young man on the horse was.

A few days ago, the emperor issued an order to withdraw the Su Wang Prince, who had won consecutive battles, which caused a lot of criticism in the capital. At this time, the Su Wang Prince suddenly came back. The soldiers guarding the city did not know the purpose, but they knew it was not a trivial matter.

The soldiers guarding the city wanted to intercept and question according to the rules, but seeing the face of the man on the horse and the two heads dripping with blood behind him, they dared not take a step forward, and retreated to the sides in silence. Someone behind the city gate ran quickly to the imperial city to report the news.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and there was no one on Zhuque Street. Looking up, you can see the towering imperial city at the end of your vision.

Xu Buling held a black umbrella and walked slowly in the middle of Zhuque Street. In the buildings on both sides, scholars, singing girls and drinkers watched the war horses passing through the street with surprise and a bit of awe.

The awe came from the heart; capturing the prince of Northern Qi alive in front of the army, breaking Nanyang with two thousand soldiers and horses, and breaking Xiangyang with twenty thousand soldiers and horses. These three deeds alone are enough for Xu Buling to call himself the "descendant of General Xu Lie". Who in the world dares to question it?

The people of Chang'an City know it, the civil and military officials know it, and even Song Ji knows it. Therefore, Xu Buling suddenly ran back from the front line. Although the scholars on both sides of the street were surprised, they were not surprised at all.

In the situation of winning battles, he was suddenly forced to withdraw by the monarch. If he did not come back to ask for an explanation, would Xu Buling agree? Would the soldiers on the front line agree?

On both sides of Zhuque Street, countless eyes stared at the white-robed man riding a horse passing by and gradually arriving at the imperial city.

In the imperial city, the square in front of the palace was drizzling, and the towering palace stood solemnly.

In the Taiji Palace, Song Ji sat on the dragon chair as usual, looking at the courtiers below.

The civil and military officials stood on the left and right, looking at the nose and the heart, and stood silently.

Taiwei Guan Hongzhuo reported the war on the front line. After that, Song Ji made arrangements and the eunuch went down to pass the order.

In the entire court, only these two people were talking, and the other court officials were silent. Maybe someone wanted to say something, but Song Ji had been moody these days, and he was arbitrary in everything and didn't listen to the opinions of the ministers at all. The three dukes and nine ministers gradually shut up. Without the three dukes and nine ministers taking the lead, the ministers in the back wanted to speak, but in this dead silence, how dare they speak.

"Report--The Prince of Su came to the capital to meet the emperor!"

Guan Hongzhuo was talking when a hurried report suddenly came from outside the hall, and the ministers looked at him sideways.

The panicked voice made Guan Hongzhuo frown, but after hearing it clearly, his face turned pale again.

Xu Buling came very suddenly. He didn't inform the court before coming, and rushed back from Nanyang overnight.

But the civil and military officials in the Taiji Hall, including Song Ji on the dragon throne, were not surprised, but felt a little relieved that "he finally came".

A few days ago, Song Ji issued an edict, asking the infantry of the Xiliang Army, which had just defeated Xiangyang, to return to defend Xiliang, and to ask Xu Buling, who had won consecutive battles, to return to the rear to guard Nanyang. This imperial edict almost forced the Xu family to go crazy. The ministers all had opinions, but they could not stop it.

Although it is said that "the king orders the minister to die, the minister must die", if the ministers cannot have any opinions on such an inexplicable imperial edict, what are the civil and military officials for? Let the monarch make the decision on major world affairs.

Now seeing that the unconvinced Xu Buling came back to explain, the ministers all watched coldly, wanting to see how the emperor on the dragon throne would explain to Xu Buling and even tens of thousands of soldiers.

On the dragon throne, Song Ji was still calm as before, looking at the white stone imperial road outside the hall, and said calmly:


"Announce, Prince Su enters the hall!"

The eunuch's loud voice was transmitted into the rain curtain outside the Taiji Hall, and the civil and military officials turned their heads and looked outside the hall.

Under the rain curtain all over the city, a black horse entered from the palace gate, and the crisp sound of horse bells and horse hooves could be heard from afar.

The man on the horse was alone, but his momentum was like the violent storm in the city, slowly pressing towards the highest palace in the world.

Tap, tap, tap——

Xu Buling rode the horse and walked slowly along the imperial road, looking at the gilded plaque on the hall. The rain slid down from the umbrella ribs, dripped on the saddle, and then dripped from the saddle, mixed with the blood of two heads, and hit the flat stone road outside the Taiji Hall.

The civil and military officials and Song Ji watched Xu Buling stop at the steps, turn over and dismount, and take the two heads from the side of the horse.


Seeing this scene, there was a little noise in the Taiji Hall. The officials looked around and asked, whose head did Xu Buling bring back?

Guan Hongzhuo, who was standing at the front, turned pale again. He thought Xu Buling had killed his brother Guan Hongye. He was furious and wanted to kneel down and wail, but it was too early. He could only stare at the figure coming up the steps.

Xu Buling carried two heads and walked through the drizzling rain. Even though his eyes were calm and he said nothing, the golden gourd warriors standing outside the hall could feel the hostility in him, but no one dared to step forward to stop him. They just stood on both sides with their heads down.

