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Chapter 34 of Prince Wai Wai

Jin Fei was angry, the court **** was like an invisible person, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, the accused three people, Murong Zheng looked shocked at Jin Fei, Dong Gui Fei forgot to cry, Murong Jiehui Started, a guilty look.

"Rujin, you ..."

In Murongzheng's heart, Jin Fei has always been a woman like water, gentle, indifferent, like a spring breeze, but today she has more coldness, sharp edge, all for him.

He didn't like this feeling very much, just like she had locked herself in the Qing Qiu Palace without listening to any explanation from her more than ten years ago.

All these years, the woman he was thinking about was the former Jin Fei, not what he is now.

It's not that this looks bad, but it's too strange, as if they never even knew it.

However, all her words were in front of her. What she did, she did not consider herself an enemy, she was already forgiving.

"I know you have grievances in your heart, but you also know that at that time, if it were not for her, my life might have disappeared. This is what I owe her."

Jin Fei suddenly smiled, her smile was beautiful, but her eyes were full of tears.

"Emperor, you will regret it." Jin Fei closed her eyes, turned her head, and only looked at her son's tears.

"Come here, send Concubine Dong to the Dragon Dormitory." Murong Zheng suddenly commanded, and the **** kneeling on the ground quickly got up, and people raised his shoulders and hurriedly took Concubine Dong out, and Murong Jie saw his concubine leave. And followed closely.

Only Jin Fei, Murong Jie, and Murong Zheng were left in the room.

"The emperor should go quickly. For the life and death of your concubine, you should not waste time here."

Jin Fei's words, with sarcasm and mountain-sea barriers, made Murong Zheng want to get close several times, but could not get close.

"Ru Jin, you used to be so understanding, you should understand my embarrassment, I ..."

"Yes, I should kill Akai and send it to you in front of you to please your favorite woman."

Now Murong Kai has just detoxified and his body is weak. Jin Fei didn't want to talk to Murong Zheng anymore, but he didn't want to let go of her, so she couldn't help but feel abhorrence in her heart, just to cover her face.

"Akai has almost lost her life because of her. If it wasn't for the Empress Dowager, there would be a child who was rubbed and framed by her. I thought that after that time, the life-saving grace would be evened out. Now the concubine only knows that only your life is your life, and my Akai's life is just so mean. "

"Since the emperor can't be A Kai's kind father, you should not have this child, and the emperor shouldn't be worried about him for death."

"Concubine Jin, yes, I was owed to you in those days. If it weren't for her, even I would be gone ..."

"Yes, she is more gracious to you than to heaven. For her, you can disobey the Empress Dowager and you can abandon the lives of your relatives and children. Whatever you want to repay her, I do n’t care, just ask you, do n’t use Akai to repay her Well, I only have this one son. If the emperor dare to fight Ah Kai ’s idea again, I will drag her to die together, I do n’t owe her life-saving grace. "

Jin Fei's words didn't irritate Murong Zheng. Although he wanted to argue, they were all the same facts.

"She is going to die now."

Murongzheng's words were reluctant, declining, and more guilty. He did not protect her after all.

"Her life and death have nothing to do with the concubine. Maybe she will be happy when she is dead. After all, she has been deliberately worrying about my son."

"I mean, can you ask Akai to beg the princess Sun of Bei'an, and the princess Yang said they have a good relationship, if Akai asks, she will have a way ..."

Jin Fei turned her head to look at Murongzheng, raised her hand and threw out the cup at hand, and threw it to Murongzheng ’s feet. The finely broken white porcelain reflected the water, and the dark red patterns were all broken into pieces. , As if it was **** tears.

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