The Prince Regent’s Violent Medical Consort

Vol 2 Chapter 1518: Xia Waner Vol 2 Chapter 26

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Chapter 1518 Chapter Xia Waner 26

Although Yan Mumu sat back on the camera and calmly pretended to be on the face, the little hand under the sleeve was still twisting the silk scarf, and the careful person could see that she was more nervous than before.

Cicheng and Wu Yang glanced at each other, and they both saw satisfaction in the other person's eyes.

Yan Mumu is a boudoir for everyone. Although he likes He Sheng very much, he still has his own restraint. In this scene, Yan Mumu didn't cut the wine in the beginning, because she was persuaded by He Sheng's helplessness, and she wanted to save He Sheng in this way.

If Xia Wan'er monkey rushed up at this time, it would be inappropriate.

According to the background, He Sheng at this time has decided to set off to find the legendary fierce beast mountain in order to help Peony to raise the seven-color fairy grass. This time he came to see Yan Mumu. One was to say goodbye, the other was to return the decrees to Yan Mumu, and the third was Entrusted his mother of nearly 50 years to Yan Mumu.

And Yan Mumu, with the help of the lover grass demon who came to repay grace, also knew the whole story in advance. When she found that she was useless to persuade He Sheng, she added the lover honey given by the lover grass demon to the wine. The two spent the night together, but He Sheng left.

Originally, Wu Yang's plan was to try out the show, and let people edit and edit the comparative version of Xia Wan'er and Ying Yao, and put it on the Internet to help "Fei Xian" stir up a wave of popularity.

I didn't expect Xia Wan'er to be so impressive. Once I changed the stiffness and exaggeration of the audition, I almost caught up with the science class. The things shot here are not much worse than the official shooting. It is because the venue is so simple that it cannot be used directly in the film.

But it's okay to make a big stir by editing and editing. At that time, the hot searches on all platforms are "Fairy Trial" and "Xia Waner Acting Skills", which is definitely more durable than Xia Waner's embarrassment. Maybe you can still draw a few more sponsorships, increase awareness, and win more awards. ...

He naturally wanted to win an award, otherwise he would not follow Cicheng's proposal, and find ways to invite Qiao Mingye to act as the male lead. Otherwise, it would not allow Si Min to take advantage of Xia Wan'er's popularity and then replace it with Ying Yao who has better acting skills.

But now it seems that Xia Wan'er is better.

As he imagined the future, He Sheng on the monitor explained his intention to Yan Mumu.

Yan Mumu didn't pick up the jade pendant from He Sheng, and raised his head with red eyes to question him, his tone was already faintly crying: "Do you really want to remarry me for peony?"

After finishing this line, the camera immediately took a close-up shot of Qiao Mingye. Looking at the enlarged face in front of him, Xia Wan'er murmured a "scum man".

The voice was very low, only Qiao Mingye heard it, his hand trembling slightly, he must have looked at Xia Wan'er, his eyes seemed to be a little guilty. But after seeing the bright peony flowers embroidered on his sleeves, he became firm and sincere again. He handed Yu Pei forward and said, "Peony has a life-saving grace for me, I can't make her a weak woman Go alone to the beast mountain. "

After he finished speaking, the camera began to capture Xia Wan'er's close-up.

At the same time, Xia Waner heard a very low voice very clearly. Only what she could hear was low and magnetic: "You really make me look at it."

It seems that Qiao Mingye not only was not affected by her words, but even started to fight back.

Xia Waner snorted coldly in her heart, and she didn't show half of her face. On acting, she hadn't been afraid of anyone.

Everyone saw Yan Mumu fall back on the stool, tears in his eyes, pitiful, no more Lingling momentum.

"Okay, I can do it if I want to retire. You will be drunk with me tonight. After this tonight, you and I will have no relationship. We will be separated from each other. Men and women will marry each other."

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