Tap tap tap——

In the entire Taiji Hall, there was only a crisp sound of footsteps, passing by the officials in the back row, then to the mainstay of Dayue, and finally to the Sangong and Jiuqing at the front.

Xu Buling's hands were still dripping with rain and blood. He stood in the center of the golden palace, threw the two human heads wrapped in cloth at the foot of the steps in front of the dragon chair, and raised his hand calmly:

"My lord, if you don't order me, please see your Majesty."

Two human heads wrapped in black cloth rolled several times on the mirror-smooth ground and hit the steps with a soft thud.

Prime Minister Xiao Chuyang and Chief Nong Lu Chengan glanced at Xu Buling with a little doubt in their eyes.

Cui Huailu lowered his head and remained silent, as if he didn't see anything.

The remaining ministers frowned, not knowing why.

The Emperor Song Ji knew who these two heads were. He was filled with rage in his heart, but his face was calm and calm.

Taiwei Guan Hongzhuo saw that the silence in the Tai Chi Hall was a bit strange. He hesitated for a moment, squatted forward, opened the package and took a look. Although he was slightly relieved that he did not see his brother's head, his expression changed after he saw who the bloody head was. Slightly startled, he raised his eyes and looked at Song Ji.

Song Ji gently rubbed his fingers and asked:

"Whose head?"

Guan Hongzhuo stood up, hesitated a little, looked at Xu Buling next to him, and then said softly:

"It's Secret Guard Lao Yi and Detective Division Song Ying."


As soon as the words came out, the Tai Chi Hall was filled with noise.

The ministers first wondered why Xu Buling killed the emperor's cronies, and then were shocked that the emperor's cronies had a chance to be killed by Xu Buling.

Xu Buling just came back from the front line, carrying the heads of the secret guards in the palace, which can only mean...

Sangong and Jiuqing frowned and looked at Song Ji.

Song Ji's face also showed a bit of surprise. He glanced at the heads of the two people and said in a deep voice:

"There was a fire in the palace some time ago. The secret guards inside and outside cooperated to assassinate me. Several people disappeared afterwards. I was sending people to investigate. I never thought that I had already fallen into the hands of Xu Aiqing. I am afraid that these secret guards have been bribed by the traitors of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Is it possible that they are targeting Xu Aiqing? Did you take action too?"

Song Ji blatantly lied, and everyone in the court frowned, and no one believed this explanation.

Song Ying didn't care about it for the time being. A had just appeared and he didn't know the details. But during the reign of the late emperor, Lao B served as the emperor's bodyguard together with Eunuch Jia. If he could be bribed, how could he be the emperor's bodyguard?

The four secret guards, A, B, C and D, were the emperor's last barrier. How did Song Jie survive when he was assassinated by the most trusted guard around him?

But an explanation is an explanation, no matter how far-fetched it is, if the emperor on the dragon throne speaks it out, it will be hard for the courtiers to question it. After all, Song Ying, A and B, are just imperial guards. They are insignificant minions in the court, no different from the golden melon warriors outside the palace. The emperor said that these three people surrendered to the enemy and were assassinated. The ministers could not directly say that they were arranged by the emperor.

Xu Buling was not surprised at all when Song Ji blatantly told lies. He only needed the courtiers to know about it and did not need Song Ji's explanation.

Xu Buling raised his eyes to look at Song Ji and said loudly:

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I fought hard in Xiangyang the day before yesterday. These two people took the opportunity to sneak into Nanyang and assassinate my family. Fortunately, there are experts in the family, and only a dozen guard maids died. Although my wife and concubines were injured, their lives are safe for the time being. "

When the courtiers heard this, their eyelids jumped.

They thought Song Ji sent someone to assassinate Xu Buling, but they didn't expect that they were going for his family. Is this... water on the head?

Killing the Xu family would be of no use. After killing them all, what should the Xu family do? Isn't it better to just do whatever they have to do? Besides angering the Xu family, is there any benefit at all?

Guan Hongzhuo didn't know the inside story, but he knew that he must be inseparable from the Holy One. To cover up the Holy One, he questioned:

"Since these two people surrendered to the enemy, why didn't they directly assassinate Prince Xu instead of attacking the prince's family?"

Xu Buling turned his head and looked at Guan Hongzhuo:

"Because these two assassins who were ordered by others cannot defeat me. Lieutenant Guan, is this explanation enough?"


Guan Hongye was suddenly speechless. After thinking for a while, he silently stepped aside.

Xiao Chuyang's face darkened slightly, with a little worry in his eyes:

"Is Xiao Qi okay?"

"He was injured by the assassin and is still unconscious."

When the ministers heard this, their eyes showed a bit of anger, and Lu Chengan said:

"It's really ridiculous. A general is fighting bloody battles on the front lines, but his family members at the rear can be attacked and killed by assassins. If word gets out, who of the border officers will still have the heart to fight?"

All the ministers catered to him and scolded Northern Qi for being shameless, but the three ministers and ministers knew who they were really meant for.

Song Ji's eyes were still calm as he listened to the courtier's words, but the anger in his heart was already revealed by the fingers he was rubbing faster and faster.

He only ordered the death of the shady Cui Xiaowan, and did not let the dead soldiers touch Xu Buling's family at all; because Cui Xiaowan was a dead person, even if he was assassinated, Xu Buling could not make a fuss about it, and killing others would be thankless.

