The prince is very fierce

Chapter 23: Dragon and python fight, life and death cycle


Thunderclouds flashed in the sky, and the earth trembled with the roar.

Xu Buring held an oil-paper umbrella and walked slowly through the octagonal archway built by the previous dynasty, scanning the buildings at the foot of Shilong Mountain.

Xiao Taohua took Xu Buling's hand and hid under the oil paper umbrella, still whispering:

"When I get to Chang'an City, I will take my mother over, and then I will work as an apprentice in an old wine shop..."

Xu Buling curled his lips:


"Because the wine there is delicious. Dad and Uncle Wu like to drink it, my eldest brother likes to drink it, and Master also likes to drink it. After drinking it in Chang'an City last time, Master didn't even touch Mobei's kumiss... "

"If that's the case, wouldn't I be able to drink every day?"

Little Taohua raised her cheeks and smiled, revealing two sweet dimples. She put her hands on her waist and touched the silver ingot:

"I've paid for the drinks a long time ago, I'm just afraid that my eldest brother won't come."

"Duanyushao, you can't quit drinking it, how could you not come back?"

Xu Buling spoke softly, pulling Little Peach Blossom into the sparsely populated mountainside market.

Shilong Mountain is a place where people in Hangzhou go to escape the summer heat and have an outing. There have been heavy rains for days and there are no tourists on the mountain. The war had just subsided, and the shops in the market had not yet opened. The long street was flat, with only tens of thousands of raindrops falling from the sky.

On both sides of the street, rain curtains hang from the eaves and green tiles, and the white stone steps stand quietly in the rain. The scenery is solemn and elegant.

Xu Buling took Xiao Taohua and walked a short distance down the street, then his eyes narrowed slightly.

Under the big archway across the long street, Zuo Qingqiu is dressed in a scholar's robe, with a jade crown on his head, a black paper umbrella in his left hand, and his right hand behind his back. Pine, standing between heaven and earth.


Little Taohua saw a figure in the distance and hurriedly waved under the umbrella.

Xu Bu Ling walked towards the big archway unhurriedly.

Zuo Qingqiu looked calm, with a smile, like a kind elder, and said from afar:

"Prince Xu, it's been a long time."

Xu Bu Ling stepped through the heel-heel rainwater on the street and came to the big archway, ten steps away:

"Yes, it's been a long time. Mr. Zuo came all the way. Instead of visiting directly, he came to Shilong Mountain to stay. Could it be that I'm worried that I've neglected you because of past events?"

"The rain scene in the mountains is very nice, just come and take a look."

Zuo Qiaoqian whispered a polite word, then turned to look at the little peach blossom standing under Xu Buling's umbrella:

"On the left, you go back to Baima Village first and play with your sister Manzhi. I will talk to Prince Xu about some serious matters."


Little Taohua finally came over, a little unhappy, but she also knew not to interfere with the adults' business, so she thought for a moment:

"Master, big brother, when will you come back?"

Xu Buling smiled: "When your master wants to go back, I will accompany him back."

Zuo Qingqiu chuckled: "Yes, if the conversation is not fruitful, I will leave first. You and Prince Xu will continue to stay in Jiangnan."


Xiao Taohua blinked her eyes, a little hesitant, hesitated for a moment, and nodded:

"Then you must have a good chat. I will go back to find Sister Sining to make snail noodles. Don't come back late."

Zuo Qingqiu nodded slightly.

Xu Buling raised his hand and rubbed Xiao Taohua's head without saying anything.

"I'm leaving first."

Little Taohua felt a little uneasy for some reason. After glancing at her closest master and elder brother, she turned back towards the way she came from, until she disappeared at the end of the street.


The lightning flashed across the sea of ​​clouds, illuminating the slightly dim and pale land and buildings.

Two men in long robes, holding oil-paper umbrellas, stood inside and outside the big archway. They also held cold iron maces, one hung on the waist and the other was slung behind him.

The faint smile on Xu Buling's face gradually faded as Xiao Peach Blossom left, and his cold eyes looked at Zuo Qingqiu opposite:

"Mr. Zuo, those who are stubborn will probably not end well. I followed Xiao Taohua here because of my friendship with her, so I came here to persuade you. The war has hurt thousands of people, and it will finally subside. I don't want to hurt you again. The people around me.”

Zuo Qingqiu's fingers gently rubbed the iron mace wrapped in black cloth, his body remained motionless, and he said calmly:

"You shouldn't have come here. A gentleman shouldn't stand under a dangerous wall. If he achieves great things, he shouldn't put himself in danger because of the love between his children."

Xu Buling raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, slightly spreading his left hand:

"No matter what I want to do, the King of Heaven and I can't stop me. I also ask Mr. Zuo not to overestimate our capabilities and hurt our friendship. As long as Mr. Zuo follows me back to Baima Village, those who will be ranked among the three nobles and nine ministers in the future will definitely have Mr. Zuo." name."

Zuo Qingqiu shook his head: "The world has been settled. There is no big difference whether I am in the court or not."

Xu Buling frowned slightly: "Sir, since you are a sensible person, what do you want to do by arranging this battle to invite you to enter the urn?"

