The prince is very fierce

Chapter 10: Backstab by a Good Sister

The Crown Prince Is Very Fierce, Chapter 10 of Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow Chapter 10: Good Sisters' Backstabbing in March, the dense forests are covered with shades of vegetation, the bright white moonlight shines in the mountains and forests, and the wild flowers dance with the wind, casting uneven shadows on the ground. light and shadow.

Tap tap tap

Footsteps hurried.

Xu Buling hugged Chen Sining and came to a slightly flat open space. He laid her flat among the flowers and overwhelmed a few bunches of wild flowers.

Chen Sining closed his eyes. He had been hit hard just now. Coupled with the snake entanglement, he must have suffered internal injuries. His face turned blue and his lips were slightly purple. He was wearing a tight-fitting black robe. The fabric on his shoulders had been slightly torn, and the silver-white soft armor could be seen inside. , smooth and traceless, but blood has been leaking from under the soft nail.

Xu Buling couldn't tell from his appearance how badly he was injured, so he could only squat down beside him and raise his hand to untie Chen Sining's belt.

Chen Sining's eyelashes trembled and her fingers moved slightly, but she did not wake up.

After all, Chen Sining had to treat her injuries when she woke up. She was severely injured and exhausted, and she was unable to bandage it by herself. When the time came to face to face, it would be even more embarrassing. It would be better to pretend to be faint and pretend that she didn't see anything.


Xu Buling frowned and untied his close-fitting black coat. What appeared in front of him was a piece of silver-white soft armor, which was seamless and similar to the thermal underwear of later generations. It was covered tightly and had no hem at all. It came from the edge of the trousers. Look, they are still conjoined. ? ?

Xu Buling blinked and glanced up and down. He couldn't find the place to take off the soft armor, so he was about to pull down the black trousers. But as soon as his hand touched Chen Sining's abdomen, Chen Sining let out a slight "woo~" and seemed to wake up. Fei woke up and turned over with some difficulty.

Xu Buling looked down and realized that the tether of the soft armor was behind his back. He quickly turned Chen Sining over and lay on the ground, raised his hand to take off the black color, and then untied the tether of the soft armor.

Chen Sining has a slender figure, but as a woman, her shoulders are not too broad. As the silver-white soft armor is untied, you can see a smooth back with even and delicate texture. Unfortunately, it was stained with a lot of blood and failed to show its own beauty.

Xu Buling carefully opened the soft armor on his right shoulder. The soft armor was close to the skin, and the blood stains and wounds were stuck together. Maybe it was because of the unbearable sting. Chen Sining's body tensed slightly, and he hummed a little, but there was no extra movement. .

Xu Buling sighed secretly, took off the soft armor, and examined it carefully.

Chen Sining's shoulder was bitten by a small snake. The hook fangs failed to penetrate the soft armor, but under the heavy pressure of the bite, the skin around the shoulder was still crushed. It looked almost like being hit by a mace; Fortunately, the effect of the soft armor is very obvious. The wound is not deep, and the isolated snake teeth will not be infected. The tightness will hurt the muscles and bones.

Xu Buling secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was prepared for the fight in advance. He took out the small bottle of golden sore medicine from his arms, poured the white medicine powder on the wound, pressed it with gauze, and then turned Chen Sining over.

The tether on the back of Chen Sining's soft armor was untied, and it would definitely not be able to be attached to the body. As soon as he turned over, he slipped down, revealing his white and blue bellyband. Shown on the bellyband were two small snakes chasing hydrangeas. It looked like It also has the flavor of two dragons playing with pearls.

Chen Sining noticed that the soft armor had slipped, closed her eyes and raised her hand slightly, then pulled the soft armor up again, covering the skirt of her clothes.

Xu Buling sighed: "The wound is under the clothes, how about you do it yourself?"


Chen Sining seemed to be in a daze and did not respond. She squeezed Ruan Jia's hand, hesitated for a moment, and then let go.

Xu Buling lifted her up and leaned on his legs, then pulled her green bellyband open a little, revealing a half arc. His eyes did not look around. After carefully treating the injury on the front, he wrapped it with a bandage. , and prepared to continue taking off the soft armor to see if there were any injuries on the waist and abdomen.

Chen Sining was slapped on the waist by a big snake and almost strangled to death by the big snake. There were many bruises on her waist, but no blood was seen, so it didn't look very serious.

Xu Bu Ling felt a little relieved and prepared to take off all the conjoined soft armor and look down.

When it was pulled down to her belly button, Chen Sining finally couldn't bear it any longer. She quickly raised her hand to hold the clothes down and said weakly with her eyes closed:

"There's no injury down there, so there's no need to look."

Xu Buling looked serious: "Let's take a better look. What if there is any injury? We can't care about the defense of men and women at this time."

After all, Chen Sining is a half-step master. Can he not feel the injury?

She opened her eyes slightly, glanced at Xu Buling, and whispered:

"No need...there's nothing to see."

