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Chapter 202 Approaching step by step

Liang said, and suddenly thought of something like asking Ximen Xiaoyue, "Oh, yes, I said that the part of the dowry you sent back will be returned. Has that part been brought back?"

Ximen Xiaoyue may wish to mention this stubble suddenly, Zhiwu said, "Isn't this all in the side room? Burnt by fire."

Before the implementation of the fire plan, she had ordered all valuable dowry to be removed.

Liang stared at the hairpin on her head. "This hairpin is the dowry. It is the jewelry box I put in the dowry. How can you take it out and wear it?"

Simon Xiaoyue reached out and touched the hairpin subconsciously, his face stiffened, "This ... is it? Is this this?"

"Yes, your dowry is my own Zhang Luo, the head and face you wear today are all made by my craftsmen to work overnight," Liang said staring at her.

Ximen Xiaoyue couldn't catch the stubble for a while, just said it was burnt, it's not easy to say that it was not wrong, right? If you admit that you haven't burned, wouldn't you tell everyone that you are embezzled?

In addition, returning to the dowry was a shameful thing. She mentioned it at the moment, but it was really embarrassing. The elders in the room looked at each other.

"The dowry was originally placed in the side room. When the elder lady and I went in to return the ceremony, the dowry should be placed in it. After I took out a part of it, you can put the rest in the warehouse, right? When the fire broke out, neither Miss nor I left. Until the fire was over, and the entire side house was also over, how did these jewelry escape? "Liang's voice suddenly rose sharply.

Ximen Xiaoyue panicked, his tongue knotted, and weirdly half-sounded, he had to confess, "I got a part of the dowry myself, and the second aunt didn't know."

"When did you come up with a part? Why didn't I know? You have been marrying, except for saluting I wasn't by your side, and have been following you ever since." Liang Shi pressed.

"This, this ..." Ximen Xiaoyue racked his brain, thinking about the moment when Liang's did not follow him.

"Master Taibao!" Liang's awe-inspiring said: "This matter is still awkward, please be sure to understand that all the dowry I am sure to be in the side house after I have sent it, the jewelry box has the key, and the key is only mine. Of course, the lock can be pryed open, but it is not strange to pry open the lock and take some jewelry on the wedding day? If it is not a part of it or the entire jewelry box is moved, why should the jewelry box be removed? No one in the side house Hold on because she knows that there is a fire, and once burned, they will destroy the jewelry. "

"Second aunt, I really didn't want to set you on fire, don't think about it, if you don't want to give me these jewelry, I will go back." Ximen Xiaoyue said pitifully.

Taibao said slightly to Liang's displeasure: "Okay, you are always reluctant. It seems that if you don't ask for an understanding today, you will not stop."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ximen Xiaoyue, "You can talk about what happened that day, and the old man came to do justice."

Ximen Xiaoyue was panicked and distracted by Liang, and now seeing Taibao and letting her talk about the day's things, she had to work hard to gather her thoughts and say it all over again: "... I don't remember the unhappy things about Jingcha After returning to the new house, my second aunt asked me what I was unhappy about, and I ... "She said that she was a little confused and forgot what she said before.

After hesitating for a moment, Taibao reminded: "You said you complained to the second lady."

Ximen Xiaoyue nodded, "Yes, after I complained to the second aunt, the second aunt would go to teach Zi An. I dissuaded her, but the dissuasion was invalid for several times."

Taibao inserted another sentence, "Well, Xiang Xiang came over later, you told Xiang Xiang, Xiang Xiang didn't take it seriously, and thought that Mrs. 2 wouldn't do it."

Ximen Xiaoyue nodded again and again, remembering that he said, "Yes, Xiangye said that today is a day of great joy, and the second aunt is a decent person who will not mess up, so it makes a big mistake."

"Well, yes, this confession is right. Later, Mrs. Er went to Miss Xiangfu II to deal with Miss Xia Jia Xia Zi'an, are you against it?" Taibao asked again.

Simon Xiaoyue nodded subconsciously, "Yes, I am against it."

But, after talking, she was startled again. Did she say this before?

She looked at Xia Chengxiang for help. Xia Chengxiang's complexion was ugly, and he was as smart as he already knew that Taibao stepped on her step by step.

But when she has a mistake, she can reveal many mistakes. Once there are too many mistakes, there is no credibility in what she says.

Moreover, he believes that Taibao today is definitely not a passive questioning. Taibao used to be a shangshu order. Today, the punishment department is still his subordinate. The punishment department is now investigating the case of the prime minister together with Jingzhao Yinyamen. How about help Taibao?

Sure enough, Taibao's complexion suddenly changed, looking at Ximen Xiaoyue with a cold eyebrow. "You said twice before and after, and there were six doubtful places. Do you want the old man to tell you one by one?"

Ximen Xiaoyue didn't expect Taibao to change her face suddenly, and she was panicked in her heart. "What question? No, I'm telling the truth, maybe I have forgotten some details."

"First, you said that you were not dissatisfied with Xia Zi'an's slowness, but then you said you were a little unhappy. This is just because you are right and wrong, you can't be held accountable."

"Second, you first said to go back and complain to Mrs. Er, but then you said that Mrs. Er did n’t know where Xia Zi’an disrespected you. Then later, you said that you went back and complained. Do n’t you know what I ’ve edited? "

"Third, when you said that when the banquet was held, all kinds of tableware and chopsticks were arranged, and even how the guests were seated, even the second lady was sitting in the upper left corner, you know, everything is as you can see, but you were not there that night, You are in a new house, and after a fire, you were injured. Xia Quan, who arranged all this, was also burnt to death in the side room. It can only be explained that you have always ordered people to pay close attention to this table. "

Ximen Xiaoyue quickly defended, "Yes, I am paying attention, but is this normal? After all, Mrs. Cui and the old lady are sitting over there. I always want to make sure that the guests have a pleasant meal."

"Well, then you admit that you have been ordering people to pay close attention, right?" Taibao's eyes flashed a cold light.

"Yes ... yes." Ximen Xiaoyue had to admit this.

Tai Bao coldly said: "Since you ordered someone to look at this table, you must have noticed that when your second aunt and Miss Xia Zi'an left, someone immediately took away their glasses."

Simon Xiaoyue was stunned. Who knows this?

"Well, it's normal for people to take away their cups after they leave the room." Ximen Xiaoyue argued that fine sweat had come out of his forehead.

She looked at the old lady quickly, the old lady's face was silent, and her eyes were gray.

These two interrogative questions are clearly traps, and the hateful thing is that Ximen Xiaoyue didn't even know it, and took it sillyly.

Taibao continued to ask, "Okay, it's normal to take away the cup, but when your second aunt left, she already needs someone to help her, that is, she has started to faint, isn't she?

Simon Xiaoyue shook his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I don't know this."

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