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After arresting the case for many years, of course, he knew that there was an inside story, and when he was about to investigate, he received a letter.

He read this letter without any big seal but signed the Regent, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. Is it true? Is it fake?

After a long time of discussion, Zhitou and Zhifu invited the master and studied for a night. Finally, he made a decision.

Treat these people as small thieves, because, indeed, they were stolen and acquired, and indeed the suffering masters came up, and even if they knew that this letter was not written by the regent in the coming day, it would make sense, but if it was really written by the regent, then, But he made a big contribution.

According to the letter, the arrested head sentenced these people to death. As for the eight-year-old child, although he was not sentenced, he was hungry for two days before giving a sip of water.

Then, they continually raised the trial, asking them to plead guilty.

Although the seven princes were extremely angry, they still couldn't understand how Murong Jie escaped. His injury was very serious, and he was poisoned and could not lift his gas. This poison will never be solved for no reason.

Later, Hu Dabab babbled, and he realized that Murong Jie may really have his own ability to detoxify. Such people generally have deep internal strength,

Moreover, Zi'an was taken away, and after passing Luancheng, he used a waterway, and then stayed overnight in Zhaozhou, and continued down the waterway. However, she has become very awkward. She will eat this one later, eat that one later, and abandon her clothes for a while. She will buy some more, especially in Zhaozhou. It ’s a bit of a bite, and it eats a lot as soon as it ’s eaten.

She was impressed with the candied gourds.

King Nan Huai has been holding her back because he knew that no one would catch up from here. In his opinion, Xia Zi'an's delay and deliberately leaving clues were just what the clown jumped on.

When she boarded the ship in Zhaozhou, she accidentally pushed the green dress down into the water, causing the people on the pier to look at it and feel extremely thrilling.

This way, he actually knew that he was in desperation, because he asked Shangqiu several times about his Emperor Star, but Shangqiu was silent.

He was already mentally prepared, and if he really wanted to die, he had to kill all the **** people.

After Zi An embarked on the ship, he seemed to be much more peaceful, not as troublesome as he was on the shore.

Nanhuai Wang is not bad. The hired boat is a cruise ship from aristocratic family. It is exquisite and luxurious.

However, I do n’t know if I ate too much or too much when I was on the shore. After I got on the boat, my stomach was very uncomfortable. I have never had morning sickness. On the day I got on the boat, I vomited It's seven meats and eight primes.

Moreover, they can't eat any more. The fishermen do more fish, but when they smell some fish, they start to nausea.

The boatman was the boat that the couple boarded together, and there were two crew members. They thought Zi'an was the wife of King Nanhuai. Seeing that Zi'an was really vomiting badly that day, the boatman followed Nanhuai's kingly way: "Yeah, it is better to dock at Wuzhou Pier Madam Zhang Luo, please give me some medicine. It's really uncomfortable to see her. "

Nan Huaiwang stood at the bow of the ship and looked back at Zian, who was vomiting violently. "No need, keep going, just slow down."

The boatman sighed: "The villain has seen many people with seasickness, but he has never seen anything as uncomfortable as his wife's. If the master can trust the villain, the villain has seasickness medicine here, and he can take it to his wife."

"No need." Nan Huaiwang's tone is undoubtedly cold, and his mood is not good. If Xia Zi'an is not good, he feels better.

The boatman was stunned, and he seemed displeased to see him. He dared not say that he had been a camper for many years and was not a casual person. Therefore, he felt that this time the guests were a little weird.

Zi An didn't expect his morning sickness to be so serious, and it suddenly struck without any warning.

Lvyi disregarded her pain, but disliked it, because if she vomited dirty clothes, she had to help clean it up. The prince did not allow anyone to approach her.

The ship's wife is not good.

"Are you enough?" Seeing Zi'an vomited again, she couldn't hold back and asked the question.

Zi An had a pain in his belly, and his stomach was hot. How could he control the anger of Lvyi? She collapsed on the deck, forcibly holding back waves of nausea and pain.

Shangqiu came over and looked at it, frowning: "Lvyi, help Mrs. tidy up."

In front of people, they are all called Mrs. Zi An, but dare not call the Princess.

Lvyi knew that she had to be cleaned up. Although she didn't dare to get angry at Shangqiu, she went down to take a towel and washed it to help her wipe her face.

She worked very hard, almost wanting to rub off a layer of skin on Zi'an's face, Zi'an was in pain, and she grabbed her wrist, and her nails made several blood marks on her wrist. He slaps and exclaims, only Zi'an beats to death.

"Lvyi!" Shangqiu made a stop, and looked very unhappy.

Lvyi looked up and said, "Sir, it's not a way for her to vomit all the way. It's better to kill the baby in her belly."

Shangqiu looked shocked, "What are you talking nonsense about?"

Lvyi looked at Nanhuai King who was standing on the bow of the boat. King Nanhuai also glanced lightly, and Lvyi seemed to get a hint. And if she vomits like this all the way, she will lose her life, which is also unfavorable to us. "

Shangqiu looked to the South Huaiwang, and he knew in his heart that this was what he meant. He hated Murong Jie and Xia Zi'an. This idea might be there when he was on the road.

However, he would rather tell Lvyi than talk to him, proving that he had determined that he had left to abandon him.

They probably planned something else, just not to let him know.

He sneered at Xia Zi'an, who was curled into a ball. She had been very energetic before, and suddenly it became like this in the past two days.

Moreover, although Lvyi was not respectful to Xia Zi'an before, he was also dedicated to his service. The difference in attitude between the front and the back was so big that there was no reason.

Green Dress Road: "Sir, your master is the prince."

Shangqiu turned around, "Yes, the prince decided what to do, just do it. I won't ask in the next step."

He walked a few steps, suddenly, turned and walked directly to the side of King Nanhuai, arched his hand: "Your lord, if it does not hurt Xia Zi'an, there is a retreat."

Nan Huai Wang's eyebrows condensed his chill, unfathomable, "Ben Wang Ning is dead, don't retreat."

"Your lord, I leave Qingshan without worrying about firewood!"

"Sir, the way is different, and we will not make any plans. When this time, the sir will help me recapture the southern country. Later, the gentleman will live his happy life." Wang Nanhuai said lightly.

Shangqiu's eyes were silent, and he said: "I'm looking forward to the success of the prince."

This was also insincere, because he probably knew it.

However, he could not let the prince hurt Xia Zi'an. Because, what happened to Xia Zi'an, Murong Zhen was afraid that he would not even miss a little bit of love, death, not terrible, but he was afraid that life might be as good as death, but the prince thought that the worst was nothing but death. Instead, they are happy.

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