The prince is very fierce

Chapter 38: Wild Thoughts

Xu Bu Ling clenched his wrist and hurriedly came to the woods at the foot of the hillside. Master Zhongli and his disciples hurried out.

"Don't move, don't move..."

"Where's the injury?"

The two of them were watching nearby, and when they saw Xu Buling suddenly stop holding his hand, they knew they had been tricked.

Zhongli Jiujiu knew South Vietnam very well. The most vulnerable people in the world were the unpreventable masters. The methods of poisoning were all kinds of strange and the poisons were various. But as long as it was poison, nine times nine times, the faster it was moved, the faster it would die. Zhongli Jiujiu ran forward with a pale face, held Xu Buring's wrist and examined it carefully.

Zhongli Chuchu was equally frightened, but also had doubts in her heart. Her martial arts skills are not as high as Jiujiu's, and her knowledge is not low. In frontal combat, poisoning can be applied on the blade or splashed on the face. The more sinister method is to wear soft armor with spikes on the body. It will be poisoned if it touches it. However, it is easy to accidentally injure oneself, so few people use it in the world.

The martial arts skills of the woman just now were terrifyingly high, but compared with Xu Buling, who was invincible in the world, there was obviously a huge gap. Logically speaking, Xu Buling should not suffer in a head-on fight. How could he be plotted against?

Zhongli Chuchu stood in front, helping to pull up Xu Buling's sleeves, with anxious eyes:

"That woman obviously can't beat you, how could you be poisoned?"

Xu Buling stretched out his hand for Jiujiu to check, his eyes looking helpless. He can predict all the opponent's movements from his opponent's muscle reaction, and he can also tell from the thickness of the cloth on his shoulders that there is only skin underneath and no hidden weapons. But there are always gaps in everything. Who would have thought that a clean girl could hide a poisonous snake under her skirt and come up to bite him? He doesn't know how to see through.

However, there was no panic on Xu Buling's face. He quickly stopped his hand when he noticed something was wrong. He only got bitten to the skin, and now he felt how slow his movements were. Jiujiu can 100% detoxify snake venom, a natural toxin. Even if you are infected by a deadly venomous snake, there is nothing to panic about.

Seeing how nervous the two of them were, Xu Buling shook his head and said:

"Oh no, it's for peat mooring..."

"You are nothing but a hammer, you have a big tongue!"

Zhongli Jiujiu was anxious and angry. After careful inspection, he took out the antidote pills from his leg ring, stuffed them into Xu Buling's mouth, and then helped Xu Buling sit under the big tree:

"Fortunately it's a green hemp snake, otherwise you would have to be here today."

Xu Bu Ling was just joking. His hands were just numb, how could he be poisoned? At this time, he looked at his fingers:

"What is a green hemp snake?"

Zhongli Chuchu was slightly relieved when he heard the name of the snake. Seeing that Xu Buling didn't recognize him, he explained:

"The green hemp snake is also known as the 'three-step fall'. Although it is not fatal, its venom is very fast. After being bitten, an ordinary person would have to lie down in three steps at most. It is considered the best anesthetic in the world. Because the snake venom is easy to use, it can quickly It’s extinct. A living one is worth more than ten thousand gold. I’ve never seen one.”

Xu Buling secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that he would not die, and said with a smile:

"I've learned a lot."

Zhongli Jiujiu tied Xu Buling's middle finger tightly with a rope, looking slightly annoyed:

"You're still laughing! If you had retreated slower just now, you wouldn't have been able to run half a mile before that woman caught up and killed you. Did you think that she was a young woman like you and she was pretty, so you deliberately held back?"

When Zhongli Chuchu heard this, his eyes looked slightly wrong, and he gave a sideways glance:

"Yes, when you beat a man, you chop him into pieces. Why are you so soft-hearted when you meet a beautiful woman?"

Xu Bu Ling's eyes were innocent. He had shown no mercy just now. His purpose was to find out the information. Even if it was Chen Ju himself, he would not be able to ignore it and beat him to death first. Moreover, when a martial artist fights, his whole heart is focused on the opponent. His eyes only look at the opponent's movements, and he has no time to think about what the opponent looks like.

But now that I think about it, the snake-playing girl is really good-looking.

Xu Buling shook his head and explained:

"Don't think blindly, I didn't hold anything back, that girl is really good at martial arts."

Zhongli Chuchu didn't believe it at all: "When you dealt with Qing Ye, you held it down with one hand. That woman just now fought you three times, but you still managed to escape. Did you need three times to kill Tang Jiao? She was difficult Isn’t it more powerful than Tang Jiao?”

Xu Buling secretly compared the situation and nodded: "I can't say for sure in a real fight, but that girl is too steady and will run away when the situation is bad. She is covered with self-defense items. Tang Jiao will definitely be unable to do anything to her."

