The prince is very fierce

Chapter 8: Audacity

After walking around Nanyang City, the sky turned dark without realizing it.

On the way back to the boat, Xu Buling chatted and laughed with Lu Hongluan; Zhongli Chuchu and Zhu Manzhi got together, holding medicinal materials in their hands and chatting.

However, the expressions of the two girls were completely different. Zhu Manzhi was absent-minded and glanced back at Xu Buling from time to time. He wanted to get close to Xu Buling, but was embarrassed. Zhongli Chuchu kept a distance from Xu Buling and tried not to get along with Xu Buling. Eye contact occurs.

Lu Hongluan was thoughtful and could see the reactions of the two girls.

After returning to the building, Manzhi and Chuchu ran to deliver the medicinal materials, while Lu Hongluan pulled Xu Buling's sleeve, came to her room, and asked in a low voice:

"Ling'er, what's going on with Miss Chu Chu? These days on the ship, I often see her sitting alone in the corridor with a jade pendant in a daze. She obviously misses you. Why are you so indifferent when you come back? "

Xu Buling pulled Lu Hongluan to Ruantan: "Chu Chu is Jiujiu's apprentice. It stands to reason that he calls me master dad, but he can't let go."

Lu Hongluan was about to sit down on the couch, but she didn't expect to be pulled by Xu Buling, and she sat down directly in Xu Buling's arms.

It's been a long time since I saw the smell of meat. Lu Hongluan must be lying when he said he had no idea. He glanced around and saw that there was no one else in the room, so he didn't struggle. He sat on Xu Buling's lap and raised his hand to help tidy up his clothes, with a dissatisfied expression on his face. Training:

"What Master? As a grown man, you always have to spend some time to coax the girl's family. Miss Chu Chu has already boarded the ship, and just like Queen Cui, sooner or later she will not be my little wife of the Xu family."

Xu Bu Ling looked at it carefully and said a little uncertainly:

"Auntie, you're not talking sarcastically, are you?"

"What sarcasm am I talking about? You've already entered the door, how can you still be jealous of a little girl?"

Lu Hongluan rolled her eyes at Xu Buling: "I think Miss Chu Chu has a really good figure. She can give birth easily, and her green eyes are very beautiful. The baby she gives birth to will definitely be good-looking. Empress Cui is not very good, her physique is too weak. , I don’t do any activities at ordinary times, so you have to talk to her when you have time, don’t stress your body out.”

When Xu Buling heard this, he also shook his head: "Miss Cui is withdrawn and doesn't like to be with others. In Peach Blossom Valley, you can dig holes and plant trees every day for exercise, but on the ship, there is no place to move around. However, Now that we are at war, I don’t feel comfortable letting her go anywhere else, so I can only let Xiang’er stay with me and talk more.”

Lu Hongluan sighed softly, and just as he was about to taunt his best friend, there was a soft sound of "squeak--" at the door. She quickly wanted to get up, but when she looked around, she saw Xiao Xiang'er, wearing a red nightgown, sneaking in from the door.

Lu Hongluan frowned, subconsciously hugged Xu Buling's arm, sat back again, and said dissatisfied:

"Shi Xiang'er, why don't you go and accompany your daughter-in-law? Why did you come to my house?"

Asking knowingly.

Xiao Xiang'er hadn't seen Xu Buling for so long, and she almost felt like dying. She must have come to thank her brother. But you have already met someone, so you can't act too eager.

Xiao Xiang'er locked the door, looked dignified and steady, and walked over slowly:

"Hong Luan, how old are you? You still sit in other people's arms, and you don't even know how to avoid them when outsiders come. Are you ashamed?"

All five of them were sleeping together. Lu Hongluan was not shy at all and did not get up to give up his seat. He rested his head on Xu Buling's shoulder provocatively and glanced sideways at Xiao Xiang'er:

"I'm happy, but what does it have to do with you? It's getting late. If you have anything to say, please tell me. I still have to rest with your child."

Xu Bu Ling's palms and backs were full of flesh, so he couldn't show favoritism. He spread out a leg for the baby to sit on, and didn't interrupt indiscriminately.

Xiao Xiang'er sat down next to Lu Hongluan. When Xu Buling touched her, her body became obviously softer, but she still maintained her dignified appearance. She took out two small dark green hats from her arms and handed them to Lu Hongluan:

"Then, I prepared it specially for you, try it on."


