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Mei Fei still shook his head, "No, Night King, you just killed this palace. This palace can't say anything. If Zi'an doesn't die, the emperor will die. This palace can only be cruel so once."

"You ..." Ye Wang was going crazy, "You don't say, what's wrong with Qisao, do you think your mother and son can live?"

"This palace can't say, kill this palace, this palace will not say." Mei Fei still stubborn.

The third prince stood up, took two steps back, touched the tears on his face, and suddenly rushed to the cupboard and took a pair of scissors and pointed it at his neck.

Mei Fei was so scared, "Ma'am, what are you doing? Let's put it down!" The three princes looked at Mei Mei and said sadly: "Mother Ma'am, you always teach your son to understand the way of gratitude, seven Aunt is very kind to us. You have killed her before. She did n’t care about you. She has been helping us both mother and son. If it ’s not her, we ’re just afraid of being killed long ago. Now, you have to use her.

To exchange children ’s lives, children ’s lives are just a bad person who repays the enemy. The uncle of the Seven Emperors teaches children to be men, to stand up to protect their loved ones, but you do this by calling children to a contraction The head turtle, in this case, it is better to die. "

Saying that, with a hard hand, blood marks were printed on her neck, and Princess Mei burst into tears in fright, "You put down, you put down, the mother princess said, the mother princess said everything." She fell to the ground and cried. : "It was after the assassination that night that the Queen Concubine disappeared in the palace. Originally, the palace thought that things had passed, and everything would be fine. Unexpectedly, Xiao Qing, who was close to the palace, poisoned the emperor in order to threaten her. Palace, ask this palace to take Zian to the mountain of Zhenguo Temple, if anything

If it is successful, the emperor will bleed and die in seven holes within seven days. "

"So, you told Qisao that you would take San'er to incense. You can't rest assured that Qisao will follow, and you will start on the way?"

"Yes," Mei Fei cried loudly, "In fact, this palace is also very uncomfortable, very unwilling to do so, but there is no way."

"How did they start?" Night King asked. Mei Fei said: "Because the carriage was unable to go up the mountain, we found a guide to take us along the mountain road. The guide was naturally the lady of the concubine. He took us into the jungle. The jungle burned poisonous incense. We were all poisoned. He and Boss were taken away. When the palace woke up, Xiaoqing was in the palace

By her side, she took the antidote for poisonous smoke to this palace, and also prepared a sedan chair, and said to let this palace stay uphill for two hours. "

"Xiaoqing?" The night king said coldly: "Is it just that the king's maid was stopped outside the door?"

"It's her!" Fei Mei cried in despair. "She has always been the most admired person around this palace, but she didn't expect that she was a concubine who was placed next to this palace."

"Smart, grab that little green!" Ye Wang shouted outside the door.

"Yes, master!" The two plain-clothed women went in a hurry. After a while, they grabbed Xiao Qing and threw them in.

Ye Wang leaned over, holding Xiao Qing's face and forcing her to look up. "It looks good, but it's just the wrong master."

Xiao Qing was not afraid, and Mei Xiao laughed, "If the prince pity the slave family ..."

The word "home" hadn't completely fallen down, and she saw her face suddenly cold, and nails flew out of her mouth, which approached the night king's eyebrows.

Only the sound of "bang" was heard, the night king blocked with his hand, the nail was embedded in the back of the night king's hand, Xiao Qingdu laughed, "This nail is highly toxic, if there is no antidote within half an hour, you will die, send it immediately I ’m out of the palace, and I ’ll keep you from dying. "

The third prince heard the words and swooped over and slapped her two slapped hard, "Hand over the antidote immediately."

Xiao Qing sneered, "Three princes, you still can't protect yourself, but can you take care of others?"

"You ..." The three princes were furious in their eyes. Although they were only ten years old, they were angry and a little prestige. "Come, search her house, search her body, be sure to find the antidote."

Xiao Qing hummed: "Did you all search my house? Will I be so stupid to carry the antidote with me?"

She looked at the Night King, "It's running out. If the Night King doesn't want to die, he will send me away from the palace immediately."

Ye Wang laughed, his smile extremely cold, and when he raised his hand, the nail was embedded in the back of his hand, but he didn't see the blood.

The night king asked Princess Mei, "Is there a handkerchief?"

Mei Fei handily passed the handkerchief, and the Night King took it, pulled it out of the nail, and the nail was bloodless.

Xiao Qing's face became ugly, "How could this be?"

The Night King sighed, "It's a waste of good skin, this King has to make another one."

I saw that he took out the dagger, gently stroked it on the back of his hand, and lifted the skin of the back of his hand, revealing a dark, dark iron hand.

Xiaoqing gasped, "Your hand is fake?"

"Clever!" The night king stepped back and commanded indifferently, "Take her down, exhaust all the things you have learned in life, and let her hand over the three princes' antidote."

Cleverly arched, "Yes!"

I saw that she came forward, grabbed Xiaoqing's hair, and dragged forward vigorously, with a grin, "Come on, let's talk with my sister."

Xiaoqing was dragged out, and it didn't take long before he heard the cry of terrible people outside, like the beast in the forest that was about to be swallowed.

Not long after that, Lili came in, "Master, I recruited, and the three princes' antidote was put under the bed of Mei Fei's maid and wrapped in a piece of red paper."

Mei Fei hurriedly asked someone to pick it up, and really took a small packet from the bed, which contained three pills.

"Take one for her!" Ye Wang said.

Cleverly responding, she turned around and came back a moment later, saying: "Master, she has served it, she has checked the pulse, there is no vision."

"Take another one and throw it into the water." The Night King ordered.

Lili poured out a glass of water and dropped the pill. The water was very clear and slowly became cloudy. Ye Wang looked at it, picked it up, smelled it, and nodded: "Well, it ’s an antidote. Give him the medicine Right. "

Poisons are generally colorless and odorless, but the antidote is not, because the antidote is mostly made of medicinal materials, and most have a taste.

After taking the antidote, the three princes saw that the black on his lips slowly faded away, and all the red muscles in his eyes faded away. Mei Fei hugged him and burst into tears.

The Night King said coldly: "If things are discussed with Ben Wang or Qisao, it's actually not a matter, Mei Fei doesn't believe us."

Mei Fei was ashamed, "I was wrong. I was the six gods without a master at the time. I didn't know what to do. The little **** said the toxicity was so terrible, and I let them do it."

The night king snorted and told Ling, "Go out and ask how the concubine contacted her, grabbed Qisao and where she was held."

"Yes!" Ling Li turned like a spinning top again.

A moment later, she came back and said: "The concubine sent her to contact her, but she doesn't know where the jointer is or who is in the palace. After asking her again, she feels angry."

Ye Wang frowned, "That's why he didn't account for Qisao's whereabouts."

"Subordinates are incompetent!" Ling Li said ashamedly. "Do not hurry, there is a joint person." Ye Wang sneered.

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