The prince is very fierce

Chapter 41: Manzhi’s position is in jeopardy

The Crown Prince Is Very Fierce - Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow - Chapter 41: Manzhi's Position in Precarious Three headless corpses lay on the ice, blood flowing across them, and soon formed ice crystals, merging with the ice on the lake.

Xu Buring held the little peach blossom and came to the stone pavilion. He lowered his head and took a look at Liu Wuye sitting on the steps of the stone pavilion. He pulled out the iron claws on his shoulders, bit the cloth with his mouth to strangle the wound to stop the bleeding, his expression changed. Pale, looking dazed.

With the events connected before and after, Xu Bu Ling could guess who the 'rich daughter' Liu Wuye was talking about was.

It has nothing to do with men and women or personal likes and dislikes. At least Liu Wuye's word "love" is true. The situation he is in now can only be said to be a fate.

Little Taohua was hugged by the princess and lay on Xu Buling's arm. The black robe was wrapped so airtight that she couldn't even move her hands.

After experiencing so many ups and downs in a short period of time, it was the first time in her life that the young Taohua was obviously a little nervous. I can’t figure out why Liu Wuye was ambushed, I can’t figure out why my elder brother who is far away in Chang’an City appears next to me like a magic weapon descending from the sky, I can’t figure out why I am lying naked in my elder brother’s arms as soon as I open my eyes... …

Turbulent thoughts flooded into the little head, and the little Taohua didn't know what to think. In order to relieve the embarrassment of being held by her big brother, although her chest and abdomen still hurt, she still managed to look like nothing was wrong and turned her head to look. To Liu Wuye:

"Look, I said everything will be smooth sailing no matter where you go. The divination has come true. If you have bad luck in the future, you can't blame me for my miscalculation."

Liu Wuye's heart was equally complicated, not much better than that of Xiao Taohua. He wanted to be as chic as a Jianghu traveler should be, but the sadness from the bottom of his heart made it difficult for him to get angry.

Liu Wuye's eyes were bloodshot, he tried to look calm, raised his head and asked:

"Miss Zuo, Brother Xu, why are you here?"

Little Taohua turned her head and looked up at her chin:

"Yes, big brother, why are you here? You're not..."

In fact, Xiao Taohua had guessed about Xu Buling's identity a long time ago. After all, that big brother was so handsome that there was no other one in the world. Last time in Liangcheng, when the master called her over and said those words, it was equivalent to revealing the identity of the eldest brother.

However, the matter at Mazhao Ridge is over, and Master and Xu Buling are both safe and sound. They should leave. Why are they here?

Facing Xiao Taohua's questioning gaze, Xu Buling shook his head: "I came here to do some errands, and we happened to meet him." He turned his head and looked at Liu Wuye, who was covered in blood:

"What's the matter with you? Who are these assassins?"

Liu Wuye was silent for a moment, turned his head to look at the corpses on the ice, shook his head and said:

"I don't know, maybe it's the killer hired by my father."

Xu Buling frowned: "Your father, Liu Shanpu, is at best a wealthy businessman. Jiang Du has just been crowned the crown prince. He has a bruise on his head. At this time, he deceived you from the secret meeting place and killed him? Is it possible that he is tired of life? You want to wait until Emperor Qi dies and the prince ascends the throne to settle the accounts and confiscate the Liu family and exterminate them? "

Liu Wuye's face stiffened when he heard this, and he understood that Xu Buling knew everything. He lowered his head slightly and pondered for a long time, with a little loneliness in his eyes.

Xu Buling sighed secretly, turned around and walked outside the stone pavilion:

"It's raining heavily, and it won't moisten the grass without roots. The Tao and the Dharma are broad, and they can only help those who are destined. If you don't think it through yourself, I won't say more, so you can do it yourself."

Liu Wuye laughed slightly at himself: "I have thought it through a long time ago, and I just gave up. Thank you Brother Xu for saving your life. Are you going to find that piece of agarwood when you come to Guiyan City?"

Xu Bu Ling paused and turned around: "Do you have any idea?"

