The prince is very fierce

Chapter 2 Why did you come back?

On the seventh day of the winter month, snow was falling for thousands of miles.

The ship moored in the suburbs of Yueyang City was covered with a layer of snow on board and under the ship. There were no birds or people along the coast, as if they were frozen in the ice and snow.

On the terrace of the ship, the doors and windows were closed to prevent the cold wind from entering the house.

The two lounge chairs were placed in their original positions. No one had been lying on them for a long time, and a thick layer of snow had accumulated.

In the flower pots next to them, the petals and leaves had long withered, leaving only the dry stamens hanging on the bare branches, as if they would completely wither with any breeze.

In the study room on the second floor of the ship, medical books were piled up like mountains, from the Spring and Autumn Period to the present, from the secret recipes of the palace to the folk recipes of Chu. Basically, everything that could be found was here. Xiao Qi and Song Yufu were among them, carefully reading page by page, fearing that they would miss a little useful information.

On the deck, Zhu Manzhi was wearing a cloak and looking at the south with a telescope. He stood there for too long, and the red cloak had turned white. The black dog waiting beside him had also turned into a white dog without him noticing.

He waited and waited like this, and he didn't know how long he had been waiting.

Finally, in the afternoon, five fast horses came galloping from the Xiangjiang River.

Along the river, there was continuous wind and snow, and the horses' hooves left bowl-sized footprints on the snow, which were covered by heavy snow in the blink of an eye.

Xu Buling rode a black horse in the front, with white frost on his heroic eyebrows. The wind-chasing horse under his crotch was panting like an ox, and white mist was sprayed from its mouth and nose. It was already overwhelmed, but fortunately, the building ship was already in front of him.

After leaving Yongzhou City, Xu Buling rushed back to Chu without stopping, crossing nearly two thousand miles of mountains and rivers, and it only took more than ten days. Only his and Ning Qingye's two wind-chasing horses could hold on from beginning to end. Nightingale and others had to change horses at the post stations along the way to barely keep up with the pace.

Long-term running in the cold winter is extremely exhausting for both people and horses. Chuchu, who had just gotten married and was not very good at martial arts, was almost exhausted. Qingye was almost the same. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to hurry on. In order to prevent him from falling off his horse, Ning Yuhe and Yeying walked in front of him and kept an eye on him.

Zhongli Jiujiu was a doctor and was about to return to the ship. At this time, she sat behind Xu Buling to recuperate and prepare for treating and saving people later. On the way here, she also got some general information from the post station, but medical practice requires observation, smell, questioning and palpation. She still had to take a closer look to know what disease Xiaowan had.

The little sparrow had run so far and was already frozen silly. At this time, it went directly into Jiujiu's clothes without even showing its head, so Jiujiu had to look down from time to time to make sure that the little sparrow was fine.

Seeing the trace of the riverside boat in the distance, Xu Buling sped up his horse a little bit. On the deck of the boat, Zhu Manzhi, who had been looking out with a telescope, waved her hand and ran back to the boathouse to inform the girls who had been waiting for a long time.

Soon, Xiao Xianger appeared on the terrace behind the boathouse.

Xiao Xianger was still wearing a red dress, but she was obviously a little haggard and tired. It should be because she had not rested well after taking care of her for a long time. She didn't even have the strength to walk. She just raised her hand and waved, signaling Xu Buling to come quickly.

Xiao Qi and Song Yufu walked out of the boathouse, their faces were also not very good, and they quickly arranged for the maids to prepare hot water and food.

Xu Buling walked halfway and saw that the wind-chasing horse could no longer sprint at full speed after running for a long distance, so he simply jumped off the horse, hugged Jiujiu and ran to the side of the building ship, leaped onto the deck with a big step, and asked: "What's the situation?" Xiao Qi saw that Xu Buling's hair and eyebrows were covered with frost and snow, and she felt distressed in her heart, but at this time, it was obviously impossible to care about the love between men and women. She took Xu Buling to the boathouse and said along the way:

"My Xiao family is good at medicine, and we have invited the best doctor to come. At first, we thought that Xiaowan had been alone in the mountains for too long, and the accumulated worries had buried the cold and her body collapsed. But I have carefully treated her with medicine, and the many famous doctors we invited did not think that the medicine was wrong. Xiaowan's cough has improved a little, but her body has not improved at all, and she has become weaker and weaker."

Song Yufu trotted behind and helped hold Jiujiu's medicine box, with a little anxiety on her face:

"Sister Xiang'er thinks it's a heart disease, but heart disease is a mysterious thing, most of which is caused by a difficult knot in the heart. We can't figure out what Sister Cui has. Heart knot, so I hurriedly called my husband and Jiujiu back. "

Zhu Manzhi regarded Jia Gonggong as a close friend regardless of age. After Jia Gonggong left, Xiaowan had no one to take care of her. Zhu Manzhi actually always regarded this as her responsibility. At this time, she was also worried:

"Sister Xiang'er has told all the jokes she knows. In the end, I went to make Sister Cui happy. Unfortunately, Sister Cui didn't buy my tricks and now she doesn't listen to anyone..."

"I have thought of all the ways I can think of. Hongluan went to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. If I hadn't stopped her, Hongluan would have invited the shaman to come and toss..."

The three girls talked about the situation in recent days, and they had reached the stern in two sentences.

Before Xu Buling and Zhongli Jiujiu approached, Xiao Xiang'er had already walked out of the house.

Since Cui Xiaowan got sick, Xiao Xiang'er had never comforted her and had never had a good night's sleep. She had been by her side day and night, and her body had obviously reached its limit. When she saw Xu Buling again, Xiao Xiang'er did not hide her anxiety and grievance on her face, and waved on tiptoe: "Xu Buling, run faster, why did you come back so late? I was so anxious..." Xiao Xiang'er was Xiaowan's nominal mother-in-law, and she had promised Xu Buling to take good care of Xiaowan. Although it was not her responsibility for what happened now, how could Xiao Xiang'er not feel guilty and self-blame in her heart?

Xu Buling walked over quickly, supported Xiao Xiang'er, who was almost exhausted from staying up late for a long time, and persuaded her softly:

"Don't panic, Qiqi, take Xiang'er to rest first, I'll go in and take a look."

Xiao Xiang'er was unwilling to leave, and pulled the omnipotent Zhongli Jiujiu to run to the inner room.

There was a smell of medicine in the room, which was not pungent with the burning incense, but the originally clean and tidy room was a little messy.

In order to relax Cui Xiaowan, Xiao Xiang'er basically turned out all the rare objects in her collection, but obviously none of them were used.

Zhongli Jiujiu carried the medicine box, and in order to prevent the nervous mood from affecting the patient, he slowed down his expression first, tidied his clothes a little, and then walked into the inner room slowly.

Xu Buling followed closely behind, looked up, and saw that the bed was covered with thick bedding. Cui Xiaowan was lying on the pillow with a towel on her forehead. Her small and beautiful face was no longer lively as before, and her lips were pale and weak.

Cui Xiaowan was already pitiful, and now she looked like this, which made people feel distressed.

Perhaps she had heard the sound, Cui Xiaowan had woken up and tilted her head to look at Xu Buling.

After the two looked at each other for a while, Cui Xiaowan's eyes showed a little subtle expression, raised her head slightly, and smiled:

"Why did you come back?" ——

Just finished writing the outline, and will try to speed up the update later~

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