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The night after Wen Wen went down the mountain, Zi An's nightmare came again.

She saw that Murong Jie was suffering a lot, covered in blood, and always called her name.

After she woke up, she was in a trance, remembering the situation in her dream, her heart hurt like a knife.

Suddenly she remembered the murder case she saw with Murong Jie during her trip. The case has not yet been resolved. Occasionally she always remembered it as if it were a spell.

As soon as she remembered the case, there was an unspeakable panic in her heart, and her heart beat faster.

The oil lamp was lit in the room, the lampshade was dimmed, and the room was dimmed.

This oil lamp was ignited by Wu Yanzu before she went to bed. She was afraid that she might fall into the cottage at night.

Zi An got up and sat in front of the lamp, looking at the dim light, his mind calmed down a little.

She remembered that Lao Qi had analyzed the case for her and said that the wife was killed not by suicide, but she always thought that the wife was martyrdom for her husband.

When she thought of her martyrdom, she jumped up and down suddenly. There was always a strange idea that the seventh son was dead and she was going to die too.

"Master!" Wu Yanzu knocked gently outside.

Zi'an was shocked by the whole person. The deep night of the deep mountain was so shocked that she was inexplicable. A sudden knock on the door really scared her.

She opened the door and saw Wu Yanzu wearing a cloak standing in front of the door, and asked worriedly: "I heard the sound of you getting up, what's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

His room is next to Zi'an's room, and the wooden house is not very soundproof, so all the movements on Zi'an's side can be transmitted to his room.

"I'm okay, I had a nightmare." Zi An flashed away and let him in.

The wind outside the door was screaming, and the dark mountains were like monsters, and they were very lame.

Zian quickly shut the door and couldn't help shivering.

Seeing her weird, Wu Yanzu asked, "What's wrong? What a nightmare?"

Seeing that he could n’t sleep, Zi An chatted with Wu Yanzu. “I dreamed that the seventh day had an accident. You said, what is the situation in Beijing now?”

Wu Yanzu said: "I don't know what is happening in Beijing and China, but don't worry too much. I don't think there is anything that the prince can't do."

Although Wu Yanzu is very afraid of Murong Jie, he has a deep conviction in Murong Jie and always feels that there is nothing he cannot do in the world.

Zi'an heard this and laughed, "Are you so confident in him?"

"Of course." Wu Yanzu didn't say the reason, because, for no reason, he was so confident.

In the middle of the night, Wan Lai was silent, and listening to Wu Yanzu's tone of voice, Zi An felt a sense of peace of mind.

"You traveled south and north and saw many things. I will tell you a case." Zi An suddenly came to talk with interest.

"Case?" Wu Yanzu was not interested in the case. He was only interested in medical treatment and treatment. However, Master said to talk, then talk, "Okay, you say." The bizarre case told him, and said: "No murderer has been found in this case until now. The woman was pregnant with Rokko, and she died like this in her husband's side. The initial judgment on the spot, but one

Staying in my heart, I stubbornly thought that she died for the husband's martyrdom. Even when I think about it now, I feel that there is a strange obsession in my heart. "

Wu Yanzu was stunned. "You said this, but I seem to have encountered it."

"You have also encountered such a case?" Zi An asked. "It's not a case, it's a disease." Wu Yanzu calmed his expression and said seriously: "This is what happened when I was just practicing medicine, that is, the year before, I was a traveling doctor, so I lived in no fixed place, that day I went to Baizhou, and there was a poor family who wanted to hire a doctor. I went. The patient is a woman in her fifties. She has three sons, all of whom are married. The woman ’s husband died early, and she fell ill that year. It was because when I went to the grave in Qingming, I saw a rabbit hit and killed on the stone. Next to that rabbit, a rabbit was shot and killed. At that time, she was shocked and went back to get sick for more than a month. Since then, Whenever she saw a rabbit or some scenes that she encountered on the day of the grave appeared again in life, she would think of the martyrdom of the rabbit. Finally, she hanged herself and was rescued. After that, she made troubles repeatedly. Suicide, her son

They thought she was sick, so they hired a doctor. "

After Wu Yanzu finished, he asked Zi An, "Have you always been worried since you hit the murder case?"

"Yes, what happened that day, before and after, are all circling in my heart, not just the murder, even the scenery I saw in the mountain with Lao Qi, seeing the woodman, seeing the same place and similar The road will cause anxiety in my heart. "

She looked up at Wu Yanzu, "What happened to the patient in the end? What disease did you diagnose with her?"

Wu Yanzu was a little sullen, "She wasn't sick at all, so I opened some calming tea casually. Before I left Baizhou, I heard that the woman died of suicide and died next to her husband's grave."

Zi An's face suddenly turned pale, and the fear in his heart grew worse.

Since the murder, she always felt terrified when she thought of it, thinking it was a psychological shadow. She also felt strange at that time. She was a person who came out of the guns and bullets. What a case caused so many psychological shadows for her. I'm afraid not. Wu Yanzu said: "I also went when the woman was doing funerals. The priest who pretended to be a white woman said that she was cursed by someone in order to disturb her and let her commit suicide. They also talked about the person who said the curse was her elder daughter-in-law, because her elder daughter-in-law had a bad relationship with her

It ’s always noisy, and some people have seen what river and lake warlocks her elder daughter-in-law went to. Of course, I do n’t believe this. "

Zi'an was a little confused, and she couldn't believe it now because of strange powers and chaos.

However, among the people she knew at that time, only Shangqiu would cast evil spells on her.

It is not excluded that Shangqiu would do this.

If this is really a kind of evil art, and its purpose is to let her commit suicide, then there must be an incentive, but whenever she has a disorder of mind, she will think of suicide. This is really dangerous. She can't prevent it herself.

However, she thought, when casting the spell, probably not against her, but against Laoqi, because as long as she had an accident, Laoqi would be in chaos.

Before and after the murder, many things happened to her. If at that time she committed suicide, at least one of the winners had a copy of King Nan Huai.

This layer of conspiracy is now unfolded, not to make Zi An feel thorough, but become increasingly disheartened. She has dealt with the depression of agents in modern times. If this is a spell, it is similar to depression. If you stimulate a point, it will cause an impulsive blow.

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