Liu Wuye looked at Guiyan City in the distance:

"A few years ago, when I just returned to the capital, I once secretly sneaked into the imperial city. In a few days, I will take you in, but I have only been to the East Palace. The agarwood should be in the imperial study. Whether you can get it depends on your ability. "

Xu Bu Ling nodded, agreed on the location of the joint, broke the ice, sank the three bodies into the water, and left Yangshu Lake with Xiao Taohua in his arms.

Liu Wuye sat alone by the stone pavilion, looking at the frozen Saibei for thousands of miles, his eyes gradually changed from complicated to dull.

I don't know if he was heartbroken or had given up completely. Liu Wuye let out a long sigh of relief, bringing out a burst of white mist in the cold weather. Then he stood up on his knees, stuck the sword he had carried with him for many years on his waist, and staggered towards the depths of the woods.

Leave now and never look back...——

The snowfield stretches as far as the eye can see. Under the warm winter sun, small black dots move quickly among the countryside, heading towards the majestic city in the distance.

Little Taohua was wrapped in a black robe and couldn't move. The pain on her body made her face a little pale, but her mind was not on the pain at all, and she didn't know where to put her eyes.

In fact, she is not young anymore, and it is reasonable to say that she can get married, but neither she nor Xu Buling can escape from the impression of their first meeting in Chang'an City. They feel that they are still the little braided kid who secretly eats candied haws. Girl.

Seeing that Xu Buling was so close and silent, Xiao Taohua hesitated for a moment and then said weakly:

"Brother, are you going to grab something from the palace?"

Xu Buling paid attention to the surrounding movements to avoid being discovered, and responded with a smile when he heard the sound:

"Yes, my family is sick and I need that piece of agarwood paperweight to recuperate."

Little Taohua said "Oh" nonchalantly and explained: "I didn't intentionally lie to my elder brother before, but I became a disciple of the Imperial Master of Northern Qi..."

"I know."

"Oh, um... My master is the national master of Northern Qi. He is very skilled in martial arts and is also responsible for protecting the emperor. I am his apprentice, so I naturally have this responsibility. The eldest brother is going to the palace to rob things. As a disciple, I am in love. Yu Li should tell the master, otherwise he will deceive the master and destroy the ancestors..."

Xiao Taohua said it more entangled, in a dilemma, not knowing how to deal with the current situation.

Fortunately, Xu Buling was reasonable and said with a smile: "You don't have to think about this. I will follow you back to Dayue from now on. Zuo Qingqiu, that old man, can't even protect his disciple's safety. He is not qualified to teach you."


Little Taohua was stunned for a moment. After she came to her senses, she quickly shook her head:

"Master is a good person and has been kind to me. I was naughty and sneaked out to follow the swordsman. I was reckless."

Xu Buling shook his head: "How old are you? It's the guardian's responsibility if a child makes mistakes. I only look at the results and not the process. If it weren't for me today, you would have to go to the lake to feed the fish."

Little Taohua pursed her lips: "Actually, no, I am very good at water and can swim from the bottom of the lake."

"Stop talking and take care of your breath. You must stay with me to recuperate during this period of time. You can't go there, so you don't have to think about whether to tell your master."


Little Peach Blossom curled her lips slightly, revealing her two dimples: "Then it's best this way. After the eldest brother leaves, I will explain to the master that there is no chance to confess to the master, and neither party will be offended. Even my mother will definitely be worried about me. "

Xu Buling lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Taohua, hesitated, and sighed softly:

"Xiao Taohua, back in Chang'an City, your father and I bumped into each other in Renyi Hall, and we had a fight. I was poisoned and injured a little, and your father also broke through and ran out, but was caught up by the wolf guards. This It seems that the matter has something to do with me, but what I did was not against my will, and I cannot apologize or feel guilty for it. I just want to tell you the whole story, hoping that you can distinguish right from wrong. "

When Xiao Taohua heard this, her face became a little sad, she lowered her head and remained silent for a while:

"Dad is in the business of licking blood with a knife. He gains wealth through danger. To outsiders, he is a bad person, but to me, he is dad. He is very good to me. The old uncle in Qingshi Alley once said to me, Traveling around the world, it is common for wives and children to be separated, and dying on the street is a good death. There are few people who can truly die. My father also left a message before he died, telling me not to think about revenge for him, there is no revenge to take, and to live a good life in the future. I go out to run around like him, but how could I not have any ideas in my heart..."

