The prince is very fierce

Chapter 85 Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow


Outside the courtyard gate on a snowy winter night, Xu Buling took off his bamboo hat and lightly knocked on the courtyard door:

"Miss Ning, it's me."


There were chaotic footsteps in the yard, the bench seemed to have fallen to the ground, and there were whispers of 'What to do, what to do...don't open the door...'.


The courtyard door opens.

Ning Qingye stood tall and graceful inside the courtyard gate, with a lukewarm expression and a slight nod:

"Master Xu is here..."

With an easy-going look on his face, Xu Buling walked into the courtyard, tilting his head and taking a few glances:

"Have a few days of rest. Will Miss Ning's injury feel better?"

"It's okay now. My words were a bit harsh last time. I hope you don't take it personally."

Ning Qingye grew up in a mountain monastery. He was not sociable and had little contact with young men. Last time, they were so angry at each other because of their bad mouth that they kicked Xu Buling out. Afterwards, they felt that the cold words to their benefactor were too much.

After all, Xu Bu Ling was concerned about asking about menstruation. Maybe the young master from the aristocratic family did not regard these things as taboo.

Ning Qingye always wanted to apologize, but couldn't wait for Xu Buling to come. She thought Xu Buling was overly worried, and it wasn't until this moment that she had the chance to speak.

"We are all children of Jianghu. Only by being straight forward can we show our true character. There is no need to pay so much attention."

Xu Buring chuckled, and turned to look into the yard, only to see Zhu Manzhi squatting on the wall under the eaves with his back to him, huddled up with his knees in his arms, and moved cautiously towards the door, looking like a 'You can't see me, you can't see me' look.

Xu Bu Ling walked up slowly, lowered his head and took a few glances:

"Manzhi, what are you doing?"

Zhu Manzhi's face was so red that it seemed like he was about to bleed. He hugged his knees tightly and squatted in place, refusing to get up. He raised his cheeks and showed a very forced smile:

"Mr. Xu, you're here! What a coincidence..."

"What a coincidence, didn't you ask me to come?"

Xu Buling squatted in front of him, tilting his head to look at it slightly doubtfully.

Zhu Manzhi hurriedly turned half a circle, turned his back to Xu Buling, and said anxiously:

"Mr. Xu, I'm just cold. Squat down to keep warm. It'll be okay..."

After a while, Zhu Manzhi felt a warmth on his shoulders and a piece of clothing was draped around him.

Zhu Manzhi quickly wrapped himself up. The clothes were big and tightly wrapped, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, Xu Buling took off his robe and stood behind him wearing only a single coat, with a smile on his lips:

"Isn't it cold now?"

"Thank you Mr. Xu..."

Zhu Manzhi stood up with embarrassment in his eyes. The hem of his robe was too long and rested on the ground.

It's snowy and cold in winter.

When Ning Qingye saw Xu Buling wearing single clothes, he raised his hand to untie the rope under his neck and prepared to take off the fox fur.

But Xu Buling raised his hand: "Don't take it off, I won't freeze to death." Then he sat down next to the small stove.

Seeing this, Ning Qingye had no choice but to give up and sit quietly next to the small stove without saying a word.

Xu Bu Ling rubbed his hands and looked at Zhu Manzhi, who was blushing next to him:

"Call me here, what good news can you give me?"

"Yes, yes~"

Zhu Manzhi finally remembered the business, raised his hand and put his hand into the robe, rustling, and when he noticed something was wrong, he turned his back and put his hand into the hem of the clothes to search for it.

Even if his back is turned, he can guess what he is doing by looking at his movements.

Xu Buling and Ning Qingye raised their eyebrows at the same time, looking a little strange.

Perhaps it was hidden deeper. Zhu Manzhi lowered his head and searched for a long time before he found the oppressed small scroll.

"Here, I found it from the archives."

Zhu Manzhi turned around, squatted next to Xu Buling, and spread his palms like a treasure.

Xu Buring blinked and was too embarrassed to ask, "Where did you get it from?" He raised his hand to take the small roll of paper, still with a little bit of residual warmth.

Ning Qingye couldn't bear it. She turned her head to look at the falling snow and tightened her fox fur.

Xu Buling was not a stone man, and he must be lying if he said he was not interested in anything. He coughed slightly and opened the paper. He just glanced at it and his expression suddenly changed.

