The prince is very fierce

Chapter 22 The night sky is as cool as water, lying down to watch the Altair and Vega (271/596)

When I came out of the wine shop, the moon was already on the branches.

Xu Buling came to the corner of the alley with a pot of wine. Zhongli Chuchu, who had been waiting for a long time, came over and asked:

"How's it going? Have you heard any news?"

Xu Buling shook his head: "It's nothing critical. It's just that Zhan Bao colluded with the government to pull out the old village and became the boss. I don't know where the elders in the village were taken. I have to go there tomorrow and ask." "

Zhongli Chuchu followed Xu Buling back, with a bit of anger in her eyes:

"That Zhan Bao has never been a good guy. When he was young, he relied on his martial arts to run rampant in the Eighteen Villages..."

"How high is your martial arts skill?"

"It's almost the same as Qingye."

When Zhongli Chuchu said this, he felt that the masters in the eyes of ordinary Jianghu people were really not on the stage in front of Grandmaster Wu Kui, so he hummed softly:

"You probably only need one finger to hold him down."

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"You praise him too much. Now I can fight two Song Yings, Song Ying can fight three Tang Jiao, and Tang Jiao can fight three Zhang Xiangs. Zhang Xiang and Qing Ye are not far apart. In total, it is the combat power of Twelve Xiangs To fight Yixiang, you don’t even need to get close.”

Zhongli Chuchu didn't learn any good martial arts since he was a child, so he was just a little taller than Manzhi. It was hard to understand how tall a martial artist could be. After hearing this statement, she thought about it seriously:

"How can you calculate this? If you didn't know the solution to the Dragon Locking Gu, you wouldn't have had to run away when you met my master and me."

"That's true."

Xu Buring did not deny it. He carried the wine bottle and returned to the inn where he stayed with Chu Chu.

Zhongli Jiujiu went out to inquire about the news, but had already returned and was sitting in the hall waiting.

Xu Bu Ling and Jiu Jiu communicated and found out that the information they got was almost the same, so they didn't say much. They had to get up early and rush to Feishui Ridge tomorrow, so the three of them went to the second floor to rest together.

When he was away from home, in order to protect the safety of his master and his apprentice, Xu Buling naturally stayed close to each other and only opened two adjacent rooms.

Zhongli Jiujiu walked in front. When he came outside the room, he looked at the two doors and suddenly hesitated.

Zhongli Jiujiu was Xu Buling's legitimate daughter-in-law. Logically speaking, she should sleep with her husband and her apprentice in another room. But there were only three people on this trip, and Chu Chu didn't even have a companion. How could she be embarrassed to be affectionate with her husband.

Zhongli Jiujiu hesitated for a moment, then turned around and said, "Chu Chu, let's sleep together tonight."

Zhongli Chuchu saw the master's thoughts. He counted the days when the master had sex last time and felt that the interval was a bit long, so he said generously:

"No, you and Xu Buling can sleep in the same room. I'm a little tired, so I'm going to rest first."

Zhongli Jiujiu was slightly happy, but also a little embarrassed. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should agree or not.

Xu Buling stood nearby, shook his head and smiled:

"How about we sleep together."? ?

Zhongli Jiujiu's expression condensed slightly, and then he glared at his husband with a slightly annoyed look.

Zhongli Chuchu was stunned for a moment and looked at Xu Buling with a strange look in his eyes:

"You...what do you mean?"

With pure eyes and no evil thoughts, Xu Buling opened the door and walked into the house:

"The news about the village has spread too far, and what Qi Qi said makes sense. If someone is behind it, it's not safe to sleep in separate rooms. I may not be able to prevent all kinds of poisons in South Vietnam. You can sleep on the bed, and I can sleep on the stool. "

Zhongli Jiujiu knew how powerful the South Vietnamese Poison Master Witch was, and there were many with her level. Those who dared to attack Xu Buling were probably even higher than her level. She thought for a moment and then nodded gently:

"Okay, let's sleep together."

Zhongli Chuchu knew his skills very well. Seeing that Xu Buling was serious about his words, he didn't say much, lowered his head and followed him into the house... -

Feishui Ridge is located among lofty mountains and is named after a waterfall falling from the top of the mountain.

The terrain in Lingnan is too complex, and there are basically no roads in and out. In order to protect against bandits and wild beasts, most of the mountain villages built here are built in steep places. Some of the villages have to climb up and down rock walls.

However, if the inconvenience of access is not considered, the cottage terraces surrounded by beautiful scenery can be regarded as a paradise.

There are eighteen villages of various sizes in the dozens of miles surrounding Feishui Ridge. Their ancestors all originated from the old village in Niangniang Mountain. Later, more and more people in the old village could not accommodate them, and they slowly expanded outwards. Over the course of hundreds of years, Only then did it reach its current scale.

Niangniang Mountain is regarded as the ancestral temple of the Eighteen Villages. Various gatherings are held here during the New Year and festivals. Young men and women from each village will come over to sing and dance around the bonfire in the village. It's a pity that after the turmoil in the past few days, Niangniang Mountain is obviously a little depressed.

Half of the men in the village were forced to become young men by the imperial court, and only the old, young, women, and children were left in the village. The gate of the village was closed early, and under the moonlight there was no other sound except the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs.