Song Ji knew the behavior of the secret guards around him and could not make his own decisions. Xu Buling was blatantly framed.

Do you know of any? It is impossible to reason about this kind of thing on the table. Since the dead soldiers sent have become evidence, Song Ji has a hundred mouths and it is impossible to defend it.

After Xu Buling waited for the ministers to discuss for a while, he looked at the two heads and continued:

"Since these two people, the Holy One said they surrendered to the enemy and were bribed, I won't say more. A few days ago, the Holy One issued an order to order the Xiliang infantry to return to defend Xiliang, and ordered the minister to stay in Nanyang and sit in the rear. I can't think of anything. The explanation is that I came to Chang'an to ask your Majesty whether I have neglected my duty since I led the army."

All civil and military officials in Manchao became quiet and looked up at Song Ji, waiting for Song Ji's reply.

In fact, those who can stand in the front row of the court know that Song Ji asked Xu Buling to withdraw his troops just because he was afraid that the Xu family would have too much military power and would be unable to dismount in the future.

But this reason obviously cannot be stated openly, because the Xu family has not yet rebelled, and has never expressed its opposition.

When Song Ji faced Xu Buling's questioning, he just said calmly:

"A few days ago, a tip came from the Criminal Investigation Department. Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Jiang Ru, secretly assembled tens of thousands of troops with unknown intentions. The Chu region has been temporarily stable. In order to prevent losses in Xiliang, troops and horses were dispatched to come back for reinforcements. These are my It has been stated in the imperial edict, Xu Aiqing, do you have any objections?"

The courtiers shook their heads secretly. They had heard this explanation before, but was this a bullshit explanation?

It is unfounded and unfounded that Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty gathered troops and dispatched the frontline soldiers back to his hometown three thousand miles away. This is no different from nonsense. And even if it's true, so what? King Su still has 150,000 elite soldiers under his command. Is it possible that he still cannot defend Xiliang?

Xu Buling raised his head and looked at Song Ji:

"Of course I have objections. The floods in the south of the Yangtze River last year, and no one has provided relief until this year, has caused the people in the south of the Yangtze River to wander thousands of miles away. Countless people have been coerced by rebels and become rebels. Hundreds of people starve to death in the wilderness every day.

Strong enemies from the north entered the country, and the border troops lost consecutive battles. Countless soldiers died on the battlefield every day.

The four kings took advantage of the chaos and conscripted nearly a million strong men and civilians. The entire east of Dayue was disturbed and there was no peace. The fields were abandoned and no one was cultivating them. In the autumn, no one knows how many people will starve to death.

In the face of internal and external troubles, as a king, he calls the people his subjects and is the parents of the people in the world. He should first stabilize the world internally, and then retreat from foreign enemies to avoid the violent death of countless people.

Now, I am leading 50,000 troops from Xiliang, equipped with armor and horses, to quell civil strife for the Holy One. Seeing that the overall situation is about to be decided, the Holy One forces me to retreat with nonsense!

Does your Majesty know that if I retreat, how long will the chaos in the world be delayed?

How many people in the north and south of the Yangtze River became refugees due to war disasters, and how many people died in the wilderness due to famine? "

The words were impassioned, and although they were disrespectful, they spoke to the courtier's heart.

Starting from the first day of the first lunar month, the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty watched helplessly as Dayue, which was in its prosperous age, became riddled with holes in the raging smoke.

The whole world is plunged into the quagmire of war, food and grass are being forcibly taken from the able-bodied, countless people starve to death every day, and there are more and more voices of uprisings in various places. If the rebellion is not put down quickly, every day that is delayed will be a serious loss for Dayue.

As a parent official in this world, how could he not understand the principle that "water can carry a boat but also capsize it?" If one does not even care about the safety of the people, the official hat on his head and even the emperor's imperial crown will not be able to wear it securely.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty discussed the situation day and night, in order to first stabilize the internal situation, then drive away the foreign enemies, and restore Dayue to the state of living and working in peace and contentment before the war.

Seeing that the situation was improving, Song Ji suddenly pulled the reins from behind. How could the officials not have complaints in their hearts?

The emperor Song Ji also understood this truth, and he wanted to pacify the outside world and reduce the casualties of the people.

But as a king, royal power is more important than anything else!

After the world is peaceful, if the Song family is gone, what's the point of having peace in the world?

This is not selfishness, but this is how a monarch should be. No one would be so generous as to give up imperial power to others for the sake of the safety of the people.

After listening to Xu Buling's words, Song Ji just said calmly:

"The people of Xiliang are also my people. Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty is ready to make a move and mobilize his troops to defend. There is nothing wrong with it. Guan Hongye brings 20,000 Xiliang troops and government troops, which is enough to pacify the four kings."

Xu Buling took a step forward: "Then, Your Majesty, why did you ask me to stay away from the front line and retreat to Nanyang?"

Song Ji responded calmly: "The troops and horses have not moved yet, but the food and grass go first. Logistics management is more important than charging into battle. You are still young, so you can't just charge ahead with the courage of an ordinary man, but you must also hone your skills in this area..."

"The Holy One is just afraid that my Xu family will rebel!!"

While Song Ji was explaining, Xu Buling, who was standing with his head held high, suddenly shouted loudly, suppressing Song Ji's words.

