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Chapter 368 of the Prince of Rites

Su Jing left her sleeves, leaving Xu Guifei panicked and helpless. She anxiously wrote to her family, and she didn't know what she would do next.

She was afraid of annoying the emperor, and she was afraid of letting her father down.

Originally she was pregnant, and now should be the happiest time, but because of her father's attitude, she was very anxious.

She also begged for the love of the emperor, but she also knew that without the blessing of her father, she might fall in love more and more.

Therefore, the emperor did not want to offend her, and she did not dare to disappoint him on her father ’s side. She wrote to her father, but she just hoped to understand her situation, but she did not expect that all her hopes were received from her father. The moment was torn apart.

The father's reply was only one sentence: "You can't even fight a princess who doesn't rely on it. Don't make the dream of your empress queen."

Xu Guifei trembling and looked at the letter in her hand, only to hear a thunder rang by her ear, and the whole person was ignorant.

She knew that her father was annoyed.

But what should she do? What should I do to satisfy my father? I am satisfied with my father, will the emperor be angry?

Xu Guifei didn't know what she was going to do, but she knew very well that the emperor was angry. Since he left that day, he hadn't reached the door of her palace for five days.

There were even rumors in the palace that she could not keep the emperor's heart when she was pregnant.

These words, like a needle, penetrated into the heart of Princess Xu, and she anxiously wrote to her father, but her father never returned.

Father's attitude let her know what she needed to do to satisfy her father.

But what can she do?

After a few days of tossing and turning, Xu Guifei finally thought of a way. After eating breakfast of clear soup and wispy water, she suddenly suffered from abdominal pain.

"Go and call the emperor, and say that I am uncomfortable, the child may not be able to keep it." Xu Guifei painfully ordered the maid on the side.

When Su Jing arrived at Xu Guifei's palace, the tear-like pain had stopped. Xu Guifei lay softly on the bed and saw Su Jing coming in. She got up hard and cried, crying in vain He said that he would almost never see the emperor again.

"Emperor, the concubine didn't know what the reason was because of the severe abdominal pain. Now it's just better." Xu Guifei said, her brow furrowed again. When she caressed her belly and looked up at Su Jing His face was already pale.

"Emperor, concubine, concubine ..., our children, children ..."

Concubine Xu caressed her stomach and looked at Su Jing painfully, her pale and painful face was helpless.

"Relax, our children will be fine." Su Jing said while ordering the doctors to check for Xu Guifei quickly.

"Emperor, there is nothing wrong with the unborn baby in the abdomen, it should be eating something bad."

After the doctor finished the examination, he kneeled tremblingly in front of Su Jing and reported that when his words fell, Xu Guifei ’s hand clasped Su Jing ’s hand tightly. Su Jing looked down at her and her pale face squeezed With a smile, he said softly, "Emperor, as long as our children are okay, I'm fine. There is no problem with eating. There is really no problem."

"Who is responsible for the meal in the palace?"

"Emperor, according to the rules of the palace, the meals of the concubines are all received in the royal dining room."

Yufanfang is now under the control of Aman. After the last incident, Princess Gui Gui was a lot smarter, and it was no longer named Aman ’s problem. She only said Yufanfang.

If there is any problem with the imperial dining room, it is Aman's poor control.

I thought there was something wrong with Xu Guifei's body, but I didn't expect it to be so ...

Su Jing looked at Xu Guifei, who was still weak but still holding her hand. She suddenly smiled and said to the maid kneeling on the ground: "Since the things in the imperial dining room, Xu Guifei ca n’t eat, then change to Xu ’s. Well, Xu Guifei has been in the Xu family for more than ten years, and I must also miss the taste of the food at home. "

Concubine Xu and the people in the palace were stunned. What does the emperor mean? Why suddenly ...

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