The prince is very fierce

Chapter 39: Following the Clues

Before daybreak in the east, the noise on the street started. Mist was steaming in various shops, and the tempting aroma of freshly cooked food floated into the house through the gaps in the windows.

Between the curtains, Zhu Manzhi was lying on the bed, hugging Cui Xiaowan like an octopus. Maybe he smelled the fragrance, sniffed, and murmured vaguely:

"So hungry... Huh? Lao Chen, why have you become smaller..."

Zhu Manzhi squeezed the ball a few times with her hands, and then felt something pushing against her behind. She frowned:

"Why did you put the knife under the quilt? Really..."

While talking, Zhu Manzhi put his little hand behind his back and tried to push the handle of the knife away, but...


Zhu Manzhi retracted his hand like a snake and scorpion, opened his eyes suddenly, and met Cui Xiaowan's eyes.

Cui Xiaowan's tea-green bellyband was torn and half hung on her body, and she complained with some dissatisfaction:

"Manzhi, you should sleep more honestly in the future. You've been squeezing me all morning. Xu Buling wants to touch me, but you still open his hand. If you continue like this, you will be kicked out of the house."! !

Zhu Manzhi blinked her big eyes, and finally felt that she was lying between two people, and the person behind her was...


Zhu Manzhi's face turned red visibly, and he rolled up from the bed. A chill came over his chest. He realized something was wrong, so he quickly lay back down, got behind Cui Xiaowan, and muttered incoherently:

"Mr. Xu, what did you do to me? How could you hug me over while I was sleeping and let Sining see it? What should I do..."


Xu Buling had woken up early, and he wanted to laugh when he saw Manzhi fussing around. He raised his hand and twisted his jade dumpling-like buttocks, and sat up:

"Don't worry about your head. It's already dawn. What's the use of hiding now? Get up and eat."

Zhu Manzhi shivered and climbed behind Cui Xiaowan, not even daring to show his head:

"I won't eat. Mr. Xu, you go and eat first."

Xu Buling shook his head and chuckled, put on his robe, leaned over and took a sip on Cui Xiaowan's forehead.

After going out to wash up, Xu Buling went to the street and bought a few steamed buns, giving two portions to Manzhi and Xiaowan. Then he went outside Chen Sining's room and knocked on the door.

In the next room, Chen Sining had just gotten up. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, changing out the sheets that had been accidentally stained. Her beautiful peach blossom eyes were slightly lost in thought as she thought about her dream.

What did I dream about last night?

It seems... we went to explore a cave together first, and tree vines suddenly grew out and tied me up. I asked Xu Buling to save me, but Xu Buling not only refused to save me, but even took off my skirt...

What is this?

Chen Sining looked strange and subconsciously tightened her clothes.

dong dong

There was a knock on the door, and the two little snakes coiled next to them raised their heads.

Chen Sining came back to her senses and quickly stood up and opened the door. She looked up and saw Xu Buling standing outside, still holding a bun in his hand. He didn't know if it was because of the dream he had last night, but his expression was a little reserved:

"Mr. Xu, are you up so early? I was about to go down to buy food, but I'm troubling you."

Xu Buling listened to Chen Sining moaning for half the night and felt strange in his heart. However, it is always difficult to explain such things clearly. He smiled and said:

"Manzhi was drunk last night and was a bit noisy. Did Miss Chen sleep well?"

Chen Sining drank some wine last night and not only slept well, she almost forgot where she was. Facing Xu Buling's inquiry, she nodded and said:

"I drank some wine last night and fell asleep when I lay down. It was pretty good."

"That's good."

Xu Buling walked directly into the room and wanted to put the buns on the table, but when he glanced around, he found that the bed was a bit messy. The sheets were rolled up and placed next to them. The clean sheets were just half spread, and there was a change of clothes on the stool. The light blue trousers underneath, and the bellyband embroidered with two small snakes...? ?

Xu Buling had often seen Aunt Lu change her sheets when she got up in the morning, and felt increasingly weird.

Chen Sining had been thinking wildly and really didn't pay attention to this. She didn't realize it until Xu Bu Ling entered the room. With a startled "Woo!", she quickly ran to the bed, covered up the mess, her face was red as blood, and she said awkwardly:

"I...well, last night Ah Qing and Ah Bai were dishonest and soiled the sheets. I was about to change them... to make the young master laugh."