The sound was like thunder, extremely loud in the empty hall, and the courtiers who listened carefully were trembling with fright, and then their eyes were full of astonishment.

Guan Hongzhuo was startled, and after he came to his senses, he glared:

"No, you are so presumptuous..."

Xu Buring ignored Guan Hongzhuo, turned around, and faced the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty:

"Everyone knows it well, so why bother hiding it in this court!

The Xiliang army traveled three thousand miles and came to Wuguan to throw their heads and blood for the peace of Dayue.

Just because I am good at fighting and conquered Nanyang and Xiangyang, I suddenly ordered the Xiliang army to go back to Xiliang. What could be the reason?

I, the Xu family, sit in the territory of twelve states, and have 200,000 troops in our hands. Our troops are strong and our horses are strong, and our achievements are impressive. We have already been suspected by others. If I defeat the four kings again and gather my troops to establish prestige, the Guanzhong Army will not be able to suppress it. The Holy Lord is afraid that my Xu family will rebel!

Apart from this reason, what else could make the Holy One issue this almost absurd edict? "

He angrily asked the officials, but the civil and military officials were speechless and did not dare to answer. After all, this was not something that should be said on the table.

Guan Hongzhuo's face turned red and he said angrily:

"You are talking nonsense! How could the Holy One..."

Xu Buling's eyes were sharp as he scanned the court's civil and military forces:

"When the cunning rabbit dies, the lackeys are cooked, and when the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden. This principle has existed since ancient times; but I want to ask you, has my Xu family ever rebelled?

During the founding of the People's Republic of China before Jiazi, my grandfather Xu Lie was born as a butcher. He fought for decades and became a general. He commanded nearly a million troops in Dayue. Today's Liaoxi Army, Guanzhong Army, and Xiliang Army are all under my grandfather's command.

Let me ask you, did my grandfather ever feel ashamed to treat Emperor Xiaozong in the slightest? "

The ministers were silent. Regarding the general Xu Lie, no one in the three kingdoms of the world, from the emperors, generals and ministers to the common people, was unconvinced. He just brought peace to the world and was not greedy for power. He had been a minister of Yue all his life, and he had never I am half ashamed of the imperial court.

Xu Buling glanced at the ministers: "My grandfather's achievements were so great that everyone in the government and the public was dissatisfied. He wanted to usurp the throne, but it was just a matter of opening his mouth.

But my grandfather didn’t object! He relieved himself of military power, received a reward from Emperor Xiaozong, led tens of thousands of soldiers out of the gate, ran to a wilderness two thousand miles away to eat sand, and guarded the country for Dayue, without a single complaint until his death! "

All the ministers and even Song Ji were speechless.

Xu Buling paused and continued:

"Let's talk about my father. My Xiliang army is strong and strong, and we are about to attack a key point. Guo Xianzhong and hundreds of thousands of Guanzhong troops also want to stop my father's powerful army?

Twelve years ago, when Tie Ying was hunting deer, the Lu family of Donghai disobeyed the court's orders and the court attacked him. The Lu family of Donghai is my mother's natal family, the head of the Lu family is my father-in-law, and my father has an army of 200,000. In that case, why don't you rebel? "

All the officials were speechless. Su Wang Xu You did not show any reluctance. The only time he came out of Qinzhou to surprise the Northern Qi Dynasty was when he used devious tactics to regain territory for Dayue. You can't say that he has any rebellious intentions. ?

Xu Buling was pacing back and forth at the steps in front of the dragon chair:

"Not only did my father not rebel, he also personally asked for orders to lead troops to go to the Lu family to exterminate their relatives, causing my mother to die in depression. Let me ask you, until now, I, the Xu family's loyal martyr, have failed the imperial court and how have I failed the people of the world?"

Song Ji clenched his fists tightly and, like Baiguan, could not say a word.

Because these are facts, even the emperor cannot refute them.

Xu Buling glanced at the ministers, and when no one responded, he continued:

"My Xu family has never been disloyal to the imperial court. Just because my Xu family is good at fighting has attracted suspicion.

I went to Chang'an to study. Who was responsible for the dragon-locking poison? Everyone is keeping it secret, but you really don't know who it is?

I fought a bloody battle in Xiangyang, and these two assassins came to assassinate my family members. The Holy Spirit said they were traitors who surrendered to the enemy. Don't you know who arranged them?

I can tolerate suspicion, and I can also tolerate it if it harms me alone and my family.

But now, I have been ordered to lead 50,000 troops out of Xiliang. The order is from the Holy One.

How many people died in the attack on Nanyang, and how many people died in the attack on Xiangyang? Do I have any complaints at all?

Guan Hongye used his troops indiscriminately. I disobeyed orders and marched forcefully in order to quell the rebellion of the imperial court and to protect the people of Dayue from the war.

Just because of suspicion, the Holy One asked me to forcibly withdraw my troops regardless of the life and death of the people. How could I bear it?

As a king, he used poisonous tactics to frame Zhongliang and sent assassins to assassinate the families of frontline generals. When the world was in turmoil, he randomly deployed troops to suppress the generals just because of suspicion.

How can such a stupid person dare to call himself a monarch? Dare you call the people your subjects? ! "

His tone became increasingly angry, and his last words caused an uproar in the Tai Chi Hall.

