The prince is very fierce

Chapter 80: Sense of Participation

Outside the window, the night rain continued, and the light in the pavilion was dim.

In the side room of the inn on the street, Ning Qingye sat at the table, wiping the snow-white sword, looking at the four words "acting without orders" on it, slightly absent-minded, with thin lips and a delicate face with a bit of coldness, under the candlelight, she looked like a female knight who "drunk and looked at the sword by lamplight".

Zhongli Chuchu sat sideways at the window, looking at the street in the distance, waiting for Xu Buling, who was already her husband, to come back; her red embroidered shoes kicked the hem of her skirt, causing ripples. Born in the Western Regions, her figure was already seductive. Sitting sideways like this, from the waist to the tip of the shoe, she outlined a delicate and graceful curve, which was in great contrast with the cold temperament of Ning Qingye, just like a ball of fire burning next to an iceberg.

The two were once considered close friends in the rivers and lakes, but since Chuchu took a step further, their relationship was obviously a bit awkward. Qingye is still a virgin, Chuchu can't talk about dirty talk between women like the two masters next door; but if she talks about serious things, Chuchu is newly married, and her mind is full of Xu Buling bullying her, so she can't be serious at all.

There was silence for a moment, Xu Buling hadn't come back yet.

Zhongli Chuchu felt that it was not good to leave Qingye aside, and it was impossible to expect Qingye, who was a taciturn person, to speak first, so she jumped down from the window and sat down across the table.

Chuchu, Jiujiu and Yuhe have all consummated their marriages, leaving Qingye alone as a virgin, and it must be awkward for them to get along with each other, especially at night, when Qingye was watching from the side, which made her feel like everyone was having a meal, and Qingye was just watching from the side, feeling a little embarrassed, and this problem had to be solved.

Zhongli Chuchu thought for a while and asked, "Qingye, when will you and Xu Buling be married?"

Ning Qingye paused in wiping his sword. There was no outsider in the room, only a good friend of the same age, so there was nothing to be shy about. She thought for a while and said:

"Manzhi said that when she gets married, her father must be there. I...sigh."

Zhongli Chuchu had heard of Qingye's life experience and understood what Qingye meant. If there was a close relative by her side, which woman in the world would be willing to marry alone. She thought for a while:

"Xu Buling's army has arrived outside the city, and the matter of Nanyue has been settled. When spring comes, we should be able to go to Jiangnan to finish the war. Dayinglou is rebelling in Jiangnan, and we will definitely meet him at that time. It just so happens that Manzhi's father is also there..."

Ning Qingye still held a hostile attitude towards Li Hansheng. He didn't want to talk about this kind of thing, so he shook his head:

"Let's talk about it later."

Seeing this, Zhongli Chuchu nodded gently and said no more. She looked Qingye up and down, pondered for a moment, and suddenly remembered something, and said with a slightly red face:

"Qingye, actually...actually, it seems that you can do that without consummating the marriage. I saw Master...well, she used her tail first, and then from the back..." ? !

Ning Qingye naturally understood what Chuchu was talking about. She had seen the scene of Master Tail doing something crazy, and when Master and Jiujiu were arguing, she also mentioned that her Master dared to do anything.

From behind...

Ning Qingye's face changed slightly, and she instinctively sat up a little straighter, covered her buttocks, and frowned:

"Chuchu, what are you talking about? Why don't you go by yourself?"

Zhongli Chuchu didn't dare to play so much, and her eyes flickered and looked away:

"I... I saw that you were bored next to me, so I wanted you to feel a little involved. In fact, I think Master is very happy, so it shouldn't hurt."

Shouldn't hurt?

Ning Qingye couldn't say anything more. She looked at the sky and saw that it was getting late, so she wanted to put away her sword and rest. Just for safety reasons, only three rooms were opened. She should sleep in the same room with Master. Master was arguing with Zhongli Jiujiu, and it would take a while for the quarrel to end. She thought for a moment and asked:

"Chuchu, where will Xu Buling sleep tonight?"

Zhongli Chuchu was too embarrassed to continue and smiled:

"I don't know, anyway, he can't sleep in his own room."

Ning Qingye thought about it and it was true. When Xu Buling came back at night, he would either sleep in her and Master's room, or in Chuchu and Jiujiu's room. Even if the inn's bed couldn't accommodate five people, Xu Buling would come to sleep together, and she would definitely be bullied at night.

Ning Qingye had already compromised, but she hadn't taken the last step after all. Last time, when five people were messing around in the Miao village, she was watching stupidly and was teased by Master and Jiujiu. That weird feeling was not pleasant at all, and she didn't want to experience it again anyway.

