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Murong Jie said: "Qin Zhou is a military general. Her Qin family was lifted to the **** stage in Beimo because of the heavy military of Beimo, that is to say, if there is a battle, her status will be higher, you say she will Do you agree to give up the war? She was forced to do it because the Qin people grew stronger and had more branches and leaves.

In Qicheng, more than half of the people in this house were infected with the plague. Qin Zhou was a person with a strong family concept, so she only agreed with the advice of Lord Qi. By the way, the main battle faction is also headed by her, not only the town king and Cao Hou, but also Cao Hou is her cousin. "

After Murong Jie finished speaking, the enthusiasm that everyone had just ignited was extinguished again, pessimistic.

They were sold by King Qi, and they were heart-wrenching!




However, no matter how angry, they can't go back. They came with the imperial order, with the expectation of the people of Dazhou, and the desire of the people of the Northern Desert.

The most disadvantageous thing about being a good person is that you tell others the benevolence and morality, and others are yours.

However, what makes people more angry is yet to come.

King Qi went to the palace to face Sheng. The emperor and Cao Hou met him in the imperial study. There were even princes in the room.

Grandpa Qi was shocked, "Shouldn't the prince leave for Da Zhou early?"

But he had promised the Emperor Dazhou that the prince would rush to Dazhou as soon as possible, but he wouldn't go back at this moment. Looking back, the Emperor Dazhou thought he was talking in vain, that would be bad.

The crown prince smiled, "Uncle, don't be surprised, the seventh brother has already set off."

"Chu Yue?" King Qi Qi was stunned. "Isn't that right? Was the prince going to Dazhou to be a proton."

Cao Hou smiled and said, "Your lord, we said that originally, if we can get Da Liang's Enron lord to come, then let the prince go to Da Zhou to make protons."

"If Lord Anran can come, do I need a prince to go? Queen Mother, we promised Emperor Dazhou that we would send the prince over." Prince Qi felt very bad.

"No, you misunderstood," Cao Hou still smiled, his face calmed down, "Neither the palace nor the emperor said."

"Emperor!" Lord Qi looked at the emperor suddenly. Emperor Bei Mo was fifty-three this year, but he was properly maintained. He looked like a man in his early forties. He was wearing a black dragon robe and leaning on the chair diagonally. He was nervous about Lord Qi ’s anxiety and was indifferent. : "The queen said you heard it wrong, it was wrong, but neither

No one in Bei Mo has seen the prince. Even if Chu Yue is gone, the people of Da Zhou will not know that it is a good thing. "

"Emperor," Lord Qi is really crying and laughing this time, "Why hasn't anyone seen the prince? Da Zhou has several princes who have seen the prince, not to mention anyone else, just say Lord Hou Xiao and Taijun Chen Prince's. "

"Hou Hou was not in the middle of the DPRK, didn't he lead the soldiers out? As for Chen Taijun, she was old, no matter what happened in the middle of the DPRK. You do n’t have to worry about your brother, I am very satisfied with the Queen ’s arrangement. "

King Qi only felt that there was a lot of anger in his heart, which was really a retribution. He cheated Murong Jie, and now he was cheated by the emperor and the queen.

"Emperor, the regent princess is here to treat us. Should we talk about credit first?" King Qi said seriously.

Lord Qi said this, but sadly felt that he was stupid. What credit did he say to them? If they have credibility, they will not act like that.

He was immediately discouraged. In these years, he was not the first to feel discouraged, but what can he do? Many monarchs in Beimo are the main battle groups, only relying on a few old and weak soldiers against them. When the emperor ascended the throne, his ambitions were not so great, but since Cao Hou gained power, he did n’t know what pillow style to blow every day. He recommended a Sanshi Taoist and a Hu Meizi into the palace. Yes, most of the political affairs were handed over to Cao Hou, saying it was Cao Houhe

The three kings of town, Qin Zhou, will help him expand his territory. He is an emperor.

Lord Qi felt that he was afraid that he would not be able to hold it for long.

"Now that the Regent and his wife have arrived in Kyoto, does the emperor hold a banquet for hospitality?" Lord Qi asked with anger.

The emperor thought for a while, "This banquet is not suitable. After all, the national disaster is now happening and the plague is rampant. The people know that they are here to cure the disease. In my opinion, let them go to the affected area to cure the disease."

King Qi was so angry that he spit out blood, "Emperor, they are what we asked for. If people let us know that our North Desert is so sloppy, would it be humiliating to our reputation?"

"Farewell!" Cao Hou screamed loudly. "The banquet and hospitality also depend on the time. As the emperor said, the plague is now going on. If the people know that the doctor is coming, instead of going to the epidemic area for treatment, they will feast and eat in the palace. Can you afford the crime? "

The prince smiled and said: "Uncle, let's go, go back and say hello. Isn't it the same to have a banquet in the palace and a banquet in the palace? It's just a good time to prepare the dishes."

King Qi was so angry that his face was green, "His Royal Highness, people have traveled thousands of miles, haven't even rested all the way, and flew to my northern desert just to save the victims ..." , "Do you really don't understand the Queen's intentions or falsely understand? Who is this Murong Jie? He is the regent of Da Zhou and the God of War of Da Zhou, what is his status as a precious man? If I serve him again As a guest, he is in my north

Indifferent, is it not like entering a land of no one? Those courtiers are afraid that they will break through his threshold. My northern desert's internal affairs will not tolerate any interference from outsiders. "

The courtiers mentioned in the emperor's mouth refer to the Lord and the Patriarch. Dazhou sent people to have the purpose of peace talks. Are the Lord and the Patriarchs coming to meet him?

If the court attaches importance to Murong Jie, they will have the illusion that the wind of the court tends to peace talks, and they lose the opportunity to advance and retreat.

However, if you leave them alone, you can tell the people of the main and the faction that the court will not be in peace and will not withdraw the troops in case of any incident.

Of course, if the plague can be cured, let ’s talk about it, but now it seems that Xia Zi’an did n’t come alone, but Murong Jie and Xiao Tuo Su Qing and others also came. The purpose was not pure, and Bei Mo could n’t be the first. Bowed.

This is the dignity of the Northern Desert.

Lord Qi understood the emperor's meaning and knew that he would not change his mind, so he said angrily: "Since the emperor and the queen think so, the prince will leave."

He couldn't even perform the ceremony, and turned and strode away.

The emperor frowned. "It's becoming more and more unruly. Over the years, he has been raised too high. This time I have to take the opportunity to press him. Don't ask him not to know his identity."

Cao Hou smiled faintly, "The emperor is angry, why should he be angry with him? King Qi is naive, thinking that Murong Jie and Xia Zi'an really came to cure the plague, but he didn't understand that if it was just to cure the plague, come to a Xia Zi'an That ’s enough, what does Murong Jie come to do? ”“ The Queen means that Murong Jie is afraid of Bei Mo, but he dare not face the battle, so he seeks peace talks? If so, he will be even more invisible. ”Emperor Bei Mo said.

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