"Hey, who wants to see something nice? I'm here to check your injuries."

Xu Buling tugged on his soft armor, as if he insisted on checking it inside and out.

Chen Sining, on the other hand, was like a patient who was ashamed to speak. Her face turned red and purple, and she just kept pulling on her soft armor. Finally, she couldn't hold it any longer, so she opened her eyes and sat up:

"Mr. Xu, I'm really fine. I'll take care of it myself."

Xu Bu Ling let go and sat down next to him, staring intently.

Chen Sining held her soft armor to cover her face and glanced at Xu Buling. She wanted to lower her head to check, but Xu Buling didn't avoid it. What did she think?

Chen Sining hesitated, and after struggling for a long time, she still didn't dare to pull off the soft armor. She didn't believe that Xu Buring didn't even know about this point of defense between men and women, and said angrily:

"Mr. Xu, you...why are you like this?"

Xu Buling smiled softly. Seeing that Chen Sining was fine, he felt relieved. He turned around and sat cross-legged with his back to deal with some scratches on his arms:

"You're already awake, why are you pretending to be dizzy?"

Chen Si Ning also turned around, back to back with Xu Bu Ling, lowered her head to check her legs, her eyes were a little complicated. The first thing she saw when she woke up was Xu Bu Ling's mouth close to her. In that situation, she didn't have the strength to push his hand away, and she couldn't do it without taking medicine. What else could she do except pretend to be dizzy and ignore it?

Chen Si Ning still hasn't recovered from the medicine feeding. She just fed him the medicine, and they didn't separate after feeding him. Although it only lasted for a moment, she felt like half a lifetime had passed when their lips touched. She recalled every scene of their past together. If it weren't for that annoying interruption, it would probably last longer...

Chen Si Ning's thoughts were erratic. She hesitated for a moment before whispering:

"You kissed me, and I can't hide. If I don't pretend to be unconscious, what else can I do?"

Xu Buling seemed a little dissatisfied when he heard this:

"In an emergency, you can do it yourself. In that case, can't you wake up and eat it yourself? If you have to pretend to be unconscious, then I can only feed you? We agreed in advance that this is to save you, it doesn't count as a kiss. Don't blame me, I'm not responsible."? ?

Chen Si Ning's expression froze slightly, and she turned her head to look at me, a little annoyed:

"You kissed me, and you knew I was pretending to faint, and you gave me medicine and didn't separate, and you kissed me for so long, how can you pretend that nothing happened?"

Xu Bu Ling also turned his head and blinked:

"What should I do?"


Chen Si Ning choked on her words, yes, what should I do?

Chen Si Ning didn't dare to look at Xu Bu Ling, her eyes dodged, and then turned back, holding back for a long time, and then whispered:

"Well... I didn't mean that, you were trying to save me, and you were entangled by the big snake just now. You tried your best to protect me, and I saw it in my eyes. You shouldn't make trouble with such things."

Xu Bu Ling nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, you and I are close friends in the world, what's wrong with kissing at the critical moment of life and death? You can forget about what happened just now. Find a good man to marry in the future, and don't mention this to others, otherwise your future husband will be suspicious." ? ? ?

Chen Si Ning took a deep breath, pulled the wound on her shoulder, and quickly relaxed her body, frowning tightly:

"Mr. Xu, how could could you do this?"

Xu Buling slightly spread his hands: "What's wrong?"

Chen Si Ning was confused, silent for a while, and said in a dilemma:

"No matter what the reason, I...I have already had physical contact with you, how can I marry another man? This is not a disaster, I am the third princess of Nanyue, I have to have face..."

Xu Buling pretended to have a headache and frowned: "Yes, what should I do?"

Chen Si Ning hesitated for a moment, and didn't know what she was thinking, but she went with the flow and whispered:

"Well... Actually, I came out of Nanyue on the order of my father to talk to the young master about the marriage. Now that things have come to this, I don't know. I'd better give it to an outsider. It seems that the young master's family doesn't lack a pair of chopsticks. As long as the young master can protect the safety of my Chen family, I... I don't have any other conditions. I followed the young master to travel all over the country. Although I didn't play a big role, I didn't make any contributions, but I worked hard, right? "

Xu Buling touched his chin and hesitated:


Chen Si Ning had to muster up the courage to speak out. Seeing Xu Buling hesitate, sweat broke out on his forehead, and he hurriedly said:

"Of course, I was just talking casually. If the young master insists on abandoning me, I don't mind. Just pretend that nothing happened and we will still be friends in the future."

Xu Buling smiled, turned around, and picked up the rope of the soft armor:

"If you like me, just say it directly. Why do you have to beat around the bush?"!!

Chen Si Ning shrank slightly, and even Xu Bu Ling could hear the sound of her heartbeat. Her eyes flickered and her smile was stiff:

"What do you mean by like or not? I just listened to my father's words..."