Ning Qingye thought about it. Since she couldn't hide anywhere, she would do the opposite. Xu Buling wouldn't sleep in her room anyway, so she would sleep in Xu Buling's room. If Xu Buling came to bully her after visiting her, she would have nothing to say. She couldn't sleep outside.

Thinking of this, Ning Qingye put away his sword and stood up and said:

"I'm going back to my room. You should rest early. By the way, don't tell Xu Buling about that. If he really wants to, I... I will drag you away."

Zhongli Chuchu had a strange expression on her face. She naturally nodded and promised not to say anything. She stood up and sent Ning Qingye out of the room.

Ning Qingye walked into the corridor and passed by Ning Yuhe's room. She didn't go in, but came directly to the room of Xu Buling and Yeying.

Xu Buling went to the imperial city with Chen Si Ning to do business. For safety reasons, he didn't bring anyone with him. Yeying stayed in the room alone.

At this moment, on the bed in the room, Nightingale was lying flat on the quilt with a facial mask on her face, warming the bed and conscientiously performing her duties as a personal maid.

The little sparrow was also in the room. The two little snakes were sent away. The little sparrow was obviously in a good mood. He walked on the flat quilt with a step that didn't recognize his relatives. He chirped, as if he was giving a lecture, saying something like "Little nightingale, this won't happen again. If you like the little snakes more than me, I won't sleep with you..."

The nightingale had no snakes to play with, so naturally he put all his love into the little sparrow. He took the pine nuts, peeled one from time to time, and put it into the little sparrow's mouth.

Seeing Ning Qingye open the door and walk in, Nightingale turned her head slightly puzzled:

"Little Sister Ning, is there something wrong?"

Ning Qingye put down her sword, walked to the bed, and smiled: "No problem, I'll sleep here today, is it okay?"

Nightingale looked a little strange, raised her eyes and looked behind Ning Qingye, thought about it, and moved a little inside: "Well... I don't mind..."

Ning Qingye blinked, a little puzzled, followed Nightingale's gaze and looked back, and her expression froze.

On the other side of the room, Xu Buling, with his upper body naked, poked his head out from behind the screen, and was wiping his hair with a towel. It was obvious that he had just returned and was changing his clothes that were wet by the rain.

Seeing Ning Qingye suddenly come over to "sleep", Xu Buling's eyes were obviously a little surprised, and he looked up and down:

"Qingye, you... come here to eat alone?" ? !

Ning Qingye stared with surprise: "Why are you here?"

Xu Buling came out from behind the screen, smiling, and hugged Qingye's shoulders:

"This is my room, why can't I be here? Could it be that you thought I didn't come back and planned to give me a surprise? That's really thoughtful."

While speaking, Xu Buling picked up Ning Qingye horizontally, put her on the quilt, and raised his hand to take off the embroidered shoes.

Ning Qingye didn't expect to hide from Xu Buling and hide in the muzzle of a gun. Now she couldn't get rid of it even if she jumped into Liujiang. She struggled and tried her best to explain:

"I'm not looking for you... woo woo"

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was blocked. After that, she felt dizzy and didn't know where she was.

After Xu Buling skillfully put Qingye down, he held Qingye and came to Chuchu's room again.

Zhongli Chuchu was sitting at the table, still thinking about getting Qingye involved. Seeing Xu Buling running in with Ning Qingye in his arms, he stood up quickly:

"Husband... Qingye, didn't you go to bed? Why..."

Ning Qingye's eyes were blurry, and he didn't know what he was doing. He turned to Chuchu dizzily. Maybe the fear in his heart awakened some of his consciousness, and he said:

"Chuchu, don't talk about what happened just now, otherwise I..."

He was trying to cover up his mistake.

Xu Buling frowned, closed the door with his shoes, walked up to Chuchu, and asked curiously:

"Chuchu, what happened just now?"

Zhongli Chuchu stared at the pig teammate in Xu Buling's arms with her beautiful green eyes, with an embarrassed expression, and he was hesitant to speak.

Xu Buling could tell from Chuchu's expression that it was something that a girl couldn't talk about. He curled his lips and turned to the bed:

"Don't worry, talk slowly, there's plenty of time."

Zhongli Chuchu pursed her lips, hesitated, raised her hand to close the window, bolted the door, and then walked to Xu Buling and whispered:

"Nothing, I just want to..."

"Chuchu, you... woo..."

"Go ahead, cover her mouth..."


The wind and rain continued inside and outside the house, the lights burned out at some point, and the whispers continued until dawn...

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