"On the eighth day of the first lunar month of the second year of Zhaohong, I escorted Suolong Gu from Chang'an to Youzhou. Before leaving, I checked with Jia Yi, the director of the inner treasury, and there was no difference... Is this found in the archives?"

Zhu Manzhi nodded like he was pecking rice, and said with a smile: "Yes!... Prince Xu, why are you unhappy?"

Xu Bu Ling's face was ashen.

Ning Qingye sat up a little straighter, with a solemn look on her face:

"The inner treasury is the official treasury, located inside the palace..."

Zhu Manzhi nodded: "Yes, this means that Dragon Locking Gu is really in the palace, and we finally have a clue."

After all, Ning Qingye was a somewhat famous ranger. Xu Buling had told her these things again, so he understood the meaning of the news:

"Mr. Xu was ambushed in the Weihe River. I have never known who the murderer was. The officials have been tracing it, but there is no news. Now I have found the news about the locking dragon Gu from the archives, and it came from the palace. It must have been the emperor's hand. If you can kill the first, there will be a second chance... Mr. Xu will not live to leave the capital. "


Zhu Manzhi's happy expression froze, and she glanced weakly at Xu Buling.

Xu Buling was silent for a moment while looking at the note. After coming back to his senses, he barely smiled and raised his hand to pinch Zhu Manzhi's face:

"Well done. It's a great achievement. It would be great to have some news."

When Zhu Manzhi heard the pros and cons, he couldn't be happy anymore. He squatted next to Xu Buling and murmured in a low voice:

"If the emperor wants to kill you, you will definitely not be able to escape. What should we do now?"

Xu Buling shook his head: "There are 200,000 soldiers stationed in Xiliang. If I die in Chencang, I can blame it on the Jianghu people. If I die in Chang'an City, the court can't deny the relationship even if it has a hundred mouths, and the emperor dare not kill me... But it's impossible to return the jade intact to Zhao... I may go back lying down, or I can't go back at all..."

Ning Qingye frowned: "Can I escape?"

Xu Buling sighed: "Let's not talk about the dragon-locking poison, there are eight passes from Suzhou to Chang'an, and Qianyang Pass, the most powerful pass in the northwest of the previous dynasty. The court stationed more than 100,000 troops along the way, saying that it is to prevent the North Qi from going south, but in fact it is only to prevent the Xu family father and son. If I can get there alive, it must be blind."

Ning Qingye's face became more and more solemn. Jianghu people say that they come and go without a trace, but it's just because there are too many people that the court can't manage. If you really use the power of the whole country to deal with one person, there is no place under the sky to hide.

The Iron Eagle Hunting Deer ten years ago is a living example. Many martial arts families with hundreds of years of inheritance were wiped out. No matter how high their martial arts skills were, they were just stronger ants in front of hundreds of thousands of cavalry.

Zhu Manzhi was born in the market and was young, so he could not think of so many twists and turns. At this time, he could only mutter:

"I have experience in sneaking away. If I really can't escape, I will definitely protect the young master..."

Xu Buling chuckled, thought for a while, and frowned again:

"Manzhi, where did you find the news?"

Zhu Manzhi thought carefully and carefully repeated the process of receiving the errand, entering the case library, and checking the files, and then muttered: "The box is covered with a lot of dust. I think I forgot this booklet when I was dealing with the traces..."

Xu Buling stroked his fingers and pondered for a long time , shook his head:

"Not quite right, you sneaked into the case library last time and found nothing, now you have something to do with me, this news is found, it's too coincidental..."

Zhu Manzhi thought for a while: "But no one knows that I sneaked into the case library to get information, and the book doesn't seem to be fake..."

"The court is full of intrigues, and even the face can be faked. It's too easy to tamper with a little trace. If someone misleads, it will be a big deal... But whether it's true or not, it gives a direction. Let's confirm the authenticity of this news first..."

Zhu Manzhi said "Oh" and said no more.

Xu Buling threw the note into the stove, and with a puff of green smoke, it turned into ashes...


Volume 1: Hidden Dragon Scale Shadow Chapter

The black water cold pool hides the scale shadow, and the thousands of streets are like a prison to lock up the young dragon. (End)

Volume 2: Lone Wolf Chasing Phoenix Chapter

The lone wolf is alone on the edge of the abyss and howls at the moon, daring to chase the phoenix in the sky!

Stay tuned...

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