"Forget it, I don't like or not like my girl."

"Hey... like."

Chen Si Ning turned back quickly, but after noticing Xu Bu Ling's teasing tone, she turned her head back quickly and stopped talking.

Xu Bu Ling helped tie the rope of the soft armor and nodded with satisfaction:

"You call my name in your erotic dreams every night, and all the girls on the boat can see it. I thought you were going to continue pretending."? !

Chen Si Ning's face turned red again: "How is it possible? I... I didn't talk in my sleep?"

"You know whether I said it or not."


Chen Si Ning looked a little guilty.

Xu Buling fastened his soft armor, came to sit down beside Chen Si Ning, tilted his head to look at the very charming peach blossom eyes:

"Si Ning."

Chen Si Ning was a little dazed by such an intimate name, her eyes flickered and she was fidgeting. After glancing at Xu Bu Ling, she quickly turned away:

"What...what's wrong?"

Xu Bu Ling moved a little closer and raised his chin.

Chen Si Ning naturally understood what Xu Bu Ling meant, her heart was about to jump out, her eyes were embarrassed, and after hesitating for a long time, she gritted her teeth, held the momentum of breaking the jar, closed her eyes, and moved towards Xu Bu Ling.

But before the two of them got close to each other, a wailing like crying for parents came from a distance:

"Ah, sister, I was wrong, I was wrong...Xu Bu Ling, help me!"

Chen Si Ning froze, with a little disappointment between her eyebrows. She was about to take the opportunity to kiss him, but she leaned forward and kissed the air.

She opened her eyes, and Xu Bu Ling had already stood up and ran into the woods.

Chen Si Ning licked her lips, with an expression that showed either disappointment or relief. She climbed up with some difficulty, fastened her black clothes, and followed...

Xu Buling heard Xiao Ting's cry, quickly flew up and came to the woods.

I thought something happened in the woods, but when I looked up, the messy woods were still the same as before.

The black snake was lying in the mud, and the two small snakes stared at it with their mouths open, looking like if you dare to move, I will bite you. A voice came from a nearby cave:

"I really didn't mean it, I was saving you..."

The voice was very frightened and aggrieved.

Xu Buling was puzzled and hurried to the entrance of the cave, but saw that in the cave with a bonfire, Xiao Ting was pinned to the ground with his hands behind his back, his face pressed to the ground, struggling in panic.

The ghost lady, covered in blood, had a red face with murderous intent, pressing Xiao Ting's head.

Xu Buling blinked, looking a little confused.

Seeing Xu Buling coming back, Xiao Ting hurriedly sighed:

"Quick, quick, Xu Buling, take this crazy bitch away..."

"Who are you calling a crazy bitch?"

"Hey, hey, hey, be gentle... I'm so wrong..."

Chen Si Ning ran over from behind, leaned over and took a look, with a little contempt in her eyes:

"Mr. Xu, why is your nephew so cowardly?"

"I'm his uncle, Xu Buling, why don't you come to stop the fight, do you want to see me die?!"

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows, too lazy to pay attention, turned around and carried Chen Si Ning on his back, and walked out:

"Don't worry about him, he deserves to be punished, go back."

Chen Si Ning lifted her feet off the ground and lay on Xu Buling's back. She was slightly stunned, and felt that her hips were hugged. She hurriedly tried to avoid it, but after being hit on the buttocks, she became obedient again. She put her fists between the two of them, looked at the big snake on the ground, and changed the subject:

"What should we do with this big snake? It looks like it's several dozen years old. I don't know how much effort Nanyu has spent to cultivate it to grow so big. It's probably the only one in the world."

Xu Buling was also worried about the big snake that couldn't be stewed in the pot, so he didn't kill it directly. He chuckled and said:

"Let Ah Qing and Ah Bai watch it, and send someone to move it back later. The true prince must have a more mysterious legend. When the time comes, give the big snake two horns, and say that you caught a dragon and took it back as a lucky animal."

Give it two horns...

Chen Si Ning was amused by this: "You can think of such a bad idea, but with the physique of this big snake, it might really scare a lot of people."

"That's right, make the best use of it."

Xu Buling carried Chen Si Ning on his back, chatting all the way, and walked out of the mountains.

Not far away, Xiao Ting's cursing voice came from behind:

"Xu Buling, you are too much! I must complain to my aunt when I go back..."

Chen Si Ning looked back and saw Xiao Ting, dressed in gorgeous clothes, carrying the woman who had fainted again, slowly following from behind, panting and sweating.

Chen Si Ning had already exhausted her strength and was injured, so she couldn't get off the ground at all. She could only say:

"Mr. Xiao, why don't you wait here, we'll go back and call someone to pick you up."

Xiao Ting panted like an ox, trotting behind him, shaking his head and saying:

"I won't wait, what if the snake wakes up? If the snake doesn't wake up and send a helper, I'll be dead, right? By the way, who are you, girl? Why haven't I seen you before? Is it Xu Buling's new mistress?"