Xiao Taohua raised her eyes and looked at Xu Buring's chin: "However, every injustice has its own owner and its debtor has its owner. I can't blame my elder brother for this. My father went wrong in collecting money and doing things, so I can't take the blame for being punished. People. Big brother saved my life today, let’s settle it.”

Xu Bu Ling sighed secretly and nodded lightly.

Little Taohua hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Does elder brother know the whereabouts of Uncle Wu?"

"Which Uncle Wu?"

"Wu You, the wild Taoist, is the one who works with my father."

Xu Buling frowned, and after carefully recalling the people he had killed, he shook his head and said:

"We just met once at Renyi Hall, and we haven't seen him since."


Little Taohua pursed her lips, not wanting to talk about these unpleasant things in depth, so she didn't speak any more, closed her eyes and began to regulate her breath seriously...——

The days are short in winter, and just after noon, the setting sun has already hung above the city gate tower.

Cui Xiaowan's body was still weak and it was not good to stay in the house for a long time. She moved the small soft couch to the terrace of the inn, wrapped herself in a fox fur and leaned on it, holding a telescope and looking at the beautiful scenery of the city.

There are cushions next to the lounge chair, with small tables and chessboards on them, as well as some snacks.

Zhu Manzhi sat sideways next to the small case, holding his chin with one hand, immersed in thinking about the dangerous situation on the chessboard. The little white snake acted as the chess boy, holding the white piece in his mouth and trying to put it into Zhu Manzhi's hand, but seeing that Manzhi hesitated. Ken Luozi, swaying slightly anxiously.

Opposite the small case, Chen Sining sat cross-legged upright, with the machete on the side of her legs and her eyes on the chessboard, but her eyes were a little absent-minded. She had been thinking about the meaning of the dream last night, trying to analyze the scene in the dream. It's not clear whether he and Xu Buling are loyal to each other, or they have secret feelings.

The little green snake served as Chen Sining's chess boy and had a greedy temperament. Seeing that Chen Sining was not paying attention, he secretly put his head into the fruit plate and took a small piece of dried meat in his mouth. When he was about to swallow it, the full branch on the opposite side fell down with murderous intent. son.

Ah Qing was anxious and quickly raised his head and placed the 'chess piece' in Chen Sining's hand.

Chen Sining didn't pay attention at all and put the dried meat on the chessboard. After noticing something was wrong, she raised her hand and patted Ah Qing on the head.

While Cui Xiaowan was looking at the scenery, she was also paying attention to the situation on the chessboard. Sensing that Chen Sining was absent-minded, she turned around and asked:

"Sining, what are you thinking about?"

After Chen Sining had been in contact with Cui Xiaowan for a long time, she gradually realized that this aunt was not an idiot, but had a very clear mind, and her perspective on people and things was different from ordinary people. In front of Cui Xiaowan, she could not hide her inner thoughts at all.

Hearing Cui Xiaowan's question, Chen Sining sat up straighter, raised her hair around her ears, and smiled slightly:

"I didn't think about anything. I just didn't sleep well last night and had some messy dreams."

Zhu Manzhi was worried about how to escape from the inevitable chess game. At this time, he naturally became interested. He threw the little white snake into the chess basket, leaned closer and asked:

"What dream? Let me tell you. When I was traveling in Chang'an City, I learned some methods of interpreting dreams. I can't say for sure, but I can get it right occasionally."

Chen Sining saw that Manzhi had completely forgotten the philosophy of life he talked about last night, his eyes looked helpless, and he thought for a while:

"I just dreamed that I went into the rivers and lakes with Mr. Xu, and arrived in a cave, and then...then both of us were tied up by vines, unable to move, and extremely dangerous, which scared me awake. I don't think this is a good sign. So I’m a little worried.”

When Zhu Manzhi heard this, he frowned slightly:

"Why did you dream about being in danger with Mr. Xu? According to my experience, friends only dream about fighting and killing each other. You should dream about being in a cave with Mr. Xu, doing some shameful things."