Ah Qing and Ah Bai couldn't understand the human language, but they could roughly understand their master's meaning. They quickly bowed their heads obediently and pretended to admit their mistakes, so as not to be dealt with later.

Xu Buling naturally saw through this without saying anything and sat down at the table:

"Come and eat, there will be plenty of time to clean up later."


After Chen Sining lowered the curtain to cover the somewhat messy bed, she walked to the table and sat down. Her face was embarrassed and she lowered her head to change the topic:

"Did Manzhi talk nonsense again yesterday? Last night, he pulled me and talked about big principles for half the night."

Xu Buling pushed a basket of steamed buns in front of Chen Sining and said with a smile:

"Yes, it is said that Miss Chen has some evil thoughts about me, so she came to my room to set an example for Miss Chen and ask you to take the initiative."? !

Chen Sining froze while chewing the bun, pursed her lips, and glanced at Xu Buling. Seeing that he was indeed joking, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Man Zhijin likes to talk nonsense. I treat the young master as a confidant in the world, how could I have any unreasonable thoughts? Well... the last time I asked the young master to coax me in Liangcheng, I was drunk. Young Master, don't think too much... eat the buns Come on, it’ll get cold later.”

After saying that, he started to gnaw on the buns, looking as if he was too hungry to talk.

Xu Bu Ling secretly laughed in his heart, stopped teasing Chen Sining, and started eating breakfast on his own. The two little snakes also came over, wagging their tails, and looking at him eagerly like clingy puppies.

Chen Sining was so confused that she didn't focus on eating at all. She just blocked her mouth to avoid talking to Xu Buling. She couldn't swallow more than one or two mouthfuls and choked herself.


Xu Buling knew this would happen, so he quickly picked up the water glass, sat in front of Chen Sining, raised his hand and brushed the soft hair on his back, and said softly:

"Eat slowly, a great half-step master choked to death. Such strange news will probably be circulated in the world for hundreds of years."

Chen Sining's face was so red that it looked like she was about to bleed. She took a big sip from the water glass. She couldn't hold it anymore. She picked up the buns and ran to the terrace, saying awkwardly:

"It's a little hot in the house, I...I'm eating outside."

A little hot?

Xu Buling looked at the extremely cold weather in the first month of Saibei and nodded slightly. ——

At noon, Xu Buling changed into his clothes, said goodbye to the three girls, and went to the nearby inn where Jiang Kai was imprisoned.

The little sparrow is not an ordinary vengeful person. It froze outside all night yesterday, and it is still standing on the tree branch outside the room, paying close attention to the disturbance in the room. From a distance, it looks like there are hair balls on the bare branches. .

Xu Buling walked up to him, called the little sparrow down, gave it water and food, then let it go back to catch up on its sleep, and then came to the inn room.

The room was very tidy, with no signs of damage.

Jiang Kai failed to break free from the rope and was still tied to the bed, looking sideways at the two melon seeds on the stool and thinking hard.

Xu Buling untied Jiang Kai's hands and feet, and Jiang Kai turned over. His first words were:

"Brother Xu, tell me what you have to say. I, Jiang Kai, am a straightforward person. I won't refuse what I can promise. It's useless for you to force me if I can't. What do you mean by putting two melon seeds here?"

How do I know?

Xu Buling threw the bamboo hat to Jiang Kai, put on an enigmatic look, and imitated the old master's tone:

"You don't need to tell me if you can understand. If you don't understand, you don't have enough understanding. It's useless to tell you. From now on, it's good to just be an idle prince."? !

Jiang Kai frowned and was really frightened by what he said but didn't say. He thought about it for a moment:

"I actually have some insights, but I don't know if it's the same as what Brother Xu thinks. Since Brother Xu refuses to say it, that's it. When the truth comes out, you and I will know for ourselves."

As he spoke, he picked up the two melon seeds and tightened them in his sleeves.

Xu Bu Ling nodded slowly, made a 'teachable' look in his eyes, and led Jiang Kai out.

