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Chapter 266 of Prince Wai Wai

Liu Bingtian's temper was fierce, and the army was strict. He became angry, and the lieutenant general could only bear it even if he was unwilling.

"You go down first, how to deal with it, let General Ben think about it."

In fact, Liu Bingtian already had a plan in mind, even though he has the reputation of loving soldiers as children, compared with years of friendship, the lives of dozens of soldiers are really nothing.

It's just that, he couldn't say, if he said that, the two deputy generals around him wouldn't give up.

It is said that he is in the heart of the emperor, but in fact he does not even know the details of the two lieutenants around him, let alone do whatever he wants in the promise of the suburbs of Beijing, as rumored.

"General, you can wait for you to consider other things, but this time how to bury the dead soldiers and how to comfort the family? These must always be prepared earlier."

The lieutenant general responsible for logistics reminded softly that many of the soldiers in the Beijing suburbs promised to be recruited from Beijing. , When the time comes ...

"I will tell you how to do it tomorrow morning." Liu Bingtian was tired and waved impatiently to signal their departure.

Liu Bingtian was very upset at this time. He was the general of the emperor's pro-feudal Beijing suburban camp. He had to speculate on the holy intentions, but now the emperor's attitude towards the princess of the sun, no one can understand them.

If it were before, Princess Yang was the most princess in the emperor's favorite, who dared to move Princess Aman a hairless, but now, he really does not know how to stand in line.

What Liu Bingtian didn't know was that while he was thinking about how to deal with this matter, the two lieutenants had already been recruited into the palace by the Dark Guard.

As soon as the two entered the study room, a tea cup was thrown at them. The two did not dare to dodge and stood on the spot to receive it. Fortunately, Su Jing was still somewhat accurate, and the tea cup did not fall on any one.

At the same time that the tea cup fell to the ground, the two lieutenants kneeled on the ground, fearful and sincere.

"Liu Bingtian privately sent soldiers and horses to assassinate my prince and princess, but the two of you didn't know about it? If the prince and the princess have a good fortune, how many heads can you make up for?" Knife.

"The emperor, his subordinates only knew that General Liu Bingtian loaned his troops to General Anguo. They didn't know that they were posing as gangsters. They targeted the crown prince and the princess of the hot sun, and we only learned after the incident."

"The two subordinates dereliction of duty, please the emperor spare his life."

The two lieutenants are smart people. When the emperor asked the dark guard to bring them, they already knew the emperor's thoughts. No matter how embarrassing the princesses and princes were in the eyes of others, they were still the heart and soul of the emperor.

Rao is that they are not injured, and the emperor will surely delve into the end. Therefore, they are talking about forgiveness, not forgiveness.

"How does Liu Bingtian prepare to deal with this matter?" Su Jing knew that the Beijing suburban camp was in the hands of Liu Bingtian. It was not a big deal to lend dozens of soldiers, and the lieutenant general had no right to stop him. , Or to see Liu Bingtian's attitude.

"Emperor, General Liu dragged it."

"Don't the family members of the dead soldiers know? Let people send letters to their homes and make trouble for me. I want to see when he can drag them."

"Emperor, if this is the case, then the assassination of the princess will not be concealed, and then the soldiers will have opinions."

"Are you dead? I allow this to happen, but the premise is that you have to quietly buy people's hearts."

When Su Jing spoke, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but this smile was a little weird on his thin face.

"Emperor, to General Liu, do we still draw the recruits?" Listening to the emperor's words, the two lieutenants looked at each other, and asked with a bold look.

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