The three of them were all women, and they were relatively familiar with each other. Manzhi didn't shy away from joking.

Chen Sining's expression changed slightly and she said angrily: "Manzhi, what are you talking about?"

"Hehe, just kidding."

Cui Xiaowan saw that Chen Sining was hiding something in her words, she smiled and said:

"Every day you think about something, and you dream about it at night. No matter what you encounter in your dream, it means that you are thinking about Xu Bu Ling. If you were not thinking about him, you would not dream about him at night, let alone think about that person like you do now. The meaning of dreams. You are just in love and confused."

The words are straightforward and point to the point, like a revelation.

Chen Sining's body froze slightly, and after thinking about it for a moment, she realized that this seemed to be the case. Ever since Yulong Ridge, she had been thinking about Xu Bu Ling and basically nothing else. But she came here for Chen's safety, and she didn't come after her because she was greedy for Xu Buling's beauty. Strictly speaking, there was no personal relationship involved...

Seeing Chen Sining's eyes turning darkly, Zhu Manzhi shook his head and said seriously:

"Xiao Chen, sister, I have been here before. I have seen many girls who are colder and more difficult to seduce than you. For example, Sister Xiao Wan, even the emperor didn't pretend to be polite. When I met Mr. Xu, I didn't come here obediently and give him for free."

Cui Xiaowan's face was not red, her heart was not beating, and she nodded seriously:

"Yes, I walked more than two thousand miles and almost tortured Lao Jia to death."

Zhu Manzhi had already adapted to Xiaowan's speaking style, and continued without laughing:

"There is no woman who doesn't like a man as good as Mr. Xu. Even if you don't like him now, when you are separated from Mr. Xu, will you still be able to like other men? Even if it's a young man like Mei Qusheng from the previous generation, who is certain to be a martial artist in the future. Kui, when you see it, you probably think: 'Is this what you call a man?' Don't believe it, people are like this, and they can't tolerate bad things."

The words are crude but not crude. These words are very convincing.

Chen Sining asked herself after hearing this, if she and Xu Buling forget each other in the world and choose a husband to marry, I am afraid that she will never be able to escape the shadow of Xu Buling for the rest of her life. After all, she has to find a man who is as good as Xu Buling among contemporary men. It's really hard for a man.

He has the best martial arts skills, is the most handsome, has the highest status in the future, and it is still unknown whether anyone can surpass Xu Buling in terms of literary talent. He is also a very warm-hearted person, how can you choose?

Chen Sining pursed her lips: "When a man and a woman get married, they have to pay attention to fate. How can they give up their hearts just because of external conditions? That would be a bit too powerful."

Zhu Manzhi shook his head and enlightened with sincerity: "Master Xu has a saying that is right. There are so many entanglements and conflicts of love and hate in the world. To put it bluntly, love between men and women means living together for the rest of their lives. If you are happy, so will he. Being happy is enough. Life and death, moving the world, sounds interesting and touching, but who wants to experience it personally? "

Cui Xiaowan held her chin in her hands and nodded seriously:

"Hmm, plainness is a blessing."

The two of them were fooling each other, and Chen Sining was obviously a little overwhelmed. She raised her hand and scratched her hair, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that Chen Sining seemed to be shaken, Zhu Manzhi quickly sat down a few minutes closer and took advantage of the victory to persuade:

"Xiao Chen, sister, I've been here before. Although the palace is big, Mr. Xu can't hold many people in his heart. Every carrot is a trap. The one who regrets it if he doesn't seize the opportunity is himself. The one who regrets it if he takes his time. For example, Sister, I was supposed to be the boss..."

Cui Xiaowan blinked: "Boss? No way, the queen mother said that during the day Qiqi is the boss, at night Baobao is the boss, and when they quarrel, Hongluan is the boss..."

"Let me give you an example."

Zhu Manzhi chuckled: "I first met Mr. Xu, when Sister Hongluan was still Mr. Xu's aunt. If I had seized the opportunity at that time, I would have to call me sister now. It's a pity that I was so lazy at that time. Now they are ranked below Zhongli Laojiu. If you work harder now, you can still rank eleven. If you wait until Mr. Xu brings a girl back, you will have to rank twelve. There are still a lot of maids waiting on the boat, Nightingale. , Yue Nu, Qiao'e, Doudou, Lanhua..."