Last night, Jiang Kai had arranged for someone to go out to inquire about the situation. Xu Buring came to a restaurant, ordered a few drinks and dishes, and sat at the table next door to wait quietly.

Jiang Kai could only eat one meal a day, but he didn't want to suffer from hunger and cold again. He sat at the table and wolfed down his food until his stomach was almost full. The guards who went out to inquire about the news ran up from the stairs.

The guard swept around the second floor, quickly came to Jiang Kai's side, bowed and said:

"His Royal Highness, I have been conducting inquiries all night. The prince has been in the palace recently and usually does not come out. However, when I was inquiring, I found something unusual."

Xu Bu Ling was behind him, and Jiang Kai didn't dare to hint that the guards would go back and report to save him. He just said calmly:


The guard looked around and said softly:

"When the prince was out of the palace, he often went to Chunhua Hall, mostly for socializing. Sometimes he would go alone to sit there when nothing happened, but he never asked for girls. My low-level inquiries were fruitless, so I went to inquire around, and found out, When the prince was in Chunhua Hall, a nearby small shop called Lanbaozhai would be booked. If I guessed correctly, His Highness should be having a private meeting with someone there. "

"Private meeting?"

When Jiang Kai heard this, his eyes moved, as if he thought of something, he waved his hands and said:

"I know, keep asking."


The guards respectfully left.

Xu Buling listened to everything. After the guards left, he stood up and sat next to Jiang Kai and asked:

"Your Majesty, who are you having a private meeting with in Goulan?"

Jiang Kai had a strange look in his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said a little unspeakably:

"My cousin has some special hobbies. I heard that, um... he's a good man."


Xu Buling was stunned for a moment. He was a little surprised to hear the news for no reason.

Good masculinity is not uncommon in aristocratic circles. For example, the second son of the Guan family in Chang'an City has a high enough status that no one dares to look down on him. He is even rumored to be "elegant".

But it was obviously a bit inappropriate for the Northern Qi Crown Prince to say so, because the Qi Emperor had only one son, which was related to the inheritance of incense.

It is against the law of heaven for a good man to be used as a stir-up or to be stirred up by others. He has not been allowed to be on the stage in ancient and modern times. Jiang Kai smiled:

"Because of this matter, Your Majesty has always been at odds with Jiang Du. I thought Jiang Du had changed his ways long ago, but I didn't expect that he was still doing this in private."

Xu Buling actually didn't have much prejudice against this kind of thing. He shook his head and said:

"How can it be possible to change the problem of orientation? It can only be said that fate has a way with people."

Jiang Kai blinked his eyes, and seeing that Xu Buling didn't despise the good manly style at all, and even had a somewhat understanding attitude, he suddenly sat a little further away:

"Could it be that Prince Xu is also... eh! You're kidding."

Xu Buling let go of the iron mace wrapped in black cloth, stood up and walked down the restaurant.

Jiang Kai shrugged, sighed, and followed behind obediently... ——



The sun was shining brightly in the first month of the lunar year, and the market was crowded with people.

Xiao Taohua was walking alone in the streets and alleys, with a long cloth bag on her back, a smiley mask on her head, and a Tanghulu in her hand, just like a girl who went out to visit relatives in the first month of the lunar year. In the market full of the flavor of the New Year, she did not attract anyone's attention.

Since she told the fortune of the strange swordsman yesterday, Xiao Taohua was afraid that this stubborn swordsman really believed her words and came back to cause trouble, so she had been following him secretly.

Although she didn't know the swordsman and didn't even know his name, Xiao Taohua didn't want to harm someone because of her nonsense.

People should be responsible for their words and deeds, this is what the master taught.

But the young swordsman in front of him really had some problems with his brain.

Xiao Taohua followed him for a day and saw the swordsman wandering around the street without any purpose. He would watch for a long time when he saw two dogs fighting.

That would be fine. At night, he wanted to go to a brothel. He looked at the door of Chunhua Hall. Maybe he was short of money, so he went to a cheaper brothel nearby. He wandered for a long time and then left. It seems that he was too timid to go in.

Xiao Taohua is not very old, but she has been through the martial arts world with her parents. She actually knows some things. She still looks down on this sneaky pervert.

