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I had a long, long dream.

A messy, sporadic yet can connect my life's dreams.

I dreamed that when I was eight years old, my father and emperor had just tested the knowledge of my seventh brother and I, as usual, I always lost to my seventh brother, and my father and emperor smiled and shook his head in front of the master, "My son, just Ai Xian puts on a clever, no way, no way! "

He looked at Seventh Brother's eyes differently from my eyes. When I looked at me, he was a little more polite and kind to his son. This was a very common thing for the royal family. The emperor's father even treated his elder brother like this. polite.

Speaking of politeness, these words are already polite, in fact, they are indifferent.

Only the seventh brother, he fell in love with his apex.

Seventh Brother always said that Father Emperor did not spoil him, because Seventh Brother felt that Father Emperor's requirements on him were the most stringent, and he must do his best in riding and shooting, and then shook his head in front of the hundred officials. This son, Xiao Zhen, I'm afraid it's also a non-profit. "

He is the emperor. Seventh brother wants to be as good as he is? What does it imply?

But sometimes, it will also be clearly stated, for example, during a family feast or a banquet for a group of ministers, he will drink a few drinks, and he will look at Qi Ge with satisfaction and say, "This son will have a heavy responsibility in the future."

The elder brother is not unhappy, but I am anxious for the elder brother, he is a person without a sense of crisis, always feels that the seventh brother threatened him.

I once reminded him, but in exchange for a reprimand, saying that the father emperor favored the seventh brother, because the seventh brother is really good.

Between brothers, brothers and sisters should be respected.

The eldest brother does not understand, even the ordinary people's homes, the father and the emperor are so eccentric, it is also unfair, and the division of family property in the future will also be biased.

As for being in the royal family, then it goes without saying that if you seal a prince, you can really rest in peace and become an emperor in the future?

The father emperor is only partial to the seventh brother, even the ancestors.

I have always admired my ancestors since I was a child, a woman who can assist the emperors of the three dynasties.

However, even the ancestors were so kind to me. Whenever I went to ask for peace, she was always happy with Yan Yue. In memory, she never rebuked me.

However, she always reprimanded the seventh brother.

I ca n’t remember what I blamed.

But I remember that she rebuked the seventh brother's expression, boring face, with a kind of spoiled eyes, after talking about him, he hit his head again, and sent him away.

The mother concubine actually regarded the ancestors as models, women's models, and harem women's models.

She had great hopes for the seventh brother, but when she heard that the father emperor praised the seventh brother, her face would show a faint excitement. Then, she subconsciously swept the corner of the eye towards the mother, and then the corner of the mouth slightly ticked. A ridiculous smile formed.

Their sisters have been fighting for many years, but only the mother princess is fighting. The mother can care for the mother princess in every detail, from life to emotion, all take care of this sister.

But the concubine didn't appreciate it. She thought that if she really took care of her, she gave up her back position. If the concubine was the kind of thing she wanted, the rest would be hypocritical.

In fact, she didn't want us to be close to her mother. I was obedient, and the seventh brother did not obey. The mother concubine gradually lost confidence in the seventh brother.

The father and emperor died, the eldest brother took the throne, the mother became the queen, and the concubine was the noble concubine. Although she was already distinguished, she felt that she was a beggar.

Until later, the emperor became ill and rekindled her hope.

It was just that when she repeatedly heard what Seven Brothers said about brothers, friends, and brothers, and only wanted to help the elder brother manage the Great Zhoujiang Mountain without the ambition to dominate the king, the mother princess was very angry and almost mad.

She has been working hard all these years in order to one day, she can sit in the seat of the Queen Mother, even if she can not learn from the ancestors, but she thinks that a woman is at least that way to be complete.

She pinned her hopes on me.

And I am not without ambition, I just have no confidence.

When I was young, I met the Optimus Regent once. About the Optimus Regent, I also learned part of it from others.

The most rumored rumors say that the Optimus Regent is not a mortal, but a fire dragon. Of course, I do n’t believe it. Until then, I saved Shangqiu. Shangqiu told me that this is not impossible.

The person of Shangqiu is very talented, or rather ghostly, I believe his words.

I remember seeing Optimus Regent when I was ten years old.

That day I was unhappy, sitting on the edge of the lake and throwing stones into the lake to vent.

Because I lost the shot to Qige again that day, the master said that I had insufficient talent and needed to make up for it. He said that I was not as talented as Qige.

In fact, when I look back on the master's words, I don't think it is mean, but I was very angry at that time, I pushed him a little, and then ran out.

Optimus Regent sits beside me and asks me how to lose my temper.

I said I was bullied.

Qingtian Regent Wang smiled, "If you don't want to be bullied, you are only strong."

At ten years old, I looked at him inexplicably.

These words are like Mars, buried deep in my heart.

I know that one day, my heart will be broken into failure, and this Mars will be able to ignite the failure and burn it.

It was also that year when the aunt took Rou Yao into the palace. I saw her hiding behind her aunt and found a small head. Her eyes were as black as two pills of black mercury. She was curious about everything in the palace.

She lived in the palace for some time, lived in the palace of the mother, and occasionally went to accompany the mother.

Rou Yao likes to follow Qige, because Qige is the best no matter he learns or rides.

Seventh Brother ignored her, but she still wanted to get stuck, her little head, hiding behind the door, secretly watching us practice sword, archery and archery in the riding range.

I don't like it in my heart.

But I don't know why it's not a taste in my heart. At that time, where did I understand emotions?

It's just that as I grew older, I slowly understood it. Probably, I saw her from the first sight and fell in love with her.

Many people say that I like Rou Yao because I have to fight with Seventh Brother.

For other things, I really want to compete with Seventh Brother. For example, Seventh Brother really likes the sword given by Uncle, but I do n’t like it. Good day.

I successfully got the sword in my hand and played for two days, then I left it aside.

Like this sword, there are many things that I fight for.

Only Rou Yao is different. Probably, even Rou Yao doesn't believe it.

She is the only one I like purely.

Even the throne, I am not so pure, half because I want to prove myself.

Rou Yao never loves to be close to me. She once angered me, saying that I am selfish and always grab others' things.

I am not angry, not angry, but whenever she can talk to me, even if it hits me, I am happy in my heart.

I just wanted to look at her, watching her scold me, and I just laughed silly.

However, she said that I was hiding very deeply, deliberately pretending to be so wronged.

On the way I took Xia Zi'an to the southern country, Xia Zi'an tried to delay Rou Yao to delay time. I was very angry. She would not understand her life. My feelings for Rou Yao can never be involved in these messy things in. That is the most precious part of my heart.

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