Chen Si Ning's expression froze, and she wanted to slap this guy twice, but because of Xiao Ting's identity, she said awkwardly:


Xiao Ting got a little angry when he heard this, and followed Xu Buling's ass, dissatisfied:

"Xu Buling, I am the head of the Xiao family, my aunt's nephew, we sacrificed our lives together to eliminate harm for the people, and we have a life-long friendship. Now I am so tired after escaping from death, and you are still Thinking about women, aren't you afraid that I will go back and tell my aunt about it?"

Xu Buling was not afraid at all:

"What can you do to me?"


Xiao Ting was anxious, and turned to look at Chen Si Ning:

"Girl, I have to say hello to you. Xu Buling is not as gentlemanly as he looks. He is black-hearted. Do you know what he did in Chang'an City?"

Chen Si Ning was really curious:



Xiao Ting looked like he was telling a secret, and said seriously:

"Xu Buling bullied men and women in Chang'an, and he liked older women the most. There was no lady in Kuishou Street who was not afraid..."

Chen Si Ning blinked, thinking of a group of older sisters on the boat, and nodded slightly:

"I am a little young, huh?"??

Xiao Ting's expression froze, and he blinked and looked at Xu Buling, as if asking, "Is this girl stupid?"

Xu Buling was too lazy to care and walked quickly through the mountains. After walking only two miles, dozens of palace guards had already arrived at Wuyu Ridge and ran over from the front.

Xu Buling was relieved to see this. After saying hello to Nightingale, he sped up and rushed to the outside of the mountains.

On the shore of Chaohu Lake, ships loaded with supplies docked one after another, and the building ship also arrived outside Luzhou City under the protection of heavy armor.

Lu Hongluan was pregnant. In order to rest better, she moved to the spacious room on the second floor of the ship building. At this time, she was leaning on the soft couch and embroidering flowers. She noticed that the ship had stopped and wanted to get up and go out to see. Unfortunately, the battle had just ended the day before yesterday, and the bloody smell on the walls had not yet disappeared. Zhongli Jiujiu stopped her and even closed the windows.

Cui Xiaowan brought in a few flower pots that had just sprouted and placed them in the corner of the room. Seeing that Lu Hongluan was a little restless, she said softly:

"Hong Luan, don't even think about going into the city. There are dead people everywhere outside. They chopped off more than 2,000 heads a few days ago. It scared you. We all have to be scolded by Lao Xu."

Lu Hongluan and Xu Buring must have been separated for so many days, and they must have missed each other in their hearts. However, they also knew what was right and wrong, and said softly:

"I just want to go out for some fresh air, not to see Ling'er. Since it's a mess outside, I won't go out. After so many heavenly battles, Ling'er doesn't know whether he was injured or not."

Ning Yuhe helped Cui Xiaowan take care of the flowers and plants, and said with a smile: "Ordinary soldiers can't hurt Xu Buling."

When Zhongli Chuchu heard this, he rolled his eyes and said:

"How about I go over and take a look at the situation? The doctors accompanying the army have average medical skills, so I have to take a look at it so that you can feel more at ease."

Lu Hongluan had this intention and nodded slightly: "Yes, Jiujiu, you have good medical skills. Come and have a look. In fact, I don't need so many people to take care of me. It's best for you to stay with Ling'er."

Ning Yuhe narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that Zhongli Jiujiu wanted to run away to steal some food, but Lu Hongluan had said so, and she couldn't resist Jiujiu, so she could only say softly:

"Lao Jiu, you go early and come back early. Hong Luan is pregnant, so don't stay in the city for several days."

"That's natural."

Zhongli Jiujiu stood up happily, put the small medicine box on his shoulders, and ran out quickly as if he were going to ring the clock.

Cui Xiaowan sat down on the soft couch, looked at Jiujiu's appearance, smiled and said: "Hongluan, Jiujiu will definitely go to Xu Buling tonight."

The room was full of women, and they were all Xu Buling's women. Although Lu Hongluan was gentle and reserved, she did not shy away from this matter. She touched her belly, pursed her lips and smiled:

"It's enough to be eaten by your order."

Cui Xiaowan thought about it for a moment, then nodded seriously:

"That's true, Lao Xu dares to eat anywhere. By the way, Dabai, Xu Buling also likes to lick you..."


Ning Yu pressed her cheeks, which were as white as jade, flushed instantly, tightened her skirt, and quickly interrupted:

"Then what...Xiaowan, your body and bones are not fully healed yet, it's time to rest."

Lu Hongluan had seen everything and knew what Xiaowan said. He nodded with a smile and whispered:

"Your Majesty has this bad habit, especially you and Yuhe, who are like white steamed buns, are the best for him."

"That's not the case."

Cui Xiaowan has never been shy and coy, but Ning Yuhe couldn't bear it. He quickly stood up and said:

"Oh, you two...I'm going back to my room to sleep." He ran out of the door in a hurry.