‘How can such a stupid person dare to call himself a monarch? Dare you call the people your subjects? ’

Is this what a minister can say?

All the civil and military officials were expressionless, some were anxious, angry, and stunned, and they looked at Xu Buling blankly.

Guan Hongzhuo was furious and raised his hand to point at Xu Buling:

"You are so presumptuous! You dare to say that the Holy One is not worthy of being king. Do you want to rebel?"

Song Ji stood up and glared at Xu Buling:

"Whether I am worthy of being king or not is something I have decided in my heart. Do you dare to comment on my merits or demerits?"

Xu Bu Ling remained unafraid and looked at Song Ji:

"The Holy One is clear about his merits and demerits, but I still have to count them.

More than ten years after the Holy Emperor took the throne, Tie Ying went too far in hunting deer, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of innocent people.

Just because they were suspicious of my Xu family, they deployed more than 100,000 troops in Qianyang Pass and used up all their financial resources to support a group of idle people. As a result, there was a drought in Shu, and the court could not provide rice for disaster relief, so my father was asked to raise grain for disaster relief.

There was a flood in the south of the Yangtze River. Even though the king of Wu knew that he could not make ends meet, he still forcibly collected money and food, causing the people in the south of the Yangtze River to be displaced thousands of miles away.

Years ago, the Liaoxi Army was sent to the south of the Yangtze River to quell the rebellion. Just because I appeared in Youzhou, they sent the Wolf Guard to blockade Youzhou and arrest me as a rebel. They also transferred the Guanzhong Army to the west. As a result, the central part of the country was empty of troops, causing the Northern Qi Dynasty to Three hundred thousand troops entered the Pass, and now they have all reached the banks of the Yellow River!

It was treasonous for the Four Kings to impeach His Majesty, but which of the charges listed by the Four Kings were false? "

The civil and military officials in the court were frightened when they heard this, but they also knew that these were all true.

Dayue's current situation is inseparable from Song Ji's efforts to cut down the vassal and suppress military generals. Although they also suspected that the Xu family would rebel, they were just jealous after all. However, Song Ji put it into action, and the action failed. This was almost the reason why the four kings raised armies. fuse.


Song Ji couldn't answer at all. He was just suspicious of Xu Buling. At this time, he had already broken his skin and stopped covering up:

"How could I have unreasonable suspicions about your Xu family, your Xu family, especially Xu Bu Ling, how dare you say that you have no objections in your heart?"

"I am loyal to Dayue, and I have never felt ashamed of the court or the people!"

Xu Buling responded calmly: "My father named my minister 'Buling', which means 'If he is upright, he will not do what he is told; if he is not upright, he will not follow orders'."

If your Majesty behaves appropriately, even if you don't issue an order, my Xu family will shed blood for the imperial court.

However, within just ten years of His Majesty's accession to the throne, he destroyed Xiaozong and the late Emperor's nearly sixty-year period of recuperation and recuperation. He was desolate and incompetent, causing the whole world to be in chaos. If His Majesty continues to act recklessly, Dayue's empire will fall apart sooner or later!

My Xu family founded the country with Emperor Xiaozong, how could we obey the orders of the Holy One again and watch Dayue destroy the country at the hands of the Holy One with our own eyes! "

Xu Buling faced Song Ji, raised his hand and bowed, and said angrily:

"My lord, I promise not to order, and I beg the Holy One to abdicate in order to appease the anger of the four eastern kings, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and even the people of the world!"

As soon as the words fell, the Tai Chi Hall instantly fell into dead silence!

The civil servants, military generals, princes and ministers all looked at Xu Buling in disbelief.

They knew Xu Buling was here to speak out and seek justice, but they didn't expect Xu Buling to directly ask Song Ji to abdicate!

Song Ji stood in front of the dragon chair, clenching his fists like a furious lion, staring at Xu Buling:

"How could I not know what your ambitions are and force me to abdicate? How could I not know about it? How could the civil and military officials of the dynasty not know about it!"

The loud voice echoed in the Tai Chi Hall, but what was different from the past was that this time there was no response from the ministers.

It was just like the current situation, except that two men were standing up and down the steps arguing, and more than a hundred people in the hall were spectators.

The majesty of a monarch cannot be slandered in the slightest. Deposing an emperor is never a trivial matter, but sometimes it is not a big deal.

As long as the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty do not listen to the announcement, they will not be able to become emperor. The prime minister or the queen mother will be too powerful and can depose the emperor.

The ministers did have complaints against Song Ji, but they had accumulated too much power in the past, so they never dared to think about it, and no one dared to speak.

At this time Xu Buling opened his mouth, but the ministers were not as shocked as before. They lowered their heads and remained silent, waiting for those in front to express their opinions first.

Taiwei Zhuo was furious and raised his finger to point at Xu Buling:

"No! You are so ambitious and want to usurp the throne! Come on, come on!"

Outside the main hall, the guards in front of the hall ran in cautiously, but did not dare to approach.

Prime Minister Xiao Chuyang had figured out Xu Buling's purpose. He took a step forward and bowed:

"Xu Bu Ling's words are reasonable. Although there are no big mistakes in the government orders since the Holy Emperor took the throne, there are hidden worries. Now the four kings in the east have gathered millions of troops. The people of the Central Plains are in dire straits. The powerful enemies in the north are aggressive. If we continue to delay the internal affairs, the internal affairs will become unstable. Our Yue Dynasty may fall apart.