Zhongli Chuchu was not good at martial arts. Hearing Xu Buling praise a woman like this, he felt a little unhappy and said:

"Cowardice is cowardice, what is stability..."

Xu Buling chuckled, but didn't say much about meaningless things.

Zhongli Jiujiu carefully inspected the wound. Although the bite was not deep and it was not serious, there might be venom remaining in her fingers. Without any hesitation, she pulled Xu Buling's hand up and prepared to suck out the snake venom.

Xu Buling's fingers were swollen by now and were tied with thin ropes. They were red, thick and as thick as carrots.

Suckling snake venom is not very clean, and it is very dangerous. Seeing Jiujiu's movements, Xu Buring pulled his hand back, shook his head and said, "I'll do it myself." He was about to stuff his fingers into his mouth.

Zhongli Jiujiu quickly took Xu Buling's hand: "Be honest, we, the master and the apprentice, rely on you to protect us. Our right hand is slow to react but we can still defend ourselves against the enemy. What if we lose our minds and the enemy comes back?"

Xu Bu Ling thought about it. Snake venom can only paralyze people, but the trouble is not fatal. It is related to the safety of the three people, so he will not stop it.

Zhongli Jiujiu was about to take action, but Chuchu next to him stopped him and said, "Master, my martial arts skills are low and I am useless. Xu Buling's body is stiff now, and it will take at least an hour to fully recover. If you are poisoned again and your movements are restricted, it will be troublesome if a strong enemy comes. You go to guard the surroundings, I will do it."

Zhongli Jiujiu actually thought so too, but was afraid that Chuchu would not be happy. Seeing that Chuchu volunteered, he did not say much. After giving a word of advice, he got up and took the little sparrow to the top of the hillside, hiding his body and watching the surrounding movements.

After a lot of trouble, the sunset sank into the mountains, the sky was dark, and the moonlight sprinkled from the sky.

Under the big tree full of autumn leaves, Xu Buling leaned against the tree trunk. Under the effect of the snake venom, his face was slightly stiff, but his thoughts were very clear and did not affect his mind.

Zhongli Chuchu, wearing a Miao dress, sat sideways beside Xu Buling, raised her right hand, gently lifted the long hair beside her ear, opened her red lips slightly, and held Xu Buling's finger. The scene was like... ! !

Xu Buling didn't have any random thoughts, but the warmth from his fingertips made his heart sway for no reason. He looked at the beautiful face full of exotic charm in front of him and his swollen middle finger...

It felt weird...

Zhongli Chuchu looked serious and sucked her lips lightly. After just two moves, she found that Xu Buling's eyes were wrong.

Zhongli Chuchu raised her eyelids and looked at Xu Buling with her green eyes, a little confused.


Xu Buling turned his eyes to the moon: "I'm not having random thoughts, don't get me wrong."

This is a case of trying to cover up one's own faults!

Zhongli Chuchu sucked Xu Buling's finger and was a little confused.

He lowered his eyes to look at the thick finger between his lips, and suddenly remembered the ferocious thing he saw twice before... ! !

"Pfft, pfft..."

Zhongli Chuchu suddenly came to his senses, raised his head as if avoiding a snake or scorpion, and spat twice to the side, his face flushed with shame and anger:

"Pervert! are shameless!"

Zhongli Chuchu stared at Xu Buling, and was so angry that he raised his hand and hit Xu Buling on the shoulder.

Xu Buling looked innocent: "Chuchu, I didn't do anything, how can I be a pervert?"

Zhongli Chuchu looked ashamed and angry, and her bulging clothes were fluctuating under her rapid breathing. She gritted her teeth and said: " must have some random thoughts, don't think I don't know!"

"What am I thinking about? What's there to think about..."

The two had just argued for a few words when Jiujiu on the hillside heard the noise, turned around and looked at her, and said softly:

"Chuchu, what are you doing? Don't waste time. Xu Buling, don't touch Chuchu, you don't want to live, right?"

Xu Buling spread his hands helplessly: "I didn't touch, I didn't do anything."

Zhongli Chuchu stared at Xu Buling, wishing to say "You might as well touch me", but she obviously couldn't say it.

Zhongli Chuchu's emotions were mixed in her heart, but she finally suppressed them. She sat a little further away, pulled Xu Buling's hand over, and prepared to continue.

But when she saw the finger in front of her, Zhongli Chuchu remembered the things she had seen the last two times. She was so frightened that she was unwilling to eat it. She almost cried out of grievance.

Xu Buling was also a little embarrassed and sighed softly: "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

"Don't move."

Zhongli Chuchu sat on the ground sideways, her cheeks red and white, and after taking a few deep breaths, she gritted her teeth, opened her red lips, and slowly moved over.

This shy and humiliating look made people think more wrongly than before.

Xu Buling looked at Chuchu who was aggrieved, and his heart was moved and weird. He wanted to say something, but the more he explained, the dirtier it became. He could only pretend to be normal and look at the moon in the sky...


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