Zuo Qingqiu smiled softly and looked at Xu Buling with burning eyes:

"There can only be one person who is destined to die. I have been planning in Mobei for decades, but I ended up here because of crimes other than war. I cannot afford to lose and I am not convinced."

Xu Buling sighed softly, and he understood that if his opponent suddenly took out an aircraft cannon to reduce the dimensionality of the attack, he would not be convinced.

"The situation has come to this, and the unification of the world has become a general trend. No matter whether you can afford to lose or not, sir, you can't change the general trend. What's the point of struggling in vain or dying for your country?"

"No matter how perfect the situation is, there will always be flaws. Even if you are favored by heaven and popular, and there is no force that can compete with you, there is still a flaw, and it is a fatal flaw."

Xu Buling nodded: "I would like to hear more details."

Zuo Qingqiu stood with his hands behind his back and said in a deep voice:

"In the current situation, no one can compete with the Xu family, but the Xu family has been a single-line family since the Su Wang Xu Lie for three generations, and there are no collateral sons, not even distant brothers.

I want to restore the Jiang family, and the only way to break the situation is to take your life.

As long as you die, the Su Wang will have no descendants, and the forces under the Xu family will collapse on their own. Even if the Su Wang remarries, twenty years is enough for the Jiang family to reorganize..."

Xu Buling spread his hands and interrupted Zuo Qingqiu's words:

"Sir, you are too whimsical. If I dare to come, no one can stop me. Besides, regardless of whether I can take my life, even if I kill you today, If I die here, things will not develop in the direction you want.

First of all, my Xu family has not rebelled, and we are still the ministers of Dayue.

If I die and Prince Su has no descendants, the noble families under my command, including my father, will assist the young emperor Song Ling and continue to promote the unification of the world.

Later, if my father has descendants, then the "Yue Su Zen" will naturally take back the imperial power.

If my father really has no descendants, the imperial power will be returned to Song Ling to avoid the re-emergence of war and the disintegration of the world. My lineage of Prince Su can also leave the eternal reputation of "a family of loyal heroes".

If you kill me today, there is still my father; if you kill my father, there is still Song Ling; if you kill Song Ling, there are still the three kings of the East and countless Song clan members.

This is the general trend of the world. Whether you and I are willing or not, the general trend will push a leader out, and this person will never be the Jiang family. "

After the words fell, both sides fell silent.

Zuo Qingqiu held an oil-paper umbrella, the rain slid down the ribs, and his deep eyes looked at Xu Buling seriously.

After a long silence, Zuo Qingqiu shook his head and smiled, his smile was helpless:

"At least, if someone else takes power in Dayue, it will be easier for you to deal with."

If you can't win the game, just change to a weaker opponent.

It's a shameless way to play.

Xu Buling sighed softly, knowing that he couldn't make it through today. He put his hand on the iron mace at his waist:

"Mr. Zuo often told Xiao Taohua that he wanted to bring peace to the world, so I respect you. Now, Mr. Zuo is obstructing me from pacifying the world for his own desire to win. What consequences will it have? Do you understand?"

Zuo Qingqiu nodded: "This war will continue for another ten years, until all lives are lost and corpses float for thousands of miles."

"Since you know, why do you want to die?"

"I have practiced martial arts all my life, how can I surrender without fighting? I can't suppress this anger in my heart."

Zuo Qingqiu took out the iron mace and pointed it at the ground. Rainwater slid down the iron mace and dripped onto the bluestone tiles on the ground.

And with this action, two figures wearing bamboo hats appeared above the houses on the left and right of the long street.

Holding a green-bladed long sword in one hand, with a serious expression, it was Yan Huilin, the sword fairy of Northern Qi.

He carried an octagonal copper hammer on one shoulder, wearing a monk's robe, with a crazy and bloodthirsty smile on his face:

"Master Guoshi, why do you need to talk so much nonsense with him? I will avenge the broken arm in the near future."

Xu Buling held the iron mace on his waist, glanced at the half-faced Buddha and Yan Huilin on the house, his eyes slightly defiant:

"Three against one, Mr. Zuo's "martial spirit" in his heart, is it a stitch in the side?"

Zuo Qingqiu shook his head: "Master Xu didn't come alone either."

After the words fell, a black phantom suddenly appeared in the rain and landed under the eaves behind Xu Buling. His scholar's robe was soaked, and his expression was still gloomy and indifferent.

Xu Buling turned around and said, "Uncle, you don't have to show up."

Li Hansheng frowned slightly, "I'm afraid I'll never see such a scene again in my life. After practicing martial arts for more than ten years, it's a blessing to be able to retire in style."

Seeing this, Xu Buling nodded and turned to look at Zuo Qingqiu:

"Mr. Zuo, do you still want to fight?"

No one spoke.

The long and quiet street became quiet in the drizzling rain.

Ban-Faced Buddha and Yan Huilin looked more cautious, and slowly moved from the green tiles of the house to Li Hansheng under the eaves.

The raindrops slid down from Zuo Qingqiu's umbrella ribs and fell on the bluestone street, splashing a little water.

Until a thunderbolt sounded from the sky, the sky turned into day, and the world was vast.


Zuo Qingqiu's eyes suddenly condensed, and he turned the umbrella handle with his hand.