Lu Hongluan's eyes were sour, and she chuckled: "Humph~ She's still shy. The girl on the boat is the wildest..."

"Wilder than my mother?"

"They are evenly matched. Your mother is good at crafts and likes to make messes to torment others. Yuhe dares to torment himself..."


Zhongli Jiujiu came to the first floor, ran back to the room to get the bell and put it in the medicine box, picked up Yiyi from her beauty sleep, and hurried out of the ship building.

On the deck of the building, three girls, Zhu Manzhi, Chu Chu, and Song Yufu, looked at the night scene inside and outside the city wall with binoculars.

Zhongli Chuchu turned around when he heard the sound, saw his master walking in a hurry, and asked:

"Master, do you want to go out?"

Zhongli Jiujiu paused, acted unhurriedly, and said with a smile:

"Hongluan asked me to go into the city and have a look, and you can do your own thing."

What can we play? There was no promise or no order on the boat... Zhu Manzhi was almost dumbfounded on the boat. He wanted to say yes or no order, but also thought of the two sisters Xiaoning, Lao Chen, etc. Seeing that Zhongli Jiujiu was going to the city, he hurriedly ran to help. Jiujiu is carrying a small medicine box:

"Big Zhong, let me see it off for you. I have nothing to do anyway."

Zhongli Jiujiu knew that Manzhi would not steal business at night and could drag Qingye and Chen Sining away, so she naturally didn't mind this and nodded with a smile: "Let's go."

Zhongli Chuchu actually wanted to run over, but it was not good if everyone ran away. At the moment, he could only warn like an elder:

"Master, please be careful. In the Commander's Mansion, you can't run into Xu Buling's house late at night like in the previous wars."

"How could it be?"

Zhongli Jiujiu replied with a smile and was about to get off the boat. Unexpectedly, Manzhi moved a little too hard while carrying the medicine box, and it made a crisp "ding" sound.

"Eh? Dazhong, what's in your medicine box?"

Zhongli Jiujiu's expression froze, he picked up the milk stick and ran to the shore.

"Yeah, big clock, why are you so crazy..."

"Master, stop!"

"Go to rest early, my teacher will leave first..."

Zhongli Jiujiu disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Song Yufu had also played with bells, so she naturally recognized what the sound was. Her face turned a little red and she whispered:

"Chu Chu, I still have to help Sister Qi Qi handle the logistics account books. Let's go in."

Zhongli Chuchu bit her lower lip and stared at her master's back. She didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, she decided to forget it and entered the ship building with Song Yufu...——

In Luzhou City, the night is already dark.

Outside the commander's residence, a Xiliang sergeant in black armor patrolled back and forth with his sword in his hand. From time to time, scouts came from outside and entered the mansion to report the march situation in various places.

Under the two big lanterns, Xiao Xiang'er was dressed in the attire of a royal concubine, standing upright, scanning the street, waiting for Xu Buling or the news to come back.

A few days ago, because of Xiao Ting's incident, Xiao Xiang'er was so anxious that she and her sister showed up at the same time, which caused a lot of discussion in the army. Fortunately, the Xiliang army was all his subordinates. After greeting each other, no one thought any more.

In this situation, even if Xiao Xiang'er shows up, it won't affect the overall situation. But as the former queen mother, it's not good for her reputation to openly publicize her affair with Xu Buling. She should keep a low profile.

Although Xiao Xiang'er looks the same as Xiao Qi, there are still differences. Even if Xiao Xiang'er stands very dignified, her eyes don't have the sharpness of Xiao Qi's "everyone is drunk but I am awake". Instead, she has the solemnity of a mother who rules the country. Her eyebrows are kind and harmonious, but so high that people dare not look directly at her. This expression has been practiced in the imperial city for ten years. Even the emperor of Dayue has to bow his head and call her mother when he sees her. It's not a big problem to disguise herself as the prince's consort.

After waiting for a long time, the sound of horse hooves came from the street.

Xu Buling rode a big black horse and came from a distance. He hugged Chen Si Ning in his arms and tried to keep a comfortable posture to prevent the bumps on the road from affecting the wound.

When they arrived outside the general's mansion, Chen Si Ning had almost fallen asleep, her hands still curled up on her chest, her cheek resting on Xu Buling's left arm, her eyes slightly moving, as if she was still dreaming.

Xu Buling stopped the horse, held Chen Si Ning horizontally, and landed on the ground lightly.

Xiao Xiang'er saw blood on Chen Si Ning's body, and hurriedly walked up to her, took a look, and before she spoke, Xu Buling signaled with his eyes, and then whispered:

"Xiao Ting is fine, he will be back soon. Miss Chen was injured and fell asleep."

Xiao Xiang'er finally let go of her heart after a long time of hanging, and her complexion was visibly improved. She walked beside Xu Buling, raised her hand and gently placed it on Chen Si Ning's wrist to feel it:

"The blood is unstable, and she has suffered some internal injuries. I'm afraid she needs to rest for a while."

