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Chapter 119 Opening the Church

Master Liang's face was slightly sullen, "Since you admit that you are doing it, why do you say you are innocent? You harmed your mother and sister for no reason. For the law, you are guilty."

Zi Andan said: "Since the inquiries, why not ask me why I hurt them first?"

Master Liang said unpleasantly: "For any reason, you should not hurt someone privately. Although the mother is not a mother, she is also your elder. Besides, if you seriously hurt them, you have already violated the law. In the presence of His Royal Highness and Princess You said you were innocent? As the Miss Xiangfu, how can you be unkind and filial first, and then so brazen? "

Murong Zhuangzhuang listened to Master Liang's words and frowned slightly. Where is the question about the case? The facts are not questioned, but she only accuses her of morality. It seems that she told Zi'an that she and the seventh can't be favored by others. It's a big mistake, because someone has already favored others first.

She was thinking of helping each other, but Zi An had already said, "My lord, my mother is the head and mother of the Xiangfu government. Although she has no title, she is a decent wife of the prime minister and a wife of the prime minister. People murdered and pushed down the carriage. What is the seriousness of the matter?

Master Liang was startled, "Is there such a thing?"

"My mother was on the way out of the palace and returned to the government. My mother and sister pushed off the carriage and caused serious injuries, and my eyes were blind. As the elder lady of Xiangfu, may I ask you, according to the law and etiquette of my big week Say, do I have the power to punish the murderers who murdered my mother? "

Zi An sentence is powerful, from the law to the ceremony, although the words are short but they are also watertight, almost making Master Liang indisputable.

Master Liang had to look at Mrs. Linglong, "Chen, Xia Zi'an identified you as pushing your mother off the carriage and causing her to be seriously injured and blind. What's your reason for this?"

Mrs. Linglong cried out with injustice, "Adult, this is absolutely injustice. How could the concubine do such malicious things?"

"What happened after the incident? You specifically told this officer." Although Master Liang looked, his tone was very gentle.

Mrs. Linglong said: "Go back to Master, this is the case. I went to the palace last night to attend the banquet. It was already in the evening when I left the palace. Xiangye sent the concubine and others out of the palace. He said he would have a drink with Master Taifu. Let the wife and the concubine go back to the house with Waner first. When they left the palace, they were always good. The lady said that she was tired. You have to take a break. I was n’t allowed to speak with Waner. Later, Waner accidentally said a worried Prince , Madam suddenly fluttered, and cursed many unpleasant words, saying that Wan'er was cheesy and shameful, she shouldn't plead for the prince. The concubine and Wan'er didn't dare to talk at first, knowing that she had always had this temper in the government, thinking about letting go After she vented, she was okay. Who knew that the more she scolded, the more she insulted the concubine and Waner. The concubine couldn't help it, so she returned a few words, and this time the mouth was terrible, and the lady was crazy. Slap the concubine, slap it on the face of the concubine, Waner pulled her away, and between the concubine and her, she saw that she could not hit the concubine, she jumped down before opening the curtain, before jumping , And also talked about letting the concubine murder the mistress on his back Name. "

Mrs. Linglong spoke very vividly, her image, even her movements were added, and the grief and anger in her eyes could not be concealed, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Then what?" Master Liang continued to ask after seeing Zi'an refuting.

"It was not long after she jumped that the carriage came up and stopped. It was the princess's bodyguard. He said that we were involved in the case of wounding. We were to take us back to the interrogation. On the way back, we just met the prince. Your Highness heard that we were involved in wounding. We must follow along to see the case. When we arrived at the hospital, we realized that it was the princess and Xia Zi'an who rescued his wife. The princess asked the reason, and the concubine hadn't had time to speak yet. The concubine's hair was dragged towards the door, and she had great strength. It seemed to put the concubine's body to death, and dragged her hair to hit the door. No matter how the concubine asked for mercy, she showed no mercy. After the concubine hit the wall, She hadn't let her concubine out yet, took out a sharp dagger and cut off the concubine's fingers, Waner stepped forward to save the concubine, but she was disfigured with her dagger, the blood on that face splashed out, but she was still sneer."

She described the process of Zi'an's violence in great detail, even the facial expressions like sneer. If someone who doesn't know the inside story listens, she will only feel that Xia Zi'an is brutal, even her mother and sister can do it like this Hard hands.

After finishing the speech, Mrs. Linglong said, "Sir, concubine's sentence is true. His Royal Highness the Prince and the princess are on the scene. If the adult doesn't believe, you can ask His Royal Highness and the princess."

Master Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Zi Zi, and asked: "It is so vicious to start, but you are still the mistress of Xiangfu. Now what else do you have to say? Quickly take out your murderous dagger." "

Zi'an didn't take it, but just took a step forward, with a somewhat ironic look, "Adult, you are in charge of public security in Beijing and China for many years. Narrative, now you only listen to her, do n’t ask the witnesses, do n’t ask me, do n’t ask my mother, say I ’m vicious, let me take out the so-called murder weapon, I really do n’t know how many cases the adults have broken down in recent years, how many are Unjust, false and wrong cases. "

The old lady seemed to finally endure her anger and scolded: "Dare you dare to quibble? Quickly pleading guilty can also open the net to you. If you forcefully quibble and do not plead guilty, it will only increase your penalty. When the time comes, Xiangfu can't save you. "

Zi An said coldly: "Old lady, Zi An never dared to hold on to the hope that the government will protect me. Do you want to put this position tonight, don't you want to fold me in? Since you want to talk about the case, we will say Said. "

She turned to look at Mrs. Linglong, and her eyes seemed to be as cold as the crushed ice, "You said my mother abused you on the carriage, beat you badly, and even jumped off the carriage in order to frame you and murder the mistress. The witness saw, even if there was, why didn't you stop the carriage to save her when she jumped down? "

Lady Linglong seemed to have expected that she would ask like this, and said in a hurry: "When she jumped, the carriage was not fast, very slow. Waner opened the curtain and looked at it. She could still stand when she jumped down. stand up."

"Okay, even if she can stand up, you didn't stop and continue to move forward, then, you are going to throw her on this uninhabited street after this night, isn't it?" Zi An continued to ask.

Mrs. Linglong's complexion changed, "No, no, I was beaten a bit dizzy by her at that time, but I couldn't recover, and I didn't realize that the carriage didn't look back. I thought that the driver would turn around."

The hostess and mother-in-law of this office were thrown out, and it was terrible to spread it.

Zi An took another step, "So, the driver knew that my mother had fallen, didn't he?"

"Well, I should know that when she jumped, the sound was very loud, the street was quiet and no one was there. He should ..." Mrs. Linglong stammered. These details she didn't think about at the time. I thought so many people were present. of.

She didn't realize it at all, her thoughts had been drawn by Zi An.

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