The wooden umbrella pole was visibly twisted, followed by the ribs and the umbrella cover.


Thirty-six umbrella ribs sprinkled thirty-six raindrops.

The raindrops were like a sword shot from a bow, casting a circular arc in the air. Several of them hit the stone pillars of the eight-legged archway, and the gravel flew across, leaving a neat line of holes.

The remaining raindrops crossed the street where Xu Buling was standing. The umbrella was still there, but the young man in white under the umbrella had disappeared.

The raindrops shattered the oil-paper umbrella. Before the umbrella cover painted with Jiangnan landscapes fell to the ground, a loud bang sounded from the octagonal archway.


Xu Buling jumped down from the three-meter-high archway like an eagle swooping down on a rabbit, holding an iron mace in both hands. The indestructible black iron long mace shattered the dense rain curtain.

The power of this mace was like a mountain pressing down on one's head, as if it could crush everything in the world.

Zuo Qingqiu's momentum changed instantly, his robes swelled, shaking off the raindrops around him. He also held the iron mace with both hands, and swung it upwards with great skill, gathering all his strength and smashing it on Xu Buling's iron mace.


The two blades collided, and the sound overwhelmed the thunder in the sky.

The roar forced Li Hansheng and the other two who were about to fight to stop. They looked back in shock and saw a scene beyond common sense.

The energy that had nowhere to vent was transmitted from Zuo Qingqiu's body to the bluestone street.

The rainwater that was half a finger deep on the street was splashed more than three feet under this shocking collision.

The rainwater flew into the air, and the bluestone street flooded by the rainwater became dry land in an instant.

The bluestone floor tiles exploded, and two more than a foot deep pits appeared where Zuo Qingqiu stood. The cracks spread in all directions until they spread to the eaves of the houses on both sides of the street.

The accumulated rain that splashed into the air had not yet landed, and the cracks were still spreading outward.

Xu Buling fell from the archway, and the iron mace with huge power in his hand hit Zuo Qingqiu's iron mace.

The brutal force was also transmitted from the iron mace to Xu Buling's hands. The knuckles of his gloved hands were almost broken, and then it was transmitted to his whole body.

Xu Buling's eyes showed some surprise. He clearly felt that Zuo Qingqiu's force was much greater than the last time in Ma Zongling. It was so great that before he could react, he was hit and flew up again from the momentum of falling. His back smashed the eaves of the archway, just like Li Hansheng was attacked last time, until he flew up to the middle of the street.


The lightning flashed across the sky again. Under the sky and above the earth, the white-clothed figure holding the iron mace flying up was very eye-catching.

And at the moment when the lightning flashed away, Zuo Qingqiu, who was originally standing on the street, had already stepped on the ground and jumped high. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the archway and caught up with Xu Buling who was flying up.


The thunder roared from Zuo Qingqiu's mouth.

The cold iron mace swept across the pouring rain and whipped towards Xu Buling's chest.

The earth-shaking momentum perfectly explained what the "Thunder God Mace" was.

The astonishment in Xu Buling's eyes had not yet dissipated, and the iron mace in his hand had been raised horizontally and placed flat in front of him.


The two maces collided again.

The iron mace that could destroy all the famous soldiers in the world was visibly bent in Xu Buling's hands.

The terrifying force came, even more than the giant python in Wuyu Ridge.

The iron mace was instantly pressed and hit on Xu Buling's collar, and the back of his white robe was suddenly torn, revealing the knotted muscles on his back.

Xu Buling was pulled out at a right angle in the air, like a white cannonball out of the barrel, and hit the top of the house on the street.


The roof crashed in, the wall crashed out, bringing up a sky full of rubble.

Xu Buling fell on the small street next door, and slid several feet on the ground before he inserted his iron mace into the bluestone ground, forcibly stabilized his body and turned over.

Zuo Qingqiu fell from the air, tapped the collapsed roof of the house with his toes, and approached Xu Buling again.

Xu Buling's clothes on his back were shattered, and the rain slid down his face. His eyes could not hide his surprise:

"Did you take medicine?"

This sentence was not an exclamation of disbelief, but a serious inquiry.

Xu Buling himself was a divine power, and he had never seen anyone stronger than him.

Last time at Ma Zongling, he had fought with Zuo Qingqiu head-on, but his strength was definitely not so great at that time.

The way of martial arts is a hard work of dripping water through stone. In just five months, even if Zuo Qingqiu had a good talent and could improve his skills several times, it would be impossible for him to improve his physical strength so much.

The only way to make a person's strength soar in a short period of time is to take drugs that squeeze the body's limits at all costs.

Zuo Qingqiu came running with big strides. The veins on his forehead and the abnormal redness on his face also proved that the speed of blood flow in his body was skyrocketing, which was definitely not the state that a warrior should have when he just started.

Facing Xu Buling's question, Zuo Qingqiu said in a deep voice:

"So what?"


Xu Buling frowned, and he really had nothing to say.

In the life-and-death fight in the martial arts world, the rule is only "one lying and one standing". The one standing is qualified to speak, and the one lying can only reason with the King of Hell.

After a short conversation, the two collided again.

