The prince is very fierce

Chapter 20 The Concubine of the Son of the Regent of Dayue

After entering the pass from Yanshan, Xu Buling rode his horse at full speed and arrived at Yangshuo County. With Zhongli Jiujiu's guidance, he first found an inn in the county town to stay.

Yangshuo County is the first town after entering Nanyue. It is located along the Lijiang River and is a transportation hub between the north and the south. All kinds of people gather here. In addition to merchants from all over the world, people from southern Xinjiang wearing various costumes can be seen everywhere.

There are hundreds of villages of all sizes among the mountains on the south side of Liuzhou. The Eighteen Villages of Feishuiling is among them, about forty miles away from Yangshuo County in a straight line; but in the terrain of Nanyue, it may take a whole day to walk to the other side of the two villages across the mountains. Even Zhongli Jiujiu can't tell how far it is, but he only knows that he has to cross more than twenty mountains.

It's too late. There are poisonous insects and tigers everywhere in the mountains and fields of Lingnan. It's not advisable to travel overnight. You have to rest for a night and set off again tomorrow morning.

After putting down the gift in the inn, Zhongli Jiujiu covered her face a little and asked for information in the gambling house and wine shop outside the inn. Zhongli Chuchu served as a tour guide and took Xu Buling, who came to South Vietnam for the first time, to walk around.

In order to hide his identity, Xu Buling got a local native's clothes to wear. He always wore a snow-white robe, but suddenly changed into a rather wild foreign outfit. He was still handsome but had a different flavor. Zhongli Chuchu, who saw him for the first time, was really amazed, but he naturally did not show it in front of Xu Buling.

Zhongli Chuchu also changed back to the clothes of her hometown, wearing a blue skirt and silver ornaments. She was afraid of being recognized by acquaintances, so she still covered her face with a veil.

The two walked together on the small street. The small buildings on the street were quite characteristic of South Vietnam, but as a place where people from all walks of life gathered, like the Central Plains, there were many brothels and gambling houses, and it was a bit chaotic.

Zhongli Chuchu wanted to be a good host and introduce Xu Buling to the local customs and practices, but after looking around, she had nothing to say. She couldn't tell Xu Buling that there were "black pearls" from overseas, or blue-eyed foreign horses like her, in a brothel in front.

The two walked for a while, and before Zhongli Chuchu could think of what to say, she found that Xu Buling's eyes were always looking around, and occasionally sniffed and sniffed, as if he was looking for something. She said with a little surprise:

"What are you looking for?"

Xu Buling smiled and said: "Looking for Liuzhou snail noodles. I have only heard of it before, but I have never eaten it. I have to see it when I come here."

Zhongli Chuchu was puzzled and thought carefully: "What is snail noodles? I have been in Liuzhou for many years and have never heard of it. Where did you hear it from?"

Xu Buling was a little disappointed when he heard it: "I heard from the storyteller that it is extremely smelly but delicious. Once you eat it, you will become addicted."

Zhongli Chuchu heard "extremely smelly", There was a clear displeasure in his eyes, and he frowned:

"Although our Nanyue is a little poor, it is only inferior to the Guanzhong Chu area. To be honest, it is much more prosperous than the Western Regions. Moreover, this place was governed by the Great Qi for three hundred years before it was under the jurisdiction of the Nanyue court sixty years ago. The food here is no different from that in the Central Plains. How can you eat something extremely smelly? You Central Plains people like to belittle foreigners. These words are not credible."

Xu Buling was not good at explaining, so he just shook his head and smiled, and followed Chuchu to stroll on the street.

Zhongli Chuchu used to travel around Yangshuo County. It was boring to walk aimlessly with Xu Buling, so he thought of going to a small tavern he knew to see if there were any acquaintances he knew before to inquire about the news.

Zhongli Chuchu's first stop in the world of martial arts was Yangshuo County. He had some connections there, but just as they walked to the vicinity of the wine shop, before they had time to go in, a conversation came from the wine shop:

"Brother Huyan, the situation is tense recently. We are still wanted in Dayue. If we run away and get caught now, it will be worse than being captured by the court..."

"What are you afraid of? The concubine of the son of the regent of Dayue is my friend from the past. If something happens, just report her name..."

The son of the regent of Dayue...

Xu Buling frowned and thought for a while before realizing that the person he was talking about was himself.