This is not as good as her senior brother. He went to the brothel openly, found a girl to drink a few glasses of wine to relieve his sorrow, and then left in a carefree manner. This is what a martial artist should be like. What's the point of having a lustful heart but no courage?

However, Xiao Taohua did not leave. After all, the young swordsman did not do anything immoral. Everyone has a private side. You can't use the behavior obtained by tracking and peeping to judge a person's morality; she also likes to hug the quilt when she sleeps and fantasize about the appearance of the big brother. You can't use this to say that she is a fangirl, right?

Just follow aimlessly from morning to noon.

Although Xiao Taohua has only practiced martial arts for more than a year, she is very talented, so talented that the contemporary martial arts champion dare not teach her. Her master is a top master at the same level as Jia Gonggong. The starting line is much higher than that of ordinary martial artists. In fact, her martial arts are already very powerful.

He was more than a hundred steps away from the young swordsman in front of him, and he was not discovered.

After making several big circles in Guiyan City, the young swordsman returned to the vicinity of Chunhua Hall and came directly to a brothel called "Lanbaozhai".

Guiyan City has a large population. There are princes and nobles, and there are merchants and peddlers. There are brothels that spend money like water and are luxuriously decorated, and there are small brothels with low prices and remote locations.

Lanbaozhai has a nice name, but it is actually a small stall in a deep alley. Two heavily made-up prostitutes stand at the door to solicit customers. They probably don't know how to play the piano or dance, and they rely on sex trade.

There were no customers in the alley at noon. Xiao Taohua turned the corner of the alley and stuck half of her head out to take a look, but saw the young swordsman go in familiarly.

The two prostitutes seemed to know each other well. They didn't even say hello, but went straight into the brothel and closed the door.

Xiao Taohua frowned, feeling something was wrong. She had some communication with the swordsman, and she saw that the swordsman was not a lustful person. Moreover, the swordsman was handsome and had extraordinary martial arts skills. Even if he was lustful, he didn't have to go to such a place to find rouge and powder.

Xiao Taohua was a girl, so she definitely couldn't follow him into the brothel. After hesitating for a while, she climbed onto the roof of a building and stared at the surroundings of the brothel, wanting to wait until the swordsman was done and then continue to follow him.

It was just that not long after the young swordsman entered, a little smoke rose in the courtyard of Lanbaozhai, as if something was burning.

Xiao Taohua looked up at the smoke column floating into the sky, a little puzzled, and muttered to herself:

What kind of mess is this... ——

In the backyard of the brothel, two prostitutes skillfully threw the wet straw into the brazier, then ran to a ventilated place to avoid the smoke and counted the silver they had just received.

In the lobby of the front yard, Liu Wuye sat alone at the wine table, with his sword on the table, drinking silently.

In the far distance outside the window, you can see the towering palace wall of the imperial city, and behind the palace wall is the East Palace where the prince lives.

The environment of the brothel is not good, and the light is relatively dim even in broad daylight. Except for the "gurgling" sound made when pouring wine, there is no sound at all.

According to the previous habit, Jiang Du should be free to come out after dark, of course it is also possible at noon. Liu Wuye is not sure when he will come.

The palace wall between the two of them isolated them in two different worlds. The only place where they could contact each other was this small brothel.

But even if he came, most of the time he was asked to help do some things, such as killing people, taking things, and getting information...

Liu Wuye looked at the wine bowl, and his profile was reflected in the wine bowl, but he didn't recognize the person in the bowl.

It felt that the person in the wine bowl was more like a dead warrior under someone else's hands. He practiced martial arts in his spare time and came here just to receive the next task, and then fought hard for this task, living without himself.

When did this relationship start? Liu Wuye had forgotten and had long been tired of it.

He wanted to leave without saying goodbye and never see each other again, but after so many years, even if he wanted to leave, he should say goodbye... Or change the current situation and go back to the days of drinking and talking happily...

Liu Wuye put down the wine bowl and looked at the reflection in the wine bowl. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he did have some luck in his heart, hoping that what the fortune-teller said was true and that he could "make his wish come true."

Sitting and drinking alone, I don’t know how long it had passed before footsteps sounded in the backyard.

