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Chapter 117: Please Yamen

The people in the medical hall shuddered to stop bleeding for Madam Linglong and Xia Wan'er. Their faces were all scared. They didn't expect a woman with weak and slender skin to start such a fierce spicy.

The prince saw Xia Zi'an even hurt the two in front of him, and he was furious, and ordered: "Come on, grab this nasty woman."

Murong Zhuangzhuang stepped forward and sneered: "This palace wants to see who dares to come!"

Zi An exchanged a glance with Murong Zhuangzhuang and went inside.

The prince endured the pain and stepped forward, staring at Murong Zhuangzhuang. "It seems that Grandpa and Aunt are going to do more business. You'd better think about it. There is no good result if you offend this palace.

Murong Zhuangzhuang said coldly: "Prince, you really look at yourself high, take your people back, if you want to avenge your fiancee, go to the Yamen complaint and let Yamen supervise the case."

When she was finished, she told the carriage, "Serve outside the door and go to the prime minister's office."

The prince gritted his teeth and said authentically: "Okay, let's go to Xiangfu to understand, come, please Yamen."

The crown prince did not care about Xia Wan'er at all, just to fight for a breath, Xia Wan'er looked disfigured, and the blood in his face was so disgusting to him that he didn't want to see her again.

The people in the hospital have stopped bleeding for Mrs. Linglong and Xia Wan'er, but the blood on her face has not been wiped away, and she looks terrible.

Xia Wan'er had woke up and cried to the prince, "His Royal Highness, you have to decide for us!"

Speaking, he leaned over.

The crown prince stepped back quickly, waving his hands in disgust: "You go away, go away, don't get blood from this palace."

Xia Wan'er looked pale, almost looking at the prince in disbelief, shaking and asked, "What do you say, Highness?"

The prince waved to the guard: "Fuben Palace got on the carriage, took their mother and daughter to their own carriage, and went to Xiangfu."

"Yes!" The guard hurried to help the prince out, almost halfway carrying the prince on the carriage.

Over there, Zi An had already helped Yuan Shi out, Yuan Shi was very dizzy, leaned on Zi An's body, and could not see it, only dragging the footsteps of vain.

Seeing Zi'an and Yuan's, Xia Wan'er was filled with grief and anger, and wanted to pounce again, but when she touched Zi'an's frosty eyes, she froze in her heart, stopped her footsteps, and cursed, "You are a bitch, wait back After the palace, I let my father clean up for you. Remember, you are self-defeating. "

If Zi An couldn't hear it, he helped Yuan's go out, his expression was still cold.

Mrs. Linglong stood up with the help of the doctor in the medical hall. Her head was dizzy and dizzy, and she could hardly hold it. Her forehead covered her face, all stained with blood, covering her sight and her tail finger. Broken, it is no longer possible to connect. The doctor used the make-up pack and put on the hemostatic powder, which is considered to be temporary hemostasis, but it has to be further processed.

She stared at Zi'an, her eyes hidden behind her forehead, and the dark light emitted was like the evil spirit of the night. She burst out a sentence from her teeth, "Yuan Cuiyu, Xia Zi'an, you wait and see!"

She said so, but it really scared her.

She didn't understand why Xia Zi'an became so fierce. When she chopped her fingers, her eyes didn't blink. The coldness in her eyes scared her that she almost thought she saw the evil spirits of hell.

Her heart flustered, and she finally began to feel that she was not Xia Zi'an's opponent.

Think about it before and after the series. Waner, the seat of the crown prince, doesn't know if she can keep it. With the regent's words and the attitude of the prince just now, she feels that things may change.

However, it should not be the case. Both Wan'er and the prince already have skin relatives. Even if Wan'er is disfigured, the prince also has feelings for Wan'er, as long as this relationship lasts until Wan'er is married.

Murong Zhuangzhuang helped Yuan's carriage, and after sitting down, Zi'an's hand kept holding Yuan.

Murong Zhuangzhuang noticed that Zian's wrist was still stained with blood. She took out the handkerchief and handed it to Zian. "There is blood on the wrist, wipe it."

Zi An took it silently, "Thank you!"

Murong Zhuangzhuang looked at her, and there was a little more appreciation in her eyes. She didn't expect that she would dare to face Chen Linglong's mother and daughter as a prince.

She said before that she came to avenge herself, and thought she was just talking, after all, she could not compete with the prince.

Unexpectedly, she really dared to do it, and came directly to raise the knife.

That hard, if the emperor's grandmother saw it, she didn't know how she would like it.

She couldn't help but ask curiously: "Zian, are you not afraid?"

Zi An took out the dagger, slowly wiped it, and raised his head. "I'm just annoyed that this dagger shouldn't be dirty. It's just that there was no knife at that time. I could only grieve it."

Murong Zhuangzhuang lost his smile, "You too, come as you say? Anyway, tell them how to do it again?"

Zi An shook his head, remembering his eight-year career as a special agent medical doctor, "Princess, what kind of person do you think is the most terrible?"

Murong Zhuangzhuang thought for a while, "Sinister cunning man."

"No," Zi An wiped the dagger, watching Murong strong, his eyes bright as a torch, "The dead and the most powerful people are the most terrible. The Prince's guards are not many, and two people have to help With him, I would not be able to deter them if I did n’t take it hard, and I dare to do it this way, one is because the dagger in my hand is the relic of the first emperor, and the other is because the princess is here, and no one has just been arrogant. These two things, no matter how ruthless I am, they are not afraid. "

People who don't want to die, even if they are weak, but they can still kill a few people like a mad dog.

A person with high weight, who has power in his hand, can make you survive without death. The prince is a high weight, but it is not as good as the regent king and the first emperor.

So, with these two things, she dared to kill.

Murong Zhuangzhuang nodded, "Don't be happy first, go back to the government office, once the people in the Yamen intervene, it will not be so easy. It is not that you can scare away the people in the Yamen when you are hard-working. If you take the case, the Yamen will file a case Archive, even the seventh year can not be favoritism, so many people watching you start with Xia Waner and Chen Linglong, you may not be able to get away easily. "

Only then did she say to the prince that he wanted him to find the yamen, but it was just a word of intimidation. Unexpectedly, the prince really ordered someone to find him. Murong Zhuangzhuang was very annoyed and felt that she had harmed Zi'an.

Zi Anwei smiled, "This is the princess's help."

Just now it was necessary to work hard, but when you go back to the Yamen, you have to work hard.

Murong Zhuangzhuang said: "I don't mind helping you, but I'm afraid I won't be favoritism."

Zi An shook his head, "It's not about letting the princess favoritism, as long as the princess tells the people in Yamen, what happened tonight will be fine."

Murong Zhuangzhuang said: "However, do you think Chen Linglong and Xia Wan'er will admit that they pushed their wives down? They will deny everything, and the prince ordered people to find the Yamen, presumably to find Jingzhao Yin Yamen, now Beijing Master Zhaoyinliang, the nephew of Taifu Liang, is a prince party. If Yamen first took the trust of Chen Linglong ’s mother and daughter, and saw that you shot and hurt someone, I am afraid that it is hard for you to escape from prison. "

Yuan had been listening without saying anything, and then suddenly said: "Princess, his wife and wife are still the masters of the prime minister. The maid clearly distinguished her. Without evidence, the yamen had to believe me first."

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