The minister Xiao Chuyang was bold and begged Shengshang Chan to sit on Song Ling, the eldest son of the emperor, in order to calm down the wars of the four kings in the east, stabilize internal affairs, and ward off foreign enemies! "

As soon as Xiao Chuyang opened his mouth, all the courtiers who were attached to the Xiao family stood up and bowed to ask for orders.

Grand Sinong Lu Chengan followed closely behind, and just as he was about to speak, Cui Huailu, one of the Three Lords, suddenly jumped out and bowed:

"I second the proposal, and I would also like to ask Your Majesty, for the sake of all the people in the world, to place Zen on the eldest son of the emperor, in order to calm down the war disasters caused by the four kings in the east!"

Cui Huailu's sudden appearance shocked everyone in the civil and military dynasties, and even Xu Buling was confused.

In the eyes of the courtiers, the Cui family were die-hard loyalists to Song Ji. They originally thought that Cui Huailu was thinking about how to reverse the situation with his head down, but they didn't expect that he would side with Xu Buling when he opened his mouth. This is simply...

"I second the proposal!"

With Cui Huailu taking the lead, the courtiers of the Cui family, although still confused, still bowed with Cui Huailu.

Lu Chengan and Xiao Chuyang were wearing a pair of trousers and were already on Xu Buling's side, so they naturally stepped forward and bowed.

The Shaofu Li Si focused on military construction and had always been dissatisfied with Song Ji's "emphasis on literature and restraint on military power" style of governance. Seeing that Xiao Lu and Cui had expressed their opinions, he immediately stepped forward.

Four of the five gatekeepers expressed their opinions. Wang Qi'an, the doctor of the Wang family in Taiyuan, was still a little confused. He glanced at Cui Huailu. Although he didn't know why, he was on the wrong team when forcing the palace, and the end was usually not good. After hesitating, he also Raise your hands and bow.

The five great clans of Dayue basically represented the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. The remaining ministers, such as Qingliu such as Qi Xinghan, had no right to speak at all. Even if they did not express their stance, they could not influence the situation.

Although Guan Hongzhuo was worshiped as Taiwei, one of the three princes, he was forcibly promoted by Song Ji. How could his influence in the court be comparable to that of the five great nobles who spanned several dynasties? He stood there blankly, not knowing at all. How to do it right.

In the entire court, only Zongzheng Song Mao, who was in charge of the affairs of the royal family and his relatives, was left, anxiously saying:

"Everyone, please do it! The eldest son of the emperor, Song Ling, is only nine years old. How can he sit in the court and shock all the vassal kings? You..."

These words obviously have no sense of power. After all, the emperor on the dragon throne has already forced four of the seven kings to rebel, and he wants to force the fifth to rebel.

No matter how young the emperor's eldest son is, at least he will not force the feudal king to rebel. The four kings impeached Song Ji. After the throne, he can also eliminate the name of the four eastern kings.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it; when the drum breaks, thousands of people beat it!

In the huge Tai Chi Hall, all the powerful officials bowed their heads and begged Song Ji to abdicate.

Song Ji had already expected that the courtiers would have complaints, but seeing with his own eyes that the civil and military officials of the court were on the opposite side, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Song Ji stood upright in front of the dragon chair, looking at these respectful ministers in the past, and said coldly:

"My lords, stand with me in this Tai Chi Hall day and night, deciding on the world's major events.

You know in your heart whether I have done anything wrong!

He will rebel if he is not ordered to do so. You help him today and let him seize military power. In three years at most, he will be able to sweep away the four kings. When Chang'an is in trouble, who will help the king? King Su? !

All the ministers eat the salary of the Song family and enjoy the favor of the Song family. I have been on the throne for more than ten years, but have I ever treated you unfairly and unduly in rewards and punishments?

When the time comes, I will force the palace to usurp the throne and kill off the Song family's bloodline. Will you all say a good word for the Song family? ?

If you say that I'm a "rabbit, a dog will be cooked", you are just blind wolves who see nothing but gain and unrighteousness! "

The civil and military officials bowed their heads and remained silent. The five leading surnames did not get up. Even if they were worried, they would not dare to get up. Even if Xu Buring didn't mind, after the emperor's eldest son Song Ling ascended the throne, the first thing he would do when he came to power would be to kill those who stood in the way of his succession to the throne.

In an imperial family, there is no such thing as a loving father, a filial son, and respectful brothers. For the sake of the throne, they will do anything.

Xu Buling bowed and said loudly:

"I have no objection. Your Majesty will abdicate the throne and pass the throne to the eldest son Song Ling. The chaos among the four kings will resolve itself. Please also ask Your Majesty to consider the people of the world!"

"I beg you, Your Majesty, to step back and think of all the people in the world!"

Under the leadership of Xiao Lucui, the officials responded.

Song Ji clenched his fists and glanced at the civil and military officials of the court.

At this point, even if he is an emperor, he is just an ordinary person with a high position. The civil and military forces in the dynasty are full of disunity. Even if he does not abdicate, he is just an empty shelf. If he fails to agree to three requests, he will be helped back to the harem. Let Xinjun sit here.