Near the pool at the back of Niangniang Mountain, there is a small medicine garden where various common medicinal materials are grown. It was originally the property of Zhongli's family. After Zhongli Jiujiu left the village, the medicine garden was handed over to the village to take care of, and it is now quite tidy.

On the side of the pool, there is a small house. The architectural style is completely different from the stilt buildings in the village. It is more like the buildings in the south of the Yangtze River. It was Zhongli Jiujiu's grandfather. After escaping from the war and fleeing here, he missed his hometown too much. The village The brothers and sisters there helped build it.

Now, decades later, the courtyard has become a bit old. The gate is locked with a copper lock, and there is a carving on the door, which shows an adult holding a little girl with pigtails. This was secretly carved by Chuchu, who had suffered so much in the world when she was brought here. She really liked her master so much that she sat on the threshold and was in a daze.

The courtyard has been uninhabited for several years. Someone often cleans the door, and it is still clean. Behind the gate, there is a thick layer of fallen leaves and dust, which looks very quiet in the bright night.

It was past three o'clock in the morning, and the lights in the mountain village had gone out. A black crow flew silently across the night sky under the moonlight, landed on the eaves of the courtyard, and made two crow cries.

After a while, the autumn wind swept through the fallen leaves, and a black figure appeared silently in the courtyard.

In the dim moonlight, a figure can be seen wearing a black cloak, covering from head to toe, with only a few white hairs showing at the collar. He is hunched over and looks even a little sick. He is holding a twisted rattan cane, and the five fingers holding the cane are dry and pale, as if it is just a skeleton wrapped in wrinkled skin.

The man in black is holding a cane and walking through the fallen leaves on the ground without making any sound. He stopped in front of the main house. He looked up for a moment, took out a silver needle from under the cloak, gently pierced it into the crack of the door above, stuck the mechanism ready to go, and took out another silver needle until all the light and dark traps were restricted, then he opened the door and entered the house.

Before Zhongli Jiujiu left, he had cleaned up the house, put all the things in the cabinet, and the bottles and jars were neatly placed on the table. Although there was no ventilation, there was no odor at all.

The man in black looked around, and finally walked to the bed board without bedding, took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, took out an ant-sized insect from it with a silver needle, and carefully placed it between the gaps of the bed board.

After doing all this, the man in black silently exited the room and restored all the mechanisms and marks.

As the night wind blew, the courtyard returned to its silent appearance in the past few years, as if no one had ever been here...


It was late at night, and the small street gradually became quiet, leaving only the occasional laughter from the brothel that made people think about it.

In the inn room, Xu Buling lay on a bench, with a long sword at his side, closing his eyes and concentrating on sleeping. It was just that his hearing was too good, and at this moment, he was obviously a little unable to sleep.

The autumn night was slightly cool, and the little beetle who liked cold and feared heat was released, lying on the window to bask in the moonlight, motionless.

The little sparrow squatted on Xu Buling's chest, as if it was a substitute for the master.

Maybe it was also a little annoyed by the messy noises outside, the little sparrow occasionally pecked at Xu Buling's chest with its beak, and only when Xu Buling raised his hand to touch his head a few times did it quiet down again.

Between the curtains, the master and the apprentice slept in their clothes. Zhongli Chuchu slept on the inside, a little tired from running around for days. Although Xu Buling was in front of her, she had slept like this in the desert before, and there was nothing strange in her heart, so she fell asleep.

Zhongli Jiujiu also closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but her eyelashes trembled slightly, and it was obvious that she had no intention of sleeping like Xu Buling. Listening to the noises in the brothel outside, she was still muttering in her heart:

The screams are so fake, I really can't stand it, how can this sound be...

I have been traveling for more than ten days, and I haven't been with my husband for a long time...

I miss him so much...

Thinking about it, the more I think about it, the more confused I feel.

Zhongli Jiujiu secretly opened her eyes and glanced at Chuchu next to her. Seeing that Chuchu was already asleep, she carefully lifted the thin quilt, turned over and sat up, and walked barefoot to the bench silently.

Xu Buling opened one eye, glanced at the graceful silly wife, and then glanced at the curtain.

Zhongli Jiujiu blushed and hesitated, but she had already gotten up, so she had to do something.

She hesitated for a moment, leaned over and kissed Xu Buling on the lips, and then ran back with a guilty conscience.

But she didn't take two steps, and felt that it was not enough. She had already come here...

She stopped, and seeing that Chuchu was not awake, she ran back and kissed her again.

After several rounds of this, the clay Buddha was about to get angry. The last time he just stood up, he was held in his arms with his mouth covered...


The little sparrow had no place to live, so he could only fly to the window sill next to him, stepping on the little beetle with his claws, watching his master standing there being bullied.

Between the curtains, Zhongli Chuchu, who was facing the inside, had frowned without knowing when, and her hands were clenched tightly under the thin quilt. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend to be asleep, and her red lips were almost bitten... ——

Thank you [a Sanhua] for the leader reward!

Thank you [Hahaha I can't afford to offend] for the leader reward!

Thank you [Yu Han yh] for the 50,000 reward!

Thank you [Queen Mother Baby is the best in the world] for the 10,000 reward!

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