Zuo Qingqiu ran wildly in the rain, and the bluestone floor tiles were all cracked wherever he passed. He was unstoppable, like a huge beast running wildly between the houses.

Xu Buling had already stood up, and even though he knew that the other party was playing rogue and taking medicine, he had no intention of avoiding it.

So what if he took medicine?

Potential can be squeezed, but the human body has its limits after all.

How long can this kind of fighting style, which is like fishing in a dry pond and killing chickens to get eggs, last before him who is in his prime?

Xu Buling rushed to Zuo Qingqiu with his iron mace in hand, flew up, and his body was like a whirlwind, dragging the iron mace and smashing it down.



Three loud noises in the blink of an eye.

Twenty-eight chain knives, linked together, faster than a violent storm.

Zuo Qingqiu's forward figure was forcibly stopped, and he held the iron mace horizontally to block for only three times, and his momentum changed completely, turning from hard to soft.

Xu Buling's fourth heavy blow, when it hit the iron mace, did not exert any force at all.

Zuo Qingqiu's body was like catkins in the wind, and the iron mace stuck to Xu Buling's iron mace, as if glued together, moving with the force, pulling to the left, dissolving the chain knives, and then rushing out with his right shoulder.

The extremely powerful Tieshankao hit Xu Buling's chest.

At such a close distance, if Zuo Qingqiu was hit head-on with a Tieshankao, breaking a few ribs would be considered light, and it is not impossible that he would die on the spot.

What surprised Zuo Qingqiu was that he took advantage of the opportunity to hit Xu Buling's chest with a Tieshankao, but it also had no effect.

Xu Buling used the chain knife, and his extremely strong and masculine figure suddenly became lighter when he was deflected. He also turned from hard to soft, and the switch between hard and soft was smooth and there was no trace.

Zuo Qingqiu felt that the force was not right, and his eyes showed a little surprise, but he realized it was wrong when they fought, and it was obviously too late.

Xu Buling's figure moved with Zuo Qingqiu's shoulder, and his left hand stuck to Zuo Qingqiu's shoulder. He moved to the right and used a standard Tai Chi boxing "White Crane Spreads Wings". With the momentum of four ounces to move a thousand pounds, he threw Zuo Qingqiu out.

This fight did not make any sound.

The mountain-sticking back, which gathered all the strength of the body, did not touch anything. The powerful momentum, coupled with Xu Buling's help, turned Zuo Qingqiu into a flying cannonball, hitting the wall of the house on the street, and the wall collapsed instantly.

Xu Buling stood up straight with his hand back, and made a sword flower with his iron mace behind his back. He raised his left hand and hooked it:

"Taking medicine can increase strength, but it can't increase brains. If you want to kill me, I'm afraid it's not enough."

There was no response.

Zuo Qingqiu, who was buried by rubble, stood up without any hindrance, and his figure moved ghostly in the rain, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Xu Buling again.


The two blades met again.

Under the huge force, Xu Buling retreated a few steps, raised his hand and prepared to fight back, but he never thought that when he looked up, he saw Zuo Qingqiu, whose clothes were already torn, dragging the heavy iron mace with one hand, spinning like the wind, and smashing down with the mace on his head.

"Break it for me!"

Twenty-eight chain knives! ? !

Xu Buling was stunned for a moment, but his hand did not slow down at all. He did not choose to block, but raised his hand and thrust his mace straight, tapping the iron mace that was smashed down.

call out

Under the rain curtain, the dragon roared suddenly.

The roar that destroyed the city and shook the mountain resounded throughout the Shilong Mountain.

The strongest sword style in the world, and the strongest knife style in the world.

They were both extremely strong and masculine, and both were indestructible. When they were used by the two strongest people in the world, what would happen when they collided? Maybe the founders of this knife and this sword had never imagined it.


The iron mace hit the iron mace, and the rain curtain in the sky seemed to stop at this moment.

The huge impact force shattered the raindrops near the weapon, forming a circle of water mist visible to the naked eye.

Xu Buling's sleeves began to tear a little bit from the cuffs, revealing his left arm with bulging veins underneath.

Zuo Qingqiu's right hand was the same, the tiger's mouth was cracked, and cracked blood lines appeared on the back of his hand.

The two iron maces, which were regarded as the heirlooms of the Northern Qi imperial master, had once been in the hands of Zuo Zhexian and had flattened all the warriors in the world. At this moment, when they collided with each other, they could not withstand the terrifying energy contained in each other.

The iron mace in Zuo Qingqiu's hand continued to chop down without any pause, but the place where it was touched turned into pieces and split into two.

The tip of the iron mace in Xu Buling's hand also broke, and the leather rope tied to the handle broke. The iron mace turned into a long iron stick with edges and slid back from the palm. If it were not for the protection of the black gloves, it would probably scrape off the skin, flesh and bones in the palm in an instant.

Everything happened too quickly, and even the two people fighting could hardly see all the details.

The flying cold iron fragments nailed into Zuo Qingqiu's chest.

And the half of the iron mace that fell down also fell on Xu Buling's left shoulder, scratching a half-inch wound, deep enough to see the bone.

On the long street, it was like two dragons and pythons collided head-on!

Under the backlash of the huge force, the two fell backwards at the same time, smashed on the bluestone street, and slid more than ten feet away.

