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The governor of Qingzhou, has never been as angry as he is in his life, the fake man who claimed to be the king of Beimo County directed him to do this, and to do that. The breath was too uncomfortable.

If she hadn't seen her punch the wall through one punch, she would have to drag her out of the stick and hit the thirty boards.

Saved a woman back, said what was the regent princess, and saved a man back, said what was the regent, and brought a black person back, said what is the Nanhuai king, this is a big man, how come His little Qingzhou?

Fortunately, he had successfully concealed the female bandit two days ago, and sent someone to Zhaozhou to invite people from the Zhaozhou military camp to rescue him. If he wanted to come, he would arrive soon.


Master Zhifu ’s eardrums were beating again and again, it was really big, he had a name, his surname was old, called tenon, and the words were in ink. What do you call him tenon, he is not engaged in architecture.

It's just that I'm still dissatisfied. In the end, the people in the Zhaozhou military camp haven't come yet. He still has to run over, "Master Jun, what do you ask?"

"Is there any good doctor in Qingzhou?" Qin Zhou's face condensed into ice. "The group you invited are quack doctors. It's been four days. The prince and the princess didn't wake up."

Master Zhifu bent down and said politely: "Can't say that, then ... Didn't King Nanhuai in the prison wake up?"

Since she said that she is the king of Nanhuai, that is the king of Nanhuai. Who makes people fist big, but there are still many people?

"It wouldn't matter, you immediately send someone to find a famous doctor." Qin Zhou pulled his collar and said fiercely: "If they can't wake up, you prepare the coffin."

Master Zhifu froze for a while, "It's not a problem, Qingzhou's coffin is very famous, and their coffins have been wrapped up."

Qin Zhou smiled coldly, "It's your coffin!"


"Xiaguan go immediately!" Master Zhifu shuddered, almost seeing himself lying in the coffin, and quickly turned around and pulled his leg away.

The doctors of Qingzhou Prefecture entered the Yamen with bravery, and dragged their heads out of the Yamen. The king of the county gave out a thousand or two golds. It ’s really not easy to earn. They are all half-dead people. Saved?

Master Zhifu was terrified because Qin Zhoufang passed by him and said, "It's time to buy your coffin."

He felt that all the goose bumps had risen, coldness had penetrated from his skin into his body, and he couldn't help but fought a cold war again.

... Qin Zhou has been sitting in front of Zi'an's bed for four days. She still shows no signs of waking up. In the past four days, more than a dozen doctors have come, shaking their heads one by one, saying that she was seriously injured and all her backs It was rotten, and some hidden weapons were embedded in the flesh. Although it was picked out, it was badly ulcerated.

The inflammation has become pus, I am afraid it will not be cured.

However, even in such a bad situation, the child in her belly is very tenacious.

Murong Jie's condition was not good either, and he never woke up. In these days, he forcibly irrigated with a little rice soup, which was a sigh of relief.

This Qingzhou is not a good doctor, but the two of them are too injured to move. They were immediately sent to Hanshan to invite the old prince that day, but the old prince may come soon. need a few days.

Counting the days, the old lord can come to Qingzhou within ten days, and it is a blessing. .

However, during the ten days, once the situation of Zi An and Murong Jie changed, no one could save it.

"The king of the county does not need to worry too much, the princess will surely meet the evil spirits." A Jingjian Qin Zhou has not been sleeping for several nights, and comforted her.

"Have all the bodies on the mountain been processed?" Qin Zhou rubbed his eyebrows and asked.

"It doesn't need to be dealt with. I dug a pit and buried it all. I burned black charcoal originally. If I burn it for a while, I'm afraid it will become ash."

"Did you have a live talk?"

"Except for King Nanhuai, there is no living mouth." A Jing said.

When he rushed to the Dragon King Temple at that time, he was really taken aback. He had never seen such a horrible scene. A circle of fire surrounded dozens of people, who gave a terrible and painful roar, like an injured beast, That scream, he was afraid he would never forget it.

Wang Ye and Nan Huai Wang were also in the ring of fire, but neither of them was burned, and they only had a breath. At that time, he wanted to kill Nan Huai Wang with a knife, but he heard that Li Li had said the same thing about life and death. He also brought him back and asked someone to heal him.

"Who put this fire in the end?" Qin Zhou secretly doubted.

"Yeah, it's weird. The fire only burned in a circle. There were clearly wild grass and dry wood next to it, but it couldn't burn through. However, except for this fire circle monster, there is nothing strange because there are fires in several places. Yes, the master of Yamen suspected that it was a thunderbolt. "

"But there were clear skies that day, where is there any thunder and lightning?"

A Jingdao: "When we rushed down the mountain that day, we saw a fire on the mountain."

"It's so strange? This electric fire is only on the mountain?" Qin Zhou thought for a moment. "You asked the master, why is the Dragon King Temple on the mountain? Isn't the Dragon King Temple all by the water?"

"Master said that the Dragon King Temple was built by Huidi, and said that it was the Fire Dragon Temple, not the East Sea Dragon King or the West Sea Dragon King. This dragon king does not spray water, only fire ..."

A Jing said, looked around, lowered his voice and said: "Listen to Master, this fire dragon is the former Regent of Qingtian, saying that he was the reincarnation of the dragon, Hui Di built the Fire Dragon Temple everywhere, to regent the Qingtian Accumulate merit. "

"This is just a legend in the world. Where is the Dragon of Regent Regent? It seems that he and the Empress Dowager are husband and wife ..."

A Jing shook his head: "How is this possible? Optimus Regent is the little uncle of the Empress Dowager."

"That's a long time ago, I don't know, but it will never be a fire dragon. This is a legend. It's not true. Mo Yao will talk nonsense. In the end it is the matter of the Royal Zhou Dynasty." Qin Zhou Warned.

"Yes!" A Jingben is not a gossip, but just listened to the legend of the master, and he came to be interested. Fire dragon, how powerful.

However, he also knew that it was impossible.

In the evening of the same day, Master Zhifu invited several doctors.

He walked in cautiously and said, "Sovereign Lord Ye, this doctor from Qingzhou Prefecture, has almost all come together. If it doesn't work, there will be no way to be a sergeant."

Qin Zhou stood up and gave him a cold glance, "Qingzhou is not there, please go to Zhaozhou, please go to the nearby state government."

"A good doctor is not easy to find." Master Zhifu said bitterly.

Qin Zhou coldly said: "Naturally, where can a doctor find a coffin?"

Master Zhifu was angry, "What a little thief, do n’t think you ’re really afraid of you as an official. The official is also a big Friday. Anyway, he will go to the office immediately and order others to find it. There are a lot of magicians nearby, I ca n’t find it today. , Minger can definitely find it. "

He hated these people the most, and raised a fist if he couldn't move. If it weren't that his head was not as strong as the wall of the Yamen, how could he be so humiliated? When the officers and soldiers of Zhaozhou come, you will wait to die!

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