The Prince Regent’s Violent Medical Consort

Chapter 578: Why study medicine

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After consulting the pulse, Zi An said: "Wait a moment, I'll go back and get something."

She went back and took the stethoscope and the probe.

He seemed to have a low fever, but he wasn't sure about his hand and took a probe to probe for him.

"What's this, Princess?" Su Mu had seen her take it before, but she hadn't been interested in asking.

"You put it in the armpit, I let you take it out and you take it out." Zi An said.

"Yes!" Su Mu turned around embarrassedly and clamped the probe into the creak.

After turning around, Zi An listened to the trachea and lungs with a stethoscope, and he coughed a little.

It is impossible to use modern instruments to check whether he has plague, but to judge based on symptoms.

There is no murmur in the lungs, but there is a trachea with symptoms of inflammation.

After the probe was taken out, it was thirty-seven degrees and low heat.

The eyeballs were slightly congested. He said that he felt sick and wanted to vomit. These symptoms were the initial symptoms of the plague.

"Do you feel sick and want to vomit?" Zi An asked.

"Yes, but Xiaguan was because he saw a lot of corpses, and those corpses were rotten ..." Su Mu covered his chest, and some couldn't speak anymore. After a burst of nausea, he almost vomited.

Zi An sighed softly. It was when he needed to hire people. If Su Mu was infected, it would be really big.

Su Muqiang resisted nausea and saw Zi An's slightly discolored face. He was also a little scared. "Princess, shouldn't you be an official?"

Zi Andao: "There is no diagnosis yet, but you need to be isolated, you are in the house, don't go anywhere."

I ca n’t go to the Western District because of isolation. The Western District is a confirmed patient and ca n’t be locked in the Southern District. Although the Southern District is symptomatic, I hope Su Mu ’s resistance is strong enough.

Su Mu's face changed slightly, "Xiaguan is really sick?"

He was a little scared. He had seen those who died of the epidemic. He died in pain and was not respectable.

"Don't worry first, see if your body has a rash," Zi An said softly.

Su Mu stepped back a few steps, "Let's go, Princess Xiaguan, if infected, must not infect the Princess."

Zi Andao: "You can rest assured, I took the medicine."

"Can that medicine really prevent infection?" Su Mu asked.

"It can't be 100% ... not necessarily, but it has an effect, and it also has an effect on the initial plague. I will order someone to give you medicine back. You drink it twice a day according to my instructions."

"Thank you Princess!" Su Mu said gratefully.

Zi An looked at Su Mu, "You are getting better soon, I need help."

Su Mu felt very sad and hated himself. Whether he suspected the princess before, or because he was not fighting for the disease now, he really felt useless. Zi An said this, making him red his eyes.

After Zi An was relieved, he went out.

Su Mu's infection cast a shadow on Zi'an's heart cage.

Although the old seven had taken the medicine before going down the mountain, they had taken it once, and the medicine was not too strong. If something went wrong and they were not by their side, I really didn't know what to do.

Moreover, the generals like Su Mu, who had good resistance, were unfortunately infected with the disease, showing how ferocious this plague is.

No, she will adjust the prescription again.

Grandma and Xiaosun came in the evening of the day, Zi'an forbidden them to enter, and asked them to go back to Princess An's mansion.

But Grandma and Xiaosun insisted on staying, Zi An couldn't ask people to tie them away, and didn't dare to let people contact them, and finally agreed to their stay.

Since the diagnosis of the plague, Zi'an's heart has not calmed down, and he can't sleep well at night.

Others didn't know the severity of the plague, but she did.

When I was studying medicine, I dabbled in infectious diseases and read some information about the plague.

The plague, also known as the Black Death, has a high case fatality rate.

She wanted to adjust the prescription, so she turned over the book overnight and read the medical books brought down from Hanshan.

At night, Rou Yao came over and saw that she was busy and wanted to leave. Zi An stopped her, "Rou Yao, you came just right, and you also have a look."

"You let me see?" Rou Yao stunned.

"Yeah, many people, many eyes, doctor Wen Yi has treated many epidemics. Perhaps, the plague will be recorded." Zi Andao, in the modern treatment of the Black Death here is useless, only from Starting from TCM, TCM is almost authoritative.

"However, these books were given to you by Doctor Wen Yi. If you let me see them, will you ..."

Zi Andao: "Why do you think this way? There shouldn't be a closed wall of medicine, how can you carry forward medicine without communication?"

Rou Yao smiled, "Many martial arts in the martial arts will not pass the martial arts to others casually."

"How is martial arts the same? If martial arts are practiced by bad people, they will only harm people, but medical skills will not. People who study medicine are mostly responsible for saving lives. It is rare to use medicine to harm people, unless it is poison.

"Also." Rou Yao thought Zi An was really generous and sat down. "You tell me about the plague, maybe the doctor Wen Wen will not use the word plague?"

"Either the plague or the Black Death, you go to these two words to check."

"How sure are you? I haven't heard of the plague or the Black Death."

"Because ..." Zi An almost spoke out to people who were the same generation as Wen Yi. "You haven't heard of it, but I have heard that the name of this disease is not from me. Doctor Wen Yi knows well and heals. She has known so many patients and encountered so many illnesses. "

"Okay, let's check." Rou Yao said.

It is difficult to check the books. Many of the books here have been treated with special cases by Wen Wen, and most of them are handwritten, even though they are very neat, but everyone ’s writing habits are different, and Wen Yi ’s later manuscripts use simplified Chinese characters. Rou Yao always felt awkward when he looked.

"Take a break."

After watching for an hour, Zi An saw that Rou Yao's eyes were red, so she poured tea for her and let her rest.

Rou Yao rubbed his eyes, "Is Su Mu infected?"

"Preliminary suspicion is." Zi An sighed, frowning.

"It's really leaky and rainy."

"His illness is relatively mild, I hope my medicine will be effective for him." Zi Andao.

"Well, this disease is so ferocious that I have never seen it in my life." Rou Yao said, and smiled bitterly again. "However, I haven't seen too many diseases in my life, and I have treated several patients. I left, I tried my best to save them, and finally I couldn't save them. "

Zi'an was deeply touched by the treatment of illness. "Everyone has to experience life and death. Sometimes it's not that we can do our best to save people."

Rou Yao looked at her, "Zi An, why did you study medicine?"

This is a very deep question, almost torture.

"How about you, why should you study medicine?" Zi An asked.

"I want to save people, Sun Fang'er hurts, I want to save people, atonement for her." Rou Yao made no secret.

Zi An smiled, "I'm not as noble as you. I chose to study medicine at that time because I felt I could make money as a doctor."

"Ah? Make money?" Rou Yao stunned. Zi An also froze for a moment, and then smiled, "I said laugh, can't you hear it?"

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