Lu Hongluan looked at the little hat with two small bells, and picked it up and looked at it with blank eyes:

"What the hell is this?"

Xu Buling narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled meaningfully:

"The baby's craftsmanship is really good."

"That is."

Xiao Xiang'er looked slightly interested and raised her hand to untie Lu Hongluan's clothes.

Lu Hongluan was confused, but looking at this thing, it didn't seem as scary as the tail. Xu Buling seemed to be quite interested, so he didn't resist too much, he just frowned and said:

"Why don't you try it yourself?"

"I tried it."

Xiao Xiang'er had a smile on her lips. After glancing around, she raised her hand and opened the skirt of her clothes, looked at it for Xu Buling, and quickly closed it again.


With a startling glance, Xu Bu Ling's blood surged up and he almost lost his breath.

Lu Hongluan didn't see clearly, but he also discovered that Xiao Xiang'er didn't even wear lotus flowers and carp, and couldn't help but look a little strange in his eyes:

"Xian'er, are you so anxious? You don't even wear clothes properly..."

"Let's talk after we go in, it's getting late."

Xu Bu Ling didn't want to chat, so he put his arms around the waists of two mature beauties and walked towards the back room while talking...




It's quiet at night.

The strange ringing sound is vague and rhythmic.

In a wing not far away, Ning Yuhe, Ning Qingye, and Zhu Manzhi were lying side by side on the mat on the floor.

Zhu Manzhi was a little tired after shopping all day, and had already fallen asleep. He spread out in a big shape, occupying the largest piece of land.

Ning Qingye slept in the middle, lying on his side with his back to Ning Yuhe, with his eyes closed, and it was unknown whether he was asleep or not.

Ning Yuhe lay quietly at the edge, staring at the ceiling in a daze, his mind sometimes on Qingye beside him, and sometimes on the sound of bells in the distance.

Although Ning Yuhe didn't know what the bells were for, she could tell the rhythm, nine shallow and one deep, which was obviously the trick Xu Buling used when bullying people.

She didn't feel sleepy to begin with, and under the influence of the bells, she couldn't sleep even more.

After the confession in the afternoon, Ning Qingye's reaction was surprisingly calm, which made Ning Yuhe a little confused - it was a good thing that Xu Buling talked to Ning Qingye in advance, but what should he do next?

Judging from Qingye's current intention, he would not break off the relationship with her, nor did he blame her, which meant that they could live together, and the master and apprentice would share a husband...

Ning Yuhe had this idea in her mind, but Qingye's words were unclear, so she was really not sure. I had been wanting to ask her this afternoon, but I didn't know how to start. It would be even harder to start when Manzhi came back.

Speaking of Manzhi, Ning Yuhe also had a headache. She and Manzhi had been together for half a year, and their relationship was deeper than Qingye and Manzhi's. If Manzhi knew that she had snatched a man, her reaction would probably be more terrifying than Qingye's...

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. Ning Yuhe tilted her head and glanced at the two girls. Seeing that Qingye only gave her a back view, she could only sigh silently.

The sound of the bell lasted for a long time, and there was a voice from the opposite room:

"Chuchu, I'm going to give Madam Lu a massage..."

"Just go, why are you telling me?"

"Hehe... just say hello..."

Then the bell stopped, and then began to sway again.

Ning Yuhe just lay there, her face slowly turned red, but she didn't dare to show it. She forced herself to concentrate and calm down, and gradually entered a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness.

In a daze, I don't know how long it has been, the bell stopped ringing, and then the footsteps of each returning to the room came from the corridor. One footstep walked to the door, and then silently pushed the door open.


Ning Yuhe suddenly woke up, looked up, and didn't know what time it was.

She secretly felt that something was wrong. Just when she wanted to get up and go out to serve her husband, she found that there was another person beside her, and a familiar voice came from her ear:

"Hush, don't make a sound."

? !

Ning Yuhe was shocked, and she didn't dare to play with fire at this time. She hurriedly wanted to stop Xu Buling, but unfortunately, before she could do anything, she was hugged by Xu Buling and couldn't move. She could only anxiously say:

"Ling'er, don't..."

Xu Buling smiled at the corner of his mouth and blew gently in Ning Yuhe's ear. Ning Yuhe shivered and didn't even have the strength to struggle...

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