There was silence in the Taiji Hall, and the ministers bowed quietly and waited for Song Ji's compromise.

Song Ji's face gradually returned to its former calmness from rage and sadness. He looked at Xu Buling, who was standing between the three ministers and nine ministers, and finally said:

"Xu Bu Ling, all the powerful families are just outsiders who act according to the changing circumstances. Do you think that if you force me to step down, they will be able to follow your lead and support you in proclaiming the emperor?"

Xu Buling remained silent, just bowed and waited.


Song Ji nodded, sat down on the dragon chair, and glanced at the civil and military personnel of the court:

"Okay, I will abdicate. Since you are considerate of the people, you don't want to think about military disasters. You want to settle domestic affairs first and work together to defend against foreign enemies. I will help you and give you a chance!"

"Your Majesty!"

Guan Hongzhuo and a few ministers' expressions changed greatly, and they quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Song Ji ignored the courtiers and said solemnly:

"Password! Since I took over, I have used military force and imposed heavy taxes, causing the people in the south of the Yangtze River to make ends meet and be displaced thousands of miles away. It is hard to escape the blame!

I am very relieved that the four kings of Wu, Wei, Yu and Chu risked their lives to impeach me when Dayue was in trouble. Nowadays, there are internal and external troubles, and reckless use of weapons will only harm all people. The eldest son of the emperor, Song Ling, was young and unable to inherit the throne. King Song Shaoying of Wei, who was highly respected in virtue, civilized and military, specially summoned him to the capital immediately to inherit the throne! "


As soon as the words came out, the silent hall instantly became noisy, and all the officials raised their heads in disbelief.

Xiao Chuyang, Lu Chengan, and Cui Huailu all frowned, with surprise in their eyes.

Song Ji's crime has been revealed, and passing the throne to King Wei is equivalent to giving up all the imperial lineage of his own lineage. This is really unbelievable.

But if you think about it carefully, this selfless decision is really appropriate.

The four kings went to war not just for the throne.

Among the four kings, King Wei has the strongest military force. Even if he wins, King Wei will probably be the emperor.

Song Ji gave up the throne to King Wei cleanly, so the four kings would definitely not recruit more troops, and King Wei would have to be grateful.

As long as the four kings stop making trouble, Dayue will be instantly stabilized internally, and it will only be a matter of time before we gather the power of the whole country to push Northern Qi back.

This situation is good for the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and even for the whole world. The only person who is not good for it is probably the lineage of King Su.

When Song Jie's Zen position resolved the Four Kings' Rebellion, there was no need to quell the rebels. Not only did the Xiliang army have to retreat with 30,000 infantry, but Xu Buling and 20,000 cavalry had to retreat back to Xiliang to eat sand.

And Xu Buling came to force the palace today. When King Wei inherits the throne, the first one to be liquidated will definitely be the Xu family. Even if they don't fight, they will be on guard and isolate the Xu family in the Western Region. They will never come out for the rest of their lives. step.

Thinking of this, most of the courtiers admired Song Ji's courage. Although in the past, he was too hasty and took too big a step, this skill was really worthy of Song Ji's reputation over the years.

Song Ji was sitting on the dragon chair. Although he was considered a loser, his eyes were slightly unruly:

"Xu Bu Ling, do you have anything else to say?"

Xu Buling stood at the foot of the steps and looked up at Song Ji. He was speechless for the first time since entering the Tai Chi Hall.


In the splendid Taiji Palace, there was a soft sound of a blade being unsheathed, and it suddenly appeared.

Then blood splattered on the dragon chair and steps.

Man Chao Wenwu in the front row, who was lowering his head and thinking, had some warm water drops splashed on his face. He raised his hand to wipe it, but his hand turned blood red.

When he looked up, he realized that Xu Buring standing next to him was gone.

On the steps in front of the hall, a tall figure wearing a white robe appeared with a single sword pointing diagonally at the ground. Blood was dripping from the sharp blade!


"Your Majesty!"

"Maybe I won't let you..."



But in an instant, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, who had just been thinking about Song Ji's decision, exploded; some were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders split, or they were dumbfounded, or they fell directly to the ground and raised their fingers to the dragon throne above.

On the dragon throne, Song Ji's eyes were bloodshot, his right hand grasped his neck, blood seeped out from between his fingers and flowed on the dragon robe; his left hand grasped Xu Buling's collar, staring at Xu Buling's eyes:


His lips opened and closed, spitting out blood, but no sound came out.

"I have nothing to say."

Xu Buling's eyes were calm, he responded softly, then pulled Song Ji's hand away and helped him lean on the dragon throne.

"Your Majesty——"

" thief!"

The whole court was in a mess, so the court officials rushed to the front, either shouting angrily or wailing sadly.

Xiao Chuyang was shocked, standing there looking at Xu Buling and Song Ji leaning on the dragon throne, he was actually a little hesitant. Lu Chengan was the same.

Cui Huailu's face turned pale with fear, slapping his knees and shouting:

"'s over..."

Guan Hongzhuo was already confused, slumped on the ground, stammering his lips and unable to speak.

After a brief shock, Shaofu Li Si and Zongzheng Song Mao shouted angrily:

"Come here! Come here! Quickly capture this thief..."