The half-finger-deep rain on the street was wiped by the bodies of the two people, creating two ripples that separated to the left and right.

In the middle of the ripples, where the two people fought, the iron mace that was hit out of the palm of the hand pierced through the stone bricks on the street and sank directly into the ground, leaving only half of the broken mace tip, like a dragon horn broken in the collision.


Before Zuo Qingqiu stopped, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and grabbed the stone bricks on the ground with his left hand to stabilize his body.

Xu Buling turned over while sliding and stood up again from the ground. The upper half of his clothes were all torn into pieces, his left arm and shoulder were bleeding, and his right arm was bloody and blue veins were bulging, and he couldn't help shaking slightly.

Although he looked embarrassed, Xu Buling's face was full of excitement and arrogance. He stared at Zuo Qingqiu who was lying on the ground with cold eyes, and his heart beat like a drum:

"Nothing special, come on!"

"Hoo, hoo!"

Zuo Qingqiu stopped on the street, gasping for breath, his eyes bloodshot, like an unyielding evil dragon challenging the Dragon King.

He supported the ground with his hands and slowly stood up. His chest was bloodshot, and there were traces of blood on the corners of his mouth and nostrils. His face was flushed like a sickbed, but there was no fear in his eyes. He spat blood on the ground:



The words fell.

Zuo Qingqiu crushed the bricks and stones on the ground with his feet, and rushed forward again. The strong wind tore his robes, and the fist wind knocked away the falling rain. A "mountain climbing scout" was sent to Xu Buling.

Xu Buling endured the severe pain in his arms, and his body did not slow down at all. He turned to the left, and with a "dragon's tail swing", he turned the raindrops into mist, and swept to the side of Zuo Qingqiu.

The huge force sent Zuo Qingqiu flying, and crashed through the houses on the street. Several houses turned into broken walls in an instant.

The collapsed roof had not yet completely fallen to the ground.

Zuo Qingqiu shouted angrily, and rushed out from between the houses again, raised his knees, and hit Xu Buling's chest.

After Xu Buling kicked with a whip kick, when he turned around, Zuo Qingqiu was in front of him again.

Xu Buling raised his bloodstained arms to block, but was knocked out by the force of Hu Dengshan, breaking two columns.

Before he stopped, Xu Buling turned in mid-air and stepped on the third column. He stepped hard with all his strength, and the column broke immediately. He was like an arrow that had been released from a string, and shot back to Zuo Qingqiu.



One punch after another, one punch after another.

Every punch hit the flesh, no more real moves or fake moves.

No effort was spared, every move was a sure-kill move.

Two of the world's top warriors poured everything they had learned in their lifetime of martial arts on each other.


The thunder never stopped, and the heavy rain never stopped.

At first, they were still rational, but at the end, they only had one breath left, the pride of "who else but me" that belongs to warriors!

On the street full of broken arms and ruins, two residual shadows intertwined back and forth, like dragons fighting and rolling, leaving scars all over the ground.

The streets became ruins, and then hit the mountains and forests; the mountains and forests were razed to the ground, and then hit the lake under the mountain.

Thunder roared above the nine heavens, and two dragons wandered above the earth, as if they wanted to destroy everything they could see around them under this vast power of heaven.

But people are people after all, and human power will eventually be exhausted!

After a muffled thunder, the churning on the ground finally subsided.

On the lakeside under Shilong Mountain, Xu Buling stood between the collapsed houses, his eyes bloodshot like a dragon that chooses people to eat, scanning the broken walls and ruins under the rain curtain.

And the figure that seemed to never fall disappeared.

The world became quiet, leaving only a heavy breathing sound.


Xu Buling was panting like an ox, his body was covered with bloodstains and steam, and washed by the cold rain curtain, his almost boiling body was covered with dark blue marks.


After an unknown amount of time, the violent heartbeat gradually slowed down, and the figure never appeared again.

The bloodshot in Xu Buling's eyes gradually faded, and the ferocity on his face returned to normal. He put away his fists, looked around, walked quickly to the outside of a collapsed house wall, and looked out.

Zuo Qingqiu, who was covered in blood, had already been washed away, leaving only the wounds oozing blood. His originally sickly flushed face turned pale, but there was no pain. His deep eyes also calmed down at this time, leaving only the relief of having no regrets in this life.

"Mr. Zuo?"

Xu Buling wiped the rain off his face, walked quickly to the front and squatted, lowered his head and looked at him.

Zuo Qingqiu was lying on the ground, barely breathing, and sighed softly:

"Now, I am convinced."

Xu Buling frowned, touched his belt, took out the medicine, and prepared to feed it to Zuo Qingqiu.

Zuo Qingqiu shook his head slowly, looked at the rain falling from the sky, and said hoarsely:

"It can't be saved. The 'Dragon and Tiger Pill' is something that the Jiang ancestors gave to the dead warriors. Eating it will make you extremely powerful, feel no pain, no fatigue, until you die of heart failure. I can't beat you with this, so I have nothing to say."

Xu Buling was a little puzzled:

"You come to kill me, why do you eat this thing?"