Xu Buling nodded, lowered his head and kissed Xiao Xiang'er on the face:

"Baby, I was exhausted today to save your nephew, and your nephew scolded me behind my back. Later, you, as an aunt, have to compensate me, right?"

Xiao Xiang'er was relieved, and she returned to her old baby look, frowning slightly: "What did that bastard scold you for?"

"He scolded me for bullying men and women and occupying his aunt."

Xiao Xiang'er blinked: "Is there anything wrong with what Xiao Ting said? Dare to do it but not let others say it?"


Xu Buling was speechless.

Xiao Xiang'er snorted slightly, stood on tiptoe and kissed Xu Buling's face; "Miss Chen was so badly injured for you, and you are still thinking about that matter, do you have a conscience? Sister is still worried, and I have to help you deal with so many military affairs, I will go first. You stay with me more." Then she walked towards the back house, with light steps and swaying gracefully.

Xu Buling was just talking casually, but when he saw the baby's back, he was really greedy, and looked up and down with a bright look.

Xiao Xiang'er took a few steps, and perhaps she noticed Xu Buling's gaze, and turned back and smiled:

"Xu Buling, do you want me to prepare a tail for her?"

Xu Buling shook his head helplessly:


"Humph, virtue~"

Xiao Xiang'er smiled, picked up the hem of her skirt and ran down quickly.

The footsteps faded away.

In Xu Buling's arms, Chen Si Ning, who was held by a princess, opened her eyes with a puzzled look. As a half-step master warrior, she must have woken up when someone was chatting next to her, but she was embarrassed to open her eyes.

At this time, Xiao Xiang'er left, and Chen Si Ning asked:

"Mr. Xu, what is the tail for?"

Xu Buling's face was cold and serious:

"According to the rules of my Xu family, every woman who marries into the family must have a token, you will know later."


Chen Si Ning's cheeks flushed, and she struggled a little, trying to get off the ground and walk by herself:

"Mr. Xu, you go to accompany Sister Xiang'er, I can go back and rest by myself."

Xu Buling shook his head, hugged Chen Si Ning, and entered the backyard.

The backyard was very large, but only a few girls lived there, and it looked a bit empty. In the main courtyard in the distance, Xiao Xiang'er was talking to Xiao Qi about Xiao Ting's safety, while Ning Qingye was chatting and talking nonsense with the daughter of the ghost lady.

Xu Buling walked through the corridor and came to Chen Si Ning's room, then he put her on the bed and raised his hand to help her take off her shoes.

Chen Si Ning's face became redder and redder. She thought Xu Buling was going to favor her. Her body straightened up and she said nervously:

"Mr. Xu, you..."

Xu Buling took off his shoes and put them on the ground: "What's wrong?"

"I'm injured. Now... is it too urgent now? Otherwise, I'll be there in two days..."

Xu Buling blinked, raised his head, and looked at Chen Si Ning, whose face was flushed:

"What are you going to do in two days?"

Do... what you love to do...

Chen Si Ning's expression froze, her eyes dodged, and turned to the inside:

"Well... Nothing. "

Xu Buling came closer and said with a smile:

"Si Ning, I found that you are very greedy for my body. "

Chen Si Ning frowned: "Mr. Xu, what are you talking about?"

Xu Buling sat on the bed and spread his hands and said: "I am not talking nonsense. In Yulongling, you were drugged and almost knocked down a big tree, and you were still shouting my name..."

"I... don't say it!"

Chen Si Ning was embarrassed by the old things being brought up again. She wanted to find a hole to crawl into. Her hands softened, her head tilted, and she fainted again.

Xu Buling's mouth corners curled slightly, and he said no more. He leaned down and kissed Chen Si Ning on the lips. Anyway, Chen Si Ning didn't know that she was fainted.

This time, the kiss was very serious and they didn't separate for a long time.

Chen Si Ning didn't dare to breathe, and adopted an ostrich policy, trying to pretend that she didn't feel anything, but her heart was beating loudly.

Just when she was about to give up, she finally heard a cry for help from outside:

"Xu... Oh my God!"

Xu Buling's expression froze, and he quickly stood up and looked back, only to see Zhu Manzhi standing behind Zhongli Jiujiu in the corridor outside the door, holding his head, looking like "the sky has fallen"...——

In the middle of the night, with Xiao Ting's return, the general's mansion became a little noisy.

Xu Buling was lying in his room, his coat had been taken off, revealing a strong upper body, and there were some bruises on his waist and abdomen.

Zhongli Jiujiu sat beside him, carefully wiping the wound with medicinal wine.

In the hall of the outer house in the distance, Xiao Ting's ghostly howling roar came, which could be heard from far away in the room:

"Aunt! I miss you so much, you have to make the decision for me! Don't you know that Xu Bu let him..."