On the steps, Xu Buling turned a blind eye to the noise behind him. After Song Ji's ferocious eyes faded, he raised his hand and closed Song Ji's eyes.

"Xu Buling, you are so presumptuous! Do you know what you did!"

Xiao Chuyang always came back to his senses. Even Xu Buling's brother-in-law was frightened by this sudden move and shouted angrily.

Xu Buling turned around, sheathed his sword, and strode down the steps. He ignored the ministers with different expressions and said loudly:

"There was a fire in the palace the day before yesterday. The emperor was frightened by the gift and died in the harem on the eighth day of June. The country cannot be without a monarch for a day. Please invite the eldest son Song Ling to the palace to ascend the throne immediately. The eldest son is young and it is difficult for him to handle political affairs. The emperor left a will and ordered Prime Minister Xiao Chuyang to assist the new monarch. Prince Su Xu You went to Chang'an to serve the king and guard Guanzhong Road to prevent the four kings from making trouble."

The loud voice suppressed the noise of the whole court.

The court officials were furious. They were dissatisfied with Song Jigui. Removing the monarch and supporting a new monarch was also Dayue's internal affairs. Xu Buling killed the monarch in the court, which was directly considered a rebellion!

Guan Hongzhuo was so frightened that he came to his senses after hearing Xu Buling's words, and cursed incoherently:

"You are talking nonsense! You, a traitor, dared to kill the king, and you will be cursed for eternity! You have the ambition to usurp the throne, you should be cut into pieces, what right do you have to give orders here..."

Xu Buling drew his long sword from his waist again, turned around and put it on Guan Hongzhuo's neck, his eyes were cold, and he said angrily:

"With the 200,000 Xiliang troops in my hands, is it enough?

The 30,000 Xiliang troops are just outside Chang'an City, and they can enter Chang'an in an hour. With the tens of thousands of imperial guards in Chang'an City, do you want to cut me into pieces?"


As he was talking, several communication fireworks rose in the rain outside the Taiji Hall, from near to far, until the end of the sky outside Chang'an City.

Soon, a thunderous roar came from far away, and two gunboats anchored on the banks of the Wei River launched artillery fire at the walls of Chang'an City.

Yang Zunyi's 30,000 infantrymen north of the Wei River also drew their swords in the rain and pressed towards Chang'an City like a tide.

The civil and military officials in the court instantly woke up in the sound of artillery fire, and immediately retracted their swear words, leaving only surprise and panic in their eyes.

Xu Buling raised his single sword and pointed at the civil and military officials in the court:

"I led the troops to pacify the four kings, and countless soldiers were killed and injured. Song Ji abdicated to the four kings. Who will pay for the lives of my soldiers who died in Nanyang and Xiangyang?!"


The ministers stepped back a few steps, gritting their teeth but not daring to speak.

Xu Buling looked around with a knife in hand: "The north has fought to the Yellow River, and there are uprisings everywhere. You still think you are the Celestial Empire and the overlord of the Central Plains?

You are beaten to death by the Northern Qi and the Four Kings, and you have the nerve to point fingers at me. So what if I killed the emperor?

You still don't understand that I have the final say in this world, not Song Ji!

I will kill all the civil and military officials in the court today. Who do you think can come to save you?

Guo Xianzhong was beaten to the point of jumping into the Yellow River? The King of Chu who is standing outside Xiangyang? Or the King of Shu who can't even get enough food?

I am the only one who can save you!

Without you guys, do you think I can't form a second court?

Today I support the new king, and Song Ji is obsessed with the throne. What if I kill him?

If you want to sacrifice your life for Song Ji, just come!

I will stand here alone with a knife today. What can the millions of people in Chang'an do to me! "

The voice was like thunder and deafening.

The civil and military officials in the court were speechless and stunned under the murderous aura.

The warriors and eunuchs in front of the hall didn't even have the courage to go up, and they all stood in the corner trembling.

The hall was silent, and the rain was pouring outside the hall. The pattering rain curtain seemed to separate the Taiji Hall from the whole world outside.

After Xu Buling scanned the courtiers, no one dared to look at him. He sheathed his sword and strode out of the palace.

In the magnificent palace, the courtiers watched Xu Buling walk away in fear until he disappeared in the rain.

The sound of artillery outside became more and more intense. The imperial guards ran into the palace and were about to report that the Xiliang army north of the Wei River had crossed the checkpoint and crossed the river. When they saw the scene above the Golden Palace, they were so scared that they sat down on the ground.

With no leader, everyone looked at each other, not daring to look at Song Ji, who had already closed his eyes while leaning on the dragon throne.

Xiao Chuyang was silent for a long time before he suppressed the waves in his heart and turned to look at the civil and military officials:

"Close the door, seal off the palace and forbid anyone from entering or leaving. The emperor is ill, send him back to the harem to recuperate; Lu Cheng'an, you go to the Imperial College immediately to bring the eldest son Song Ling into the palace... withdraw the guards outside the city and let the Xiliang army enter the city, otherwise it will be a waste of life."

The ministers were speechless. Although Xu Buling had left, the knife was still on his neck. What could they say?

Lu Cheng'an said nothing, turned around and walked out of the hall; Cui Huailu hurriedly said: "I'll go too..." It was a pity that Xiao Chuyang didn't trust Cui Huailu, and raised his hand to hold him back...

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