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Chapter 385 The Prince Admits

Zhang Qi was drunk by him, a man without roots, and the overbearing anger of the city came back, and said angrily: "It was clearly instructed by you, and you gave me a hundred or two silver tickets."

After all, he took out a hundred or two silver tickets from the sleeve and put them on the ground, "Your lord, this is the silver ticket he gave to the villain. After the horn was handed over to him, he did not give it anymore, and said that the villain should not be so greedy. "

The prince heard this, and glanced coldly at Zhang Quanlong. He gave five hundred and two silvers to let him find someone to do it.

Zhang Quanlong used to be with the prince in the past, arrogantly accustomed to it, and knowing that there is a queen and a prince today, the prince will be okay, and he will not put Murong Jie in his eyes, and said suddenly: "Queen Mother, Queen Mother, please In Mingjian, the minions never instructed him to steal any blood antelope horns. Everything was framed and the blood was spurting people. "

Gao Yushi said sharply: "Whose words do you return to? The Queen Mother and Queen Mother are just listening. You don't honestly answer the question from the Queen, but you return to the Queen Mother and Queen. You know that the harem can't do anything. This is not to frame the emperor. Queen Mother and Queen? "

Gao Yushi is a very sharp and mean person. He is also selfless and obsessed with law and ethics. Therefore, when Zhang Quanlong is so arrogant, he is angry at the moment.

The queen's face is a little unsightly, but the queen queen is very relieved. She believes that there are these old antiques in the middle of the DPRK, and some frames are set to regulate the hundred officials and the clan.

Zhang Quanlong accused and said: "I don't mean this, lord, the minions, but I'm just out of control when I am suddenly framed by anger."

Murong Jie didn't even care about his gaffe, but asked blankly: "You said you didn't instruct him to steal blood antelope horns, did you?"

"The minions are absolutely absent. The minions dare to swear with the life of a young man that the minions did not instruct him. Moreover, although he was a cousin of a minion, the minion has not seen him for a long time since entering the palace." Bai Ya said that he did not hesitate to use his family's life to swear, but it made people believe a little.

Murong's eyes were cold and cold, "Well, since you have a hard mouth, this king will ask you to take it orally. Come, bring Sun Ergou."

When Zhang Quanlong heard this, he suddenly turned pale.

Sun Ergou was brought up, and he knelt down. "The young man, Sun Ergou, see Lord Ye."

"Sun Ergou, what are you doing for a living?" Ni Rong asked sharply.

Sun Ergou shuddered all over his body, "If I go back to my adult ..., the villain ... The villain carved the seal in Dongshi."

"Explain white point." Ni Rong said angrily.

Sun Ergou said in a panic: "Yes, yes, the villain carved the seal, and by the way, help the guests to do some fake public inspections, such as passing the place, post coupons and the like."

"Then look at this person, did he ask you to do a fake public test?" Ni Rong asked Zhang Quanlong.

Sun Ergou raised his head and glanced at Zhang Quanlong. He nodded palely, "Yes, yes, he is the father-in-law and the prince's side. He has patronized many times and asked the villain to do a holiday today."

"Whose name is it?"

"Call ... call Li Qi!"

"Isn't this one?" Ni Rong shook out a public laboratory and left it on the ground. Sun Ergou only looked at it and nodded, "Yes, this is it."

Ni Rongdao: "Your lords and lords, this place was searched on Zhang Qi, and it was confirmed that he checked in with the inn where he lived. After the innkeeper and the second person recognized him, he and the people who stayed there It's exactly the same. "

Murong Zhen snorted coldly, "Zhang Quanlong, you said you didn't instruct Zhang Qi to steal the blood antelope horns, then, what did you do with this place and a hundred or two silver?"

Zhang Quanlong rolled his eyes a few times to hide the panic in his heart, "Here, this minion did indeed do this, but he asked the minion and said that he had committed something in Beijing, fearing that the Qiu family would come to the door, I did n’t dare to live at home, so I asked the minion to help him make a house and let him find an inn to stay. The one hundred or two silvers were also used by the minions for emergency. "

Murong Jie was furious. "Fuck, you didn't make a foreword. You just said that you haven't seen him for a long time since hitting you into the palace. How could he beg you again? Also, you are a hundred or two, Where did it come from? The silver ticket issued by this state-owned silver account, the salaries given to you in the palace, did not add up to one hundred two in three years. Even if there is, how can you save the state-owned silver account? Gave a cousin whom I haven't seen in a long time? "

Murongjie's stern words frightened Zhang Quanlong. He was already guilty, and the pile of lies appeared pale and weak under Murongjie's aggressiveness. He looked at the prince and then Taifu, but he had no idea at all.

"Say!" Where did Murongji let him delay? Screamed in the rage.

Zhang Quanlong shivered and said in full, "The minion, the minion let him steal it."

Murong Jie continued to ask, "What is the purpose of the Prince to let you steal blood antelope horns?"

"The minions don't know, the minions are just ordered to act."

Mr. Liang wished to slap him in the face. Isn't it the same as admitting that the prince let him steal? Anyway, staying in the palace for so many years, I can't even hear Murong's language trap.

Everyone exclaimed that it was really the prince who stole the blood antelope horn? God, everyone knows that blood antelope horns can save the princess.

The prince still doesn't know, and he said honestly: "Yes, this palace let him steal, but even if this palace makes mistakes, how can this be said that this palace is unfaithful to the eldest princess?"

The anger on Murongjie's face was converging, and he looked very pleasant. He asked, "Well, Prince, you tell this king, what is the purpose of stealing blood antelope horns?"

The prince naturally knew that it was impossible to use the excuse of playing around, so he said in anger: "Because this palace knows that the king's palace is looking for the blood antelope horn, he has beaten this palace because of the people's affairs Thirty-eight knives were stabbed in the palace, and the palace couldn't swallow it, so he planned to steal the blood antelope horn to scare him. "

"No, you heard that King Liang needed blood antelope horns to survive. You do n’t want him to live. So, you stole blood antelope horns, did n’t you? You broke King Liang ’s back road and broke him only. A chance to live, is n’t it? "

The prince argued: "No, it's not like this, this palace just intends to hide it first, but doesn't want to call him dead."

"Okay, since that's the case, what about blood antelope horns? Since it's just hiding and intimidating him, then you must hand it over in the end?" Murong Jie asked.

The prince was silent for a moment and said, "Those dog slaves did not do things properly, and the blood antelope horn accidentally fell off the cliff."

Murong Jie straightened his waist and calmed his smile. His expression was indifferent, and his sharp eyes stared at him.

The queen heard this, and the blood on her face faded inch by inch, and eventually paled like a piece of rice paper.

She had unspeakable sharp pain in her heart. She knew that what Murong Jie said might be true. He really wanted to kill A Xin.

Zongqin and Baiguan heard these conversations, and they knew what was happening. The prince wanted to kill King Liang, but why did King Liang suffer such serious injuries? I have heard that King Liang was punished by the Queen Mother, but it was just a hit. How could it endanger his life?

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