"Call me uncle!"

"Uncle, he is so heartless. I was standing on the gate tower with my life hanging by a thread, and he shot me with an arrow without saying a word. After being tied up and taken outside, he actually threw me with such a big snake. Aunt, do you know how big that snake is? You can't even stew me in the pot..."

"Xiao Ting, did you write this?"

"Uh... Aunt, I wrote it like this on purpose."

"Your original handwriting was not much better. As the head of the Xiao family, it's really..."

"Aunt, I was at the gate of hell and almost swallowed by a snake. How can you..."

"You still dare to talk back? Go copy the book a hundred times and give it to me before returning to Huainan."

"If you can't finish copying, I'll stew you."



Zhongli Jiujiu suppressed her laughter, lowered her head and carefully wiped Xu Buling's waist and abdomen, muttering softly:

"Husband, this Xiao family's patriarch is too pitiful. I thought the patriarch of the Central Plains family was the kind that would make the women in the family tremble when he spoke, but I didn't expect that he would be controlled so strictly."

Xu Buling was busy all night and was actually very tired. He leaned against the head of the bed and said a little tiredly:

"This is called great wisdom pretending to be stupid. Don't look at that kid's carefree and smart brain, he just needs to be dealt with. By the way, where did Manzhi go? Why didn't you come over?"

Zhongli Jiujiu glared at her: "How dare you say that? Manzhi ran over excitedly and wanted to give you a surprise. When you entered the door, you saw you kissing the girl, and you kissed Chen Si Ning. She was almost turning into 'Zhu Twelve'. How could she be happy? It's good that you didn't scratch you to death."

Xu Buling knew Manzhi's temper and would not be really angry with him. He smiled softly:

"You are the youngest. Manzhi can never make up for it. What's there to be angry about."? ?

Zhongli Jiujiu's playful expression sank, and she became a little unhappy. She picked up the towel in her hand, turned around and washed it in the hot water basin, ignoring Xu Buling.

Zhongli Jiujiu was sitting by the bed, with the basin on the ground. When she was washing the towel, her aqua blue skirt was naturally round and plump, like the full moon on August 15, and like a ripe peach, which was very attractive under the dim candlelight.

Xu Buling glanced at her. She was his silly wife, and he was moved. He was definitely not polite. He raised his hand and touched it, kneading it like kneading dough. The fabric was silky and delicate to the touch.

Zhongli Jiujiu paused when washing the towel, and quickly stood up, sat aside, and turned back to glare at Xu Buling:

"Don't touch me, I'm the youngest, go find your boss."

Xu Buling nodded, sat up and put on his shoes:

"Okay, I'll go find the baby."? ?

Zhongli Jiujiu's eyes became anxious, and she quickly pressed Xu Buling's shoulders, her eyes slightly annoyed.

Xu Buling laughed, lay down again, opened the small medicine box, took out the exquisite little bell from it, took it in his hand and looked at it:

"Ajiu, in the rich and powerful families, the youngest is the most favored by the master, you should be content."

Zhongli Jiujiu pursed her lips, snatched the bell and tightened her arms, and started washing towels again:

"What do you mean by favor? You think I'm easy to bully. Why didn't you tell your aunt to let her be the youngest?"

Xu Buling continued to play with the round dumpling, shook his head and said:

"I dare not, Aunt Lu will kill me."


Zhongli Jiujiu took The hot towel was rubbed on Xu Buling's body fiercely:

"You just bully the honest people, right? Do you think I can't kill you?"

Xu Buling was not afraid at all, lying on his back with his legs spread out, looking ready to be killed:

"Try to kill me?"

"Try it!"

Zhongli Jiujiu was provoked, stood up and put down the curtain, then knelt on the bed, gritting her teeth and said:

"If I don't let you know how powerful my sister is today, you really think I am a wronged young wife..."

"Come on, come on..."

It was past three o'clock in the morning, and the backyard became quiet.

In the room near the pond, Ning Qingye and Zhu Manzhi slept side by side, both with their eyes open, looking at the top of the curtain strangely.

The spring breeze was blowing outside the window, and the woman's voice was faintly heard with the night wind:

"My dear husband, I was wrong, please forgive me..."

Zhu Manzhi's face was red, and she pouted a little unhappy. After listening for a while, she muttered softly:

"This big bell is said to be used to treat Mr. Xu's injuries, how could it be treated like this..."

Ning Qingye was not feeling well, and put his hand on his waist and whispered:

"It's normal between husband and wife."

Zhu Manzhi snorted softly, feeling unhappy. Just as he was about to speak, footsteps came from outside the room again.

The two girls looked sideways and saw two shadows quietly drifting past the window of the room, still whispering:

"Sister, let's go. Jiujiu obviously can't bear it. Let's go help her..."

"Don't make any noise, let Manzhi and the others hear. How will we see anyone tomorrow morning?"

"I know, are you wearing your tail?"

"I didn't bring it."

