Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Regent's Medical Mad Concubine!

After returning to the government, Mrs. Qin has been paying attention to the news from the Penal Department. She is very certain that Qin Zhou will use suicide to end everything in order to spare her.

After all, what Qin Zhou believes is that the world is peaceful.

This girl has sacrificed for the Qin family in these years, and finally sacrificed her life, which is also the last thing she did for the Qin family.

However, after waiting for two days in a row, no news came.

She couldn't help being anxious, because, the day after tomorrow, she had to start the trial. When the trial started, if Qin Zhou saw that she hadn't committed the crime, what would she think?

Will she change her original intention?

But although she was anxious, she didn't show a little bit on the face.

"Mother, are you really sure that Zhou'er will commit suicide?" General Qin Lao was unable to sit still, and he was particularly uneasy.

"Don't worry, she has always been filial." Mrs. Qin breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at her son unpleasantly. "It's you. You shouldn't have said so much in front of her. What you said is sacrificed for the family It made her sneer and disrespectful to the family. "

General Qin Lao said straightforwardly: "This is the destiny of the Qin family. She should understand and accept it. Even if she is a son, the son will not hesitate to sacrifice for the family." "That's you, don't take you The idea is put on anyone. Zhouer is more prone to you than she was back then. She even more than any of our ancestors in the Qin family. The reason why she can control her is because she taught herself well since childhood. For other people, there is such a high merit, I am afraid it is

It's already back. "

General Qin sighed, "If she was born as a boy, this northern desert would be my Qin family ... No, no," he said suddenly, "Mother, even if she is not a boy, she holds the military If she did not, wouldn't this Qin family belong to our Qin family? "

The old lady Qin suddenly changed her face, scolding her head and scolding, "What nonsense? My Qin family is a representative of Zongliang, and I will never do that irrational thing. You will have to mention it later."

General Qin has always been in awe of the old lady. When she saw her, she felt angry, but she couldn't help but say: "If you kiss there, you are just a grandson, but I am your own son. Thinking about it? "" You ... "Mrs. Qin was dazed," you are confused, confused, you think this world is a piece of fat, whoever can grab it can be robbed? This river is still surnamed Chu, if Eventually it fell into the hands of the Qin family, and our Qin ancestors and ancestors must bear the infamy of being a thief, do you want to

When the emperor wants to go crazy? Not even the ancestors? "

General Qin Lao was reprimanded by her, and he dared not say it again, but with such a thought in his heart, how could he easily stop?

Rebel? After he became an emperor, who would dare to say that he is a rebel?

He is only sixty this year. If he wins the throne, he can still sit on the throne for at least 20 years. Later, the Qin family is the orthodox emperor. This is the matter of Guangzong Yaozu.

Mrs. Qin had known his thoughts for a long time. When he saw his face changing, he said sharply: "I warn you, you can get rid of your thoughts as soon as possible. Today, the old body can sacrifice Zhouer and you."

General Qin Lao looked at one end, "Mother is assured that his son is just casually mentioning, not daring to save the big idea."

"It's best to be like this!" Mrs. Qin was upset. "Go and find out what's going on in the criminal department."

"Yes!" General Qin Lao got up and retreated.

———— Laozi is the dividing line of General Qin and Lao who is determined to be the emperor ————

South County, Prince Luo's Mansion.

"Princess Ann, Princess Ann entered the territory of South County."

"Enron?" A bearded middle-aged man slightly stunned. "In the past, this king invited her to come, but she didn't come. How did you come this time?"

"I don't know, but the princess encountered ambush three times after she entered Nanjun. Fortunately, she took the dark guard, and although she was slightly injured, it didn't hurt." The bodyguard replied.

"Ambush?" Prince Luo stood up suddenly. "Who ambushed her? Can you ascertain the identity of the assassin?"

"Back to the lord, although our people chased the assassin away, they did not know the identity of the assassin."

Prince Luo secretly suspiciously, "Enron has always been invincible, who is going to kill her?"

He waved his hand, "Okay, you first send someone to pick up the princess, be sure to protect her well."

"Yes, the subordinates retire!" The bodyguard turned and went out.

Prince Luo looked at a middle-aged white-faced scholar sitting beside him, "Sir, what do you mean by Enron?"

He is the aide of Prince Luo's mansion, Tianjizi.

Tian Jizi smiled slightly, "I am afraid that it is related to the emperor."

"Emperor? Do you mean the elder brother or Chu Yue's rebel?"

"Nature is not Emperor Kangping."

Prince Luo bowed his hands, "I would like to hear the details." Tian Jizi said: "Princess Ann did not directly participate in this chaos, but it can be seen that she is happy to see Emperor Kangping ascended the throne. I know the news that the emperor is not dead. I also know that the emperor wrote to the prince and asked for help. The princess is here to stop you.

of. "

"Confused." Prince Luo looked slightly sullen. "She was a royal princess, and she was favored by the emperor, but she helped the thief? And why did she stop the king? Could it be that the king would listen to her?" "Yeye is not in a hurry," Tian Jizi picked up the tea, took a sip slowly, and continued: "Princess Ann is thoughtful in her work, and she is also very visionary. She supports Emperor Kang Ping. Where the princess is dissatisfied, otherwise, with her ability, although it may not be able to resist

Only Qin Zhou and Emperor Kang Ping were able to argue. However, she did not do so. "

Prince Luo nodded, "Well, Mr. continue to talk." "Princess Ann supported Emperor Kang Ping for nothing more than two reasons. The first one was not accustomed to everything the emperor did to the victims. The second one was because of the emperor's The main strategy of the Warring States period. Princess Ann has been trying to exclude herself from the royal family over the years, not enjoying the treatment of the princess, like an ordinary people

Living alive, she probably foresees that if the emperor continues to do this, she will definitely lead to civil rebellion, and Princess Ann has been actively collecting money over the years, but she has spent all this money on the people. Why should she do this? Do you understand? "Prince Luo waved his hands and said angrily:" She is a boring act, probably gaining a reputation! Although the elder brother has been enthroned to the throne, although he is not a virtuous prince, at least it is not bad for the people. As for what is said in the outside world that burns the wolf tail mountain and kills the victims, it is only from the Dazhou people.

In that week, Murong was stunned, and Qin Zhou and Chu Yue were wolves' ambitions. The king did not believe what they said. "

Tian Jizi sighed slightly, "Your lord, Da Zhou people are in my northern desert, there is not such a big influence, this matter may not be exactly what the outside world said, but the emperor probably really mistreated the victims." "This king does not believe , "Prince Luo shook his head and looked displeased." Mr. what he said today is upside down, without the calm and wisdom of the past. It seems that he is also affected by the gossip. Kyoto is a few hundred miles away from the southern county. Rumors spread here. The original facts have been distorted, and the emperor's brother stated in his letter that he has spared no effort to rescue the disaster. This king believes in him, and he has always been a bright and decent person. "

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