Zuo Qingqiu may have untied the last knot in his heart, his eyes were very calm, and he looked at Xu Buling:

"If you can kill me, I will be convinced. If I can kill you, then I lose this game of chess, and it can be considered that I let you win for the sake of world peace."


Xu Buling frowned and understood what Zuo Qingqiu meant.

He could kill Zuo Qingqiu, and Zuo Qingqiu would accept defeat with all his heart.

He couldn't kill Zuo Qingqiu, so Zuo Qingqiu let him go, for the sake of world peace, and he would admit defeat, even though he lost, it was still an honor!

In any case, he could understand the wish.

Xu Buling thought for a while, and spread his hands:

"Mr. Zuo, aren't you looking for trouble? You died without regrets, how can I explain to Xiao Taohua?"

Zuo Qingqiu was like a candle in the wind, but he laughed at this time:

"This is your business, it has nothing to do with me. Get out."? ? !

Xu Buling took a breath, resisted the urge to beat this bastard to death, and fed Zuo Qingqiu a life-extending pill.

But just as the pill was fed into Zuo Qingqiu's mouth, a heartbroken cry came from the market of Shilong Mountain:


Ning Qingye's voice.

Xu Buling's face suddenly turned pale. Without saying a word, he stood up and ran towards the Shilongshan market.

Zuo Qingqiu looked at the sky where the rain was falling. There was no emotion in his eyes. He just said softly:

"After the rain, the sky will clear up and the world will be peaceful..."--

After the battle, the rain was a little lighter.

The small market in Shilongshan has been completely reduced to ruins, and the streets are full of rubble.

The cassock of the Half-Faced Buddha was shattered, and his body was covered with wounds as if scratched by the claws of tigers and wolves. His neck was twisted, and he died with his eyes open. His eyes still retained the shock before his death.

Yan Huilin, the sword fairy of the Northern Qi Dynasty, was pierced through the chest by his own long sword and nailed to the stone pillar of the archway that had collapsed for the most part. He had long since lost his life.

On the uneven bluestone street under the archway, blood merged with rainwater and seeped into the gaps between broken bricks.

Li Hansheng, wearing a black robe, sat against a broken wall. His robe was covered with sword marks, one deep enough to see the bone on his chest, and his arms were covered with blood. He looked up at the rain curtain, his face still had a bit of gloom, but his eyes were a little relieved.


Ning Qingye, wearing a white dress, got off the horse, followed by many guards from the palace.

Before coming, Ning Qingye still maintained a cold and cold expression, but when she looked up and saw the middle-aged man collapsed at the foot of the wall, and saw the wounds all over his body, her heart collapsed in an instant, and she burst into tears before she ran to him.

The love between father and daughter is thicker than blood. Even if she hated him before, she only blamed her father for abandoning her and her mother; if she did not cherish this blood relationship, how could she hate him because of love, hate him for so many years, and hate him deeply.

At noon, she saw Li Hansheng walking out of Baimazhuang.

Ning Qingye thought at that time, let it be, not close nor hate him, just keep it like this, and leave the rest to time. Anyway, the war is over, she will not leave, and Li Hansheng will not leave again.

But she did not expect that when they met again in such a short time, it would be such a scene.

Ning Qingye used to think that her heart would not hurt. Even if she knew that Li Hansheng was dead in the rivers and lakes, she would only curse "it's your own fault" and would not shed a single tear.

But at this moment, she realized that her heart was still aching. The previous resentment and hatred in her mind, now only the family of three in the Shudi mountain village day and night.

Daddy sat in front of her, taught her to read and write, told her stories from the outside, came back from outside at night, and secretly gave her a candied haws through the window without telling her mother...

Ning Qingye thought she had forgotten these memories, but at this moment, they all appeared in front of her, as if they happened yesterday.

It has been more than ten years since she called Daddy. Ning Qingye thought she would never be able to call this word again, but she never thought that it would be so smooth at this time, just like when she was a child.

"Dad! You..."

Ning Qingye's face was pale, tears fell like rain, and he ran to the side of the broken wall and squatted down, his hands trembling slightly, and he didn't even dare to touch it.

Li Hansheng withdrew his eyes from the sky and looked at his daughter next to him. He had grown up a long time ago and was completely different from before, but he still liked to cry.

Li Hansheng smiled. It was the first time in so many years that he smiled from the bottom of his heart. His smile was much more beautiful than the last time at the wedding. It was just like when his daughter spoke for the first time and called him "Daddy" in a baby voice.

Ning Qingye fumbled around his waist in a panic, found the medicine, poured it into his palm, but his hand couldn't help shaking.

Li Hansheng waved his fingers, signaling his daughter to stop working. He looked directly into his daughter's eyes, and there was no more gloom in his eyes, only doting:

"Qingye, Daddy is sorry for you."

"Dad, don't talk, you..."

"If you want to say it, I haven't talked to you for many years. If you want to say it."

Li Hansheng's breath was weak, but he curled his lips and said seriously:

"Dad was wrong back then, and Daddy regrets it, but there is no regret medicine in this world. I have been wanting to find you for more than ten years, but I didn't dare. I didn't know how to face you. When you asked about the past, I didn't know how to answer. Because the fault was mine, I am sorry for your mother and sorry for you..."