The voice sounded familiar. When he met Chuchu in Chang'an City before, Chuchu and several South Yue martial artists pretended to be envoys from the overseas Baisha Kingdom and went to Chang'an City to meet the emperor and defraud rewards. The leader, Hu Yanjie, had worked with him in Renyi Hall. He had some impression of him because he appeared with Chuchu. One of the people talking in the wine shop looked very much like Hu Yanjie, who had met him several times in Chang'an City.

Xu Buling stopped and wanted to ask Chuchu if he wanted to say hello. He looked over and saw Zhongli Chuchu with a cold look in her eyes and gnashing teeth. She had obviously heard the conversation in the wine shop and understood that the "concubine" was referring to her.

Xu Buling smiled in his heart, but he still asked calmly: "Chuchu, what's wrong? It seems that it was Hu Yanjie in front. I met him once in Chang'an City before."

Zhongli Chuchu and Hu Yanjie went to Chang'an to cheat rewards. They were just a group of people from the Jianghu teaming up to do business at odd hours. They were not even friends, but just acquaintances. Zhongli Chuchu was naturally dissatisfied when she was called "Xu Buling's concubine" by the other party. But it was not easy to say it directly, so she just said calmly:

"Hu Yanjie has been around Liuzhou for many years. He is considered a local tyrant here. He has a wide network of contacts and knows a lot of things. You ask about the situation in the village, and I won't show up. Otherwise, these people will definitely stick to you and try to establish a relationship with you. It will be difficult for me to chase them away if I am there."

Xu Buling naturally understood the truth that 'the poor are ignored in the downtown, but the rich have distant relatives in the mountains', so he asked Chuchu to wait at the corner of the tavern, and he entered the tavern with a scimitar.

The old wine shop didn’t even have a signboard, and the aroma of wine was overwhelming even before you entered the door. However, judging from Xu Buling’s experience of drinking wine for so many years, it can only be regarded as an upper-middle-class standard, but in this small county in remote southern Xinjiang, It is indeed rare to see good wine.

In the wine shop, several small wine tables were occupied by guests. On the wine table in the corner, three men were sitting together. The leader was Hu Yanjie, the "Baisha Foreign Ambassador" back then. The scimitar was placed on the table with a package beside it, obviously preparing for a long journey.

The two accomplices next to him met each other, and Xu Buling had never seen them before. They should be Hu Yanjie's new friends. At this time, they were asking dubiously:

"Brother Huyan, the 'concubine' you are talking about is our Bagui Fairy Zhongli from South Vietnam, right? She is a fairy-like figure, do you know her?"

Hu Yanjie held the wine bowl with an enigmatic look on his face: "What am I trying to do to you? If you don't believe me, go out and ask around. When Zhongli and Chuchu came out to run around, I was the one who led the way. A few years ago, we went to Chang'an to do business, and she was there. At that time, I met the son of the King of Xiliang, and from then on he flew up a branch and became a phoenix. I know these things clearly. Not only was I there, but I also had an encounter with Xu Bu, the son of the King of Xiliang, who is the contemporary 'best player in the world'. Ling, we have learned a few tricks, and it’s fair to say that we don’t know each other even if we don’t fight..."

"Brother Huyan even knows Dayue's best master in the world? Have you ever competed with him?"

Hu Yanjie really knew Xu Buling. Although he was almost beaten to death with a piece of silver, it was still considered a fight. He nodded with a clear conscience at the moment:

"Jianghu people don't tell lies. Have you heard of Zhuangyuan Street in Chang'an City? At that time, my brother had a conflict with someone and blocked Xu Buling's carriage. Xu Buling was unhappy and raised his hand to kill me. My brother was beaten. I didn’t know Xu Buling at that time, so I slapped the table and fought with him, and I was unscathed afterwards.”


The two friends were full of surprise. Seeing that Hu Yanjie didn't seem to be lying, they asked with hesitation:

"Brother Huyan is indeed a hero among men. I heard that Xu Buling is too handsome to look like a human being, and he is also nicknamed 'Zhaohong Yimei'. What does he really look like?"

"Oh, it's all nonsense from people in the world. The real person is very elegant. I can't tell the difference between male and female. He's just taller..."

While Hu Yanjie was talking, he noticed from the corner of his eye a man wearing Miao clothes walking in from the door of the wine shop. He glanced at it briefly and raised his chin:

"Just like this guy... he looks... damn!!"

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