"It's okay, the baby will carry it for you."


Zhu Manzhi rolled his eyes, feeling that he shouldn't be here, but under the bed.

Ning Qingye has a cold personality. Maybe she felt the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so she coughed and said:

"Manzhi, why did you come here thinking about it?"

Zhu Manzhi rolled over, hugged Ning Qingye's arm, put his legs on Ning Qingye's body, and hummed:

"What else can I do? I miss you and Lao Chen. Huh, Lao Chen is so unloyal. We promised to be just friends with Mr. Xu. It's only been a few days since we kissed Mr. Xu. If I hadn't accidentally bumped into him, It’s not Lao Jiu who’s screaming now.”

Ning Qingye's expression froze. She was not allowed to do anything like that. When she heard this, she explained awkwardly:

" can't be said that Miss Chen is unloyal. Maybe she can't help it. It's not like you don't know Xu Buling's temper. The girl you like can't escape. As long as he enters the door, he still doesn't want to Play with it however you want.”

Zhu Manzhi frowned, turned over, lay on the pillow, and shook the quilt with his feet:

"Mr. Xu is not such a person. He never forces his daughter's family. Everything he does with Mr. Xu must be voluntary. A slap in the face won't make a difference."

Ning Qingye didn't know how to beat around the bush, so she shook her head and said:

"Who says he can't force someone? When he's so motivated, he doesn't care whether the woman is willing or not."

Zhu Manzhi quickly shook his head: "Who said that? Others don't know, but you and I don't know? You and I made an appointment to die together, but we didn't agree. Do you think Mr. Xu didn't use force on us?"

"He didn't use force on you..."

Ning Qingye was outspoken. When she said this, she realized something was wrong and quickly shut up.

But Zhu Manzhi was very thoughtful. When he heard this, his face suddenly froze and he turned his head to look at Ning Qingye.

Ning Qingye wanted to hide it and pursed her lips, but she didn't know how to make up for it. Instead, she revealed the whole thing on Manzhi's face. ! ! !

a bolt from the blue!

Zhu Manzhi's little eyebrows wrinkled visibly, and she became more and more aggrieved. Her eyes were misty and tears came out:

"Xiao...Xiaoning, you can't..."

"Manzhi, I really didn't mean it. He forced me. I couldn't beat him, so he..."

"When did it happen?"

"Just a few days ago, I really didn't want to be unfaithful, but...well, that's it anyway."


Zhu Manzhi pursed his lips, turned over and lay flat on the pillow, feeling that the whole world was gray.

"Xiao Ning, you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can actually steal people behind their backs."

"What a thick eyebrow and big eyes, I really can't help it. You don't know, he was just like a wolf that day. He just got on there. There were many people on the boat, and I didn't dare to bark, and then... that was it."

Zhu Manzhi didn't want to listen to the details. He shrugged his nose and almost cried:

"Then I will be the last one? I was obviously the first to meet Mr. Xu..."

"Who told you to say you are still young?"

"I'm not being loyal. I want to stay with you. You are so unloyal..."


Ning Qingye was at fault. After talking for a while, she felt a little embarrassed. She turned around, helped Manzhi cover the quilt, and said softly:

"I also felt wronged, so I confessed to you as soon as we met."

"If I don't lie, will you confess?"

"That won't happen."


Zhu Manzhi turned over, buried his cheek with the quilt, and said angrily:

"How could you do this? I don't want to live anymore, I..."

Ning Qingye was a little embarrassed, her mind was racing, and she said again:

"No, Chen Sining just kissed her, so she definitely hasn't done anything like that yet. Hurry up, maybe you can get the second to last position."

Zhu Manzhi paused, calmed down a little, and suddenly opened the quilt: "Yes." She quickly got up and put on her embroidered shoes and prepared to go out.

Ning Qingye was stunned and quickly pulled Manzhi back: "Don't worry, I can't sleep over there. What are you going to do now? At least find a chance to be alone."

Zhu Manzhi put the skirt on her body and hummed: "Of course I know how to find a chance to be alone. How can I have the nerve to go to Mr. Xu at this time?"

"Then where are you going?"

"Go sleep with Lao Chen and keep an eye on her. Xiao Ning, I won't have you as my sister in the future."

Zhu Manzhi wrapped her skirt and ran out angrily.

Ning Qingye pursed her lips. She wanted to say, 'I was never a sister in the first place, but I will be your sister from now on.' But it frightened Manzhi to anger, but after thinking about it, she decided not to.

After Manzhi left, the room became quiet, but the noise in the distance became more and more lively:

"Baby, didn't you learn a dance? Dance for me..."

"My sister has also learned it. Let her dance while I am busy."

"Jiujiu, you must be exhausted. Come and have a drink of water."

"Thank you, Sister Qiqi."

Ning Qingye blinked her eyes and suddenly felt a little unable to sleep.

Anyway, Manzhi is gone too...

It is better to...

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