Ning Qingye's body trembled slightly in the heavy rain, and he shook his head and said:

"I don't blame you anymore. I know the situation back then. I don't blame you. I just miss you, but you didn't come. I blame you. I have never hated you. Daddy, don't die... Woo woo..."

The words gradually sobbed, and Qingshui's eyes were heartbroken.

Li Hansheng's eyes showed a sense of relief, and there were even a few tears:

"Just don't blame Daddy. From now on, just apologize to your mother."

"Dad, don't talk... woo woo..."

Ning Qingye held Li Hansheng's bloodstained hand and burst into tears, crying just like the moment when he lost his mother in the mountain village in Shu.

Li Hansheng kept laughing, which might be the happiest laugh in all these years. With scars all over his body, he leaned against the wall and faced the sky.

On the clouds in the sky, the female knight with a bamboo hat seemed to be watching them.

The female knight was called Pei Yun, and she was as beautiful as the clouds in the sky.

It's a pity that for so many years, he didn't even dare to recall the name of the female knight.

Li Hansheng looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the sky and slowly closed his eyes.

Rain is the tears of clouds, that is, the tears of Pei Yun. Since his daughter cried so sadly, she should also shed two tears on his face...

"Dad? Dad?"

Ning Qingye saw Li Hansheng closed his eyes, and his sobbing body suddenly froze. He looked at that familiar face, his lips trembled, but he didn't dare to raise his hand to touch it.

"Qingye? Uncle..."

Xu Buling ran from the market with scars all over his body, passed the guards who were checking his injuries, came to the broken wall, and saw the scene in front of him, and his voice stopped abruptly.


Ning Qingye knelt beside Li Hansheng, crying hysterically, almost hoarse.

Chen Si Ning also stood behind the guards, and saw the situation, lowered his head and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Xu Buling's face turned pale. He walked slowly behind Qingye and squatted. He wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know how to start. He could only blame himself:

"Qingye, it's my fault. I shouldn't let uncle interfere..."


Ning Qingye cried so hard that he couldn't listen to her words. He just buried his head and cried.

Xu Buling wiped the rain off his face, thought for a while, put one hand on Qingye's shoulder, and held Li Hansheng's hand with the other hand.


Li Hansheng noticed that Xu Buling was holding his hand, opened his eyes and frowned:

"What are you doing?"


The crying stopped abruptly.

Ning Qingye's tears continued, and he looked at Li Hansheng blankly.

Xu Buling quickly let go of his hand and said in a slightly inexplicable way:

"Uncle, are seriously injured."

Li Hansheng was interrupted in his recollection of the past. He shook his head helplessly, supported himself against the wall and stood up. He looked down at the wound on his body:

"It's okay, don't worry. On Bodhi Island, the wound was more serious than this. Two useless masters wanted to kill me. They underestimated me, Li Hansheng."? ?

Ning Qingye's eyes widened. There was surprise in his eyes at first, but it disappeared immediately, and he became the cold and indifferent person he used to be:

"Why are you lying here if you're fine? Really..."

Ning Qingye didn't know what to say. He stood up and turned around and left.

"I'm tired of fighting. I'm taking a rest."

Li Hansheng laughed a little silly. Seeing Qingye leave in anger, he turned around and walked out of the market.

Xu Buling stood there, spread his hands, and had nothing to say. He turned to look at Si Ning who had been standing outside and asked:

"How did you get here?"

Chen Si Ning breathed a sigh of relief, walked up quickly, helped Xu Bu Ling press the wound on his shoulder, and whispered:

"Just now, Xiao Taohua suddenly ran back and said that you and Zuo Qingqiu were here. We felt something was wrong, so we quickly brought the guards to take a look."

Xu Bu Ling's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he turned to look at the crowd:

"Where is Xiao Taohua?"


Chen Si Ning turned around and was about to call Xiao Taohua over, but there was no trace of Xiao Taohua among the dark guards...——

Above the sky, the heavy rain gradually turned into light rain.

The wet raindrops fell on his face, and Zuo Qingqiu had no reaction. He just closed his eyes and felt the surroundings, waiting for the moment to merge with the world, and also enjoying the peace of letting go of everything and the last moment of his life.

However, not long after Xu Buling left, there were hurried footsteps among the broken walls and the panicked call of the girl:

"Master? Master!"

Zuo Qingqiu opened his eyes and looked sideways. Xiao Taohua, who was wearing a skirt, threw away the oil-paper umbrella in her hand and ran over quickly. Before she came to him, tears had already rolled down from the corners of her eyes. There was surprise, anger, and fear from the bottom of her heart.

Xiao Taohua jumped into the yard and squatted beside Zuo Qingqiu, wanting to raise her hand to help Zuo Qingqiu up:

"Master, you...big brother..."

Zuo Qingqiu's eyes regained the kindness of the elder in the past. He raised his hand slightly to stop Xiao Taohua's movements and said softly:

"Zuo Zuo, why are you here?"


Xiao Taohua's eyes were full of sorrow, her voice was choked, and she couldn't speak.

Zuo Qingqiu shook his head gently, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled:

"After practicing martial arts for a lifetime, I can fight to my heart's content, and I have no regrets in this life; after planning for a lifetime, I can see the sign of peace before death, and my heart knot is also untied. There is nothing to be sad about, don't cry."