Cui Xiaowan shook her head: "Lanhua is getting married, don't talk nonsense, let Lao Xu hear it, I will spank you."

Zhu Manzhi raised his head and looked around, and after confirming that Xu Buling had not come back, he continued to follow the temptation:

"Especially Yue Nu and Qiao'e, they are so greedy that they wish they could eat Mr. Xu alive. If you continue to hesitate, there is a chance that you will be ranked twenty or more."

Chen Sining frowned. Hearing all this nonsense, his thoughts were distracted and he muttered in a low voice:

"More than twenty, doesn't it mean that if you want to see my husband, you have to queue for a month?"

Cui Xiaowan smiled and said seriously:

"No, Xu Bu Ling can bring disaster to five people in one night..."


Before she finished speaking, a cold cough sounded above the three of them.

Cui Xiaowan stopped talking, pretended to be harmless, picked up the telescope and continued to enjoy the scenery.

Zhu Manzhi was startled and sat down quickly: "I was just joking, don't take it seriously, Old Chen."

Chen Si Ning's face also blushed, pretended to be calm, looked at the roof above the terrace, and prepared to say hello.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw Xu Buling, who was dressed in black, holding a girl wrapped like a caterpillar in his arms, jumping down from above. ? !

Why is there another one?

The three women on the terrace had different expressions, but the same thought flashed through their minds.

Xu Buling landed on the terrace, walked into the house quickly, and explained:

"I met an old acquaintance outside the city, he was injured, and brought him back for treatment, Manzhi, come and help."


Zhu Manzhi was full of suspicion, feeling that he was one step closer to Zhu Twelve, but when he saw the girl's face, he was stunned, stood up quickly, and ran into the house:

"Hey, weren't you fortune-telling in Qiufeng Town? You said you would tell me about my marriage, why did you tell it for yourself? No wonder I was told to 'don't worry', in What are you waiting for me?"

Xiao Taohua was very weak due to internal injuries. Seeing two familiar old friends, she was also stunned and whispered:

"So you and big brother are in the same group... What a coincidence."

Chen Si Ning stood up and saw Xiao Taohua's face. She knew that she was seriously injured. She said seriously:

"Manzhi, don't interrupt, get the medicine."

Zhu Manzhi was very angry, but she knew the seriousness of the right and wrong. She ran to Xu Buling's room and took the healing equipment she brought with her.

Xu Buling put Xiao Taohua on the bed, raised his hand to untie the robe wrapped around him, but thought about it and gave up. He turned around and said:

"Come on, you just fell into the water and your clothes are wet."

Chen Si Ning didn't say much, put down the curtain, and began to check Xiao Taohua's injuries.

Xiao Taohua was very embarrassed. It was fine when she was with Xu Buling, but she didn't know how to deal with Chen Si Ning, who was half-familiar with her. She simply closed her eyes and let Chen Si Ning fiddle with her.

Because she was not wearing any clothes, Xu Buling couldn't get close to her, so he retreated to the terrace and closed the door.

Cui Xiaowan leaned on the recliner and swayed. She tilted her head and glanced at it, humming:

"Old Xu, when you go back this time, the mother and Hongluan will definitely not let you go out again."

"You are just a little girl, don't think too much."

"Can you fool your aunt?"

Cui Xiaowan moved a little to the recliner and made room: "How can I drive out the girl I brought back? We don't lack a pair of chopsticks, right?"


Xu Buling looked helpless, spread his hands slightly, sat down on the recliner, picked up Cui Xiaowan and put her on his lap:

"How are you feeling today? Are you feeling better?"

"Much better."

Cui Xiaowan leaned on Xu Buling's arms and looked at the half-set sun in the sky with a telescope. After a while, she said lightly:

"I'm busy inside, don't touch my conscience."

"Oh, I didn't notice."

"I put my hand inside my clothes and didn't notice it..."


The sun was setting in the west, and the sunset glow was like fire, slowly burning in the sky...

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