Liu Wuye turned his head, but the person who came was not the person he wanted to see... ——

After Xu Buring tied Jiang Kai up again, he left the inn alone and came to the vicinity of Chunhua Hall.

The street where Chunhuatang is located is the land of romance. There are hundreds of Goulan brothels in the surrounding area, many of which don't even have signboards.

In order to conceal his whereabouts and avoid asking questions along the way, Xu Buling walked around in the winding alley for a long time before finding the location Jiang Kai had inquired about in a remote alley.

Lanbaozhai is about half a street away from Chunhuatang. There is an alley behind it where you can go to and from. There are very few people living around it. It is indeed a good place for private meetings.

Xu Buring looked around and made sure Jiang Kai didn't set an ambush before he came to the closed door of Lan Baozhai and raised his hand to knock.

dong dong

Soon, footsteps came from Lanbaozhai, and the woman's slightly sleepy words came from far away:

"That man came here to find a woman at noon. The door will not be opened today... the door... Young Master, please come inside."

The gorgeous lady opened the door and saw the young man in black outside, and was obviously stunned for a moment. Although the bamboo hat covers half of his face, just from his flawless figure and chin, you can tell that he is a handsome man who is rare in the world. The key is his clothing and temperament. You can tell at a glance that he is a rich man.

Sister Yao's attitude changed instantly, and she quickly bent over and bowed, signaling to come inside.

The Goulan building is not big, and it can be seen clearly at a glance. Except for a few kiln ladies who are making a living, there are no customers.

Xu Buling did not go in, but said politely:

"Girl, I want to ask you something."

With a charming smile, Sister Yao said with hooked hands:

"Sir, come in and talk, there's something fun to do."


Xu Buring looked helpless, took out a piece of silver from his sleeve and shook it.

Sister Yao's eyes lit up, and she quickly took it over: "Oh, Master, you are so generous. What do you want to ask? We can do anything here. As long as Master is willing, we can do anything exciting..."

Xu Buling waved his hand and looked at the check box a few times:

"Does His Royal Highness the Crown Prince come here occasionally?"


Sister Yao was stunned for a moment, then shook her head in amusement: "Sir, are you kidding me? What kind of person is the prince? Why would he come here? He should go to the Chunhua Hall in front."

Seeing that Sister Yao didn't seem to be cheating, Xu Buling thought for a moment and changed his words and asked:

"Are there two men having a private meeting at your place? They should be dressed more luxuriously, and they will come every once in a while."

When Sister Yao heard this, her face changed slightly, she shook her head and said:

"No, young master is joking, why would a man come here? You should go and find out elsewhere."

As he said that, he wanted to close the door.

Xu Buling sighed, took out a stack of exchanged Northern Qi official tickets, patted them in his hands, turned around and walked out of the alley:

"Okay, I'll go look elsewhere."

"Hey, wait..."

Sister Yao's eyes widened, she ran out quickly, stopped Xu Buling, and said with a charming smile:

"Master, don't be anxious. I remembered it. Well, there are two young masters who often have private meetings here. I don't know their specific identities. Every time they come over, they ask us to stay in the back."

Xu Buling nodded: "When was the last time you came here?"


Sister Yao hesitated a little, looked at the banknote in Xu Buling's hand, gritted her teeth and said:

"Just half an hour ago."


Xu Buling frowned slightly and looked at the sky:

"Coming over at noon?"

Sister Yao nodded quickly: "Those two young men will come here every half month. A young man with a knife comes first and burns some thatch in the yard, and then a young man dressed very noble comes over. Today It was the same as before, but not long after the young man with the knife waited, a boy came outside with a message asking him to go to Yingjun Pavilion by Yangshu Lake. The young man with the knife left, and now It’s probably over there at Yangshu Lake.”

"Yingjun Pavilion..."

Xu Buling was a little surprised when he learned the exact location of Prince Daqi. He nodded lightly and threw the banknote to Sister Yao, turned around and walked out:

"Hurry up and pack your things. Your lax words have leaked the news. If something goes wrong, you won't survive more than three days. It's still too late to leave now."


Sister Yao, who was counting the banknotes, had a stiff expression on her face. When she raised her head, the alley was empty, with not a single person in sight...

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