"Ding, successfully traveled to the world of 'Kuroko's Basketball'!"

The system prompt sound came from his mind. For Ye Qiu, who has long been used to it, he should be used to it.

However, just a moment later, Ye Qiu suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils shrank, and his face showed A shocking color that has never been seen before

"Kuroko's Basketball?"

Even Ye Qiu, whose face remained unchanged despite the collapse of Mount Tai, suddenly became unbelievable.

Ye Qiu naturally knew about"Heizi's Basketball", and even about time travel, Ye Qiu also understood very well, because, More than two years ago, he had just traveled from the earth to the world of"The Prince of Tennis"!

He was already a member of the Travelers Association!

However, what made Ye Qiu feel a little cheating was that he had just received three The Grand Slam singles champion won the victory from Echizen Nanjiro. Before he could fully enjoy the feeling of standing at the top, he traveled through time again!

This time it was...Kuroko's basketball?

The world of basketball!? Qiu was a little shocked, not by the shock of time travel, nor by the shock of"Kurizi's Basketball", but... he had never played basketball at all! The only thing that could relax him a little was that the system was still there!

"Ding, the character data is loading, please wait a moment.……"

After all, he had already experienced time travel. He was still in the world of the Prince of Tennis. He had gone from an ordinary player to the top of the world step by step. Although he did not dare to say that he was not surprised, at least after this moment of shock, Ye Qiu also Just woke up.

Take it as it comes, now that you have traveled through time, it is useless to say more, so you can only accept it!

However, when Ye Qiu saw his character data, he was a little confused again!

Host: Ye Qiu

Age: 16 years old

Height: 190cm

Weight: 85KG

Five dimensions: Speed: 10 Strength: 10 Physical strength: 10 Mental strength: 10 Tennis skill: 10 Total: 50

Title: The undefeated God of Tennis, Australian Tennis Open men Singles champion, French Open men's singles champion, British Open men's singles champion...

Tennis skills: perfect tennis with no flaws, small steps on one foot, wind, forest, volcano and thunder, two-knife flow, one-ball kill, knuckle Serve, instant charge/thrust, shokuchi method, big explosion, Kikumaru clone, tiger cannon, external spin serve, ice world, escape song towards frustration, Atobe Kingdom, five senses annihilation (YIPS), zero serve, hand Tomb Domain, Tezuka Phantom, Nioh Phantom, Breath of the Lion, Synchrony, Selfless Realm (the limit of understanding through repeated tempering, the limit of talent radiating, the limit of flawless clothing)...

Different Dimensions: Eye of God (Divine Judgment), Hand of God (God's ball), God's feet (teleport), black hole...

Special abilities: Stealing stars and picking up the moon, God's eyes, God's hands, God's feet, God's body, ultimate realm (aura).

Points: 352710

Attribute points: 0


In terms of tennis, Ye Qiu is already invincible. The title of God of Tennis is a good proof of this. It has to be said that it is not easy for Ye Qiu to achieve this step by step. On top of this, He is also very proud!

He has been studying since he was three or four years old, and he has achieved such a result at the age of 16. Looking around the world, Ye Qiu is one of the few rare and unique miracles that can only be seen in a hundred years.


"System, am I here to play tennis or basketball?"Ye Qiu was puzzled. The tennis data was introduced very clearly, but there was no basketball data at all!

This is not conducive to future development at all!

"Ding, the theme of 'Kuroko's Basketball' world is basketball!"

"Where are my basketball stats?"

"Ding, host, please look carefully at the top, there are different categories!"

After hearing the system prompts, Ye Qiu looked at the top of the character data again. Only then did he realize that there were actually classification labels on it - tennis data and basketball data.

Ye Qiu clicked on the basketball data without hesitation. Character data changes instantly.

Host: Ye Qiu

Age: 16 years old

Height: 190cm

Weight: 85KG

Rating: Physical ability: 10 Endurance: 10 Mental strength: 10 Basketball skills: 0 Special skills: 10 Total: 40

Title: Zero

Basketball skills: Zero

Different dimensions: Eye of God (divine judgment), Hand of God (ball of God), Foot of God (teleport), black hole, special ability: stealing stars and picking up the moon, Eye of God, Hand of God, Foot of God, Body of God, Ultimate Domain (Aura).

Points: 352710

Attribute Points: 0

The approximate data has not changed, because whether it is tennis data or basketball data, Ye Qiu has already learned it, so moves like Extra Dimension are all Ye Qiu is not shocked that he still retains some tennis skills and can even apply them to basketball.

What makes Ye Qiu a little helpless is that his scoring standard, basketball skills: 0!

Although he has accepted basketball The result of low skills, but Ye Qiu never thought that his basketball skills could be so low, zero points, which is no different from a layman!

However, when he thinks that his life for more than ten years has been After spending time learning tennis, Ye Qiu felt relieved!

What's more, these more than ten years of tennis life are not without help for basketball!

Ye Qiu's physical ability, Ye Qiu's endurance, and Ye Qiu's spirit Strength, etc., the terrifying perfect score is enough to prove that he is definitely not mediocre, whether it is in tennis or basketball!

Ye Qiu, who has already stood at the top of tennis, will never allow himself to join the national team again. Nameless, he will always be the strongest!

Even the geniuses in the world of"Kuroko's Basketball" can only feel inferior in front of Ye Qiu!


Because the ability given by the God suit is beyond anyone's ability It's incomparable!

Ye Qiu's physical fitness is already at the NBA level. Facing the high school students in"Kuroko's Basketball", the only thing he needs to do is to lay the foundation.……



Rating: Evaluate the ability value of each character on a 10-point scale.

Physical abilities: Physical qualities such as height, strength, speed, etc.

Endurance: physical strength to play a game, physical strength, etc.

Mental strength: the spirit of never giving up, the ability to win at critical moments, etc.

Skills: Basketball skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.

Special abilities: special moves, unique abilities, the power of abilities, etc.

Total: The sum of the above five data is just a simple superposition of scores. It cannot be directly used as a judgment of strength, but it can be regarded as a reference basis. _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! (

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