Xiao Taohua pursed her lips. She had followed Zuo Qingqiu for several years and had already regarded Zuo Qingqiu as an elder and relative. She basically understood the meaning of these words, so how could she understand?

"Master, why...why did you fight with Big Brother? We agreed not to fight anymore. We will go to Chang'an City and continue to bring peace to the people..." Zuo Qingqiu took a deep breath: "Master is a warrior. He has a pride of 'who else but me' in his heart. He can accept defeat with conviction and die with dignity, but he can't hold his breath and live the rest of his life in mediocrity. Xu Buling is a good man. There is no right or wrong between Master and him. They just have different positions. In the future, the world will be peaceful. You should stay with him well, remember what Master taught you, assist him patiently, and don't let him go astray. Power can blind eyes and confuse people's hearts. If there is no one to act as a mirror, just like Song Ji, no matter how good a person is, he will slowly become unlike a person..." Zuo Qingqiu's voice was gentle. Before he died, he was still teaching seriously the principles that he himself had failed to practice. He hoped that his apprentice could continue to pass on the philosophy of the Zuo family. Xiao Taohua burst into tears, listening with a half-understanding. She nodded at first, but when she saw her master was almost out of breath, she shook her head again:

"I am not good at martial arts, and I can't keep an eye on him. Master is so powerful, you should keep an eye on him."

"Master won the fight, so he can keep an eye on him. Didn't he lose the fight?"

Zuo Qingqiu sighed softly and turned to look at Xiao Taohua:

"Just now, in the battle with Xu Buling, Master also found out his details. Like Master, he is just an ordinary person.

You are a natural talent, not inferior to Xu Buling. As long as you concentrate on martial arts, you will soon catch up with him and surpass him.

Since you regard me as your master, you must remember the inheritance of my Zuo family, be selfless, have the country before yourself, and take the people of the world as your own responsibility in everything. , Don't stand on the opposite side of the world for a victory or defeat like your master. "

Xiao Taohua listened to the master's earnest teachings, pursed her lips, and said reluctantly:

"Master is gone, who will I learn martial arts from? If the master doesn't teach me, I will never catch up with my elder brother in my life, how can I keep an eye on him?"

Zuo Qingqiu was silent for a while, raised his eyes to the north:

"Youzhou Bodhi Island, where your ancestor lived in seclusion, and where he learned all his life. If you really want to concentrate on martial arts, you can go there and see. With your talent, you should remember it quickly. In fact, the master also wants to see how you beat Xu Buling down, but it's a pity that there is no chance. "

Xiao Taohua sniffed and squatted beside him, not knowing where to go.

Zuo Qingqiu looked at the apprentice in front of him and raised his hand gently:

"Life and death are endless, and the master is just going to go to a farther place. Let's go, let the master be quiet. "

Xiao Taohua's eyes were red. After sobbing for a while, she stood up and bowed earnestly beside him.

Xiao Taohua looked at Shilong Mountain, took out the small purse from her arms, took out the jade pendant that she had not given away, and placed it on the stone next to her:

"I will not embarrass my master."

After saying that, Xiao Taohua wiped her eyes with her sleeves, took a last look at her master, turned around and ran towards the mountains in the north.

Zuo Qingqiu looked relieved, turned his head, and watched the small figure gradually go away. In his last moments, he said something vaguely:

"Zuo Zhexian...exiled immortal...Xu Buling also looks like an exiled immortal. I hope you can really catch up with him..."

After the words fell, there was no sound...——

"Xiao Taohua? Xiao Taohua?"

Xu Buling ran in the mountains and forests, shouting along the way, but there was no response.

The wind and rain gradually stopped, and the houses under the mountain had all collapsed. There was a dead silence without any sound.

Xu Buling ran into the ruins quickly and jumped over the wall.

In the courtyard where most of the wall had collapsed, Zuo Qingqiu had closed his eyes, the blood was no longer flowing, and he just lay quietly on the ground.

Xu Buling came up to him, squatted down and looked carefully. There were two footprints beside Zuo Qingqiu, the footprints of embroidered shoes.

Zuo Qingqiu had closed his eyes, but tilted his head and faced north.

Not far away from where his eyes were looking, on a brick, there was something emerald green.

Xu Buling walked up to him, picked it up and took a look. It was a jade pendant.

The front of the jade pendant was engraved with "good luck and good fortune", and the back was a small peach blossom, a small peach blossom that was carefully carved by tender hands for who knows how long.

Tap tap tap

The sound of footsteps came from behind.

Xu Buling quickly turned around to look, and it was Chen Si Ning who came.

Chen Si Ning followed closely and ran to the front. Seeing the body on the ground, he looked around and said worriedly:

"Where did Xiao Taohua go?"

Xu Bu Ling stroked the peach blossom mark on the jade pendant with his fingers, frowning:

"She left."

Chen Si Ning was a little anxious, standing on a high place and looking around:

"Where did she run to? Aren't we going to chase her?"

Xu Bu Ling put the jade pendant in his arms, turned around and chased her to the mountains in the north with Chen Si Ning.

However, there was no trace of Xiao Taohua in the wild mountains and ridges...

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